
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


Trying to Stay Dry

We had a lot of play indoors - some outside but I am not a glutton for punishment. After I got the Coops cleaned up and brushed out I didn't let him fly around the back yard. That's okay as I timed it so he still had his fun before brush out.

I had everyone brushed out by noon. But as you can see I am later than usual with the updates.

Mr. Coops has departed. Keeper is Not departing as his new humans missed a plane. So, he will be departing tomorrow and will need further cleanup again. I need the practice, don't you know. (smile)

Got a lovely tip and flowers from Russell and Anne - deepest appreciation. Coops is always a pleasure to have here and he doesn't even clue into the heats - nice!

Here are a few photos of the crew playing but I will have some on the other blogs too.

Logan's fave chair before his brushout.

Cooper LOVES, LOVES, LOVES the toys.

Princess Fiona happier than ever.

I have more but I am cutting it short today. I am going to Lime it with a tad splash of gin after Brewer departs and maybe watch some TV with Nathan. The son never made it skiing. He has yet to wake up yet so I gather the ski conditions were poor. Such is his life. Dennis on the other hand is up and helping.

Panda is not in heat but we are already playing boys out, girls with Roxie out separate sort of thing. Watch, Panda and Jeannie will come into heat in 3 weeks just because Roxie will be over. Nothing like 6 or 9 weeks of heat. hehe



Hey the son just brought me limes and tonic water. hahahahahaha


Wet and Well Soaken Times

We have news. Roxie is in heat - day 2. That means pups in Feb. We shall see if she brings in her sister Panda. I prefer them to have the 1st pups together. Time will tell. Its hard to believe they are now already 2.5 years old. How did they get that old so fast?

That's okay, Roxie, Momma Abigail and Fiona will help you. You just wait!

It is a wet day and oh boy I washed Keeper to go home to his forever home tomorrow and well he will need a cleanup again after looking at him. Heck all of them will need a cleanup. Tomorrow is Nathan and my anniversary. Don't ask how many. We don't do that. I don't want to know. You see then I know how old I am and I try to avoid that too. What are we doing? Well Jon has our car for skiing and we have Keeper going to his forever home and Cooper departing so if I can somehow get a lime I may have a drink at least but doubt I will get that as Jon is leaving early and coming back late. Oh well.

I am down 12 lbs now from the exercising. It is nice not to squeeze into clothes like I am a stuffed sausage. Sorry but that is how I felt but why we wait till that point, I don't know. At least I am moving it.

I have brushed out Jeannie as she is in a show this weekend and lined combed her. As you will see in photos why did I even bother. Dennis and I will be holding down the fort and having fun during the time Nathan is at the show. It will be Montuno and Cali's first show too as baby pups. It means I will have 4 dogs to wash for shows. heh But we won't go there just yet.

Here are some photos of the day.

There are benefits to being taller. You don't wick up but let me tell you he doesn't look so pretty now but he will on pickup tomorrow. :-)

Keeper doesn't even look like I gave him a bath. Oh why did I try. I can't believe he is going to his forever home tomorrow. I believe he is going to truly enjoy his journey. Look for photos tomorrow with his new family.

We won't post photos of what Cooper looked like a bit ago or it may scare Anne. Let us just say he was totally drenched. Tonight before bedtime, I get to do it again. ROFL.

But guess what - they had amazing fun!



Nathan ground up lamb and added it to the food and not a single dog lifted their heads. It was magic. hahahahaha

Here are a few photos from today.

Momma Fiona and son had a great time today when he dropped in for a short play visit.

There is a funny story with this one. Levon was laying on his back and Cha Cha pounced on top of him. He was actually trying to engage Leti in play and Cha Cha was going to have none of that. He was hers to play with. hahahaha

Cha Cha was a delight. She played and played and played. Hope she is resting at home now.

Soon Brewer will depart and everyone will miss him. Miss Gracie already departed and it got quieter. That gal needs agility as she just loves to play her heart out.

Bailey played with everyone and maximized his time here. He was only here while mom was at the hairdressers. He is going to love another pup.

Levon says - treat please. He's off on an adventure with Trigger. They moved in to a new place and his parents had the experience of - why would we ever want to move after THAT! I hope they love their new digs even if its in transition. Boxes can make fun games. :-) Yeah to internet tomorrow!

We had many more photos but I think I would rather snuggle with the dogs. You don't mind, do you?


