
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havanese puppies roxie for sale (109)


Play, Play, Play

Now that the moms are feeding less and they are - 3 feedings today is all they will have from moms. We continue to reduce their feedings and they are getting more and more food. By the time they are on food only they will be eating aprox 3/4 cups a day. Of course that is multiplied by 12. Our food disappears fast at this stage with so many.

They are also not eating at night and therefore making the transition to sleeping all night and being mighty hungry come morning.

Pups are outdoors again before the rain hits and it is coming. The wind is blowing everything around. Nathan swept the deck before this round and in minutes seeds and sticks and what have you are all over. You can't win.

The pups really relish the outside. They are having so much fun and its good for them. The longer they are outside the longer they sleep after eating. Exercise equals sleep much like it does with us.

With the rain coming they will have their last play session indoors. Hoping for sun tomorrow!


Tuffy Visits

Tuffy got along with a number of the pups. Some were indifferent. This will change yet again. We tested them outside. It was some of the pups first time outside and for all of them the first time on the pavers Add in their first exposure to Tuffy and you would expect a lot of hesitancy but we didn't get that. It was either full out play, something inbetween or this indifference. What do I mean by indifference? They sniff, they nose each other. They look and walk but no play bow. Just a mutual respect for each others existence. We will have to do this again with both Tuffy and Zoe.

Here are a few photos of the Tuffy with a few of the pups. Ms. Blondie of Roxies remains the most inviting to all. Many play bow but she is over the top so excited to see everyone as if she won the lottery.

Tuffy and the Spice gal...

Tuffy and Spice boy. I will tell you these two played through the xpen as we have the pups out as I type.

Tuffy and the Roxie gal

Tuffy had a grand time with all but thought they were Martians if it was 12 against 1. Can you blame her? One on one she seems to connect or have an indifference and even the indifference changed when we tried it again. It tells me that when we try it again it could all change.

This is a great crew!


Outside, Upstairs

We can't let the pups run as the water is sitting on the pool with the ice. So, deck cleaning is happening. With the adults they will walk, sniff and its only a bit up their legs but with pups it may go up to their neck. So, no running through the backyard yet but we are hoping by Thursday we will be out on the deck.

I am hoping it doesn't rain so we can get some debris gathered up and picked up on lawn pickup day on Monday. Here is hoping! Really wish we could have had them all out today but between the pool and what would go in their mouth it is best to wait.

Here's some photos from their upstairs visit and a video as well. Here is Roxie with the Spice boy she adopted. As you can tell Roxie is smitten.

Then she had her creamy gal out.

Can't wait till we can take them out daily. Pups are really at that fun, fun, fun stage!


Zoe and the Pups

We had Zoe out with the pups as she is getting a playmate. Today she connected the most with...

Spice's gal and Roxie's girl. We will see how the next visit goes as they are always changing. Took video and photos. I will tell you the boys she wasn't interested in. ROFL


Nathan's Gal

Okay, it's not his gal but oh my gad is this girl fun and infectious. Check out the gallery here. She's a gal that wouldn't take no for an answer from either Cooper or Sparky. She is such a happy, happy gal as you can see in the photos. Little by little we are introducing the larger dogs to the pups.

Leti was also playing with them today.  We opened the pen and they all came out playing. The only issue is we forgot to pick up the food and Leti had an extra meal - figures. As I tell Nathan - we are all human and next time we will remember. Can't blame the Leti for sying yum! Good thing teh bowl was almost empty.


Creating a Visit

When we get ready for a puppy visit we make sure moms feed, pups feed just before a visit. It's a dance we have to get right so they have the maximum amount of time between to spend it with you. The timing is really hard to achieve but we manage to. If you are extra early this is what happens.

Picture this...

Moms are all feeding. The doorbell rings. Moms jump up, stops feeding, won't feed when there are strangers coming in till things settle down. It's a process I try to avoid. I wish moms could ignore the doorbell, ignore the strangers - well strangers to them at this point in the house and just feed with all the distractions but its hard. With 3 moms even more difficult.

They don't mind the visit - even relish it but its a distraction that interferes with them finishing feeding. I know it well as sometimes the ministry up the street tries to give us religious literature and they come often. Each time it rings they stop feeding.

