8 Week Plus Visit 
Saturday, April 29, 2023 at 7:51PM

Here is the gallery.

I am trying to get the blogs done shortly as I still have another dog to groom. We took up both sides of the room so I tried to have 2 videos going at the same time. I just let it run and as I groomed a dog, I uploaded videos

We are not alone in this craziness called dogs. Our son washed floors while I did the bathroom, laundry, pup pen clean up and on and on. There are 3 of us and we like a decently cleaned house and well our son that lives with us can be a bit go go go about all things that we do but without him, we couldn't do it like we do. I realized many of you didn't realize the son lives here and helps with the dogs. He loves the dogs. But his timing is terrible. He was finishing the kitchen floor 10 minutes before arrival and I was walking with a towel trying to dry the floor - sort of hysterical. We will do it on a schedule twice tomorrow. 

I hope you enjoyed the pups. It was their 1st time in the kitchen playing. 

I want to say a deep felt  thank you to those that brought food. You have no idea how that helped with this crazy schedule and we do it all again tomorrow. 

The dogs are actually already playing upstairs. So, I have to clean up the pads in the pen and freshen everything up till bedtime when I wash the  floors in the xpen and change out blankets and do water dishes. 

Till tomorrow when we do it all again twice. Going to be fun!

Article originally appeared on talemakerhavanese.com (http://www.talemakerhavanese.com/).
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