
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havanese puppies for sale in ontario (15)


Little Late: Gallery Added

This is Boo. Scruffy's brother. He's like a gazelle running.

We are a little late with this update. We had a visit from Harper - and here we were so excited to see him we forgot to take photos and we got a call that our son broke his collarbone in 2 places and they are not aligned. His last ski. He does trick skiing - Jon.

I am working on a gallery. It was a warm day so lots of slush so lots of towels, drying and grooming. So other than the gallery just know we had a lot of fun and soon we may lay on the couch, snuggle and watch tv in-between puppy feedings of course. :-)

We are also waiting for our son to get back from up north. Gallery will be added in a bit. Just started working on resizing. Here's the gallery.


Snow no Rain

I am not complaining but they said a ton of rain and all we have had is snow. :-) Here are a few photos. Everyone is having a blast. Kona departs tomorrow just before dinner and as you will see he has had a really great time. He's a snow monkey now.

Yeah its a tad wet out there. hahahaha

The Dusty gal is here playing up a storm and getting wet too. :-)

In and out, in and out we go many times a day and all you have to say is outside and they come running.

They say the rain is still coming so I am hoping Spice cooperates so I can get Kona's bath in. Where there is a will, there is a way. :-)


Busy Times

Bentley after bathI have had several dogs to wash today and they are awaiting pickups. We also had lots of indoor play with dogs and this is more time intensive then outdoor play and I take less photos as I am actively running, playing and getting them to chase their willies out so to speak. Other than going out to do their business it is simply way too cold for the dogs to be outdoors for any length of time.

So we make sure the dogs get their minds worked and their bodies active and they simply have fun!

I took this photo as this was a bed Anne and Russell gave us and Abigail thinks its exclusively for her. She claimed it by rubbing her body all over and saying MINE! It's a wonderful bed.

Doesn't Bentley look a lot like Abigail except he is a brown sable. His coat like Abigails will go light and dark throughout his life. You notice it more if a long coat is maintained.

The brown sable in Abigail's last litter will be darker than Bentley but he is truly a brindle vs. a sable. He will also go lighter and darker. But tipping once cut is gone forever.

Tomorrow we have a puppy visit, Cha Cha departs. We also have Hugo, Milo and their parents over for a visit. We have a very busy day so who knows when the blogs will be done and then a ton of baths Sunday and a much quieter home.

I do hope it warms up. My flu is gone. My toe is still taped and getting better but still can't go into a boot but I am hopeful soon. I can walk normal now - bonus.

Brewer departs in a few moments and after grooming him I went wow his coat is coming in nice. Amazing what combing out 5 days a week does. His coat is growing like a weed.


Haircut and Fun: 2 Updates

Nathan looked at himself and said I need to get a haircut so he did today.

Shady and Nora departed after baths. Isn't that a mischievous face on Nora. They both played up a storm but everyone did. Ringo was just here overnight and is departing tonight as they are doing the moving thing. See Shannon you aren't the only one who moves in winter. :-)

Today things have been melting - not enough yet but enough to get everyone soaked. I did manage to groom everyone but Truffie. He gets a grooming before bed. I just did one here and there till done.

The crew played outside a ton despite the wet. It's why my grooming is taking so long.

Here are a few photos from today.

You know why I love Cali so? She makes some of the most expressive faces of glee.

As part of the fun we started doing some training with each. Leti is so excited about treats she can't control herself - oh oh another one. We have been doing recall with all.

It's wonderful to see what the older ones know.

But unless you were plying them with treats they preferred the running game.

These are still not my photos and they didn't get them all. Still can't fit the foot into a boot but I am going to try tomorrow. Every single one is having the time of their lives tuckering themselves out.


Brrrr It is Cold

Griffin has had his bath and is enjoying the snow but its mighty cold out there. Its going to be quiet this afternoon. Maybe I will get that exercise in after all.

Poor Leti can only be out for but a moment and then she is way too cold. How did it get this cold this fast?

