
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


Not Talking About It!

Simba and Ozzie was playing up a storm and I took a slew of photos but I managed to take my memory stick out of the camera so I could transfer them, the phone rang and suddenly I am staring at a torn stick on the floor. How did that happen? It was Tibetan Terricized. Jebi is here till Sunday and I am adjusting to what I can and can't put down on tables and I guess a memory stick is not safe. heh

Here are Buddy and Ozzie. They look so much alike its unreal. Margaret was here with Buddy to go to handling classes with Nathan so I was able to click this photo.

We managed to get Charlie into the pool. He loves it!

I have to ask Paula but I think he is a Mugs pup.

I got him all blow dried out and he wanted to go again. Two blow dries.... no.

Spice also jumped in today. Did I catch her jumping in - nah. Did I expect it... no!

Roxie also enjoyed the ability to swim. She's almost at the end of her heat.

The rest of the photos as I said was munched so I am sorry but tomorrow I will play catch up. Back down to one stick vs. two - of course.



Life is grand at the pool!

Some even get extra cozie.

As you can see here.

There is always time to run and play.

It was a hot day. It's about time and tomorrow more heat so pool time it is!

Biggie and Ozzie (Ozzie departs tomorrow - sigh) rather enjoy each other!

Charlie is visiting and he rather likes the pool steps so maybe he will go in tomorrow.

Simba is here just for a bath and play. We really missed him!

Kat really likes Ozzie!

Okay, I need a brush but really must you? Everyone was brushed up today. :-)

Ozzie and Mabel had a blast today. We hope Mabel enjoyed her drive home. She comes to visit all the way from Kincardine. We appreciate the visits too! Ozzie just loved Mabel. I can understand why!

Every now and then we came in for air but after brush outs we were outside all afternoon. Mabel looks rather stunning all washed up don't you think? That closeup looks a lot like the Spice and Risa too.

Maxine was considering joining us in the pool.

The only thing that got me in tonight is needing to update the blog and the mosquitoes. Wish I had been able to swim earlier but perhaps I will groom late, swim early tomorrow and get some dogs in too.


Rain, Rain and More Rain

Ozzie is a cutie patootie don't you think. He smiles and he has Panda's markings to a 't'.

I gave Leo a bath and a cut (bottom photo) and well I had to wash most of him again (see top photo). hahaha But it was important he went out before he headed home. As you can see Adele was waiting behind him just in case he left a morsel she could partake in. She thinks we don't see her - seriously.

Mabel dropped in and found this lack of cushions on the furniture was fun.You can tell she is a Spice baby - I am here don't you know?

Cali, Ozzie and Mabel have been flying around this place expelling so much energy they are going to sleep tonight!

Charlie arrived. He's a big boy. I do believe he is a little bigger than Jebi. I will have to get a photo of them together. They are pals. We haven't had Charlie here in a long time so its a real treat. He is so funny. Nathan sits on the couch and he gets next to him and stretches out so he has all the room. He is so funny!

Dusty heads home tonight. She is a pure delight! She has had a blast especially with the gals.

Ozzie thinks it's no big deal to run through wet grass and get soaked to the skin but brush me again? Do you need to?

Just to give you perspective Biggie is not a big dog. Maxine is behind him but have this thick coat. It's a riot. Truffie, Shoshi and Fiona has this fullness.

When it is raining like it is now and has been off and on we try to catch the windows between and do the run up and down the paths. Its important to get them to still expel their energy when the weather is bad. When its winter and its simply way too cold we do these running games upstairs.

The dogs LOVE, LOVE the chase game and Nathan is always it. :-)

Harper was here and had a bath and he's now departed.

We haven't had Harper here in a long time so this was delightful.

Biggie is so polite. He waits for his meal patiently and then its gone - poof and he looks at you as if to say - any more?

This was princess Fiona deciding she was standing under the gazebo as she was not planning on getting wet - eeew Funny where Ozzie delights in it and Fiona says I don't get wet. I love their differences.