A Truly Fun Day

I had a great practice session with Grace today when Cooper came in. Grace is not one of our dogs but we love her none the less. She has a difficult time containing her enthusiasm so when she can't she gets stressed. She yawns. She does a high pitched noise. She is just a fun, fun, fun who needs to maximize all her time so when I ask her to be quiet and just sit, its simply very hard for her. So, for her to relax the entire time Cooper's family was here was amazing. I kept making this strange sound saying ooooohm and she cocked her head as if to say what kind of a whacked sound is THAT? It threw her off her focus of getting lost in the moment of wanting to go, go, go. I had to use it several times but it worked and I told her how amazing she was when it did. The point is if something is not working, don't get upset. Be creative. Interrupting a behavior is usually effective. Interrupting in a way that gets them focused on you and curious, bonus!

I just love Grace. She simply wants to play her heart out every moment as if its her last.

Risa was doing her own massage or snow angels or cooling off today.

Here are more photos of the dogs and the fun they had.

The fun is still continuing. It will till the moment they are in bed when they will crash and sleep soundly. Back to the fun...

PS: They all had some turkey and some sausage pieces with dinner. Yum!


Warmer and Crazy

Well, we have had a great day but a busy one. It's almost time to groom up Logan, Panda and Brewer before they depart. Its my ritual before they depart.

It's a tad warmer today so we had a lot of running play outside. I also made a turkey and the dogs had a snack - yum. We saved some for Cooper, don't you worry sweetie! Gracie came for overnight. Cha Cha is a play monkey. Trigger is playing with Cali and oh my gad Levon grabs him by the tail and tries to whip him around. Levon was surprised when we said, I don't think so. So off he went to do the same to Brewer and Brewer did it back and Levon's face was priceless but not caught on the camera. They do learn from each other and Levon was just trying to use a strategic move to win. You can't win that way as someone is going to call you on it, I am afraid. Yes, I adore Levon. Levon and Brewer are still playing so he didn't take it personal.

They are really having a grand time. Here are a few photos taken today. We have class tonight and I wish we could skip. I am tired today but we won't.

We are having fun and the dogs are thrilled with the turkey. :-)


Happy Holidays

I am going to have a decadent morning. This very nice couple got me Maui coffee and it is the best - well they are the best. Okay, they got Nathan some too. I will allow him a 1/4 cup. hahahaha

Then I may snuggle with this extra soft blanket with the pups. I have to do my puppy conditioning work and its a tough job, I might add snuggling - don't you think? hahaha

For those that celebrate Hannukah - Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love especially the canine type. May your candles burn bright and long. May you create memories that you will treasure for a lifetime.

The dogs help you overcome any obstacles you have in your life by living in the moment. If you can embrace that from time to time you too will have a lighter step. No matter what your struggle is, remember to stop and smell the flowers. In this case stop and watch the dogs. Observe their expression when they see you or when they are lost in play. Try to capture a bit of that for you and no matter how difficult your day is you will have smiled!

Happy Holidays everyone!


More Snow

From face diving moments to just watching and running like hey...

More later as we capture. For now Nathan is off at the vets for Cali's rabies shot and Leti's checkup.

Here are a few more...


2 Updates Today

Here are a few photos taken today. Also, we have Dusty and Griffin news in the post made today. Be sure to check that out as well!

Dogs have had fun and continue to do so but now it is eating time. We didn't click much today. We instead played and I am glad that we did.

Do dogs sleepwalk? heh

Oh Oh those sticks!

Nathan tells me I deleted a stick that he clicked. I may have. I had grooming, play, and well lots on my mind. I am even exercising daily. Tomorrow or the next day I make turkey - yum! The dogs will love me for it and so will the humans. I make a killer turkey. :-) I mean killer in a good way!


Griffin's New Toy & Dusty News

Check out this video of Griffin and maybe you will want this toy too, So, where did you get it? I want one too!

Hi Darlah:: 

Yes…Dusty is Official!.  The youngest pup ever to pass the first test with Adults.  There were four dogs, two passed, two failed.  The evaluators called Dusty "The Bomb"  …Bomb Proof.

Dusty was at Mount Sinai Hospital yesterday, had her picture taken for her ID…in line with all the other "people" in "Human Resources"…lol.  I can try to scan her hospital ID Tag. 

Dusty has to have 8 official visits at Mount Sinai, then in the New Year will be re-tested with children and then allowed to go into Sick Kids.  The dogs need two certifications to work with children, but in the meantime is visiting the students in the Epilepsy Classroom outside at Sick Kids  in front of the hospital as a very special treat.  Dusty of course still visits my long term patient from Sick Kids at her home, has done so the minute I brought her home.


From us - way to go Team Dusty!


Winter is Here?

Well I guess winter is here. The dogs only wanted to do a short walk each and every one of them. They also wanted to play out more but for shorter timeframes.

That didn't stop Roxie and Zoe from playing like banshees nor Brewer running like the wind getting everyone to chase him.


