
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in toronto havanese (44)



With a yard only so large one would think that eventually the dawgs would find nothing to investigate but that's not true.

They are always exploring, enjoying and learning new things.

But watch out for them eating sticks. They can get indigestion or worse. It's natural. They always look to chew on them especially if you have some sticking out of the ground but give them something else to chew.

We have had a low key day. No grooming other than the younger set.

I think I am playing emotional recovery. It's crazy but it's true.


The Chase, Tackle Fun

Our dawgs really know how to have fun and I enjoy clicking them having it.

Shoshi and Abigail are no exception. They find this run like hell game delightful.

I do too.

It doesn't matter if they are young or old, put two Havanese that enjoy play together and watch the fun begin.

But take it from me, you should have your camera ready as it is delightful to watch, capture and make your own tales.

We do it all the time and thus our name!

If you want to see a larger view, click on the photos.

As you can see, this game was a huge success. Abigail tackled Shoshi and I swear Shoshi was laughing about it.

It took Shoshi a long time to find her play as she came to us way too early. You should never get a Havanese before the 9 to 10 week mark as they truly learn from their moms.

You don't realize just how much till you watch one slowly learn from the pack and now that she does, it's as if she has a new lease on life - a fun one!


Rules, Rules, Rules

Well, it's like this, little gals can't pull the big gals hair. I only have so much of it you know and those humans don't appreciate it either so it's my job to teach you what's fun and what's not fun for those humans.

I know pups love to bite each other and we don't mind but those humans are sensitive souls so no pulling hair. I know you haven't even nibbled on anyone but I figure as a role model, I would tell you the dos and don'ts of living in human land.

Did you get that?

PS: Having canine moms around to teach is wonderful!


Shake It All Over

 I often wanted to capture a Havanese shaking snow off of them multiple photos spraying but I haven't yet got that 'money' photo. I hear there is more snow coming Saturday so perhaps I will then.

It's sort of a slow motion sequence that I want and I know it is doable but it hasn't been done by me yet.

I got photos from Cosmo yesterday, Treasure's last and only other litter. He's such a cutie. It is so nice to see. I just love to see how they change and hear the stories.

Yesterday and today I washed dawgs - not all but most. Tomorrow I will finish.

Fiona had a bath today and looks beautiful but she always does to me. Even when she has her hair 6 ways to Sunday I call her my delicate beauty but she's not overly fond of eating, at the moment. That is usual.

Remember Treasure and her morning sickness. Now Treasure thinks her throat has been cut off and her tummy is growing daily...or so it seems.

Treasure was caught today playing with the pups. It was delightful to watch.


Dogs of All Sizes

Just because your dawg is smaller do not think he thinks he is. After their growth plates have closed, they can run marathons, go on long walks, swim and anything those larger dawgs can do but most times better as they are more able to move on a dime.

But it is important to socialize with larger, friendly dawgs to help your dawg to become balanced.

Expose, expose, expose and it will pay off if you do it without the coddling no matter what the reaction.


Cease the Moment

You do not have to be a photographer to enjoy the passion of photography. You only have to want to cease the moment.

The Havanese are amazing dawgs to use and capture memories.

Here Raylan is standing on his back legs.

I believe every single day your dawgs do something worth capturing.

Always have a camera close by and instead of talking about a moment, you can show others.

Today, the crew had a delightful time and snow is coming. I can't wait!


Saying Hello

I know, it is a strange way to say hello but dawgs do that. They get so much from smelling.

Check out  'A Sense of Smell'

They can tell where you have been, what and who you have come in contact with etc.

It's amazing.

Red came to visit and he was not over the top excited. Yes, he was excited but not crazy excited. That tells me he rather likes his new home and that makes me happy.

Raylan was a tad jealous but Red didn't pay him any mind and now Raylan is not following him around like he is his glove to be worn.

It's so great to see the Red!

They do enjoy each other and this visit is good for them both.


Mother & Son Play

As the pups went home, Abigail has turned her attention to Raylan and it is delightful to see but Raylan will be off to England in March. That seems so soon.

There have been so many changes at Talemaker Havanese - some good, some difficult to deal with but the tales that are made are memory keepers.

That's why we came up with the name Talemaker as that is exactly what the dawgs do. They make tales that you treasure for a lifetime.

It's awfully cold out today so our inside and outs have gone fast. The white snowy stuff in the air is nice to watch but not nice to feel outside.

The pups lift their feet quickly and I go inside, inside and they run for the door. They already know what that means. They also know what outside means. They learn so fast!

Now off to snuggle with the dawgs and try to relax - whatever relax is.