Adele rather enjoys the snow and this is her first snow weather.

Spice still takes care of her babies and has been teaching the little ones how to muck it up in snow. Spice rather enjoys the white stuff. Let's see how long this batch lasts.

We have many more stories and photos but I have to finish everyone. Busy times.


Wet Outside

Chase, Finn and Ziggy have all departed. Nathan seems to be faring okay. I am still sick. I am actually crawling on the couch inbetween doing things but Dennis and Nathan are holding down the fort so to speak. I did manage to give Risa a bath. I did do the above 3. My goal was to do Wasabi as well but not today.

Risa was a nightmare. She decided to crawl under the wet deck. Well, at least she did it BEFORE the bath.

Cha Cha is here departing tomorrow and the Coops is here for a bit.

We are playing indoors more than outside. Tomorrow no rain so we will be back to outdoor crazy fun. Today Dennis has been running the hallways with the adults literally.


Thanks Dennis and Nathan

I am down for the count. As soon as Nathan wakes up I am crawling back to bed or the couch. Glad they are carrying the load as I simply couldn't at this moment.

Believe me the dogs are still enjoying the day!


Photos Received

Here are a few photos I received yesterday and today.

Football Yawn?Tell me do you also get your own snacks to cheer on your fave team?

From Stella's Mom:

I just had to send this angelic picture of Stella. Who would think that just a few hours earlier she was standing on my dads dining room table. She's quite the jumper !!!

From me:

Yes those Wasabi/Spice pups are some agile dawgs!

Levon Chillin'

Shannon Said:

If there's ever any question about missed deadlines.... 

I have the answer!

Tomorrow we will cover the Birthday of Magic, Finn, Joey and Tangles. Huge Happy Birthday to you! Send photos please!


No Groom Day

Well, it was still a groom day. I did Cooper, Logan and Panda but I decided to take the day off from doing my crew. I had a gallery I had to do for a dog club and I have a gallery I have to get done for the 2 daughters so after 2 days of doing the dog club gallery, I needed a break.

It's quiet around here - just our dogs. It feels funny after such a busy summer.


Laci Visit

We had a visit from Laci and her mom. It's been way too long and it was great to see her.

But if we do it in this heat again then I think we will have to do it inside. I saw Laci panting and all the pups panting. Even though we had cold water and ice in it the dogs were feeling the heat. In case you don't realize dogs pant to regulate their body temperature. If they are nonstop panting then you know they are too hot.

So next time if heat - INSIDE.

Thank you Deb for sharing her with us and I already planted the mandevilla. In this heat it is bound to flourish. Most appreciated and quite nice. I do love the tropicals!

I have a lot going on today between baths for others, grooming my own and a graduation we have to leave for at 330. I don't even know what I am wearing. hahahaha But I do have my cameras ready. One has to have their priorities straight. Seems the air conditioner is fixed but he has to fix something else and do a lube oil whatever so looks like Nathan will be walking in when our guest arrives - of course!

Thank gad for air and hoping this time it stays working as I can't fathom how it would be for the pups and Spice without never mind me. Still cost lots to fix but at least its fixed. Tomorrow a vet bill. hahahaha


No Photo Day

We had crazy deck play today but I think the crew was checking out the pool cleaner. It is still working and it may be days before itts clean and warm enough. hahahaha

But know that the dogs are playing like crazy and I mean like crazy. I know the Pepper has been playing non stops with the pups and is bound to be dead tired.

Colby has an interest. No desire to go in the xpen but likes sniffing through the xpen and touching noses. Brie just wants to play with the older guys.

Doozie really likes Copper boy where Coco loves, loves, loves the gal. They kiss each other. It's a riot.

Well sorry for a lack of visuals. I may do a gallery with the older ones tomorrow and not with the pups this way you don't feel it's all about the pups. It isn't. I adore them all!


Mom That Hair

Now can you imagine Fiona walking around without her hair tied back?

This is another day of morning sickness and eating only half her meal.

Ultrasound on October 7th.