I will tell you inside and on his fave chair suited Logan just fine. I am not sure he has truly adapted to this frigid stuff. I am not sure I have either.

On another note, I need help. I got out all my baby comforters for the pups and I am finding them rough. Maybe its just me and my hands at this time of year but I am using softener. What do you use for the blankets to keep them soft? I may have to go out and buy some more baby comforters but maybe I can infuse some life into the ones I have with some help from all of you. Ideas?

Right now I am using Tide scent free and downy scent free and bounce scent free. Sounds like an awful lot of softening going on but doesn't feel that way.


Brrrr It is Cold

Griffin has had his bath and is enjoying the snow but its mighty cold out there. Its going to be quiet this afternoon. Maybe I will get that exercise in after all.

Poor Leti can only be out for but a moment and then she is way too cold. How did it get this cold this fast?

Adele rather enjoys the snow and this is her first snow weather.

Spice still takes care of her babies and has been teaching the little ones how to muck it up in snow. Spice rather enjoys the white stuff. Let's see how long this batch lasts.

We have many more stories and photos but I have to finish everyone. Busy times.


Fun Weekend Havanese Style

Scruffy and Pepper are getting baths before they depart today. Poor Scruffy had mud all up his legs last night that he went to bed slightly damp. Here you can see Pepper going under Scruffy as if he was a bridge and she succeeded. He just stood there as she went under him and departed on the other side. It was as if he is used to that. Okay Pepper now what are you up to?

Don't worry Lori they will be tired and clean when you see them. :-)

We finally got a light dusting and Griffin and Brewer showed up for a a bit of time for play and fun. Brewer just for play, Griffin gets a bath. Brewer had his bath days ago.

Well, we are having a blast, I have a number of baths to do but its fun, fun, fun around here!

I have yet to exercise but I promise myself I will.

Look at it this way - with the cold the ground freezes and no more mud to clean up. Hooray!!!

More later!



Got a fun one that arrived today. Check her out!


Rain and More Rain

Just a few photos today. We have a busy day so not much of an update - sorry.

Scruffy is here for a bath and as the hours go by he is going to need a two wash one. hahahaha

Pepper is also here for a bath but staying cleaner. What is that about? We are hoping for snow so these dogs stay clean.

Jeannie loves to soak in the rain and then rub that little body of hers from one inch of the backyard to the next just so I have to pick out all those cedar branches. She likes to keep me busy.

Adele rather likes the rain and will lay out in it. So far her hair is easy to brush out wet or dry. Adele is doing much better in class these days. She is going to be a mighty fun dog - she already is. I believe she has a multi-tasking brain!

Well, we are grooming, drying and about to give up. No walks today though. Instead I ran around like a nut case to chase their willies out. They appreciate it.


Heh... Havanese

Don't you find, that is if you pay attention, that the havanese are one of the most expressive dogs?

Ty is visiting us till tomorrow and when we said you have to come back in now Ty, he sort of looked as if we had lost our mind. He rather loves the outside and the play and soon he will be going on a walk.

Julie (his human mom) showed us so many new tricks that they have taught him. It is so amazing at how fast he learns and retains them all.

Well, photos later. We have walks to do, playing, training and grooming and class tonight. Soon we will be doing a total recall class with many of you. Now that is going to be fun, fun, fun!

Here is a photo of Gidget messy as ever after I cleaned her up. What a gal. She just loves the Wasabi and she has to lead all on the walks. I just have to laugh!

This is how Nathan and Ty feel after the long walk we had today!

We have class tonight. The walk and trying to film Fiona and Truffie was a disaster. It was better yesterday. Maybe it had something to do with trying to walk and take a video at the same time and well yesterday they were hugging as they walk - bodies up against each other but not until they were almost home were they like that and we already gave up on trying to capture them. I have decided you need a person NOT walking video taping. But this is today's walk not as good as yesterdays. Oh well. Some things are meant not to video tape as it simply has to be staged to duplicate it or you need extra people. Here are a few photos take today. Gidget looks messy but she isn't. She decided to make sure I took out that top knot but of course we didn't. :-)

I may be sleeping through class tonight. I am tired after exercise and the walks. Let's not forget the grooming. :-) I wanted to wash the duo going to class but ran out of steam. They aren't really dirty but I love that fresh smell of just having a bath. Oh well.


What a Day

This is how I feel at this moment. I am exhausted. WE had an over 2 hour walk with the dogs and a 45 minute aerobic - well I had the aerobics and Nathan did not but if I hear how exhausted he is, I may scream. hahahahaha

Let's see I came back from the walk, brushed out all the dogs. I just finished actually. I washed Brewer. I did the photos - yes today's photos. Swept for the upteenth time. Nathan did the walk and went to the grocery store. He also nagged me to exercise before the walk. Then I heard how much he hurts and well gee he didn't exercise nor brush out or give baths or sweep. Okay, that's my vent for the day but please....

