
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


10 Days Old

Here is the gallery.

Everyone has now reached over 1 pound except the 1st born boy who is 15-3/8 ounces. They do try to get up and strengthen their legs especially the back ones, at this stage. If that doesn't work, they will squirm.

They have a heat lamp over their whelping box so the go under that or away from that depending on their need for warmth. The can't self regulate their temps yet so it is important to keep it warm. Usually by the time they are 3 weeks plus, are able to use beds, blankets and all the heat lamp is not necessary. This can be a warm room in warm weather time without air as we have 4 double pane windows in here and the sun beats down into this room in the summer. By the time we would be able to remove heatlamps from this room, we will have new pups. That's okay. They will be used to summer weather.

Be sure to check out the videos.


9 Days Old

Misty is quite the gal. She is fun, exuberant, loving and loves to be messy. I adore her personality.

Here is the gallery.

I noticed when I held each one (do this daily) that there are colour bleeding through and those tri coloured eyebrows surfacing. Going to be interesting to see how they evolve.

Be sure to check out the videos. I am getting to them right after the blogs.

Pups are pushing off on their feet and trying to get up on them. They hardly ever just squirm. They are trying. No eyes open but they want to walk.


8 Days Old

Now that they are getting older, you can see how pretty their faces are.

Here is the gallery.

Just today, I noticed slits in their eyes. They may open their eyes in a few days, We shall see. Usually it all begins with slits.

When they first open their eyes their eyesight is blurry. Their ears open too at this time so they will react to loud sounds.

From a few days to a week they then become more active and curious. We add toys for visual appeal. For now it is not desirable or necessary as it would just mean unseen obstacles to get to mom.

Be sure to check out the videos. We did a nail clipping and you will see on the videos how that went - who squirmed, who didn't.

The boy is a tad congested so we are aspirating him a few times a day. He is not sick. He tends to drink too fast. This has happened to us before with one or 2 and it always clears up. I place him on a slower flowing milkstation and he climbs over everyone to get to a bottom station. We had 2 others doing the same but they seem to have slowed down on how vigorous they suckle. I think the male thinks he's going to miss out. The congestion is minor. It may be an indictor on what kid of a eater he will be. Think he is going to LOVE food. LOL

The pups are all well. Soon they will be moving and grooving.


A Week Already

We have been so lost in Raven pups that we have not concentrated enough on the Misty pups. Oh, I do. They get snuggles, love etc. But the deserve to be the focus too.

They are now a full week old and need their nails clipped already. Nathan does that so I will have to nag him till he does. LOL How do you know? They get stuck on everything.

Here is the gallery.

These pups are plump. They are strong and have really stunning markings. They are truly attractive with pretty faces. Look at the gallery to see what I mean.

If you are watching the videos, you can see the timestamp on each and the crazy hours I keep trying to get them to you. It's important to me to share the experience with you.

Can you believe these plump little beings are one week. Misty so loves them but she is also confident enough to eat, go outside and love them all up. She is a grand mom!

Be sure to check out the videos. I am still uploading them.


Misty Five 6.5 Days Old

I can't believe they are almost a full week old. How did that happen?

Here is the gallery.

Momma Misty is really doting to her little ones. She kisses them up, loves them and yesterday was protective but today she allowed Raven to see them. I swear Raven was counting.

You can find the videos here.

They seem to move all over the whelping box. It is amazing watching just the difference between Raven's and Misty's in theor development. As they get older, the difference of age will not exist.


8 Day 2: Plus Update

Will she still have 8? We will find out today.

Here is the gallery.

Misty is an amazing being. She took over without missing a beat. I am proud of who she is!

Videos are here. As you will see with the timestamps, I didn't sleep much.


Taking Care of the 8

So now that there are 8, we are feeding on our back and everyone now has gained. The Raven pups look so little next to Misty's and well Misty is SUPER attentive.

Here is a gallery.

I think I uploaded a video of them on their back. Am hoping I did and if not tomorrow. You can see them in the gallery.


Misty 4.5 Days

Pups are all gaining well. No videos from last night as I left my ipad downstairs in case Raven went into stage 3 labour. I knew I couldn't carry her, hold a pup and an ipad and that would have meant you didn't get to see the 1st. So, I am taking videos today. You can see them here.

They have round tummies. They squirm from here to there and they fuss if they want to eat and Mom listens. All great - 1st time mom and all. She is very maternal.

Here is the gallery. I will add more later.

Only thing she jumps up for is the bleepin door. All the moms do - intruder alert or curiousity or both. It just drives me CRAZY.


3.5 Days

As you can see the boy clearly has sable coming through his face but most have the eyebrows that denote a tri. Interesting.

Here is the gallery.

They eat. They gain. They snuggle and they fuss for mom to get back here so you can feed me and she does go running.

Videos can be found here.


2.5 Days Old

They do not always eat at the same time. The boy will be the smallest - go figure as his bone density is less. They are all gaining very well. They find mom even crawling from teh back to teh front. It means they are quite strong.

Here is today's gallery.

Misty usually eats EVERYTHING but now she is holding out and being picky. That is typical of a mom. Nathan made her steak and she said no. I made her breakfast sausage - she ate it all. Nathan made her fresh chicken - she wouldn't eat so I gave her a starter mousse and she ate like she was starving.

