
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


Heading to 4 Days Old Tonight

Here is the gallery.

Pups are an active crew considering they are less than 4 days old. Nami had another comb out and is sporting a bit of jewelry on her topknot.

Videos can always be found here.

Nathan leaves at 4am tomorrow. That means little sleep tonight - so, I am not sure I will do videos during the night. I am going to suggest to Dennis that we feed the adults after Nathan leaves around 5 so he can go to sleep and get up earlier. We shall see. We are treading to new juggling here so I do not know. I will do the best I can with updates. Nathan will be gone till the 11th - the day Sage needs xrays and perhaps when she is due. It could be as early as the 10th - oh boy.

Pups are sleeping well between feedings. She is a lucky mom!


3 Days Old

Here is the gallery.

They will be 3 days old tonight.

Here are the weight gains. (B) stands for birth (L) stands for Latest and (24) stands for last 24 hours

1st Born Girl

(B) 5-oz 143g (L) 6-4/8oz 187g (24) 5/8-oz 20g

2nd Born Boy

(B) 6-2/8oz 177g (L) 8-3/8oz 237g (24) 1-1/8oz 30g

3rd born Girl

(B) 6oz 172g (L) 7-5/8oz 216g (24) 6/8oz 20g

4th Born Girl

(B) 5-7/8oz 168g (L) 7-4/8oz 213g (24) 5/8oz 18g

5th Born Girl

(B) 5oz 145g (L) 6-5/8oz 189g (24) 6/8oz 22g

As you can see all is gaining. As their tummies grow, they eat more and gain more. 

Pups are active and doing well. I will add to the videos and gallery as the day goes on. It may be harder to do this while Nathan is away but I will try. I will be updating. 


2 Days Old

Photos and videos have been added. Below is earlier in the day. 

Here is the gallery.

As you can see they are browns of various shades.

They are gaining. They get fussy if it gets cold/ too hot or they want to eat. Momma covers them with a blanket, I imagine to keep them warm. We have a regulating heat lamp that turns off at a certain heat or come on when the temperature drops. It works really well. 

They are getting enough food as they do sleep between feedings. Remember this is only day 2 tonight and they allowing her to get out and cool off as we do have a heatlamp in the whelping box.

Pups can't regulate their body heat, at this age so it is important that they are warm but not overheated.

They do appear to like body touch. 

I have managed to comb out Nami today. Let's see how long she stays less than messy. LOL She does let her pups crawl all through her.

I do add photos to the gallery as I go as I do with the videos.


I weigh the pups at 7am and at 7pm. All have gained again tonight. Pups and mom are doing well. 

I am exhausted but that is usual around pups. I think Nami is tired more. :-)


12 Plus Hours Old

Here is the morning gallery. Mom and pups are doing well. I checked on them a few times. I have having an issue with the app I use to record so I have to be here for the most part and use my phone but after Dennis gets sleep, we will figure it out.

I will place up a video or 2. Videos are always found here.

It's Halloween. Nami is letting her pups sleep and is sitting outside of the whelping box to cool off. She keeps checking on them. She went outside to pee her 1st time since birth. No other output yet but that is normal. She just had steak and kibble. Dennis said she ate a ton. She is also drinking well. She is hovering over her pups when not in the whelping box. No one else is allowed in here and won't be till a day or 2 before Sage is about to deliver. We will get them used to being in here with each other. Moms bond deeply when they both have pups.

Usually pups lose the 1st day but her milk is in and they are gaining nicely across the board!


We are Done

Thanks to Sherry for the soft Minky Blanket. I put my own design of a havanese on it. We have 5 pups.Catch you in the morning.


5 Pups are Here

First one is a girl born at 714PM. She may be black but she is wet so she may be brown. She weighs 5oz 143g

The 2nd one is a boy. I believe he is brown and white 4 white feet and white on his chest. He was born at 742pm and wighs 6-2/8oz 177g

Third one is a girl. She was born at 810pm. She is black and cream. She weighs 6oz 172g

Videos will be found here when I have a chance to upload. We were having issues with an app.

Black ones appear to be browns. This is the 4th one. She is a girl. She is brown with tan on back of legs. She was born at 835pm. She weighs 5-7/8oz 168g

5th one born is another girl. She was born at 903pm. She is brown with tan legs. She weighs 5oz 145g

Is there a 6th? Time will tell but if there is or isn't, I will add to this post. Still trying to find time to upload videos.

Only feeling 5, folks and that is okay with me. They are all healthy and good size. I didn't need a tiny one but would have done what I needed if there was one.


She is Nesting: Updates Added

She is nesting. See the gallery.

You can check out her nesting video I just took.

Will we have pups today or just after midnight so Halloween pups? I think tonight but time will tell. I will keep updating you when I can.


Still panting - no changes yet. Again, I ask - do you think we are going to have Halloween pups or the day before? LOL


Bubble has surfaced so looks like tonight.


So It Begins?

Her body is shaking. Could it be stage 1? I washed a dog that is going home today and trimmed him up. Since I completed, she is now panting. 

Her temps are 99.0 but I could have missed a drop in the middle of the night.



I just took her temperature and it is still at 100.2. It needs to drop to 98.0 or close to it and then you have 12 to 24 hours. I will check it again at bedtime. We also look for signs of panting, nesting (digging) and whining.

We are in wait! I hope not till at least tomorrow and during the day. LOL We don't always get what we want. Sometimes we do!



Everything can be just fine but I am already worrying about the little one and being by myself with Dennis and I trading off. So, if she can wait at least 3 or 4 days, maybe she/he will grow. My thinking. 




Click on Photo for Larger View.They see 5. How many can you count? Sent them to my reproduction vet for her idea of due date. Stay tuned to what she thinks.

Think we are there or almost. We are still waiting for our reproduction vet to give us an ETA on due date. I still have the air purifier to turn on but we are in great shape but worked half my day off to accomplish. LOL

Thank you to Sherry for new blankets she made for each of the moms.

Vet thinks not till the 30th. She sees 5 pups with a possible runt of the litter pup hidden but can't tell as she can only see what appears to be a head and no body - thus hidden. Time will tell. 


It Begins

Tomorrow afternoon I will be posting an xray photo that will tell us how many pups she has. Stay tuned to late tomorrow as they don't always send the xrays to our email until we nag them. LOL

Today we had to go get silly stuff like vanilla ice cream that actually helps contractions progress. Even though its my day off, a couch had to be moved. Tomorrow xpens and supplies have to be done. Cameras (to always watch) and lights to keep pups warm have to be installed. It's a huge process to get ready. We will do Sage's at the same time so we do not have to do that later. Towels will be washed, face cloths will be washed and supplies will be moved. There is a system. All we will have in here is my office chair and a recliner and my equipment. I will take photos when I am done. 

Stay tuned. 


Belly Shots

Here are the belly shots

Pups are kicking like crazy and she is starting to get uncomfortable. It is too early for Sage and belly shots.



It is slated for October 26th mid day.