Pregnant Blues

Fiona is starting to feel morning sickness so she's a tad overdue on getting a bath.

That's okay, she looks like she feels, I am sure.

But 63 days till delivery is not so bad.

I am sure many humans wish it was that short for them but then again NOT!

Next week I will start doing the adults one at a time but tomorrow we are taking a siesta of sorts - a day off. I wish it was a day's sleep. So does the preggie gals too, I bet!

Treasure finds real comfort in hanging out in human Daddy's office. She is rather close to him and at this point they truly like to be around the ones that take care of them.

Oh I take care of her too but he just indulges her. hahahaha She appreciates it, I think. Treasure just has approximately 3 weeks to go and Fiona 5.


Puppy Updates

Sure they'reno longer our puppies but they always have a special place in our hearts and we are delighted to hear about their forever journeys.

I hear Sparky, who now resides in Montreal is sooooooo stressed that he's laying on his back and enjoying life. Yes, that was me attempting to be funny and doing a bad job at it. His owner says he is a delight and he just lays there when he gets groomed.

Pinch me cause I want Spicy to do the same. I'll keep trying.

We are also hearing great stories from Chinook's parents. They also own a sister from Abigail's first litter called Breeze.

They seem to play till they tucker out at times. They even mentioned that he bangs the bell louder than the Breeze.

Be still my heart.

As soon as we get photos we will share with you the rest of the crew.

The canine moms and the humans at Talemaker are sending out virtual hugs and kisses.

We miss you guys but we are happy that you are on an adventure that we can hear about thanks to your parents.

It's an adjustment for canine moms and humans when the nest empties but there are a lot of smiles when we see photos like this. Thanks!!


Got a Name?

We finally settled in with a name for the one that will remain. Her official name will be

Talemaker's Spicy Chipotle

Pronounciation - Chee-POHT-lay

Why? Chipotle is a ripened and smoked jalapeno. It's fiery hot with a lasting smoky flavour.

This one will silver out so smoky seems right. Spicy is after her mom and her call name will remain as Spicy.

If all turns out right (you never know) you will see her in the ring this spring.

She's as agile as her mom and seems to be as agile as Doozie.

Selecting names is so very hard. But each should have a meaning behind them that suits - well at least for us.

It's snowing here. I hope it continues. I have yet to groom the crew but I will in a few minutes.

The crew have been wet, dry, wet, dry all day long with teh inside and outs. I am glad we have floors, towels and beds and brushes. heh


Grandma and Grandson

It's funny how genes work. We often get asked, what will the pups look like. Well, they are always surprises even on repeat breedings at least colour wise. We can assume and guess but then you go oh...that's interesting. I haven't seen that colour from any of her offsprings.

Then when you breed to a male you never bred to, there are more surprises especially a chocolate. So, we are looking forward to the Fiona litter and hoping Treasure duplicates in personality and looks her first and only litter. Tme will tell.

This pup, Charlie always reminded me of a Risa pup from her last litter so when I first set eyes on him, I went wow. If he ends up with her demeanor, hair etc well he's going to be quite the dawg. I feel lucky that we get to have him hang around till next month.

It is fun to watch the pups and figure out who they look like, whose mannersism they acquire etc.

I am enjoying watching the adults with the little ones before they go home to their forever homes. But it goes by way too fast for me.

If you look real close, they are both sticking their tongues out the same exact way.


Such a Pair

Abigail and Raylan are often seen tag teaming the pups in a fun way. They love to muck it up and it is nice to see mom and son help each other out.

Wasabi is also seen teaching, playing and lovin' the pups. It's delightful.

We had a light dusting of snow and the adults and pups were out playing in a big way. It was great as it wasn't too cold.

I am going to miss the fun.

Watch out for those sticky snowballs that form on their hair. Thankfully we had none today. But boy did we get wet!



Moms Teaching Pups

It's amazing to watch moms teaching their pups. It can be quite scary at first when you don't quite understand it.

I have seen a pup misbehave and a mom hold their pup's muzzle shut to get it to stop nipping at her. If it persists and doesn't listen, they end up looking like they are swallowing their whole head.

They do not hurt them in the least but they do try to teach them manners and rightly so.

They are like sponges at this age and they soak up everything. It is up to their canine moms these last critical weeks to help them get a good start and then their humans in their forever homes continue it.

That is why you should never get a pup when they are 7 or 8 weeks old. The pups learn so much in those last 2 weeks that give them a good head start.

We got Shoshi from a breeder that sent her off way too early despite us saying no and it took her years to gain her balance. True she finally did but it took us, the pack and time to get that worked out.