Now that I got that out of the way, Ty arrived. Shelby visited. Shelby was a complete delight.

Cali conked out. Shelby jumped on her and Cali said LEAVE ME ALONE. I need my beauty sleep. After a 15 minute cat nap she was ready to go again. I wonder if that will work for me?

Gidget is a queen on the walk. She loves to lead in a deliberate way. She could go and go. I need her energy. Tonight Lynda dropped in and talked to her in Cantonese and Gidget was so excited to be with Lynda. So funny!

Oreo adores the walks. He walked with Panda today and they just plowed along and had a grand time. Nathan being the good neighbor that he is picks up everyone else's deposits - like the shar pei that was in front of us that went on the walk and I guess his owner didn't have a bag? Got to love it! Nathan picks it all up but I am not sure this stop, pick up, stop, pick up is good for my metabolism but it is what it is, I suppose. Let's see if I can do this tomorrow.

Cali stayed in a perfect heel. Adele and Shelby being the personalities that they are played all the way. Both was delightful. They are what gets me through this exercise.

Fiona and Truffie could be related - oh they are. They walk in perfect step up against each other the entire way not getting out of step once. I am amazed. I could go on but I think I will sit with the dogs after Brewer's dad comes and pretend to be awake.

Ty looks amazing and came blowing in playing with all. Photos of him tomorrow - that is if I am alive. Oh yeah class tomorrow. I may need toothpicks.


Great Walks and Fun: Harper Smile Video Added

Brewer is stretching after a nice walk. Brewer is here overnight for loving and a bath and of course the play. He's a master at the play.

Everyone went for walks, played outside a number of times and now we are watching TV and I need to start grooming. I am getting there. I am tired and its only 230 but feels like 8 - does that make sense?

Only have a few photos taken today before grooming of course. You can tell the dogs always have fun and it does my heart good to know we are a part of that!

Oreo and Gidget are master walkers. They have the process down like they are old pros. :-) Logan and Panda we find are better when they get walked with others. We like to mix up who goes with whom. It makes it different and more enjoyable for each. It's not just humans that need different paths, different company to make it more fun than usual.

Tomorrow we get to see Shelby and Ty. I am really looking forward to it!

Check out Harper! Yael has him smiling on command.


Windy Busy Day

Truffie and LoganWe have had some day. I started out exercising then everyone got groomed first thing. I started walking 2 at a time and after I did a couple of those long walks Nathan joined me and walked 2 at a time as well.

Then we came back and played our hearts out in the back and clicked some photos. Here are a few photos from that experience. The dogs are exhausted. I am exhausted but it was a ton of fun!

Gidget is here and well Wasabi and her remember each other still. They are not playing hard but rather hanging out and enjoying investigating together. Gidget is busy flirting with the boys too. :-)

PS: If you look at the photos no one looks groomed but oh they were. It has been mighty windy today. We had leaves flying out of recycle bags up and down the streets. The dogs thought that was a tremendous amount of fun. Each return Nathan picked up the bags and tried to get them to not blow but each return a bag was strewn here and there. He was not happy.


Getting Ready & Maxine's Visit

Stella is getting ready for the holiday season stylin like only she can.

Adele was practicing chillin' as its so important that she does before training. We already have our training done this morning. It was fun and it was productive. Without getting her to chill first it wouldn't be.

Then after training Bailey and Adele went at it playing their hearts out. Bailey departs tonight along with a few others. We get a quiet night and then Gidget and Oreo come. Such fun!

Kat and Marlee was playing in a big way today. Marlee surely needs a bath in a big way but we are making sure its just before pickup as it will be interesting otherwise.

Logan and Kat was also caught playing.

When Kat gets the whole crew playing its something else. He truly can be a catalyst for exciting play.

He always starts with running like crazy.

They follow suit and the fun begins.

Then he stops playing and they all stop as if to say - now what? This happens over and over on a variety of days. Its interesting to watch.

Its wet today. Marlee, Jazmyn and Maxine will get baths. I have exercised (day 7 down 6lbs - yeah) and trained, clicked and will soon wash. Then I will groom the rest or maybe just brush cause with rain its sort of self defeating and yesterday everyone had a very thorough grooming. We shall see.

The Maxine had a bath and she had a playdate. It's been too long since we seen her. She was a total play monkey ad we look forward to the next visit.

I am now done grooming and bathing and can I go to sleep? No more for tonight. Jazmyn and Marlee and Bailey will be departing soon. I will eat and then watch tv with the dogs. I think I am all groomed out!