
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


Just a Few More Poses

I washed a few. Swam and had to dry a few. Ziggy loves to lay on the steps - bravo and we had a couple of TTs that visited with their human mom Val.

Now we are winding down, watching tv and enjoying the dawgs.

No sign of anyone else in heat but I have a feeling its going to happen soon.

Tomorrow warmth and maybe much time at the pool. Here's hoping. Maybe more will swim! Though this arm is killing me from all this brushing and combing as Nathan isn't doing any. Oh well it is his birthday Sunday so he can get away with it THIS weekend.


After Bath & More

Coops couldn't help himself after those warmish dryers (use very little heat so it takes time to dry) and took a big old drink before I could snap but he's ready to depart and looking mighty fine. He's so soft and snuggable.

No swimming today.

Nathan has a show tomorrow. Adele started her first heat so I suspect Jeannie will be soon. It means Kat and Truffie and any intact boys have to be kept away. She gets segregated as she is much too young to have pups. The insanity begins. We hope that Jeannie doesn't come in for 3 weeks even though that would mean when Adele is finishing as Nathan has a National Specialty and if she comes in this coming week guess when Jeannie would be due? Never a dull moment.

Did a few baths today and thinned out Risa after her bath. Tomorrow I get to wash 2 dogs for the show and then Kat who really needs a bath. It's that time again.

Tomorrow we may have a Tibetan terrier in the pool after Nathan's show. Saturday no show and Sunday back to the show on his birthday. I am hoping the afternoon is warm on Sunday so he can laze at the pool, eat well and do nothing for the rest of the day.

Here's a few photos I managed to click between baths.

Mommy and son

Ty smiling and running.

Sticks and more sticks

I see a cardinal

Daddy Love

Open the door will ya - forget the camera

Can we swim now? No, its too cold now.

Adele gets to go out at different times than the boys. For the next 3 weeks its gals week.

It's a riot. he was washed, thinned out and you can't tell. He's a roller. Oh well.... one day I will get you perfectly groomed. At least no knots....

Now off to cuddle with the dogs and watch Britain's Got Talent.


Before The Groom Look

Before you look at the motley crew before they had their grooming check out Suki and her slide adventure.

Everyone but a few got groomed today but after the blog I am sitting down, watching Britain Got Talent and brushing. :-) It was a cloudy lazy day. Scruffy and Pepper had a bath and was excited to see mom and dad. By the time I was done and they departed we got black clouds and it was cooler so no pool today. Oh well!

Here's what I get to look at before grooming. :-) Good news Coops feet were clean (he walked into the pool on the step them ran in the dirt - of course) - okay I washed them so I did do something before clicking. :-)


Pool Time

Is it pool time yet?

We spent too much time trying to maximize pool time and see if I can find morning glories and tomato plants. That means the blog is late. Here's a video of Cooper in the pool and Scruffy in the pool. Both did really well. I also have a video of Leti swimming but no time tonight for it. She headed to the door after her swim so we have to condition her a bit more. She did really well swimming but she decided 1 time was the charm. Where Cooper and Scruffy went multiple times with no heading to the door. They were strong swimmers too - powerful!

I also have a fun video I got in mail on Spice's blog of Suki at the beach.

Here's just a few photos from today - not everyone but all I have time for. Much grooming when we are swimming. Wait till you see Cooper's legs. hahahaha


TV Time

Just so you don't think we do not know how to multi-task - well me actually. We watched tv. I combed out Scruffy, Pepper, Jeannie, Ziggy, Cooper and Cali. What did you do while watching tv?

They did get brushed out this morning but they needed it again. Feeling a knot on Pepper started me going and I had combed her out. Play, play, play... that's what did it!

Now to bed and they say rain we want to swim again! Will give me plenty of time to groom. hahahaha


Done More Tomorrow: Some New Photos Added

Dusty has her child certification this morning and passed with flying colours. She was amazing.  She is now on her journey.

We are really proud of you Simone and Dusty!

We have visitors today so updates will be later. Check out Spice's blog to see the latest photo of Shelby, the gardener! Plus check out Kat and Roxie jumping in the pool video style.

Long story but almost had no time to swim or take video as I had unexpected things occur. Fiona jumped in after Cali jumped off the stairs. Fiona jumped off the side but I missed it and didn't get video. I was busy brushing cedars out of Cali's coat. Junkyard dawg.

Tried to get Cooper in - no go - Ziggy no go - and Scruffy. Oh well, there is tomorrow. We only had a 45 minute window for the pool today due to grooming, unexpected grooming for others etc. It was hot today too... so I was looking forward to the pool but it wasn't meant to be except for a short stint today. There will be other days.

