
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


Severe Thunderstorms

It's coming down and the pool water is at the top. Have to laugh. Love storms only when they don't create damage.

Before then I weeded and weeded and weeded. Nathan was of visiting a friend. I was weeding. Then I gave up. I have so much weeding to do its useless but we shall try. I did get the side of the house done and I am sure all my Peonys are down on the ground ruined. Oh well.

We have Sparky that dropped in tonight. We are excited. Jebi departs tomorrow. We have only had 1 day of sun to swim in since he has been here. Is this spring? :-)

I decided to brush dogs on the couch. I drape towels over and sit with a grooming jacket on so I don't end up with hair all over me. Well, Cali went running with my rubber bands and I had them all over the room. She had such a fun time doing it despite me looking at her and saying - really?

Spice and Logan was hanging out before the rain hit. Oh well another day of not swimming. Still I didn';t have to water so there is that.

Dogs don't mind but really thank you for pads as they do not want to go out in this. Hoping it stops and we get a window to go out and have fun.

A friend in Utah got snow today so who am I to complain. Oh and it is Roger's Scruffy and Pepper's Daddy's birthday today. A huge shout out.

Tomorrow look for photos of Katie with her best friend. Tease....



Been grooming all day - so no photos but I have a request (may have photos later - we shall see)

Can you send me mail in private ( and tell me how much to neuter/spay and how happy or not happy you were? I need to let someone know and I am creating a list so I can say x was happy and this is approx what they paid.


Father's Day

Happy Father's day to Nathan and Phantom!!!

John's father's day started a bit earlier than anticipated.  He had the promised sleep in going but Shady scratched  on the door with his favourite toy in his mouth ready for some Dad and me time!  Have a great day!


From us: Glad he had a sense of humour about it and he gets a lot of pampering today!

Happt Father's Day to all the Dads that make a difference for the humans and canines!


Gloomy Day

It was another gloomy day and now that it has hit 7pm it is sunny - go figure. So 2 days in a row no pool. I really enjoy the pool. I also intended on getting Jebi swimming but as Nathan said its just not warm enough.

So we had a lot of sunning on the deck - that is when the sun was out. When it wasn't we had a lot of cooling. heh I think Spice is coming into heat. This will be the summer of 3 weeks of heat lasting 12 weeks - you watch!

Risa is my most elegant sunning dog, I swear. She just lays out there forever and watches life.

Jebi has decided he likes standing on the picnic table and surveying all.

Dexter just was so comfortable he was caught sleeping sitting up and then finally laying his head down to take a nap. Dexter is doing amazing eve with a TT in the house.

Watching the dogs they seem to sniff, explore and truly love the cooler weather. When we lay down in the chairs on the deck or at the pool they are right there draping themselves all over our bodies. It's wonderful. But this morning it was so cold that I had a jacket on and took a blanket outside and the dogs snuggled in too. It almost felt like a fall day.

I also got everyone groomed and Nathan even brushed a couple. Now that was nice.

We at Talemaker want to wish everyone a very Happy Father's Day. We are spending it with Nathan's dad for a couple of hours. As he has cancer we are trying to make memories to treasure. Hope you manage to do the same... make memories!

If you are like me and your dad passed away (mine a long time ago) remember you are the dad of a have or two. Now that is special!


No Pool Day

Last night we had the pleasure of Benji visiting. He was in LOVE with Adele.

We had a great visit and look forward to doing it again especially when Adele is not in heat. He was too focused on her when he could have been having fun with everyone.

Coops was here overnight and always is first out the door to play. I thought he would play with Jebi but Jebi had other things on his mind and today he is more relaxed and playing. Maybe the cooler weather has helped.

Cooper is always such a happy, happy boy!

He also played like crazy with Katie. Yes, Katie was here today. She is now home.

Katie had a blast and had a bath and then she was off. She went from one to the next playing up a storm. Benji would have done the same and surely played quite a bit but truly he was too focused on the Adele.

We also have a TT in the house as his mom is judging at the regional. I put his hair up and he takes it down. Hmm does that sound like any of our dogs?