Cutting Hair Inbetween Havanese Pads

It's a really crude version of how to cut the pads between the feet but that's all I am up to - sorry and Nathan - well he could do better with the camera. When someone else's feet grow, I will do another.

Maybe Fiona's pads need cutting? I will try to do one on cutting the feet nice and neat but don't count on that for a bit.

PS: This was a non grooming day as I am not up to it so you get to see Fiona a mess!

Here's the video


Where's the Treat?

The dawgs look forward to getting groomed - seriously. They don't run away. They stand in line and say 'my turn'. Why?

Well most of it is conditioning. Another part is the yummy treat at the end. It also must be that nice head massage I give.

I can't imagine if they were giving me a hard time how I would feel about long hair. But even if you like short hair, it makes sense to condition the dogs.

Sometimes, if they are really feisty or they scream to get you to stop, yes they can and will try anything especially if it works, it pays to persist and hold them in place and just do it. I wait till they actually relax before I let them go.

None of my dogs need a noose and they will all lay on their back to allow me to do their tummies. It's simply conditioning in a positive way and one day they actually will look forward to it. Can you imagine that? I am so glad that mine do.

PS: Truffie we are still working on doing 'on his back' but that will come. He's no longer complaining with the daily combing and brushing. Progress!


New Visitors and a Cooling Off Weather Wise

Didi and Tess came and although they were not sure what to think with the crew, they have now started hanging out with the crew, adventuring in the back (which they love) and they even had fun with some kids that came to visit (Chewies house). They have really gone from - what is this about to hey this is fun. Though Didi is not sure what that barking from Raylan is about and his pouncing on her back to play but she seems to know that he's just a pup. Her tail even wags at him. Tess loves to explore and I think she has found her fun.

Chewie went home today and we will miss him but he will be back for a couple of weeks soon. We surely had a lot of fun with him.

What was our day like?

We went out before the heat hit first thing at 6amish. I watered the plants. Took photos in-between and we played a bit of retrieve and then came in. The heat was coming on.

Then I started grooming one by one. That's why in today's photos you will see the ungroomed look and the groomed look. <heh> It takes me a bit to do each dog but it gets done and I feel better that they don't have any knots. Plus I get to clean around their eyes, check their ears and see if anything else is going on with them. Grooming tells you so much. It gets you to look closer.

After that Nathan had a session with them playing up a storm and only managed a few photos but I think I made up for it. He had a dog show to attend. So it was me and the dawgs for most of the day. Now he is hanging out with teh crew while I update the blogs.

Let me tell you about the visitors. Chewie is a play monkey. He adores Wasabi and loves Raylan.

Archie is not a fan of the heat and I don't blame him.

We pay attention to the dogs. They are never outside alone. So, if I am feeling it, they are and we act accordingly only going outside for short stints. What I have noticed is the play is minimum as running is hot in hot weather and inside is not enough running room though they try and we allow. We walk after the sun goes down and all the dogs LOVE the walks some begging to go twice.

Archie has been here a few times before and really has found his spot. He plays with everyone but he adores laying in your lap and oh that treat after grooming - well can I have TWO?

Hugo is a 'got to play' dog. He doesn't think about the heat so we think for him. He's busy trying to be the coordinator. You play with me and you play with me and also you play with me. Milo his housemate is more of an easy going guy who just lets it all play out and joins in when Abigail is playing. He's smitten.

Oscar came yesterday and his mom says he doesn't like the heat but he goes out every chance he gets for 5 minute stints here and there. Early morning when it was cool, he loved chillin' on the deck and adventuring in the backyard. Food - well bring it on, please! I remember the 1st time he was here when I hugged him the 1st time he was stiff. That tells me he was not sure what this crazy person was doing but now he hunkers on down and snuggles into the neck. It's so nice to see the changes. He adores his walks.

It's been a really great day with snuggles, eating, playing and just relaxing. Check out today's photos. When it cools off you will get to see more action versions but we managed to capture some.