Everyone got groomed. Muntuno was over for a bath. He is in a show this weekend.

His Momma said he was matting overnight so I did a bath, deep conditioned him and lined combed him. The top photo was after this happy, happy boy smushed his face into the dog bed. Don't they all?

Finnegan and Pippin came over but didn't get the time I wanted with them as Muntuno showed up and feel ever so bad as I missed my opportunity - life....

Desi who never was here before came for a playdate and did really well. It was fun to have her visit.

Panda looked and said I don't think so!

She would rather be playing with Logie....

I did run out of steam...

Everyone is in the tv room all over Nathan watching tv and here I type. Hoping tomorrow I have more time - whatever that is.

Still wishing while I was grooming Nathan took more photos of Pippin and Finnegan. Oh well...


Pool, Outdoor and Indoor Fun

Some swam, everyone played and fun was had by all. As I type they are still jumping and playing and acting so silly. Tomorrow another warm day is in store and we are looking forward to getting more in the pool. One has to brush and comb after all this fun but it is worth it!

For the first time Roxie jumped off the diving board. That's a first - my fearless gal! I swear Panda just shook her head at such silliness.

Maybe tomorrow I will take a video.

Now back to the couch and snuggles.


Woofstock Gallery Up and Swimming Info

Stella and HarperOkay, Woofstock was a lot of fun and here is the gallery. Parking was great. If you are going tomorrow you missed a lot of havanese fun on our meetup but tips - go early, get out of there early.

Then we came home. Gidget departed (sigh). Ziggy came. Mia joined us while her humans looked at houses.

We tried swimming.

Trigger swam but I carried him into Nathan. Once he swam he was okay and seemed to truly enjoy it but it wasn't his idea. Adele, Cali, Leti, Levon, Scruffy and Pepper decided they would go far, far away. I laughed. They were not keen in going in. We will try again tomorrow.

They watched Kat and Roxie swim and all were really interested in what they were doing but wasn't sure they wanted to try.

Roxie was the first to jump in.

Most of the time they leapt in from each side but I didn't have the wide angle lens on so only caught one or the other. I will know better tomorrow.

It was a short swim session as the pool is still a tad cloudy but warm and we had dogs coming and going. With Woofstock we only had a small window. Tomorrow we will have more time to swim.


Photos or Lack Of

Took a lot of photos showing how Nathan does this hunting game but it will have to wait till late tomorrow. I am told NO PHOTOS till this hard drive is done. :-(

Look who is up in the air!It is overcast. Looks like rain. They say lovely for Woofstock tomorrow. Sunday we get to see Coops and that makes us happy and he will be happy to see Scruffy, Pepper and Levon and Trigger though Trigger and Levon will only get a small amount of time with him as they will depart.

I am debating on whether I will wash Cali or not. I washed her 2 days ago and hours later (yes she lasted that long) she looked like a junkyard dog. It's endearing but I feel as if I am wasting my time. We are taking Cali and Adele to Woofstock as they are most in need of socialization with strange dogs. Cali has decided to bark and we are trying to break her of that. Adele is Adele.... I wish I could take 3 but Nathan said one for each of our arms just incase we need to carry.

Dennis will stay home with the rest and we go early and depart early. I already have scoped out what I want.

Have to say I am sad today. I am missing pups and dogs but happy for the journeys. This dog stuff is so interesting as it forces me to not make my needs first but to make their needs first. When people say how can you do it that is how but you still go through the process and that's okay.

Crazy things like Nathan doing the hunting game makes me laugh and enjoy. Looks like next week if it doesn't rain I am going to stain the kitchen doors after sanding. Imagine that. We may even get swimming in. I am taking the camera to Woofstock. Wish I had a tiny portable camera but hey we will deal. I will try to get photos of that up.

Getting excited to see everyone!

PS: I will be glad when this $%^ drive is done.

Just added Nathan in motion. This is what he does all over the place and the dogs go wild.


Still Dealing

Still dealing with a failing hard drive. It's been an experience as we can't mirror it with so many issues so its file by file and making a list of all the bad files. :-( So photos are not plentiful. Dennis would like me to do none or pull them on to Nathan's machine but it is what it is and here are a few photos from today.

Chillin' was the theme today and sun bathing. They adore sun bathing. I guess after the long winter it makes sense.

They like to be pool side and on the deck. Or if you are Cali you jump smack dab in the middle of the day lilies. Remind me I love her so as I do. I laugh about it but really I would like the Day lily to survive. She is teaching others this trick so we are educating her why this is not wise - oh fun yes but really not what you should be doing. Bigger dogs will flatten and ruin and they were trying. We won't mention names.

