
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.



It was a balmy hot day today well for spring that is. I still don't have the backyard done but each time a little more. I did a lot of grooming instead and puppy play and blogs. Hope the rest of you had a fun filled day of great weather. Here are photos of Levon and Trigger Shannon sent us. It was taken at their old house. They seem to be having a grand time mucking it up!

Today Daisy ran through the water on the pool cover. Wish I had clicked that when she realized that it was up above her knees. A puppy did the same but he is a light weight so no sinking. Adults beware! Our pool is high and we have more rain coming tonight. That means mud and grooming - of course.


Miss Casey

Miss Casey is giving a shout out to all of you to have a Happy Easter!


Dead Hubby on Easter Live at Noon

I gave Cha Cha a bath and then silly Nathan let her out to have fun with Brewer. Obviously he was outside with them clicking away. Does she look clean to you?

Through the wet grass and mud she went getting dirty he said only on her feet. You can just rinse her feet off as he handed her to me. I then noticed mud all through the underside, up the back and only the immediate top back of her was still cleanish.

So poor Cha Cha had 2 baths.

I think Nathan should have done the 2nd bath - don't you? After I cleaned her for the 2nd time I told him he would die a nasty death if he let her out again. I think I meant it. hahahahaha

PS: the rest are dirty too but I will get to them one at a time through the day but will I be wasting my time? Rain coming tomorrow but very warm.


Happy Easter: New Photo Added

Cooper sure is handsome. Say hi to him for me!  Winka wink!

What a great balancing act. Now how many of you thought of trying this out?


Rain, Rain, Rain

Well they say no rain tomorrow so outdoor puppy play with new families is in store. We have had a busy day. Here are some photos taken early today plus a video of some of our crazy running play that we do daily. Well Nathan runs, I capture. hehe Dennis runs too!

After all this play I had so much grooming to do but it was worth it! I am not sure my hand agrees.

Happy Easter and Passover weekend for those that celebrate. For those that celebrate Easter be sure to keep that chocolate away from the dogs. It is truly toxic for them.


Snow is Going Plus Tuffy & Pup

The snow is melting. We are having so much fun. Pups are out playing, Dennis and Nathan are cuddling with adults while they watch Game of Thrones (playing catchup). Going to send Jon to Best Buy to get Dennis a Google play card so he can have fun.

Snow is melting (oh I said it again - hahaha I guess I am hopeful)  and here is a gallery with Tuffy and the Roxie gal. It's so adorable. Boy did they connect nicely!


This Morning

This was our deck with Doozie this morning but by the time we got home from the vets (Dennis says hours before we arrived home) the white stuff dissipated. Hooray!

We do not have much of an update today. Forgive me.

We are tired. Eating takeout and wanting to go take a nap but we can't. So the next best thing is snuggling with the dogs and watching tv. The pups are already back to sleep after a roaring play session when they returned.

Oh yeah Dennis is nagging me about the laundry. Tsk Tsk - got to do that before that dream of cuddling with the dogs. Oh well. hahahaha

I am very tired but it was also a good vet visit and a wonderful welcome home from the dogs.


Snow Huddle

It's still snowing and looks like the pups will get a taste of the snow at this rate. I guess it snowed for a reason. The dogs are loving this snow but I have already rinsed off snowball on all including Sparky who is going home this morning. Gad help my arms and hands. One dog - two dogs no problem but snowballs on all - not fun.

Brewer is here - after a long hiatus. He is sporting a short haircut. He is also playing up a storm and out of his mind excited to be here. Guess he likes visiting here. That's rather nice!


It's Raining

We had fun outside before the rain descended on us then I washed DJ and Sparky so they could go home. Now to keep them clean. Sparky's parents was on their way back from Australia and someone had a heart attack so the plane tuned around. So, with a 5 hour delay we are not sure if they will get in tonight or tomorrow. Rain - go away - he's so beautiful at the moment. He was in the morning as you will see the pix but nothing like a bath to spiff you up.

