
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havanese puppies toronto talemaker (171)


Easier Ways to Groom

Ty as a Pup (Treasure and Kat Pup)

Some people brush while they are on your lap and that is how I started out watching the tv and grooming but these days I bring my ipad into my grooming area, put a tv show on and I use a table.

I can put a collar on a young pup and they get used to standing and getting groomed. There is a value in a grooming table but as a pet person do you need one? No.

Is it easier to have with a grooming arm or rail across (I have a rail) and a noose called a groomer's helper? Yes. It even lends a sense of comfort for you and for them.

My adults stand without a noose and lay on their backs or sides - whatever I want but they don't start out that way. You have to condition them.

Treasure was a stubborn one and these days she lays back and relaxes. I remember her going to a show with Paula and Paula asking if I was conditioning her to grooming. I said of course. She said well she won't lay down nor will she lay on her back. I said she will for me.

For her it was a trust factor. She is a dominant dog that likes to be in control. But even a pup like that learns to relax and enjoy. Just when you think they never will, they do.

Just keep at it and it all comes together.

Someone asked me about tearing during teething. To stop it from running and staining each day a dab of corn starch at the top of the leakage stops it from reoffending. When teething (all adult teeth are in) it should stop or be minimal.


Insight As We Experience It

I want you to laugh. This was Risa just brushed - yes just brushed rolling up a storm. I love a grandma that knows how to have a good time.

I just looked at her and shook my head and said so much for grooming.

Risa is going on 11. To Nathan she will always be 10 or less. I get that. She still runs around, flirts with Phantom's dad Mugs and I mean full out flirts with him. Just because you are older and spayed doesn't mean you can't have fun. I can't think of life without this gal quite literally.

When our dogs get of an age or have to be let go as it is needed, I am the one that takes that drive alone as the guys in my life can't and I cry myself all the way home and then pretend I am strong for them. But I am hoping she has another 6 years to fill my life with joy. If Nathan says she is 9 or 8 or even 7 just smile as he just thinks if you make them younger they will be with us much longer. That's okay. I get that!

Sometimes I think she is a teenager again the things she does and that makes me happy. In all her life thus far she has only had one of those harmless growths that had to be frozen off that they get like our skin tags and it only had to be frozen off as it kept getting caught in the brush. Other than that she had a blocked anal gland when we put her on a food that didn't agree with her. She carries a bit more extra weight than she did when she was younger - don't we all but she loves, jumps and last battery of tests the vet said you would swear she was still 2 years old.She still has all her teeth and still ADORES food as much as I do.

She is my no nonsense gal. When Wasabi had her first litter she went into the whelping box, sent Wasabi out and cleaned up the babies. It wasn't that Wasabi was doing a bad job but she wasn't doing a Risa job and Wasabi actually learned. Risa continued this tradition with each new mom. One wonders if she will do the same when it comes time for Spice, Roxie and Panda.

She doesn't have the patience for the pups climbing all over her anymore. She rather likes them before they are into trouble and after they get older. I guess that is true of some humans too.

Wasabi will get spayed next month probably around the time we do an ultrasound on Fiona and her hair will grow back. She will be off chasing squirrels and I wonder if she will help the new moms. Time will tell.

When I see the Havanese laying and sleeping in contentment or rolling around like a banshee, well that's what the Havanese are truly about. From young to old I love all the stages I just wish they never end.



Next week yet again we will have Wasabi and Abigail puppy people visiting. Due to it being cold we will be doing 2 days of visits as our house is simply not equipped for all that activity in a kitchen. heh

WE can't wait....

Off to make special food for the moms... as they think they have to eat and eat and they do!


Where Are U?

I love these tunnels especially the ones with holes at the top. Here Roxie is checking out who is in the tunnel.

They jump in and out including the adults. Yes, the adults love this toy too.

I just love this play and it gets better as the pups get older where all are joining in and even mimicking. Check out this photo to see what I mean.

Today Spice and Katsura got a bath. They were both way overdue. I think I will wait till Monday for anymore. :-)

It's great sleeping with the dawgs again!


Remember This?

Do you remember who this pair was?

I just love digging up older photos and seeing them as they were.

It does something to my heart - warms it up to remember the memories.


Yoga Doggie Style

Or is this a martial arts pose?

The dawgs make me laugh. They do things we would be worried some of us would see but them they have a who cares attitide and just love, live embarcing life. I rather like that!


Ah Laying Down

I placed this photo up of Treasure as this is how I feel at this exact moment.

I want to lay down not caring how I look and just chill and not move but I am blogging away.

Tomorrow morning I wake up and groom all the dogs first thing. Why? I won't have time as we have puppy people coming and dinner guests so a fast comb through is all they will get. I wonder if Nathan will help me.

Looking forward to Chinese tomorrow night that I don't have to cook - yum!

I am also looking forward to getting under the covers and cuddling up to Nathan and the dawgs. I imagine I will fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

Are you feeling exhausted from the holiday shopping?


Sparky's Visiting

I think Abigail, Treasure and the rest of the gang is going to enjoy his visit. (they did indeed). I hope his parents don't mind me being half asleep.