Nathan is also trying to get the pool to clear up so we can swim this weekend. I want to see how Leti and Cali do.

Guess who was watching that moving pool cleaner.

When we had activity it was squirrel hunting - all of them. You have to picture Gidget getting them all excited about the running squirrels and if that wasn't enough Nathan was getting them going too. He would get in this hunt stance and they would all follow and do the same. Oh my gad!

Leti is fascinated by the squirrels but she is more into watching.

Scruffy is on a mission - where are they...

After the squirrel hunt they sunbathed.

Then Trigger says its too quiet - can we try that hunting game again? Then they were off...

Oh and Cali had a bath yesterday. Care to laugh. I am trying... She's going to Woofstock so I may have to wash her again like minutes before departure.

Fiona was in for a brushing. May have to get her in the pool this weekend. We shall see. Got so many I want to take in and there will be lots of brushing by doing so.

Gidget and Wasabi are dear friends. No matter how little they see each other its like wow nice to see you again!

Scruffy was playing with Levon and Trigger. Pepper says - he's mine so we picked Pepper up much to her - are you kidding and let the boys play and they did so well without the gals. Sometimes you just have to allow the play without the change. After they were done Pepper got to jump on Trigger and say don't you want to play with me. Scruffy enjoyed the boy play so he had it and he had such fun. It was good for Pepper too as she has to get that he can do his thing too. :-0

They did play together. Pepper, Scruffy, Levon and Trigger after the boys had their moment and even Leti and Cali joined in. It was good!

Shall we? It's warm I hear! 80f now and climbing.

Gidget and Panda enjoy smelling. They should be scent dogs, I swear.

Panda and Roxie remain the best of pals. They really do love each other. It's nice!

We had fun. We will continue to have fun. The sun is going down. Looks like good weather is coming!


Baths Today

Did a few baths today. Magic came for a play and bath. Cali and Panda got a bath together - yes I did them together. Logan had his yesterday in anticipation of Lynda coming to get them. Poor Lynda has been going through round 2 of her mom in the hospital. Not fun - hugs Lynda!

Gidget departs soon. We are going to miss her craziness of chasing anything that moves out back and through the windows. Time for cleanup and blowout tomorrow. Gidget has wooly, curly hair so its a challenge to maintain but she puts up with my daily comb-outs and brush outs. She even gives me a kiss at the end.

This was Scruffy before his brushout and just before I picked him up as it was his turn to get brushed out. Do you think that face was telling me something? He is such an expressive dog.

Due to baths, Dennis doing weeds and the dogs running away with his pile as if it was a game (you would think he would do something with the pile), we do not have many photos. Besides the hard drive is becoming a challenge to pull important things off.

But we are still having fun. Weather is perfect. I got enough grooming in.

Looking forward to Woofstock Saturday. Hope some of you can join us. Send us mail if you are coming so we know who to look for.

We will have our cell phone with us so you can message us.


The Shag Look

Shoshi's hair has always been wild but as she likes to take the rubber bands out her bangs kept fraying and so did her hair hanging down from her ears so I cut the hair hanging from the ears shorter and gave her bangs. The issue with bangs is you have to do it over and over again especially if their hair grows fast. You also have to take the hair that hangs forward, section off the rest and cut across straight till you get mid section above the eyes and then you angle down so it falls correctly.

I hate bangs but it works for Shoshi and she has LONG bangs so I cut them weekly. So if you see her in bangs and go hey I thought you hate them - well I often do things for the dogs for them - not for me. :-)

Shoshi rarely knots these days but her coat has been thinned out a great deal. The more you thin the more it doesn't grow back thick again. For Shoshi you can't tell. She truly has a full bodied hair type but on a straight thin hair type it would.

Levon, Trigger, Pepper and Scruffy are hanging out and having a great time. It keeps raining off and on. Nathan is taking a nap smothered by dogs and my hard drive is dying so no photos till I replace the drive - hopefully tonight. Mr. Jazzy departs tonight and has had his bath. I believe he had a grand time. Miss him - we will!



Who is going?

We should have gotten this out weeks ago. Sorry. This coming Saturday is Woofstock.  For those that haven’t ever been there, it is a lot of people, a lot of dogs and a lot of vendors of all kinds. They’ve moved the location this year to Woodbine Park. The link to the location is this:,-79.3114378,17z Darlah did a screen shot of it. In our experience it becomes a real zoo by noon so we typically arrive at 9:15 so that we are on site and raring to go by 10. Two hours later the place is packed and we are done. If any of you are planning to attend this year on the Saturday morning we would love to meet up with you. We are hoping to park across the street at the south side of Lake Shore Blvd at Northern Dancer Blvd. Perhaps we can meet in front of the Breakfast Club which is marked on the map, below. We will be there probably by 9:00am and we hope to see some of you there.

