
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries by Darlah (679)


Rain Day Means Indoor Play

Here is today's gallery.

Its so rainy today that we have to play indoors. Today we had our 1st hall play upstairs. They weren't sure what this is all about and then fell into - ah another place to play. I am glad we took them upstairs in the hall and bedrooms/bathroom as it gave them yet another exposure. They are doing well. 

We will have a few more upstairs play sessions today. Unless it suddenly stops and dries up we are not destined to play outdoors. Its just way too wet even when the rain stops.

Pups still wait patiently for us to bring them downstairs. I am impressed.

I am not impressed that they thought they could carry the pad in the holder all over the pen. You will see that in the video. I did say sternly no. They haven't tried it since. I am sure they thought it was great fun!

Shall I say boys will be boys?


8 Weeks Old

Rain, no problem. Thunder, no problem. Crazy toy, no problem. We even like to stand out in the rain. Put an ice cube in the water dish - water dog fun!

Here is today's gallery.

We are even out now between the rain with the area soaked and we are playing up a storm. Sorry no photos as I am blogging and Dennis is playing but I did peek at them.

Three more days and the families have a visit. Then we start the countdown till home. How can that be?

Check out the videos. We had visitors today, rain and lots of fun.


One Day Shy of 8 Weeks

It was so muggy out that Dennis had them in the water bowls cooling off. It allows them to stay out longer and they had a lot of fun with it.

Here is the gallery. 

No one was sore today. Bowels remain good. Their xpen downstairs was expanded to give them more room. 

Saturday they will have their visit with the families and we will then we will figure out timing of when they depart. It's crazy as I so look forward to an easier August and a room back to normal but then I am going to miss them madly.

Hoping that some of you can come to the picnic. It will do my heart good. Plus you will have a ton of fun!

Pups have been out 3 times but first time was short due to extreme mugginess. They will go out for the 4th time after the sun goes down. We have been conditioning them to the dark outdoors. 

Think Choco and White chin love the water bowls in a big way. Want to see them in snow so photos - please send. I will miss that experience with them. :-(


Vet Visit

Hope none of you are sensitive. But I caught this by accident and it looked like Choco was saying - really... 

The vet was checking to see if he had 2 descended testicles and they all did. He checks them completely and all are healthy including their fecal that I took in. 

Here is the gallery before the vets.

When we take them to the vets they get their food taken away a couple of hours ahead of travelling to avoid any squeamish tummies or accidents. They are babies after all and travelling so far both ways plus the visit can set them up for failure and I prefer to set them up to succeed.

They actually played for a couple of hours then we put them in their crate and packed them up in this rented van. I make mention as this rented van was nice and all but the suspension was awful. I thought if puppies are going to get sick from this bump bump bump that kept happening this was it. But no one got sick and no one had an accident. They did get back home though and emptied their bladders after getting out of the crate. Bravo little ones.

Here is the gallery at the vets.

How did they do? Well on the way for about 5 minutes one of them whined - not loud but a sort of let me out of here. Then they settled in. It wasn't a loud cry. It was more or less - really is this where I am going to remain? On the way back they were quiet.

During the visit  - well just before but in the waiting room they were excited. We took out each and walked them around. No shakes on ANY of them. No concerns in the least. The vet was very impressed with them. He says a laid back mom has some pretty laidback and outstanding pups and that's Roxie. 

A couple of them vocally said I don't like this microchip insertion. No one made a sound with the vaccines. 

They were rather great! They are all healthy. Weights varied.

Let's see:

White chin 4lb (the largest boy in his litter like his daddy)

First Born 2lb 15oz

Brown and White 2lb 8.5oz

Mostly white 2lb 14oz

Choco Boy 3lb 1.5oz

Guess my scale was bouncing so mine were not as accurate when I tried to take them days ago or someone gained. :-) 

When we arrived home the crew was so excited to see mom and she was excited to see them.

Here is the gallery after we arrived home.

Now they are resting in their xpen after playing outside.