I meant to do galleries and all sorts of grandiose things but here I am at 8pm doing a blog with male dogs going crazy so it is what it is.

The rest of the crew is outdoors enjoying the cool air laying all over Nathan while he reads on his ipad.


Latest News

Promise to play catchup on photos tomorrow but today here's one of Kat and Nathan jumping in the pool together.

Everyone is having a blast. Jebi comes tonight. Coops is here. Brewer is here for another half hour and Benji Panda's blonde boy is coming for a visit. I will post photos tomorrow. It's hot and muggy outdoors. It's raining off and on - so in come the cushions, out go the cushions over and over.

Jeannie's blog is now active.

In honor of the games, Barb sent her Dutch gals. How cute!

Here's a snippet from Dusty's mom about her therapy work.

Dusty just finished at Sick Kids this morning, her rounds on 7th. Amazing, child in pain...Dusty enters room, lies down beside her, doctor and nurses is pain level-surprise as patient is petting Dusty, no pain!  Doctor would really like patient to get up and walk, I suggest how about patient walks us to elevator...patient did a full loop around units walking Dusty together with me, volunteer and nurse while attached to all her IV poles etc. Patient felt great, no pain lots of smiles from everyone including Dusty girl!  Good job this morning.


Rain and Chilling

It rained, it got muggy. The dogs went out in the rain and we watched tv and I groomed. Okay, Nathan watched tv. I watched partially. But I got everyone done.

This is Fiona up on high watching tv with her Daddy.

Bonham and Tuffie was over for a visit for a few hours.

They got wet, they got dry, they got wet and then dry again. It was one of THOSE days. When it was raining lightly they all went out in it. When it rained a bit harder they sat under the gazebo and said I don't think so. I laughed.

Panda had a blast with Bonham.

Phantom keeps looking at Nathan as Nathan does the breeding as if to say - okay, I am here - where's the girl?

Each time Tuffie is here she climbs all through the weeds and well we will pretend they are plants as weeds really are plants that are unwanted. hahaha

Logan was scoping out all this wet as if to say is it still raining?

Mom and daughter was enjoying each others company. Even princess' can have fun.

Spice could care less if it is pouring rain. Does that surprise you?

This was Truffie with his Daddy Phantom before my brushing marathon. Truffie is a water dog. He goes out and sniffs, hangs out and gets soaked to the skin. I had to brush him a couple of times today.

Leti is such a silly dog. She was standing watching a rabbit and then the race was on. One wonders why that rabbit comes back. Maybe he/she likes the chase too?

This was before Logan got brushed. Guess swimming is good for his coat when its a salt water pool.

This was Panda after the Bonham attack.

Tuffie had a blast too. Too bad it was too rainy to swim. Oh well....

Life is good even when it does rain. Oh well grooming occurred and weed pulling did not. Another day of procrastination. It happens.


Two Swimmers

Logan is a truly strong swimmer as you can see with his tail. He had a swim as he was getting a bath today before he went home. I just love the Logster!

Who is the gal with the skinny wet legs? It's Panda. She went swimming as she had a bath too.

But even though Brewer, Scruffy and Pepper are here and Trigger and Levon I didn't get any photos. Sorry. But I had Logan and Panda to bathe. I then had brush outs on Brewer before he departed and brush outs on Trigger and Levon and soon I will be brushing out Pepper and Scruffy so Nathan and Dennis had all the fun playing. I was stuck grooming most of the day and didn't get a chance to click nor swim. Oh well - it happens.

Everyone had a ton of fun. I could hear the feet running back and forth inside and each time I stopped between to look outdoors I could view Nathan playing up a storm with them. We also got the magazine out today and guess who gets it all done on the website? Now you know why I didn't get to click.

I guess all that matters is they had fun!

Oh and Trigger can certainly tell there is a gal in heat. Even as a youngster those hormones are roaring. heh

And Pepper... I think she is a jack in the box. She kept jumping up on the table and off and on and off and on pouncing on the boys heads. Now that just happened a few minutes ago and where was the camera - stick in the card reader - oy. Got to get an extra one so I have no excuses not to click.


