
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


Almost 8 Days Old

Click on Photo for Larger ViewPups are doing really well. We hear some noises when their bellies are too full or it is too warm. It is the normal thing. They have great instincts as they find mom easily. 

I hold them MANY times a day. They squirm, they give me kisses. They do not yet know what I am about but they will when eyes open. That touch will help them know - ah this is the one that stroked me. 

Here is today's gallery.

Here are the videos:

Long Watch

Going on 8 Days

Morning Puppy Watch

Mommy Time

Morn Feast

Puppy Dreams

Night Cleanups

Just Puppy Sleep

Can't wait till eyes open. It's going to be fun. Didn't a week go by fast?


A Week Old?

Click on Photo for Larger ViewWow yes a week old tonight. Sorry we are late with this update but with Roxie being a drama queen and me rushing around to do Rusty, Logan and Panda plus brush the rest - it's a miracle that its getting done now. Nothing like keeping you on your toes.

Pups are a little vocal and not gaining so much. They are gaining but its 80f in this room and its too warm so we shut off the heat lamp. They are now soundly sleeping. Pups let you know when they are not happy. I wasn't happy and get this we do not have the heat on. 

Here are the videos - gallery later. Check timestamps on the video. I leave them on in case you want to know what time of the day they are taken.

Early Morning Feeding

Yes, I Still Love Them Says Abs but Oh all that Feeding

Changing Bedding

Soon I won't be able to gather them up in a blankie like that as they will be too big but for now it allows me to gently gather them up, place them outside of the box. This allows me to put new bedding in. Sometimes we sterilize the box (Dennis does this most nights) and sometimes we just do bedding changes. Their pen stays extra clean always.

Almost 7 Days Old Feeding

Side by Side

Sleeping Twitches

Long Feeding

They eat on an average of 5 to 9 minutes at this stage. Mom does get sore but I have this wonderful cream that soaks into the skin and doesn't harm puppies or babies if they start bruising. So far she is good but they are getting more and more aggressive about eating. Momma is sleeping outside of the pen with one ear open always. She gets to cool off and like I said I shut off the heat lamp. 80f is way too hot for human or pups. They have been quietly sleeping probably celebrating in their dreams that its cooling off. You want it between 72 and 75f. That is only in the box. You want mom to be able to cool off.

Momma is getting so skinny so we ramp up her food even more so but most times Nathan hand feeds her to get that extra meal in her.

Stretch Time

Moving Around

Just at 6 Days Old


6 Days Old Tonight

Click on Photo for Larger ViewPups are really doing well. They are strong. They keep attempting to get on their legs. It's a riot. They have become noisy if it is too warm or they want mom. 

Here are some videos.

Trying to Walk

Just Hanging Pups

Afternoon Feast

Fat Bellies Sleeping

5 and a Half Days Old Just Pups

First Morning Feeding

Checking In

Momma Adele Outside

Pups Snoozing

Feeding Comfort

Just Turned 5 Days Old


4 Half Days Old: Updated

Click on Photo for Larger ViewHow did edging up to 5 days come so fast? I am now weighing them twice a day. Once at approx 715am and once at approx 715pm. They just started to gain just barely over an ounce a day. Their weight gains are right on track. I will have to line them up so you can see body differences but that may be a miracle. I will have to do it after a feeding and when falling asleep. I will let you know if I can pull it off.

Here are the latest videos.

Pups 4 Days Old

Where Are You, Sibs?

Night Feeding

Back Feeding

Early Morning Feed

Just Ate

Changed Bedding

At this point I am only changing bedding in the morning unless it demands more changes. Sometimes early on moms have discharge for a couple of weeks so you need to change it frequently. At this point moms are keeping pups clean. As they get older the bedding changes happen frequently. Clean bedding means clean pups. When they appreciate a clean environment and get conditioned to it, they appreciate it as they get older. 

They like soft and as they get older we will introduce toys and soft mini blankets to crawl under and over. I do that to a degree. Dennis gets worried they will suffocate so he always takes extra blankets out. The pups can and do get out from under blankets just fine. We all do things different and that's okay. 

More later. 



1st Born Sable Boy

Birth: 7-5/8oz Today: 11oz

2nd Born Sable Gal

Birth: 8oz Today 11-1/2oz

3rd Born Silver/Black 

Birth: 8-6/8oz Today 12 oz

4th Born Black White Gal 

Birth: 7oz Today 10-3/8oz

5th Born Boy Brown Sable

Birth: 6-1/2oz Today 10oz

I will tell you that I suspect #4 and 5 will be smaller. They have smaller features and shorter in body. 


Two Updates

Click on Photo for a Larger ViewI went outside after my pups filled their bellies and went to sleep. Momma need potty breaks and to feel the fresh air too. I spend so much time with Mommy that I get to see Daddy this way too. Oh he feeds me but Mommy gives me massages, combs me out daily, makes sure my bedding is changed, pups are on and she washes my belly a couple of times a day so I cool down. All that feeding on me heats me up.

I have a gallery and more videos. You will get sick of seeing my precious beings.