We go crazy with this - all 3 of us.

Be sure to check out the videos. I get them up as I can.

Misty is lucky as her pups are of size so they eat, they sleep which is not the case when small. She can let them sleep and go back when they fuss. She gets a break between. Lucky 1st time momma!


1.5 Days Old

Here is the gallery. Just updated the gallery to include some individual and doubles snuggling - all natural. Videos are always found here.

The 2nd born gal lost 1/8oz yesterday but that could have meant the difference between weighing before a feeding. Today he is up 4/8oz in 12 hours. The rest all gained from 4/8oz to 5/8oz. If you want it in grams, can do that later or google. This is a great gain. Pkay - will go get my chart.

(B) = Birth (24) = Last 24 hours Gain (12) 12 hours Gain (S) Since Birth Gain

Puppy 1 boy

(B) 6-7/8oz 196g  (24) 6/8oz 21g (12) 5/8oz 16g (S) 7/8oz 24g

Puppy 2 White with Black - one with minor loss played recovery

(B) 6-3/8oz 182g  (24) 4/8oz 15g (12) 5/8oz 15g (S) 1-1/8oz 31g

Puppy 3 Black on back not diamond

(B) 6-3/8oz 183g  (24) 7/8oz 25g (12) 4/8oz 12g (S) 1-2/8oz 35g

Puppy 4 Black on back diamond

(B) 6-7/8oz 194g  (24) 1oz 30g (12) 4/8oz 17g (S) 1-4/8oz 46g

Puppy 5 Spot on back, on tail

(B) 7-7/8oz 223g  (24) 7/8 26g (12) 4/8oz 13g (S) 1-2/8oz 37g

MOST pups lose the first 24 to 36 hours as mothers milk usually takes time to come in. They get colostrum which gives them mother's immunities. These pups have gained and were mighty feisty from teh start. I expect Raven's to be smaller as they have less room to grow as her body is more compact but they end up gaining. No downside to either process.

Misty is a great mother. She is doting.


12 Plus Hours Old

Pups are doing well. All gained so mom has a good supply of milk. One fussed off and on all night and I realized that one ate the most and had to have output. Silent since that occured. Misty refuses to go outside. But she wants to go to the kitchen to prance and say look at me!

Here is a gallery taken this morning.

Dennis is now sleeping after no sleep before he took over for the night shift. He was nice enough to take dogs out this morning, do pickup etc before heading to bed. Nathan fed the dogs and did the dishes. He has had to say - I can. I finished a dog that is departing, took videos, did a gallery and put water out. I am about to comb out Misty.

I woke up a bunch to look at the pups on the video. You can catch all the videos here.

I did notice one has colour on her cheeks - a tri-colour.

The pups are absolutely rolly polly and doing ever so well.


5 Beauties: Videos Up Now

Momma Misty is exhausted. Night Night. Pups are all clean now!This photo taken right after they made their debut. We didn't expect this. Raven had all the signs of being the 1st but surprise and a day earlier than a possible due date too. Guess they wanted to come.

Thank you to Sherry for the new blanket. She always makes us one for each mother and they are reversible so it as if you have 2 for each.

Here is a mini gallery after being born.

Mom has been cleaned up. Pups are slowly getting cleaned up. Last pup must have been high up as you could not feel it. I ran my hands all over her body and I always can feel. Not this time. She wanted to have that last one standing up.

Day time litter. 2.5 hours and she had all 5. WOW! She is a star and she is busy taking care of them, cleaning them up. She is so proud!

Videos re now up. I hope I got all of them up. I will check tomorrow. Hoping Raven gives me a day to recover. Waiting for Dennis to shower so I can crawl into bed. Then he gets to tomorrow morn. Nathan will have to be up to helping me feed dogs etc. Hoping he gets a day to recover. Daytime, Raven - please!


Pups Are Here: Gallery Added of Birth: Videos Coming

Click on Photo for Larger View1st born at 5:02pm. He is a black and white. It's a boy. He weighs 6-7/8oz 196g

Here you will find the videos. No sound - so no worries. Just crazy around here.

Click on Photo for Larger View.Another black and white but this one is a gal. She weighs 6-3/8oz 182g. She was born at 518pm.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewThird one is black full on back - yes black and white born at 544pm. It's a girl! What a cute nose - stop in the name of love! She weighs 6-3/8oz 183g


Click on Photo for Larger ViewFourth one born at 620pm and a girl - yep another black and white with a diamond on its back. Photos are slow and so is videos as Nathan says hes having a difficult time whelping on his knees. She weighs 6-7/8oz 194g

Hmm not feeling a 5th but look at these xrays.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewWell 5th born spot on back and tail black and white gal born at 728pm. She weighs 7-7/8oz 223g. She is the largest. That doesn't mean she will end up being the largest. We are done. Weight coming. Gallery will get posted. Girls rule in this litter and Misty - nothing short of spectacular though Nathan had to keep pushing her away as she kept wanting to chew the cords and we don't want her to do that. First time moma and all - that's natural. She is so proud. Will post another blog with the cleaned up photos.

Here is the gallery of the birth.


Lots of Noise

Yes, she is making alll sorts of noises. It appears she is indeed in labour. Stay tuned. Let's see how fast this progresses.

Here is a quick video of how she sounds. Sorry rushing around as didn't expect this.