Two Updates Today

We had Odin, Katie and Shelby visiting and we had fun. All 3 are strong swimmers as you can see with their tails. That's a sign that they are really strong swimmers but Katie is like her mom. She can't get enough. She wants to swim, swim, swim and she kept trying to jump in but didn't quite have the courage yet to do so. But she would stick her face in the water, jump on Nathan's head etc.

Here are a few photos or check out the gallery I created with more photos.

Shelby has her tail up really high and used it as a rudder like Kat does.

Odin also had his tail up high and used his as a rudder.

As you can see Katie also has her tail up high.

Here's a few photos but then check out the gallery.

I can jump real high says Odin if it means getting to canine Mommy!

As Shelby is the older one she was mothering and at the same time playing leader of the pack.

All 3 had a true blast and Roxie was in love with sharing the pool with them. Katie and Roxie swam laps. Shelby got the chase game going and Odin was hilarious playing with Katie and Shelby and when they departed Odin was playing with all the adults as if he thought he too was a big guy.

It was fun and I bet that they are all tired. It was a good day. Tomorrow if it is sunny I am going to get Logan and Panda in the pool before their bath.

Nathan is now on his way to Barrie not feeling well to get Phantom.


Update on Jeannie

Just what I need another boy in the house but after discussions with Paula we will try Phantom with Jeannie. Poor Truffie - and poor Kat. But as we plan to repeat the breeding with Roxie and Panda with Kat - he will be a lucky guy. Truffie not so much. Spice is taking a break and growing some hair and playing auntie. Cold showers for him?

Jeannie will not be bred most likely till the weekend. It depends on when she peeks. It means if that timing works Nathan will just be coming back from the specialty on August 18th when she would be due. Let's hope she doesn't peak till Monday or Tuesday. Is that too much to hope for?

It looks like a glorious day outside. We have Odin visiting, Katie coming to play this afternoon and Shelby for a visit. We are so jazzed and will try to get Shelby and Odin in the pool. Katie is only here for a short visit so maybe next week when she comes for the day? We shall see.

It's a pool day for sure and Adele and Jeannie want to be with the crew. Can't wait till Adele is out of heat but not till the 18th. Wow 9 more days. She's just over a year so she doesn't quite grasp what this means nor should she.

More later.....



Departures, Rain & Things

Ringo and Ziggy really know how to have fun. We have really enjoyed their visit. What was even more comical was Cali playing with Ziggy like this but never managed to click those but wish I had. They were hysterical. Pepi also joined in and Ziggy had such a great face to capture.

Hugo and Milo and Helen and Suzie came over for a quick swim. It was rather cold so I didn't indulge nor did the dogs other than Hugo, Milo, Roxie an Kat. Heated towels would have been nice and then the rain came. I think Roxie would swim in 40f degree weather.

Even in the cloudy weather and ultimately rain some had fun and some preferred staying dry. That's okay as Dennis is an excellent snuggler too.

Hugo was so excited he was talking!

Energy was expelled.

Milo swam....

And the dawgs watched the humans swim but heated towels and a heat lamp would have been welcomed, I bet.

Now we are sitting, snuggling, watching tv and the dogs are having chews to chew on. Life is good!

Logie thinks chews are the very best he wanted me to know. :-)


What a Day Indeed!

We had a sunny day - no weeding just pool and fun, fun, fun. Here are some photos from today.

Ziggy and Ringo mucking it up!

Bonham and Tuff came to visit for a few hours.

Panda was thrilled - us too!

There was a lot of chillin' at the pool!

Then we also had in the pool moments where Ziggy swam today. Ziggy departs tomorrow.

Ziggy was a strong swimmer.

We had a great day and it hasn't ended.

Oh... and we believe Jeannie is in heat. :-)


Happy 4th Birthday & More

Happy Birthday to Monty, Tak, Red and Moxie. Wow how did the time fly by so fast?  Looks like Mommy and Daddy is making yum yum cookies for you Monty. Lucky guy indeed!

