
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


Joey's New Family

Oh it's ever so quiet around here. Joey was one of those that got the rest engaged. Not that they won't do it without him but he was such a fun puppy. 

Here is the gallery of his new family.

This is such a great crew truly!

Here is the gallery of the remaining crew before Joey departed.

We are now down to 4. Tomorrow 3.


Chloe's New Family: 3 Updates Tonight

This is Chloe's new family. The kids werte amazing with the dogs.

Here is the family gallery.

The pups are now down to 5. The moms and pups are starting to notice now. Tomorrow we will be down to 4. Then Tuesday 3 till Friday. 

Here is the gallery before Chloe went home.

I have to say I miss them already but I am also happy for them and their new families. 

Be sure to check the videos as well.


Meet Joey: Last Bath: 3 Updates Today

This is roll over on your back Joey. He was the best for the bath. Perhaps he thought I was tired and he was being kind. But he was amazing!

I think this lack of sleep is getting to me.

Here is his bath gallery.

What did I do? I washed Wally. Now I got to wash Joey. We are all good. Joey is departing tomorrow. Wally is not going home till Friday. :-) Paperwork was correct - dog was correct. I just washed the wrong dog. LOL

Joey sure cleaned up well. He's a beauty!


3 Updates Today: Wally's Bath

Meet Wally - Here is my oops I washed the wrong dog. Wally is not going home till Friday. Oh my gad. I have a pup to wash. 

Here is the gallery of his bath.

He will get another bath Thursday. LOL But maybe we will skip the photos. 


Lexi's New Family: 2 Updates Today

Lexi is on to her new adventure. She will be truly missed! The pups played and played. The last one standing (not tuckered out) was roll on your back boy and Lexi. 

Here is the family gallery.

It was a bit of a crazy process. We had 2 people come late - 1 pick up, 1 drop off so I was otherwise engaged at first. I try so hard not to have that happen but we managed to still get photos and video. The camera was almost dead. The ipad to take video was almost dead - both charging for the 3 pm departure. 

Here is the gallery before departure.


2 Updates Today: Chloe's Last Bath

Chloe had a bath and was wonderful for the entire experience. 

Here is her bath photos.

She is the only puppy departing tomorrow. Dennis has been sleeping very little as we can do the departures. He kept falling asleep last night and the pups gained nicely. heh

Was there a difference in activity between 10 and 8? No. Will there be when it drops to 5 or 6? We shall see.

Chloe is a lovee and as weeks go on, she loves to snuggle more and more. Going to miss her snuggles!


2 Updates Today: Lexie's Last Bath

Lexie had her bath but she wasn't the first. I washed the wrong puppy first. I am on a roll. That's okay. We got Lexi done and she was a trooper. 

I put up a wet photo of Lexie so you could see those eyes. 

Here is the bath gallery.

She was truly great for the bath. Great for shaving her pads but had no patience for that 2 dryer combo hitting her in the face. We were hurrying as Nathan had things to do. LOL

Lexi is the first to depart tomorrow. Tomorrow night we will have only 6 pups.


2 Updates Today: Javier's New Family

Javier is now home with his dad. We look forward to hearing about his adventure.

Here are the family photos.

What a beauty he is. He is such a low keyed happy boy. 

Here is the gallery taken during the visit.

He plays, he eats, he sleeps. He knows how to have fun!

Be sure to check out the videos of the visit when he was going home. David's sister came to help him bring Javier home. You will see how wonderful she was with the pups. David was beaming with Javier. It was ever so nice!


2 Updates Today: Javie's Last Bath

As you will see in his bath and dry photos, he was quite calm and didn't mind this bath stuff. 

As we take photos, I always play with them. Nathan caught me with him in a moment. It relaxes them as who likes to be held in the air for an extended period of time to take photos? 

He is such a character and a nice looking boy. Enjoy your journey. Happy times for the new parents to be. Sad for us but happy too that they are going to be loved immensely!


2 Updates Today

Just wanted to update you on all 10. After dinner I will be adding a bath photo of each puppy 1 Cinnamon - 1 Ella on the respective blogs that is going home on Friday. 

Ash and Grey (schnauzers) arrived today and the pups were fascinated. No one was afraid. They are used to pups from visiting here and truly love them. I am glad we got to give the pups this positive exposure before the pups depart.