So, learn from our mistakes even though those mistakes was imposed on us. I guess we could have said keep our $$ and not taken her too early but I suspect she would have been in someone else's home and perhaps not had the pack to learn from. I will never know.


Breeze Came to Visit

This is an Abigail pup. She looks so much like her mom, it is unreal. She came to visit to accompany her brother home and I suspect let him know the rules of the house.

I adore Breeze and her parents. They are such great people and I am glad they got a sibling. Once the adjustment occurs, they will be laughing and watching run like hell games and wondering how they did it with just 1. It happens. If it didn't, we wouldn't be sitting with ours.

There's nothing like the havanese and 2 are really fun to watch as there are simply things that 1 can't do without another Havanese. It's not the same with a golden or a anything. Two Havs just play in a unique way as if they are meant to be. It's hard to explain but until you watch 2 in action, well all you have is your imagination.


Visitors & Pups

We had the Tiger and Tia visiting and it was fun. It seems an emptier place now that they are home.

I rather enjoy when people come over with their dawgs so we can enjoy them and the smaller set.

I think our dawgs love having the extra dawgs to play with. It is great socialization and a great deal of fun.

Tomorrow is a busy day as 3 pups go home. I will have to fit in grooming somewhere or not. The dawgs won't die without and my hand coudl use a break.

It's rather wet and mucky outside but they say the cold is coming back. I hate cold but personally for keeping dawgs dry and dirtless - well I like the cold.

I never imagined I would say THAT - me who likes 90F water in her pool.

PS: the dawgs like it warm too - well that's my excuse.

Hope everyone had a fab New Year and didn't fall asleep at 11pm like us.

May this be the best year yet!


Treasure is Pregnant

Wasabi and Treasure was at the vet's today. Treasure is in the background and Wasabi is stage front. Click on Treasure's name to see older photos of her.

Treasure has the silkiest hair you ever did feel. She also had quite stunning pups the last time. Can't wait to see this brood.

On January 21st we go for an ultrasound for Fiona and an x-ray for Treasure to find out how many. Do I think Fiona is pregnant? Absolutely but on the 21st we will get confirmation.

Update: I can feel a tummy growing on Fiona now!

PhantomTreasure was mated to Katsura and Fiona to a beautiful wonderful natured chocolate Havanese called Phantom. We expect great looking pups from each. As this is a duplicate litter for Treasure, check out her last and only litter at 4 weeks. With Fiona we mated her with Phantom and this will be a first. We expect beautiful pups but I can't show you what she produced previously as there was no previous with Phantom. But am I expecting colour? YEP!

Then we are taking a break and we will be back in 2012 with pups as we want to hang out with our dawg friends, see the pups that are in their forever homes and use the pool in 2011.

We just have a couple of puppies available in each of these litters that we will take deposits for. If interested, let us know.


Visiting Fun

We had a wonderful visit with Max and Finnegan but they must  come again as we didn't get enough time with them with everyone that was here nor did we have enough time with their owners. Please let's do it again when it's less busy.

The pups enjoyed it and was way tired after the visit. We also had 2 families that came to see pups for future litters. We are glad that we were able to share the fun we have with the pups.

Tonight I forgot my camera and of course we had some stellar moments to capture at Helen and Suzies. Go figure. Oh well, missed moments to capture.

We had a very grand time and really enjoy this couple.

What a way to end the year - good friends, dawgs and good food and lots of laughs. Thank you.

More tomorrow. Too tired tonight. Maybe I am getting too old. heh It is bed time in a few minutes.


No Point Day

Well this was disappointing. One dog didn't show up with its handler and the other dog sat at ringside on its owner's lap and I was told she said she wasn't going to show him as he was misbehaving. That left no points for Raylan - cute - not! Yes, she knew Raylan only needed 1 point - enough said.

This happened to us once before when we won all weekend and the last day no one showed up with Treasure.

Raylan was wonderful. He showed really well. The judge liked him and said so. He's not in the least afraid or nervous in any way shape and form and shows that are busy can be a tad overwhelming even for the best balanced dogs but he thinks of it as a place to meet and greet and get treats. It can't get better than that.

Tomorrow he may get to go to Helen and Suzie's house. We shall see. We heard they are getting rater skinny so Nathan wants to bring truffles. Yeah, truffles to die for - men!


Tomorrow the Day?

Raylan is one point away from his championship and we are hoping tomorrow he gets it.

He is an amazing dog. He walks into the show without a care in the world. The big dogs come by and he wants to say hello to everyone, dog and human alike.

Do you know how many people have come up to us to say he is sooooooo cute and he is starting to believe it. hahahaha