
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


Guess Who

I will tell you that this one is a Wasabi pup.

The rest, you figure out. :-)


Know Who It Is?

Seeing I will be sleeping all morning and grooming Panda, Logan and whomever else I can fit in during the afternoon while there is 3 of us.

I figure I would play a game - do you know who this is?


Me & Fiona

Old Photo

We are a little busy.

I have to get Logan and Panda brushed up as soon as Nathan gets back here and then we wil be ready to go for Spice.

These are fast blogs as I am not sure how much time I will have later on if any. First timers can go a short time or a long time.

I just love my dawgs. It's time like these that I worry but we know what we are doing.

Nathan is now singing - It won't be long now - hahahaha

More tomorrow!


Shake the Sillies Out

Don't you just wish that you had to shake the sillies out as you are so lost in them? Too often we can't find the sillies and we all need them at times. 

Learn from your havanese and get silly even if its with them today.


Tug Toy and Squirrel Hunting

Angie gave the dogs this toy and they ADORE it! Thank you for the fun dog gifts! The dogs are having so much fun with them. Our deepest appreciation!

I will tell you, Shoshi won the tug war this time.

Earlier today Abigail won the tug war and then Jeannie did.

I don't have a photo of it but earlier today Angie was here and saw the rabbit that we have. It's a bold thing.

We also have squirrels that are on our walls and Wasabi has a high prey drive. Not all havanese do. She doesn't hurt the squirrels but she likes to catch them by the tail and then let them go. It's a game for her, I suppose.

Today, she jumped up on the BBQ and on to the railing as she saw squirrels on our wall and then went for a huge leap at the wall but Nathan caught her in mid-air. I am just glad we go out with the dogs so he could stop that end result. Where was the camera when that happened? In the house, of course.

Wasabi reminds me she is the most agile being but what did she think she was going to do when she reached the wall? Silly dog!


Does My Heart Good

It really does my heart good to see these two play together. It's a riot. They have played daily since Roxie was a pup and have never stopped.

They have the greatest bond. Abs is also close just like that with the panda as she sees her so much. rather nice to see such a relationship cultivated and nurtured.


Fromms Deal

Fromms is having a Black Friday November 23rd only special. Follow the link and shop on November 23rd and get a free bag of food if you buy another. Our puppy people that are new, we give you a 5lb bag but this is a great way for our existing puppy people to get a free bag of another flavour by buying what you normally would buy. I got my coupon.


Charlie's Got His Game On

It doesn't matter who is here, Charlie is a play monkey.

I have to laugh as its been a long time since I have seen him and he remembered us for sure. I am glad they have fond memories of us. That does my heart good!

Charlie and Logan played up a storm. The other day it was Charlie abd Cody and it is Charlie and Jeannie and Charlie and Roxie and on and on.

He doesn't descriminate - let's just play and then I will crash on your lap when I am exhausted and he does.

We had a fun filled day but well Charlie just caught my eye when looking at today's photos. Havanese are so much fun!


Looking Back

Someone asked me for snow photos so I started looking through my older photos and came across this skinny svelte thing.

Don't worry about the snow. The havs can have an amazing time in it. It's a new type of fun.

If you are like us you will shovel under benches, clear out little dens for them to hide and pounce out of and make paths so they can run like hey around your yard.

PS: It's better than mud. Also, did you see a coat on this one? We don't coat ours unless its VERY, VERY cold. They will let you know if you pay attention by lifting their paws or shaking.


Boring Times

I have to tell you every day is the same old thing. They run, they play. Oh, it is SO boring. But if this is true then why am I laughing and clicking and saying look at that and why is my heart getting so warm from my eyes viewing such boring times?

If you haven't figured it out, I am teasing. Indoors, outdoors, we always manage to have fun and when times are quiet we snuggle, watch tv and play catchup. It all works.

Here's a few photos taken today. I am still doing paperwork for pups going home and much more so no time for galleries for this blog - sorry.

Run, run, run as fast as you can!Jeannie better move those huge legs of yours!

Collision TimeSisterly SparringTogetherness!Indoor Fun TooHere are just a few photos taken by me today. The dawgs are all laid out every which way playing recovery. I can't imagine why. :-)



We had human visitors over today to see the pups and the dogs got to meet them and socialize for a bit. It is always so good for them.

It's been a very busy day today as I had a lot on my plate and still do.

In among visitors I have all the stuff I must do to get the pups ready to go home except the bath. I only completed 2 pups. :-) My goal is I must get everyone done before Spice decides to have pups.

I am hoping I make a larger dent tomorrow. Levon also gets bathed late tomorrow and photos will be placed up. He is the first to go.

I am still trying to figure out how I do the getting the pups ready, the baths etc That's it - it's time I teach Nathan to bathe - yeah right!

I am going to miss Levon! He has a very fun spirit!