Raining Really?

Just a few photos today. Brewer was over to play today. He gets rather excited to come and then snoozes at home from all that hard play.

Kat and Ozzie was playing. It was a riot. Ozzie was working his magic.

Heading outdoors before the rain hit - yeah rain AGAIN.

After eating at 7ish the dawgs have been playing their hearts out.

When Leo departs tomorrow I bet he is going to sleep long naps as he has been playing up a storm. He rather liked Brewster too.

Fiona - well she is still a princess as you can see.

Brewer brought a lot of fun today and got the crew doing the chase game.

Nathan was hogging the chairs - oops maybe the dawgs were? I think they love to lay out on them as much as we do.

Biggie and Harper played and played and played.

Well, you get the idea. We did something call play a LOT! PS: It was fun too!

Lots of changes tomorrow but I hear tell we will see Mabel. How fun!


Today's Fun: 2 Updates Today

Remember that there are 2 updates today as we have a very important first birthday we are covering. So read two entries please.

Today we had many visitors. Dusty came with Simone, Julie visited with Ty. Lynda came and swam. Plus we had visitors that said hello to the dogs. It's been busy. Got everyone groomed. Back felt better till I quickly picked up a dog. Oh well, finishing up the wine that Lynda and I had. Can't let it go to waste. ROFL

Here are a few photos from today.

Magic dropped in to say hello as well. All had a ton of fun.

The Biggie is a dream when you groom him. He just loves to dive into the garden.

Maxine ADORES Ozzie. She's just mothering him and mothering him. It's wonderful. He will miss her when she departs tonight.

Ty came for a visit with his mom and we sat out in the back, let the dogs play and talked. It was nice.

Okay pipsqueak, I am older than you. I don't care if you are a big 1 today. Oh you want to play - okay!

Maxine was enjoying the visitors and meeting Ty.

Ozzie reminds me of his dad. He is so full of life.

It's been a fun day. Read the birthday wishes. The time goes by way too fast!


Happy First Birthday

Mabel wishes all her siblings a Happy Birthday!!!!


I'm having a great birthday day. My human mom took me on a long walk through the bush with so many wonderful smells. I got some fresh cooked salmon added to my breakfast. Yum! I can't wait to see what I get for dinner. Darlah can you send out birthday wishes to my brothers and sisters. Also give my mom a big lick from me.



From Darlah: Doing just that Shelby. :-)

Happy first birthday to his nine sisters and brother!



Hi guys,

How are you doing?  I just wanted to say a Happy Birthday to Zoe, Molly, Sophi, Casey, Epic, Mabel, Shelby, Montuno, Trigger and Calli today, I can't believe a year has gone by already! 

A photo will follow as they are at the doggie spa today getting all cleaned up lol.

Hope all is well and can't wait until the picnic :)

Take Care



Will add a couple of photos from today's fun. Not birthday fun but just Talemaker fun.


Interesting Read


Ozzie and Panda

Ozzie has been having a blast. Panda adores the opportunity to play with him. Sorry if this is short tonight but I am trying to mend a back. I am supposed to be in a pool tomorrow with a glass of wine with Lynda and I plan to. So tonight I will heal.


Rainy Day Off and On

It started out raining, got sunny, got cloudy, got rainy. We made the best of it.

Brewer came to visit, Levon and Trigger are probably sleeping on their trip home. They played and played and played.

Biggie has been hanging out - remember Biggie Alene - Shady's brother?

Mia's family is moving so she was hanging out to avoid the confusion. So much to do when one moves and nerve wracking with movers in and out, packing etc. I hate moving and dogs do well when things are in their place already.

Maxine had a brushout. She's spirting a short summer'do. She's having a blast!

Leo is really like a kid in a candy store. He just is having a blast.

Look who is playing with Mia!