We are out at the pool chillin so maybe later we will add to the blog. Life is grand when it is a pool day!


Brrrr Cold Today

It didn't stop Nathan from laying out, reading on his ipad and fighting with the popup covers that he put partially down in case the wind ripped them. Even Dennis had taken a comforter and sat out on the furniture on the top deck with dogs and played his nexus. I can't believe its going to be warm tomorrow. We shall see.

The dogs really love this coolness. Me, I miss the pool when it is like this.

I did get a fair bit of grooming done and Leti had a bath. I had plans to weed but didn't.

Poor Adele is getting tired of being segregated but we always have dogs in with her. It is just easier when a couple are in at the same time.

I did brush Panda and she decided to do the famous head roll. Why have perfect hair when you don't have to. :-) Besides, it gives them character, don't you think?

Leti was looking to snuggle in with Dennis. They love it when you take the comforters outside on a cold day. They just tunnel right in.

Cali was caught perfecting her 'down dog' stance.

And Logan decided chewing ones face hair was better than a head roll. They each have their own thing.

Remember messy dogs are fun dogs who just embrace life!


Mabel's Changes

Miss Mabel had a bath but trying to get her to stand still for a photo was - well interesting. She shook, she shaked ala Spice style. We will miss her.

Treasure the moment. Cali her sister jumped in the pool today so she had a bath too. She doesn't look like this anymore and the bath happened TODAY. Just too much play in them. I love it!

Panda is watching the cardinal we have. She is mighty fascinated by it. We also have a baby rabbit that they all are fascinated by.

We are low on photos today. I did vs. clicked and I rather enjoyed that. We snuggled, we napped outside with a comforter - yes that one Anne - thanks but could not swim. It was rather too cool today but its time to brush up Mabel before Mommy comes so she looks decent. It's a quiet house despite Adele's heat.


Faces and More

I love the havs heads and faces. I find them so interesting but I find all of them interesting.

Today we had rain, then sun, then cloud then rain. It wasn't conducive to having much pool time. So we sat around, played inside, outside when it wasn't raining. We also hung out on the cushions.

One of the things that is so important is fresh water always. We have water dishes throughout the house and we have one outside too.

Despite the rain we still manage to have fun as you can see on Ziggy's face.

Somehow they thought it would be fun to pull off all the magnets off the refrigerator. They get A+ for being creative.

Deck time was rather enjoyable and we are heading out there yet again though the sun is now shining bright. I am not going to put the bathing suit on for the 3rd time only to get rain again.

So deck time it is... again.


Griffin Flattens Fish & More

I had to laugh and run for my camera when I saw this. All the other dogs use their fish beds as they are supposed to. Griffin.. well.. I don't think he ever used it as it was supposed to!
Have an awesome day!


PS: Tania we have a few that flatten too and with others inside. :-)


It was a pool day today. Not everyone wanted to join in. Some were completely happy to watch or hang out on the chairs outside and feel the fresh air. Me too. I clicked, got half the body wet but more so I laid outside and felt the fresh air.

Spice keeps smelling Mabel to say, I know you!

Risa was really enjoying the outside. Me too!

Others hung out and watched and surveyed the yard for any movement.

Mabel was great about grooming and has been really tuckering herself out today.

Spice has found out that lazing on a pool pad is mighty comfie and good for the soul to just chill!

Panda and Adele decided it was great to watch, sit on the chairs but get wet, I don't think so. Logan actually soaked his feet but didn't want to go any further.

Hugo and Milo dropped in for a couple of days to swim. Hugo got caught up in the excitement of Roxie and Kat jumping and he jumped once too but decided the stairs was easier.

As you can see Hugo really loves the pool and it tuckers him out - which is good for Hugo. hehe

Milo also went for a swim and he was a strong swimmer and really didn't rush to get out.

Usually Milo swim and then gets right out but not today.