Almost 4 Days Old Gallery

Did you ever notice how the sables seem to cuddle together a lot? I noticed that pups of similar colour seem to and I have no clue why.

Of course some dogs like their own breed the most but how do they know what breed they are? <smile>

More Videos:

Feeding 3 and a Half Days Old

Adele Pups Almost 4 Days Old

Pups Turning 4 Days Old Tonight

Finding Mom

Considering their age the moms are pretty good at finding mom. I am impressed. It's easier for them as they have size and therefore strength on their side.

Tucking Pups In


Good Morning

Here are some videos. If you look at the time on the video you can see when it was taken. Some of them are in black and white as they are taken at night when the lights are off.

Just Adele Pups

Adele Pups Eat and Flip

Hand Feeding

Night Feeding

Kissing Babies

All Eating

All But 1

Last Night Chill

Pups continue to gain. They are strong and active.

Momma Adele has two nipples that are under developed. This happens a great deal on the ones closer to her head. I thought they were non functioning as they were flat but they started filling up and getting impacted. Goal is to just release pressure and try to get puppies to nurse on them. A couple will. Most won't as they are flat. The more they are nursed on the more the nipple will become prominent and then all will feed from them. I will continue today. Dennis kept attempting last night and was doing a decent job. She is producing a lot of milk from them. No biggie and next time she has pups they will not be flat. 

I just tell you as a topic of interest. There is actually nothing wrong. 

Also, pups tell you things. If they are piled up closely most often they are cold. If they are apart they are comfortable. If hiding under the rails at times they are too hot. If crying they are indeed too hot. 


Latest Videos & Gallery: More Added

Click on Photo for Larger View

As you will see in the videos they have had no issue squirming their way here and there. They are actually pretty good at circling around mom. Sometimes the milk bar gets crowded so they either wait their turn or they need a bit of help. 

All pups continue to gain but under and ounce across the board in 24 hours. Where Roxie's last litter was gaining over an ounce. They do things in their own timetable. 

Adele still drives me crazy as she hides her pups under blankets etc protecting them. I am forever more redoing the bedding throughout the day. Wish I had been able to get to the baby consignment shop for some comforters. Comforters are best as smaller blankets get puppies caught underneath easier. If anyone sees some nicer ones at a baby consignment shop - used but not torn or so faded, I will buy. 

Adele Pups Lil Help

Just Adele Pups 2-1/2 Days Old

Adele Early Morn Relax 2-1/2 Days

Adele 330am Moms Work Never Done

Just 2 Days Old

Waggy Tail Feeding

You know the milk is flowing when the tails are wagging. Happy puppies!

Puppy Turn Over

Watch the last born. Is he meant to be an agility star? :-)

Just Pups Almost 3 Days Old

Adele is So Tired

Where's the Milk Bar?

Pups Are Eating

1 Pup Behind

Even with a great litter you have to know why that puppy is behind. Did it just eat or is it skipping a meal as it has a tummy ache or is it sleeping and didn't realize its eating time. Those puppy dreams are just too inviting.

We tend to watch them closely. Dennis stays up all night. I watch them during the day and Nathan watches them when I am grooming etc but we have a Foscam camera on them all the time. It allows me to watch when I am not in this room and it allows me freedom to do the things I must and still be attentive. It also allows me to take videos with a push of the button. Of course I still have to upload them etc but it is one of the best things I have done. I need another one if Leti goes into heat soon but I am not sure how I ever did without the cameras. I know, I stressed when I had to leave the room and I juggled. Wish I had them years and years ago.

Hope the videos make you feel a part of it from the beginning. 

Gallery 2 and a Half Days Old - Gal was first of two that are similar in colour. 

Order of individual photos






The black appearing gal who has a goatee will either end up dark brown or silver. Time will tell. 


Tonight's Videos

Adeled Brushed

Honest she was brushed!

Waggy Tail Pups

When the milk is flowing their tails are flowing but sometimes one wakes up and says oh where am I? I take the video then put them om but most times even at 2 days old they find their own qway - amazing!

Pups Feeding

Pups are eating, active and mom is amazing with them. 

I am off to bed soon. I take videos from bed at times but last night I crashed.


Pups Day and a Half Old: Gallery & Videos Added

Click on Photo for Larger ViewDennis said Adele wouldn't leave the pups to eat or drink so he was hand feeding her and giving her drinks. She will adjust. She is just hesitant and protective. It's a new mom syndrome. I came down this morning and she was out of the xpen drinking and showing off the pups. I suspect it will be the same for Dennis tonight. This is a normal reaction. They are mine! Can I trust you? When you whelp a litter they trust you completely.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewAbove is Adele before her morning massage and comb out. I now have combed out Roxie, Adele, Spice, Ella and Jeannie so far. :-)

I took some videos but some are poor quality. I did change the quality of the upload so they are clearer. I will upload that way from now on. Sorry I was so tired before I didn't notice that I didn't upload in HD quality.

Pups all gained and are active and eating. 

Adele at Night

Adele Pups Surrounding

Adele Night Time

Adele Loving Pups

Adele Morning Feeding

Pups Lined Up