Here's a few more photos taken today. Look for some of Ozzie tomorrow. I wrenched my back so sitting at the computer or taking anymore photos this afternoon is not possible. Hoping tomorrow is better.

Dusty also had her Daniel take her home. We miss her already!

Off to snuggle and lay down with dogs with an ice pak. :-) Catch you tomorrow!


What a Fun Day

It rained. We had a puppy here (not ours) for socializing. Everyone loved her but oh my gad Leo and Dusty was over the moon happy with Lucy. Seems they really like the little ones. Spice and Roxie was also so excited.

Here are some photos taken today.

Bonus, as we have Jebi here this young one got exposed to a bigger dog.

I do beleve Dusty would have made an amazing mom. She was ever so gentle with Lucy and they had a ton of fun.

I was grooming outside today. I placed a blanket over the pillows and decided this would be more enjoyable. After it stopped raining it worked out well. As you can see they were waiting their turn not running somewhere else.

After I finished brushing Truffie this is what he did.

Tonight we wait for Biggie to come. Scruffy and Pepper depart. The sun is out but its night time - geez. Hoping for better weather tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of the photos. The dogs really, really had fun and me too capturing them. You will see how the gals really like the Scruffster.

Where's Pepper?Fiona needing a brushing.

Dusty says we are all tuckered out. That's it!


Today's Thoughts

Leti says if you brush me again I will just make sure I am a mess so you do it again and again and I get a treat. Yeah, that's the plan.

No girls for me? What's a boy to do?

I keep getting these seeds in my hair and Dennis keeps telling me not to go in the back but I can't help myself. I wanted to see what he was pulling out. Can you blame a gal for being curious?

There's berries in these here yard. What did you say?

Leti can't catch me, she can't, she can't!

Inside, outside we are just having fun!

Is that my food?

Feed me Seymour uhm Mr. Nathan!

I lead, no I lead

Guess who is boss!

They say its time to eat but who cares! Okay, we do!

It was a great time today. No swimming - too cold but that's okay!


Does it Ever Stop?

Spice is now in heat. We are just waiting for Panda now.

Leo is such a fun dog. I brushed him this morning and does he look it? I laughed and laughed. It so reminds me of the Spice crew and he's not one of mine. :-)

We got to see Buddy today (gave him a bath) and oh what fun. Hope he is sleeping soundly tonight after all the play.

Rocky came to visit and is leaving in a few minutes. We will miss him. He loves, loves, loves Adele. What perfume are you wearing Adele?

I decided I needed to clip a few plants as its getting insane getting into the backyard. I never seem to find the time and I hate to do it when it is steamy hot. After the rain went away the pool seemed more inviting. That's a capital P for procrastination.

Fiona had a bath. She was the last of my crew. Now she is soft and snuggly and clean!

Maxine dropped in. Dusty I hear got to snuggle with some visiting kids today. She's such a love.


Been Busy

We have managed to have fun but we have been busy. Well, I have been.

Had to groom, did swim, had company. Gave a haircut to a dog - well busy.

Also see Roxie's blog for the latest news with her.

We had a lot of fun. I had a lot of work today despite having a mini break. Tomorrow is busy too. Sometimes it is like that. The later I do the blog, the busier I have been. :-)

Remember this blog url has changed. See below.


Change of URL

Be aware that this blogs url has changed. You can now reach this blog at

I hope this is not inconvenient.

This blog covers those that come to visit us as we love seeing how our dogs are doing. It is a catch-all blog when I am not posting on the rest of the blogs. We cover things we ex[perience. Things we learn and share our moments with the great people who love the Havanese!


Less Busy Day

Cha Cha came for a bath, got a swim and now she is home. Wow she turned out to be a great swimmer. Look at that tail?

Kat and Roxie was swimming while they made faces at each other. I had to bathe Cha Cha so no swimming for me or anyone else. Tomorrow I get to wash Shady and Nora and the rest of the time we are going to try to chill at the pool.

Cha Cha gliding through the water and she willingly went in again and again.