I hope you all enjoyed the great weather we had today.

See you Saturday.



Little of the Day

Sparky departed and we will miss him. Caught him in a hat from Cuba. Will post photos later.

Shoshi decided she didn't like my grooming job.

Miss Abs and Fiona are back to being 100%. Miss Abs was playing with me like a little pup last night. It was so much fun. Then Fiona said no my mommy and did the same rolling, squirming, snuggling game that we do!

Now we wait for Ruth and Katie to show up and we will have a play session and then Lila and Zoe. All will have a bath but not till they have played their hearts out. I have my cameras ready. :-0


Early Morning Brrr: Gidget Update

Frost warnings... tulips blooming and dogs are playing. Time to groom the crew. The rabbit - a baby is back. A couple of goldfinches are swooping through the yard much to the delight of Wasabi and Gidget. Life is good. Exercise is plentiful but its time to groom. I have procrastinated enough this morning. :-)

Odin and Sparky depart tomorrow. Sparky has been fabulous and the adults love the family room as a family room. It will remain so for now. It's been quite awhile that Nathan is relearning the remote control. :-)

Oh my gad Gidget almost caught the rabbit. She's also going crazy seeing the squirrels on the other side of the window - crazy in a good way. She's having fun!


Turning 3 Plus Day Photos

Click on Photo for Larger View

The Coop is now another year older. Wonder what he will be doing for his special day. We send you lots of kisses and hugs from our crew to you!

We have had a fun but cool day.

We started out playing early this morning and as you can see there are smiles. We are making this a no grooming day and tomorrow I will be back to grooming all. Nathan is napping. Dawgs are napping as I type.

Shoshi had fun chasing the ducks. Gidget came out after Shoshi's fun and chased them too. I can tell it is spring. We seem to get the same pair each year as they know the yard well.

After the chase...

They flew away....


First in the Pool?

Jazzy was the first this season in the pool. He jumped in. Hmm he did this last year. I should have taken photos but I just finished rinsing him and drying him. Have to laugh. I thought he was just leaning over to look at the pool cleaner moving but nope - in he went! I just love the spirit in that dog. Oh well Kat you aren't the first to go in this year. hahahahaha


Rainy Daze

Trying to get dry.....

Back of the couch Odin

Watching tv in the familyroom where we usually have puppies.

As you can see Gidget adores looking out the window. So does Spice.

Spice is loving having this room back to hang out!

Just another wet day making the best of it. We had so many running games inside but its not like outdoors.


Summer is Coming

If you want to reduce the time with grooming you can shave the tummy area down. Even with long hair you will not see it. It also allows the cool tiles to cool off that body of theirs. You can also clip under the arm pits and that will also reduce knots.

If your dog is marking and getting the coat wet with urine (no other way to put it). This happens when dogs are in heat, or they start learning to lift their leg etc this shaving the tummy and thinning out the inside leg does help. Not all will have this issue but those that do this helps greatly. I shave the bellies down on all but show dogs in the warmer months as it truly is easier. I leave the long coat and you can't tell.

Cleaning pads is important as your dog can slip with long hair at the pads. They also carry more heat that way. You shoudl also be cutting mails on a regular basis and drying the ear canals after each bath.

It's not as hard as you think and I can show you how or we can do it for you. No problem!


Gidget and Mothering

Gidget is a riot. She plays her heart out with Odin every single morning. Not sure what it is about mornings but she ignores him the rest of the day and then at night starts in again. She really, really likes him.

Sparky had his comb out this morning. I am doing outdoor things (pool) dead plants and having fun with the dogs. Finn came by for just overnight and he is so smittened by Panda he won't leave her be. It must be that she still has the residual smell of being mom as he is crazy about her. I am trying to get him to refocus his attentions to the rest and just relax and play. Funny how that sometimes happens. But I love you Panda....

We are looking forward to seeing Mia (mom and Dad are looking for a new house) and Jazzy this week. Trigger and Levon will also be dropping in. Kora drops in this Saturday and we haven't seen her for sometime.

Stitches come out on Friday with Abigail and Fiona. It is as if it never happened now. I can't believe it was 8 days ago they got spayed.

We have been playing feverish games of retrieve. When I say feverish - there is so much - its mine - no its mine in a fun way. It is great that you can play games indoors when it rains so you still expel energy.