Here he is sunning before he was bathed. Then we found out about the plane. We had high winds and the dogs LOVED it. This scares some dogs but not this crew. Bring it on! Nothing like air flowing through the hair to freshen things up.

Other than the DJ and Sparky I took a break from grooming. I figure best to do it after they get sopping wet. Besides I am resting my hand after doing so much the last few days.

Not many photos today but we have been having a ton of fun. Dogs are sniffing out the door. Do I really need to go out in the pouring rain? We shall see. Now I wish my deck was covered as the fresh air is quite nice despite the rain!


Almost Rain

We had an almost rain day but soon it will arrive. We were lucky. Such a warm and nice day. Too bad I didn't use it to clean the backyard but I did groom everyone. I think the Danielle thing is getting me as she has always been positive. Now she has shorn off her hair and is not. Oh well, every family has things that they worry about. I should have done the yard but didn't. There is an endless amount of work though but we will get to it.

Dogs had fun. DJ and Ringo were at it again. Ringo departs tonight, Sparky and DJ tomorrow.

Baths tomorrow for DJ and Sparky. Hope its clear tomorrow. Fat chance, I know.

The dogs were running and running today. They have had a great deal of fun! They go out as much as they can and there is always one of us out with them. As I type nathan is out with them and Dennis just brought in the pups.

Doozie watches the dogs fly through the back and then she makes a plan of attack. It's a riot. Why run when you can cut them off at the pass.

Now that the pups are down to just 2 feedings from mom Roxie is playing with the crew. Oh she also plays with the pups but she has her new found play back with the other adults.

She also has time to play her heart out with her sister Panda. These two have always remained close. They compete over Lynda but when all is said and done they adore each other. It's a fun rivalry not a nasty one. They play like they did when pups in the same pack. It is interesting how that play has remained.

Got this photo from Shannon and it reminded me of Spice. Even as adults they love the fish!

Who is boss? Coco in this case. heh

Princess Fiona says that's all folks... at least for today.


What a Day

Cali brushed - a miracle - not the brushing part as that happens but that she stayed that way. shhh best not tell anyone that or they will have expectations. :-)

Oh Leti you look like you are posing!

This was taken today not on a fall day but it sure looks like fall.

Sparky says this Leti gal is fun!

Rocky and DJ are having a blast!Never saw Coco play as much as she has this visit. She's a regular social butterfly.

Well, we are a little preoccupied. The grand daughter is quickly losing weight and is not doing well. So back in the hospital starting Tuesday. Her doctor is getting some new eyes as she says its the worst case she has experienced and doesn't know what else to do as nothing seems to be working.

On another note I have been doing baths - not done but will wait till tomorrow to do more. My hand is not doing well.

Tuffy is also here and I am a tad upset - no photos of her - what I get bathing and well not able to get photos but she has had one on one time and seems to be connecting with Panda's boy in a big way. Well, at least her parents saw some of that on drop off. She departs tonight.

Me, I am doing blogs and brushing out Tuffy then I think trying to lose myself in TV or a game or something. Hope you understand. Everyone is well - playing and we didn't get rain today so we are thankful. Tomorrow they say we won't be so lucky. Still a ton of cleanup in the back. I think we need a professional blower.


Clicked Today

Someone clean that window will ya? Well to be fair we do but it keeps getting that way.

Logan had a bath today and he was not impressed but he feels so great!

Who is playing with whom?

Sparky sure loves the Adele!

It's been a full day. Out of time. Got 2 more dogs to wash. Can I go to sleep yet?


Enjoying the Air

The dawgs are truly enjoying the outdoors. Yes, all winter they went out but there is something abojt lazing in the cool sun that really gets them excited much like us. Here are a few photos taken this morning.

But Roxie I want to play with your little ones, please.

Doozie says - I don't like the squish, squish!

Coco and Sparky get along famously!

