
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries by Darlah (432)


We Survived

We survived the night. We are a little quiet now as we do not know what is going on. It is almost easier for the ones that depart, the ones left wonder what will happen to them. But soon they will adjust and they will have an incredible amount of conditioning. 

We have a full day with Dennis and then Sunday we will be out with the big guys a little at a time. Maybe Dennis will have them out today with the bigger guys. We shall see.


Just Us 2

Well it is just me and Corey. How did that happen. They will sleep with each other in the xpen upstairs till after the holiday rush departs. Then they will come to bed. 

We are going to have an incredible adventure with classes, swimming and many adventures. I hope your little ones will have the same. The more you expose them, the better their coping skills get. 


Misty Gal and Corey

Yes, we have decided to call him Corey. It just stuck. After tomorrow night, it will just be the duo and I will update you from time to time on this blog. 

Both are doing well though it does appear that Misty wins most of the time but not all of the time. That's good. They will remain in the xpen at night together till after the wedding and then they will come to bed with us. 

Corey got it in his mind to bark, bark for attention or to get out. He would do it for hours. He's been doing it for the last few days. He's the only one who has tried it out for size. So, I took a spray bottle and each time he barked I sprayed his way - not in his face to interrupt the behavior. Each time he didn't bark with a gap of time after his barking, I picked him up. He has not barked since. Smart dog. They will all try to use their voice to get what they want, if you allow. Best to nip it in the bud. 

Now he just looks at me longfully to get my attention. He's getting a ton of attention but you do not want to give them attention for bad behavior otherwise they will use it always.

You can also use other methods such as clapping your hands - anything to interrupt the behavior fast. Distraction is the key and rewarding the behavior you want works.

Never use anything that scolds the dog. Use positive training. Interrupt, get them to focus on you and the fun begins. Training creates a bond like no other!

On another note, we had puppies outside one year when gardeners next door used hedge clippers next to us. They were loud and even irritating to us humans. The dogs went scurrying to hide as it scared them. First response is to go pick them up and say its okay but its the wrong thing to do. By picking them up, you just validated that being fearful of a loud noise is okay. So, instead you distract them. You act as if this is normal and they are being silly. I even used a keyword when I was training Kat that said 'Silly boy' each time something unsettled him. That keyword told him its okay. It has worked throughout his life when he was presented with something he did not know how to deal with. 

When we start getting thunderstorms, I will go outside holding a puppy or two and ooh and ahh over the storm. I am upbeat and act as this is wonderful. My dogs are not afraid of thunderstorms. I never coddle when they are afraid. You interupt and you stay upbeat and mean it. Of course this does not work if you are afraid as they will feed off of your fear. 

I went on too much but having two with distinct different personalities willl be fun. 


Meadow's New Family

Here is the family gallery.

I had to excuse myself halfway through. After blogs, I need to sleep, I am truly hardly functioning. I felt so rude but I got videos and photos.

Here is the gallery before Medow departed. Ajax is also playing with the pups.

Tomorrow a Cinnamon and Ella pup departs. Last one to depart on Friday. 

I will try to get videos up tonight. Sorry no gallery on the main blog. I need to get better for Saturday.

Nathan just showed me. You must have thought I was remiss. Thank you for the shortbread and candy. It's already gone. LOL


Meadow's Last Bath

What a character she was in the bath. I think we have a water dog!

Here are her bath photos. She made me laugh and laugh.

As sick as I feel, this was not a chore bathing her. 

There are several entries today so scroll down.


Beni's New Family

Beni is already at home. She wimpered at first and settled into her human's neck. 

Here are the family photos. Great photos, you 3. 

Saffron is upstairs playing with her pups. She knows they are going home. 

Here are the photos from the play before Beni's departure.


Read Cinnamon's Blog

News about the Cinnamon girl and Saffron boy is found on the Cinnamon blog.


Beni's Last Bath

Her full name will be Talemaker’s Benita Mae

Her call name will be Beni

Look at all that colour bleeding through.

Here is her bath gallery.

How was she? No issue in bath, under dryers, cleaning up her pads, nails and clipping around her bum. She was a star. 

We had our moments today!


Meadow Zzzzzs

Remember your puppy will play then sleep then play then sleep. Today, when Tanner departed, they all started to drop, including Tanner. When they need to sleep, they do.

Be sure to check out the videos.

You can also find the gallery on Cinnamon's blog. 


Staying Here

We are looking for a name for this one. He's sticking around.


The Younger Crew

Play, play and rest all day. That is what we do. LOL

Saffron's pups start departing on Tuesday.

Till then, they will continue to have a blast here.

Be sure to check out the videos, today.


Chasing Meelo

The pups had a great time chasing and playing with Meelo. 

Here is the gallery.

This is the last full day all together. They surely had fun. 

I had a blast playing with them and watching them. It was a good day even though it appears Nathan and I are getting sick. Joy..



Be sure to watch the videos.

Saffron sure loves to play with this boy. He will be departing on the 11th and his name is to be determined.

The black tri gal will be called Beni. Her official name will be Talemaker’s Benita Mae. She will be departing on the 9th. 

Saffron's chocolate will be departing on the 10th. Her name is Meadow. Her official name is  Talemaker's Romp in the Meadow.

The one remaining is Misty, as you know. 

Now that you know all the names, do you think you can remember them all? This is a test. LOL


Name for Ours

Talemaker Unmistakable Beauty

Call name: Misty


You Have Mail

If you do not receive yours, please send us an email. Please copy me on the email with all the pertinent info and the date desired for pickup. 

Saffron's pups can start going home Saturday on the 11th on. This is a reference statement so you have dates to work with. 

My email address is

This will save Nathan from my repeated requests if he received the pertinent info. He does not check his email like me. 

These pups will be 10 weeks on the 11th. How did that happen?


Smart Pups

The proof is in the doing. The pups all have figured out the treat bottles. They do run after a toy thrown. Some bring it back. some actually hide with the toy. It's a riot. We shall see what tomorrow's retreive game brings.

Be sure to check out the videos.


We Watch Too

Sometimes we watch and observe. It is rare that you see the Saffron gal just observing but she did today. Oh she played too but I noticed she was really watching.

I am not going to miss the work of having 11 but I am going to miss the fun. 

It is strange. When they go home, I suddenly am not cleaning pens, doing extra washes, cleaning toys - yes we actully clean them every night.

I miss this. I truly miss this but there are chores to do. The pool will get opened and we have things to attend to. Going to be hard but we are happy that they will have a wonderful journey. 

Be sure to check out the videos.



Pups had a blast today. 

We have our daughter's wedding on the 13th so we are trying to decide if we can have a puppy departure the morning of that date or not. How is time going by so fast?

The things you should have on hand is a large sized sherpa bag carrier or another brand that doesn't collapse or a crate. This they will use to travel in the car. 

When you are here, we will put their scent in the bag so they will feel comfort surrounded by their mom's smell and their littermates. 

Tomorrow I will put up a revised list of things to have on hand.



Names are so interesting. It is so hard to figure out just the right one. We have a hard time as well. It can be fun as well. 

So start thinking and let us know.

Be sure to check out the videos. I am getting to them next.


Play is Sensational

The play is truly fun to watch but I hope they concentrate on the families vs each other. LOL

Be sure to check out the videos.

Tomorrow pay attention to who you connect to and why. Send us your first 3 top picks and we will start working on it on Monday. Nathan has a judges seminar on Sunday so Mpnday it is.

Exciting times are coming.