Here is the gallery.

Pups have been playing their hearts out. They are about to go back out again. Be sure to check out the videos.


Rainy Day Fun

Ali is trouble. She climbs up on the chairs and leaps off. The issue is Ella's no name tries to do the same. 

Here is the gallery.

The pups do not seem to mind that there is rain. They stand, they look at it and continue to play. As a matter of fact they were out in a downpour and didn't seem to mind. No photos of that as the rain would soak the camera. Oh well - you will just have to imagine it.


Two Updates Today

Be sure to check out the videos.

The pups are really silly now and you can see it in the videos. 

The pups started tearing their puppy pads today so we sprayed the pads with bitter apple. That stopped that and they still use it. Bitter Apple is good for anything they chew on that you don't want them to chew on.

Love these pups.... truly do!


Timing to Go Home and Names

August 10 - Last born boy - Javie (pronounced Havie)

August 11 - Brown Sable gal - Lexi

August 12 - Brown Sable and white Gal - Chloe

August 13 - Roll on Back Boy - Joey

August 17 - 1st born - Wally

I guess we get to keep Wally for an extra bit of time. :-) I will put up their official names as they are going home.

More later. Crazy busy!


Last Few Days

Come Friday the 1st 2 depart. I am not ready and with Leti's pups coming. It's going to get interesting but we will do what we have to. 

Check out the 2 videos Nathan took. 

This is a short blog as Leti is making noise. It's all I can do.


Swimming Day

This is the gallery of just the Cinnamon pups swimming.

I am going to continue to groom and if I have enough time I will start working on the bags that will be going home with the pups - then the rest.

How did these pups do - really great. They swam back to Nathan or to the stairs. You will have to look at the gallery to see who kept going to Nathan vs. getting out. 

It was a perfect day out for this as it felt like 40c. Tomorrow they say rain. I hope so as I have a long day grooming so then I won't feel as if I am missing the pool again. LOL

If it is hot, I may indulge and take a pup or two in. Well, that's my excuse to take a break and in my opinion, a darn good one!

Be sure to check out the videos.

I am going to truly miss these 2 crew!


Heated Up Day

Here is the gallery.

Pups had fun but it wasn't with me except for a very short window. I was grooming. Tomorrow and Monday are long days too. 12 plus hour days - yeouch.

Pups had fun with Dennis. 

I still have to get bags ready and everything for the pups to go home. Yikes...


Hot Day

It was so hot today that we wet the pups so they would cool off. As soon as the weekend is over and before they go home, we are going to get the pups in the pool. 

Be sure to check out the videos.

The pups really like Marcie. They are back out playing their hearts out. Is it already 730pm?


It's a Crazy Time

The last week or so is a busy time. I try to invest as much time as I can with them but I also have baths, bags to get ready and everything else that allows me to have everything ready in time. It is an insanely busy time and somehow I think it's that way so I don't think so much. I miss them. It's time for them to start their journey. But it's a crazy process and deep down I wish they could all stay but that is not fair. I am happy for them. I do look forward to hearing from the families even if its just questions. 

Here is the gallery.

But we are heading into the last week when the pups start departing. 

You are going to love these pups. All 10 are precious beings with fun personalities. 


Puppies Have Families

Everyone should now know what puppy you are getting as of yesterday. 

Be sure to check out the videos.

We took the pups out of the deck area to walk around and get used to the grass. We need to get some xpen out to get all 6 of Cinnamon's out at the same time. We had Ella's 4 out at once. Hoping to do that tomorrow. This is the start of them exploring and getting used to wet grass on their feet. Sometimes it will be dry as well.

Each puppy did well. 

Remember do not buy food. We give you food to go home with. 

They start departing on the 10th. That is 9 days away - oh my gad I have a ton to do, They each will have baths and photos before they go home. Now lets hope Leti cooperates. LOL


It's a Day

Nathan is busy contacting people with photos of pups and it seems I titled one wrong. So stay tuned. He may send you a correction. I think he mumbled, I am going to kill you. 

See the gallery.

10 more days till pups depart. One Ella pup will be departing and one Cinnamon on August 10th.

Off to get pups outdoors before the rain!