Will fill you in later...

Well Sparky and his parents came but I have no energy to do photos. I will try to get to it when things calm down.

Sparky's parents are wonderful and it was great to see them. Sparky has been having a grand time but I think he thinks Treasure's pups are curious things that he is trying to figure out.


Missing My Dawgs

Yes, I take turns snuggling, grooming, playing but I am not sleeping with the dawgs.

I miss Truff snuggling up next to me.

He is turning out to be my dawg.

Fiona is also over the moon in love with me. Why? I give her massages and lots of love and she knows I am taking care of her pups and I know that is noticed.

I have to say I really do not like the all night shift. But I am the one that supplements for the most part so I get to miss the rest. <sigh>

Oh well, this too shall pass.



Can dogs get moody? Yes! Kat and Treaasure was on a roll today. It was as if they just was unhappy about everything. Oh they snapped out of it but gad isn't it enough to have humans crabby and here you have dawgs that are?

The difference is the dawgs just want to complain to each other and not necessarily to you but humans...well you know what happens when they are crabby.

We actually gave Treasure and Kat a time out and now they are back to normal. It is rare but yeah talk to the paw I just want to snooze and be left alone can happen. Don't let them get away with being grumpy or it will validate that this behavior is okay and it ISN'T!


Shoshi Has Surgery

Shoshi got a hotspot under her eye. We thought that she was bitten by a bee. It swelled up and had a head similar to a bee sting and it was itchy.

I cleaned it out, cut the hair all around it and got her on antibiotics and brought her to the vets today.

Well, it appears that not recently but probably a year or 2 ago she got a slight crack in her extreme back tooth from chewing on something hard. It was enough to let bacteria in slowly. She now has an abscess.

How she cracked it remains a mystery but its a tooth with deep roots and it won't be fun to remove it but the alternative is to give her antibiotics each time it flairs up and manage her or remove it.

As she has been rubbing her face, I imagine it is hurting her but she's too brave to let us know as many dogs are.

As she is getting older, it is best to handle it now vs. managing it and then having to deal with anesthesia as a senior. She's in that almost senior age.

Shoshi is an amazing dog. She never complains about a single thing. All she wants is to snuggle and be with you.

As Fiona is due anytime, she is sleeping over Yvonne's tonight and tomorrow she has surgery. We get to pick her up tomorrow afternoon/evening.

We've been told it will be difficult to get out so she may be sore etc. Gad, I wish it was me instead of her.


Lynda's Video

Here is a video that Lynda (Logan and Panda's mom) took. Thanks so much, Lynda!! Glad you and Gallen could make it!


Wet Fun

 The dawgs had a BLAST outside and incase you didn't notice Risa is also running full steam.

There's something about wet and other havanese that really amps up the fun and excitement.

I missed it as I was grooming and getting my tools ready to wash Molly but I get to see it in the photos. Looks like a LOT of fun was had!


Funny Story

Abigail really enjoys watching out for the little ones.

But what I want to know is why is the grass still growing between the cracks?

Do we have to weed before winter hits?

Nah as the dawgs just find this fun having more to chew on.

I have to tell you a funny story. Logan, who was visiting today was sitting on our kitchen chair. I got blamed as the dawgs had trash on the floor.

Something about I left the cover open. I knew I hadn't.

It seems Logan knows how to put his paw on the top to open it and then distribute what is inside. We caught him.

Guess what moved? Yep, the trash can. Still, I am amazed that he is so smart.

Dawgs never stop amazing me!


Headache Time

These two were having a blast but this photo makes me think of - oh my mom I have a headache with this ahem on my head.

The crew had lots of training to recall and walks and play and even leave playing.

What did you do today?


The Sinner and Spice

The Sinner is sticking around for a couple of weeks till he goes to live with his forever family.

He's in for a treat as he is going to get training right along with the Rox and everyone else.

I just love the Sinner but his name will change. Stay tuned!


Sopping Wet

Another sopping wet day in paradise... well dawg paradise. I am not sure this human would agree after drying this crew out.

Not much to say as I have to dry another dawg.

Hoping for dryer times tomorrow!


Weekend is Here

It's wet, wild and crazy around this place but we don't mind. Wait till you see some of our crew running on the wet security cover along with Logan and Panda who is visiting.

We had so many photos of this crew running, jumping and having a great deal of fun but nothing like catching it in action. Check out the video!


Football Hike?

It almost looks like a football hike now doesn't it?

What did Nathan have in his hands that had their attention? Could it be treats or did he need any?

The dawgs started out ever so dry and looking good groomed and all and looking like - well you don't want to know after the rain hit them.

We have a special fun-filled visitor tomorrow.

More tomorrow!


Crazy Fun Fetch

 Linda, Logan and Panda's mom hung out with the dawgs today and relaxed and watched the craziness of the game called fetch.

As you can see Kat is in the thick of it.

The ball that Steven and My got us was chewed through in one day, can you believe?

This other ball is rubber type of material and so far no chewing.

What was THAT about?

Then this afternoon the rain came and we did fetch in the house. It was a CRAZY dawg house for sure!