Mabel was a strong swimmer and really did well. It seemed to be easy for her. She didn't mind that she got groomed twice either. She got groomed before the swim and after. She just wanted a treat. :-)

Kat also jumped in a number of times and so did Roxie.

Hugo jumped off the stairs. That is how Roxie started.

Hugo and Mabel dried off together.

Then it rained and now it's sunny and the dogs are eating. Life is good!


Spice Pup in the House

Mabel is visiting and today I decided no grooming. She will get the full treatment tomorrow. I have to say she is AMAZING in how high she can jump - oh my gad!

Nathan was getting calls wishing him a happy birthday and Mabel kept licking his glasses, giving him kisses. It was a bloody riot. Okay so she is a Spice pup so expected.

I just love the spirit and it was needed today so thank you for bringing her.

We did spend the day at the pool. We had good food, warm water, great cake and as you can see Roxie is ever so tired from jumping and jumping in. I think Nathan and I are tired too.

Everyone was chilling. Logan decided to hang out with Dennis or Danielle. Maybe it was too much noise but he snuggled in with Danielle and just gave her love. It was nice! Maybe he figured she needed him.

The dogs had to go inside a few times as the excitement they got so excited they wanted to bark each time someone jumped in the pool. Our rules is bark - inside and then they get let out again to try again and usually it only takes 1 try. Dennis was really sick today - migraines, bloody nose - been like this all week. So sometimes the dawgs would snuggle with him inside too. He had Adele for part of the time as she is in heat.

But all and all everyone had at the pool time and running like crazy time despite the busy-ness.

Ziggy is such a class act personality. He is indeed a Scruffy sibling. They may look different but they both have that intoxicating fun personality. We are enjoying him.

Our youngest son fell asleep outside and Fiona decided to lay next to his head and create this draping effect. It was funny as Jon didn't move - just slept away.

Poor Roxie - the air dried look.

Roxie swam for hours - no lie - and I mean hours. We had to keep making her rest and she would whine to get back in under her breath as she was so thoroughly excited about it.

Truffie was the smart one and caught the shady moments.

Wasabi - well she is truly enjoying the activity. Today was a good day for the dawgs having a tremendous amount of fun. I just realized I don't have a Panda photo and I am not sure why but she was thoroughly fun today. She just adores Mabel as if she is hers. :-)

Now off to snuggle and rest!


No Swim Day

Well it was a no swim day except for Nathan and Roxie. Kat even decided no go. In reality it wasn't that warm.

But we hung out the pool snuggling with the dogs and turning cushions over as Roxie soaked them.

Everyone was brushed before 10am and a bath was done for someone from 10-11am. I had a full morning of grooming and I just finished washing Jeannie and Adele.

Some found the 4 reclining chairs too shady so they hung out on the deck. Panda really likes the sun.

Kat was on a sniffing campaign and Logan followed suit. A gal is in heat so Kat spends a lot of time smelling and Logan said why not.

Cali was hoping Daddy was going into the pool so she could run around like a maniac and get excited. Risa was waiting too.

Kat was too busy sniffing and Roxie and Nathan enjoyed the pool but really it wasn't all that warm today - well for me.

When you wet a Havanese they sometimes run around like a crazy dawg. That was Roxie.

Adele is not her usual self. She loves to play her heart out but with the heat she is not. That is rather normal.

Roxie decided to dry herself on all the cushions yet again.

The duo here was watching Roxie swim.

When the cushions didn't dry her enough she resorted to the shake.

I swear Roxie smiled as no one wanted to lay on the wet cushions. I think she thought that was fun.


Just a Few More Poses

I washed a few. Swam and had to dry a few. Ziggy loves to lay on the steps - bravo and we had a couple of TTs that visited with their human mom Val.

Now we are winding down, watching tv and enjoying the dawgs.

No sign of anyone else in heat but I have a feeling its going to happen soon.

Tomorrow warmth and maybe much time at the pool. Here's hoping. Maybe more will swim! Though this arm is killing me from all this brushing and combing as Nathan isn't doing any. Oh well it is his birthday Sunday so he can get away with it THIS weekend.