Be sure to check out the videos


Visit With the Pups

As Terry and Judy was off to see their grandchild in the states in a couple of days, we had them over to see the pups. They will not be here on saturday with everyone else. 

It was a good visit and they could see the change in them. The rest of the families will see an even bigger change come Saturday. 

When I am by myself I try to get creative in trying to interact and click and take video. It's not always doable but I try and I so try. Today I had them in my lap playing tug while I clicked. Some came out, some didn't.

Here is the gallery.

We deworm the pups a few times before they depart. Although their bowels have been really good throughout their whole life thus far we do it as the vets will ask if it is done and why put this on you. They had a treatment a couple of days ago and their output was stick to your bottom fun - not. I was washing bottoms every time they went and to tell you the truth they were really cooperative perhaps as they were thankful I was washing it off. After 2 days their output is back to normal. Hooray!

Tomorrow they will go to the vets in the late afternoon. They will have a complete wellness checkup and their weights taken. They will get a chart that will be sent home with you. They will get their 1st set of shots (Vaccines) and they will also get their microchip. Out vet is at the Big Apple exit so it is an hour and 15 minutes away. It's a long day for the puppies and for us too so blogs will be late.

Puppies are about to go out for their 3rd outdoor play session and still no rain. 

Be sure to check out the videos tonight. 


7 Weeks 3 Days Old

We are having a great time. No whiners. Sleep, play and enjoy the dogs and the humans. What could be better?

Here is the gallery.

As I type Dennis is out playing with them for their last outdoor fun. He takes in all the dogs here and there so they get exposed. 

Today you will see we had wind and a clanging sign that they jumped about and then they let it go. Good recovery.

Be sure to check out the videos.


Sweltering Hot

Here is today's gallery. Who is a water baby... well indeed Choco who thinks this is indeed fun. Who needs a full size swimming pool?

Looks like tonights play session will be indoors with the rain that just hit.

Monday these cuties head for the vets. They won't go till late afternoon so Monday's blog will be extra late as our vet is an hour and a half away from here both ways. 

Over 7 weeks - wow... already!


Too Hot Today

No outside video today. Tomorrow we will return to our normal crazy but the pups were way too hot outdoors today so I clicked a few photos and we are waiting to go back out tonight. Here is the gallery.

We filled the bottom of a plant pot - that saucer you put underneath so they could cool off in the water. They did go in and out of it but really they wanted indoors. Humidity and heat was high and even the adults were not happy. You have to watch and be aware and make sure they have fluids. 


7 Weeks Old

Yes, the pups are 7 weeks old already - wow. We had some fun with them. I took this toy out that moves by itself and I caught it in a video. So be sure to watch the videos.

We like to give them fun exposures and this toy even gets the older dogs going. You will understand when you see it. 

Here is today's gallery.

More and more the dogs are playing with the older dogs. It's a great experience for them. They are also eating plants and we are curbing that as it affects their bowels. 

It's hot outside and we are waiting to take them out (already been out twice) as the deck is way to uncomfortable. as soon as the sun starts going down they will be back out to play. 


Dog Exposures

White chin is really coming into himself. The dogs were exposed to Roxy and Poppy (Visitors) - yes we have 2 Roxie's here of sorts. Ones name is spelt one way and ours is spelt Roxie. They were wonderful with the pups. 

We also had Inula and Jessie exposed to the little ones. They actually did pretty well considering that Inula seems to be a moving target and big. Jesse was interesting. Jesse is getting older and actually jumped away from the white one as he wanted to play with him. Usually Jesse can't get enough of the pups but he sniffed, nuzzled and then wanted to lay down. Jesse is older and was just upped on his pain meds by his vets. I can see a difference in his movement but it was a good interaction. 

Jesse will be back when the pups are  going home so we will use Inula and the moving target that she is. It will probably be great conditioning to dogs that move quick. 

Here is the gallery.

I felt it was a really good first exposure to the big dogs. 

These pups are wonderful with everything we throw at them. 

Can you believe they are 7 weeks tomorrow? 

Be sure to check out the videos.