Yes, we have signs on the door but who reads and who adheres. We are thinking of putting a camera out in front and breaking the doorbell. That's a little rash but we have a schedule at this point that allows us to do a last feeding just before bedtime. In about 2 weeks they will probably be weaned and this just before bedtime won't matter.

Why does it matter now? If the pups eat x hours apart and eat too early (not enough milk). If they eat later you may be up till 1130pm vs. 10pm as that last feeding has now become later.

It may sound rigid but just like a baby they have to eat on regular schedules. So we try to minimize that by timing things right and avoiding distractions. Just before the morning visit and the afternoon visit the pups ate. If they had not their focus would have been mom and the milk bar. You would have been watching them chase their moms. Not a fun visit, imho.

Just letting you know why we do the things we do. There is a reason and we do not want you to take it personal.

Will add the 2 videos tomorrow - not tonight. I am rather tired and want to watch tv with Nathan and snuggle with him and the dawgs.


First Baths

Okay, I lied. They do have sponge baths but I guess I should say 'real baths'. I have to admit that I did this right as this update only has 2 pups and I am celebrating as I am so exhausted it is unreal. So, if I don't make sense - oh well. Forgive me.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewThis was my 2nd to last pup to do and I think by this time I was just doing. Five hours straight when I began I wondered if I was ever going to finish. The process would be much quicker without photos but not as fun for you. Updating the blogs without this many photos would be quicker too but I do this so you get to get a glimpse at what they look like when they are wet. After all it is their first time.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewShe looks so long in this photo but she isn't. Her body was so relaxed it was just hanging. I think she was ultra relaxed. heh. Guess she's one of the few that don't mind being held up to pose for photos.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewShe made washing all these pups easy till she did the wriggle, wriggle when I tried to clean up her pads. Nothing else bothered her till that. Most don't like it the first time and she was no exception though she only showed it by doing the twist dance.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewShe is a cutie patootie. I have to thank her for her demeanor other than feet cleanup. When you do this much bathing if you have a difficult pup or dog when you are almost done it stays with you. You try to figure out was it you being tired or how you could have done this or that to make things more fun for them. I didn't have to do this with any of them. If they were all difficult it may have taken me 10 hours. ROFL

Click on Photo for Larger ViewThis was the last boy, the last one to do. This is the last puppy blog update. Nathan is nagging me to watch tv and I am trying to tell him I am not done. He is telling me he is exhausted. I think the next 12 puppies we have to wash I will click and he can wash. Oh how I wish.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewHe was a fun boy to conclude with. No issues. Pads, no problem. What a good boy!

Click on Photo for Larger ViewClick on Photo for Larger ViewThis one held himself and when all was done he went to the pad and went and went and went. Wow!

I am so impressed.

Now let's see if they stay clean till tomorrow. See you then with toothpicks in my eyes. and camera in front of my face.


Day Before the Bath

Tomorrow the crew gets their first bath so watch for photos. May just do one wet, one dry of each dog full body so I m not staying up all hours doing it. I hope you don't mind. Each dog usually gets a full body wet and dry and a head shot wet and dry. We shall see how long the baths take.

The dogs are extra delightful now. They run, they play, they pounce and do all the things that make you smile. They are simply adorable. You will enjoy this visit. They make my heart skip a beat. They are what makes the work worth it. The smiles they give me are great.

Here are some videos to hold you off till the Saturday get together. No galleries or videos tomorrow. I will be updating on each respective pages with bath photos.

6:30am Play Before Downstairs

Just Before 7am Play

Simply Play


6 and a Half Weeks Old

How did the time fly. Roxie's pups are the oldest of the crew but these days you can't really tell the age difference. I can't wait till their baths - well I can wait - lots of work. But you know what I mean. I get to share how much fun these pups with all of you. Now what could be better than that?


The Dance, The Play

If you watch them at this age they are rather agile. They almost appear as if in movement they are dancing. Watch the videos. Perhaps you will see some of it.

The pups are sleeping. I want to sleep as tomorrow brings another full day.

Here are a few videos.

During the Day

During the Day 2

Moms are eating 4 times a day now. They are eating less as the pups are eating less. If you didn't reduce they would end up overweight.