This is how you get stiff necks letting a dog sleep on your neck but Nathan never minds.

Dusty is doing amazing.

Dusty relishes chilling on the chairs at the pool.

Leo is doing well and playing and snuggling and enjoying. He adjusted immediately.

Wasabi and Jeannie sharing a joke, I imagine.

Spice's hair is growing back in.

Nora has been enamoured with Wasabi. What a riot.

Shady just watches, plays with the guys and well always knows where she is. Nora and Shady are here for a bath while mom is doing a camp visit for one of the human kids. Just a quick visit - too quick but still we enjoy!

Tomorrow pool time - now weather please cooperate!


Too Busy Today

Paula was in and we had a vet check to go with her so its been crazy busy plus she was getting 2 dogs shipped in. So - day shot - well most of it - well it felt that way but I got to see Envy, Tangles and Epic but did I take photos - did but didn't have a stick in the camera so I didn't get one - nor did I notice. I do have a headache. I do have sniffles so not up to par but this was beyond my usual. To not even notice nor have the camera tell me. Got to laugh.

That's okay...

There is tomorrow. Not to take photos of them as my moment is missed but take photos - I will.

Today I thought about older photos and said... why?

All I can say is some days are like this.

Did get loved up by Trigger and Levon a ton and well that was precious! Got to catch as much as I can as soon they will depart.


Busy Day

No swimming again today. That's okay. I was busy washing and grooming. Kat is getting excited about Roxie. It may be too early but tonight we will try after Nathan gets Jebi.

As you can see Spice's hair is finally coming back in after the pups chewed it to pieces. It still has a way to go but I can now put a little ponytail in it.

Thanks to the sun Truffie is turning his reddish brown. This was him before his bath and grooming today.

Tia was here for a bath and haircut. This is after she was finished. Tia just played and played.

Due to the weather not being that warm everyone just chilled outside till it was their turn to get groomed. Odin came for a bath and visit too. :-)

I do believe I am exhausted as I also had Phantom to do and some drop ins plus mine.

Tomorrow Paula comes and we take her crew to the vets. As she has a puppy coming in at the airport right when the appt is it seems its us taking them. Going to be a busy day tomorrow.

Was planning to wash Fiona tomorrow. Looks like it won't be till Friday now. No biggie. She's brushed out.


The Girls and Scruffy

Adele and Leti can't get enough of the Scruffster. They played like this all day long much to Pepper saying hey what about me? That's okay. She had Momma Spice that played and played with her.

I washed dogs off and on and groomed and it rained. Not much to report except maybe tomorrow we can swim?


Pippin Fun

Trying to get Pippin to pose was a comedy of errors.Most time she did the above.

Once in a blue moon she would try to pose.

We miss her already. Hope she is chilling with her humans.

Me, I have been grooming all day playing catch-up after I went to Grand Bend. It rained then got too hot and we didn't put on the pool thinking it was going to stay raining. We won't make that mistake tomorrow.

Paula comes in to get Phantom but she had plans to get something else and was in the neighborhood so one less boy to clean the undersides on when a gal is in heat. Cali will also be out of heat - hooray. No signs of Spice and Panda yet. Rather hoping they would so we can get it over with and relax in August till Jeannie gives us little surprises. Oh well... can't always get what you want.


Lake Huron Fun

We visited friends - Al and Shelley who have Abigail and Kat dogs - Summer Breeze and Chinook and they too are water dogs as you can see. We had lunch with them and then walked down two cottages to where the family was staying. So we had friends and family - wow - nice!

Roxie was loving the waves and had a total blast. Cali also came but didn't venture into the water. Both had a great time and us humans did too. Got to do a gallery for the family so I apologize for cutting this short. It was all worth almost 6 hours of driving. :-)

Here's a few photos of Roxie swimming in the waves on Facebook. It's public so anyone can see.

Deepest appreciation to Al and Shelley for everything!!