Archie and Oreo Going Home & What the Hey Snow!
Sunday, May 9, 2010 at 3:44PM
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Archie went home this morning and Oreo goes home tonight. Hugo and Milo will be hanging out and we will have a brand new visitor Oscar tomorrow that will be with us till Saturday.

I know I wasn't going to do a lot but well it didn't turn out like I imagined. I groomed all the visitors and took a break from my own. It just means more work tomorrow but what the hey!

But I had a wonderful meal, brr cold outside. Wanted to read my manual and take a nap but here I type. Ah - to be a mom.

And... it bloody snowed last night. What is THAT about? You should check out the photos to see.

I think everyone else is napping so maybe that manual reading is a - must do that now instead of updating here so I hope you understand that I am keeping this short and taking my opportunity.

From the Talemaker crew to yours, hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day.

Do what Oreo is doing - stop and smell the flowers along the way. It's the little things that make those moments to treasure.

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