
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


6 Weeks Today

I did a test with the pups today as I usually do. I opened the xpen and watched to see who will venture out and who hangs back. It gives you insight as to who they are. All came out, played and no one hung back. Some did go back in to sleep after play. You see the xpen is their comfort zone. They have known it all their lives. Everything else is new and is a stressor of sorts. Some stress is a 'good' thing as it helps them to cultivate their coping skills. So far, this bunch doesn't need anything extra to help cultivate those coping skills. It's just normal - oh this is new - sometimes a small assessing and then they are off.

There is nothing wrong with one that is quiet, hangs back and observes. Its true you need to help jumpstart them by expose, expose, expose. The best time to start this process is now. But so far upstairs, downstairs, kitchen, hallways, bathroom - it has all been oh new place and they have kickstarted their own coping skills. We shall see next week how outdoors is. We shall see how teh puppy visits are.

They are a fun bunch - not needy, not whining. They come running to play with you. They love the interaction. Click here for a gallery of the pups today.


When Do We Sleep?

Roxie thinks sharing the house with the littles ones is just delightful. She thinks this one on one time with me and the 2 other moms is just plain fun. She runs around showing them every nook and even getting them to climb under the bed.

The pups are sleeping 2 to 3 hours at a time. Sometimes longer - sometimes less.

Here are the captures before bedtime and during bedtime.

More Before Sleep

Before Sleep

Night Activity

Night Activity 2


The Activity

The pups are thrilled to be running around. I can't wait to get them outside. But next week is a busy one. I may try on Thursday or Friday before their first baths. We shall see how the weather is and how very muddy it is.

As you can see they are now filled with expression when they play. It's delightful!


5 and a Half Weeks Old

As you are starting to see the pups are rather agile. They are playing, teething and enjoying life.

The pups were out in the kitchen today playing up a storm. They truly like being out and about. But if they cry for that its never rewarded with a pick up. When they get quiet then they are.

Here's their night movements.

Video 1

Video 2

I am still fascinated at what they do even at night. Our time on the videos are off. We need to fix it in the software. It seems it thinks we haven't changed the time but we have.

I find it truly interesting how they all hang out on the blankets and in the crate to sleep. They appear to be great sleepers despite some play. Without a camera you imagine but you don't really know, do you. I always listened and assumed if I didn't hear any noises they were sleeping. That's all you can do with a monitor that allows you to hear vs. having the hearing and the visual built in. I find myself each time I wake up even if for a few minutes picking up my ipad and peeking at what they are doing. That's how you are getting the night time videos. That I can take a video of it - bonus!

The pups are really growing up. They are certainly in the fun stage!


Super Mom

How many mouths is Roxie feeding? You tell me in this video. She was actually feeding 9 - at least that is what I could count and see. There may have been a hidden one.

Roxie can smell which are hers. You will see her smelling each but she welcomes all.

We rotate all the toys and throw out those that have seen better days but we allow them to remain till they are really in great need of replacement. They do appreciate different toys so in your home take x number of toys out and rotate them with ones that you have away. They will appreciate them more and the enjoyment will be greater.

The pups are also teething in a big way. We have teethers that we get at Shoppers for baby and we freeze and rotate those but they also gnaw on what they can to soothe their gums.

With the teeth coming in as they are it will make transitioning to hard food before they depart easier.

So many changes over the next weeks. It's a truly fun journey!


5 Weeks 2 Days Old

The pups are perfecting their skills by finding that they can run, jump, climb and do all that fun stuff. Once they get solid on their legs the skill perfecting goes into overdrive. They are having fun.

Here are some videos taken.

Night 2 Before Bed

Roxie Feeds Most

Nathan and Puppy, Puppy, Puppy

Eating Mousse and Playing With Ball

The teeth are coming in. We have had some ouch that hurts and they stop. This is good as they learn bite inhibition from each other and from mom.

Nathan will be away 4 days. Watch how much they will change in that time. Yes, at this time they change daily and steadily.

Roxie remains patient and plays and feeds all. What special moms we have!


Getting Active

As you can tell it's a free for all. It doesn't matter what mom but they eat from all. Funny but the black eared, black mask mostly white gal - a gentle sweetie eats better off Roxie (less competition) so we allowed that today. You see no one is doing the corn cob thing in Roxie's litter - running up and down to get milk from all slots. They just take for granted its there where a couple of Spices says oh my gad the milk bar is here - its all mine! All that means is some like to eat better than others. It also means she is slighter and smaller so easier at this stage to be knocked off. Bonus we have other moms to help out and they do.

How special is it to have moms that all get along and actually love each other? It's rather nice. No protectiveness. No oneupmanship. Just friends helping each other.


Five Weeks Old Today

Oh my we had a spill today - well I did. I was going into the xpen and have no idea how it happened but I almost fell on a pup (thank gad I didn't), scraped up my leg - bruised immediately and bleeding and hurt my wrist, hand and arm. I am hoping with ice and rest that goes. Of course its my grooming arm.

Well, the pups are enjoying the time together. When Nathan is away I will have to feed Spice's first then Panda's and Roxies but for now Nathan is helping and maybe when Nathan is away Dennis can do the sisters or Spice. We shall see.

The moms are really enjoying this experience. They are spending more time outside of the pen as pups are playing and eating food as well.

We are cleaning up after pups more it seems but I think its just the sheer number in one pen and that will sort itself out. It always does. Remember we had 10 with Spice her last litter. They are also babies.

I am still cleaning bums. I need to clean up by trimming that area on all. It will be interesting doing that now but maybe tomorrow after the arm/hand rests.

The first puppy visit is on the 5th. Oh boy that means 12 puppy baths and photos and 3 moms to wash. I may have to do this over a 2 day period. We shall see.

Roxie is really a great mom. She kisses and coddles all. Nathan looked at all 3 moms and said we could never do this if they didn't have the temperament that they do and it is true.

As you can see in this video they are using the pad. They are also eating and playing with each other.

They also love, love, love this bed so much so we will buy a couple of more. The adults - the pups all love it. I don't put them in. They just climb in. Usually they don't take to a bed in quite this way. Oh, they like them but this one they are crazy about.


One Day Shy of 5 Weeks

I can't believe that tomorrow the Roxie pups will be 5 weeks old. Starting Sunday we are going to put all 12 together during the day and separate them out at night for Dennis last night on vigil. The pups will go upstairs Monday and we will see how it goes.

They won't have moms. They will have food, water and I will have a camera on them to watch and listen. Sometimes they fuss the first couple of nights but we shall see how it goes. Then they will come down to be 12 forever more and only separated for feedings from moms. So you will have to pay attention to that window of eating from mom and playing soon after that otherwise you may find yourself saying who belongs to whom? :-)

Lots of changes starting tomorrow for pups and moms. They will even graduate to a huge saucer bowl for water, food etc


Rox and Clandestine Videos

As you can see the pups are starting to use the pad significantly. They also still have mistakes - all normal. I change out the pads about 3 or 4 times a day - each xpen. We just bought 3 boxers of pads. Want to make a bet we will be ordering more soon?

Here are a few videos I took from bed when no one was looking.

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Video 4

The pups are really doing well and truly getting to know each other. Bonus as they head upstairs in less than a week. Wow lots of changes...

I am off to watch tv with the dogs and Nathan so forgive me. It is a rare treat that I don't get too often with all that I have in my plate.