PS: Lori and Roger - Scruffy is an amazing play monkey - don't you worry. I just didn't click him - sorry. But he is having crazy fun!


Logan Fun

Logan has a new playmate and you will never believe who it is. It used to be Roxie and sure they still play but Terra and Logan have been playing up a storm and its a riot. I just love Terra and how gentle she is and I adore Logan who has brought out the pure fun in Terra. Thank you, Logan!


Moms and Daughters

I love it that Panda, Roxie and Abigail have such a great relationship. I can say the same for Spice and Wasabi.

This was Rox and Abigail playing up a storm.

We had a low key day. I washed Shoshi and Kat and I wait till Tuesday at Nathan's request to do the Jeannie. Everyone was brushed and come Tuesday after Jeannie is washed the crew is done till pups are washed to go home.

Hope you manage to get a night to chill.


Oh My

This was Roxie yesterday before her bath. Between Logan, Panda and now Jeannie, I give up on hair ties.

I find if you use those nice soft colourful ones they become a target so now I am going to use clear rubber bands.

I used a new shampoo called Pure Paws Forte and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it. Nathan brought a small bottle home from the specialty. I know Doug is getting it in.

Mom's hair gets dry, brittle and broken after pups and I did Fiona's hair yesterday and went WOW it feels moist, smooth and silky. I am impressed. I haven't been this impressed in a long time but I only have a small amount. I have to order more. It's Pure Paws latest shampoo and conditioner and it smells like coconut.

I still like the Oatmeal and Aloe for the pups but this stuff for the adults - well each dog I used it on I was impressed. They were snuggling soft.


Logan's Hair

Logan's not our dog. He belongs to a dear friend Lynda who also owns Panda. But after asking for pictures post bath, as you know I bathe Logan and Panda each Friday I decided to put a variety of photos of after bath hairdo up.

He is rather like Wasabi and Spice - he can't stand staying perfect so these are the best I can do as he LOVES to muck it up and to be honest, I prefer a dog that embraces life like he does.

Off to wash Panda and Roxie. :-)


Risa Needs a Brush

Had to capture Risa. She has soft silky hair that I washed the other day and this is what she looked like at 7am.

Risa is grandma and is getting older in years but she can still correct Jeannie and does just that.

Last night Jeannie thought she was taking Risa's spot. Risa told her no by climbing on the pillow and plowing her way on and Jeannie rolled off. That was a vast improvement from the night before. The night before Jeannie climbed on top of Risa and Risa shook her off and gave her a low growl.

Risa is not being a bully. She is telling the little whipper snapper that we all have our place and mine has been here for eons.

We will see how it goes tonight.

Jeannie seems to take it well actually. It just doesn't stop her from trying. She thinks she gets the top pillow in front of the fan. Risa is not planning to give it up anytime soon.


Need a New Gate

Oh boy looking at these photos we need a new gate. I guess dog's nails and scratching has really done a number so I will start looking for a replacement. I don't tend to buy gates new as they don't last but this one has been with us for over 4 years so not so bad.

Shady was over for a bath and cleanup. We did his nails, cleaned up his pads and he had a bath - a regular spa day.

He was such a good boy.

But when it came time to stop the play and come in for a bath he had other things in mind.

We had to take everyone else in and suddenly he said hmmm this is boring and he came in too. I think he simply was having way too much fun outside.

This was Shady at the door when his human mom was looking at the puppies.

Do you think he was telling her, hello mom can't you see the time?

What a great personality he is. He just makes me laugh and laugh.

The crew was groomed before he arrived. They looked ungroomed by the time he went. Life happened and that's quite okay with me.

I love dawgs having fun, don't you?


Big Dog Socializing

Big dog socialization is a smart thing to do before they are too old. It gives them comfort with the bigger things in life.

It must be done in a safe and positive way but it is so beneficial.

Terra is amazing with the pups and its funny usually all through their lives they recognize the golden as a 'good' thing so it works. :-)

Terra is a gentle soul and is being extra careful not to step on them much like we have to be.


A Puzzle

Other than Logan looking like he was playing hard and he has been...

What are you seeing in this photo?

PS: Logan was brushed and looked great to go home but what do you see?


Quiet Times

Don't laugh but its rather quiet around here - no visitors - no one planned to come play for an hour or two or get a quick bath - nada so I think I will wash Wasabi and Risa tomorrow. Can't just do nothing. hahahaha

Nathan took these photos and this was Doozie running with Abigail and a pup. Blame him if you can't see faces. But I am sure you get the fun in the photo.

The pups have now reached an age that they can play with the adults and quite nicely. I can't believe in 2 weeks the fun starts to end for us as they will be in their new homes.

It's been a long time since we had a visit from Jazmyn and Marlee. You can see Marlee looking at the pup as if to say - so you want to play.

I truly believe when an adult lets a puppy play with them they bring out the fun in them. It's a riot to watch.