Roxie thinks they are just so silly!

Cali says can I come in?

Sparky is not impresssed with the mess. I am not either. Too much to do!

Ball anyone?

They are running, playing and just sun bathing. This is nice after a long winter. Off to get more in before the rain comes. Magic has arrived for play!


Fun Bath Reactions

This is Sparky after a bath. Got to love it! He will have another before his mom and dad come to get him so he looks handsome. Okay, even when mucking it up he is handsome.

Check out this video of Shady that Alene uploaded.

Alene said:

This is what Shady thinks of his new haircut.  Unfortunately its upside down but still cute I think.


Fine Spring Day

Got to get Scruffy and Pepper ready to go home (brush out - nails done, pads done) so this will be short. But we had a ton of fun. Half the yard is ice and snow, half debris. Our bench is totally broken so I am looking for a new bench this year - a used one. So if you know anyone - let me know. It's amazing the damage the storm did that you didn't see till the melting began.

Dogs really got a mess. Some even ventured into the water on top of the pool still mixed with ice. Here's a few photos taken today. Then off to brush. Everyone else got their brush earlier. I wait till just before for the duo so they look nice just before departure.

In, out over and over today. We had a lot of fun!


There are Days

Brushed all the dogs before Dennis went click and then I don't knwo what happened to the photos. I think I may have formatted it. That's what I meant to... there are days. I guess this one is it.

Oh well, we are having fun waiting for rain. Zoe is here to play with the pups and to get a bath. Sparky gets his the day after tomorrow again as he really needs it. Why wash and then let them get muddy. We finally get to see Scruffy and Pepper - oh boy tomorrow. Let the rain stop so we can run and play like crazy people and I promise not to format the disk.

Sorry about that but as they say things happen. :-(


Trigger Climbs Up

Shannon sent this photo and said:

The dogs were barking at geese in the backyard (you can see one in the bottom right window) and I turned around to find Trig on top of some boxes. Of the two, he's the climber, which should prove interesting as time goes on!



Our dogs love to chase the geese and ducks out of our pool. Shoshi actually thinks they are listening to her. Right....


Coops and the Girls

Blurry photo that Nathan took but you get the idea...

Don't worry he will be brushed again before you come. hahahaha You best tell those gals to stay off as they are really starting him on the road of mucking it up.


Snow Again?

Doesn't look like it here but this was at 7am. By 8am we had a dusting.

Amazing what an hour brings.

The dogs were running. I am grooming in a few minutes but knew blogs would be late so wanted to post something here. Sparky has managed to lose weight (a request from owners due to this long winter) and he has. That is why they go home and sleep and sleep. Oh they do here but I suspect the activity level is greater here. We are crazy don't you know and love movement.

Cooper and Levon are getting along famously. Yes, Cooper is enjoying one of the boy dawgs vs. the gals.

When it was rainy they didn't want to run. It's as if they said cold, snow - wow!

Plus Coops stays cleaner without mud. hahahahaha Cali, I give up on.

Off to groom...


Late Blog

Blog will be late and it is raining so not many photos the guys tell me. Just finished 12 pups and it took me 6 hours of non stop washing and blow drying. I will start with Spice's blog, then Panda's and last Roxie's for photos. I will place up the small size and link the large size as I go. To say I am exhausted is an understatement and tomorrow is going to be a full day so that blog will be late.

Looking forward to watching tv and snuggling with the dawgs.

Well, still working so no tv. Here are just a few photos. Have more but no energy. Just know the dogs had fun other than my hosing them off and drying them from the mud. Only Cali was a complete junkyard dawg.

I call this I survived getting hosed off but twice - come on lady...

Coco managed to only get her immediate feet dirty. I keep scratching my head over that. She just had a big treat and went yum yum - more please!

I thought it only fitting to end with the junkyard dawg. Who would have thought she was washed 2 days ago. Not me... I love ya anyways Cali gal!