
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in Havanese Boarding Toronto Talemaker (61)


New Visitors and a Cooling Off Weather Wise

Didi and Tess came and although they were not sure what to think with the crew, they have now started hanging out with the crew, adventuring in the back (which they love) and they even had fun with some kids that came to visit (Chewies house). They have really gone from - what is this about to hey this is fun. Though Didi is not sure what that barking from Raylan is about and his pouncing on her back to play but she seems to know that he's just a pup. Her tail even wags at him. Tess loves to explore and I think she has found her fun.

Chewie went home today and we will miss him but he will be back for a couple of weeks soon. We surely had a lot of fun with him.

What was our day like?

We went out before the heat hit first thing at 6amish. I watered the plants. Took photos in-between and we played a bit of retrieve and then came in. The heat was coming on.

Then I started grooming one by one. That's why in today's photos you will see the ungroomed look and the groomed look. <heh> It takes me a bit to do each dog but it gets done and I feel better that they don't have any knots. Plus I get to clean around their eyes, check their ears and see if anything else is going on with them. Grooming tells you so much. It gets you to look closer.

After that Nathan had a session with them playing up a storm and only managed a few photos but I think I made up for it. He had a dog show to attend. So it was me and the dawgs for most of the day. Now he is hanging out with teh crew while I update the blogs.

Let me tell you about the visitors. Chewie is a play monkey. He adores Wasabi and loves Raylan.

Archie is not a fan of the heat and I don't blame him.

We pay attention to the dogs. They are never outside alone. So, if I am feeling it, they are and we act accordingly only going outside for short stints. What I have noticed is the play is minimum as running is hot in hot weather and inside is not enough running room though they try and we allow. We walk after the sun goes down and all the dogs LOVE the walks some begging to go twice.

Archie has been here a few times before and really has found his spot. He plays with everyone but he adores laying in your lap and oh that treat after grooming - well can I have TWO?

Hugo is a 'got to play' dog. He doesn't think about the heat so we think for him. He's busy trying to be the coordinator. You play with me and you play with me and also you play with me. Milo his housemate is more of an easy going guy who just lets it all play out and joins in when Abigail is playing. He's smitten.

Oscar came yesterday and his mom says he doesn't like the heat but he goes out every chance he gets for 5 minute stints here and there. Early morning when it was cool, he loved chillin' on the deck and adventuring in the backyard. Food - well bring it on, please! I remember the 1st time he was here when I hugged him the 1st time he was stiff. That tells me he was not sure what this crazy person was doing but now he hunkers on down and snuggles into the neck. It's so nice to see the changes. He adores his walks.

It's been a really great day with snuggles, eating, playing and just relaxing. Check out today's photos. When it cools off you will get to see more action versions but we managed to capture some.



Too Hot

WE just started walking the dogs. Yes, it's after 9 but it's been really hot and we mix things up by walking them at night when it is like this. This way they still enjoy a walk and we don't have to worry about heat exertion.

As I type, Archie and Katsura is out for their walk with Dennis. Archie is back to feeling like his old self. That's good as Hugo and Milo come to visit on Thursday. Tomorrow they say it's supposed to be just as hot as it was today so we are going to try some indoor games. Today we concentrated on grooming and keeping cool.

We couldn't do a heck of a lot as the air finally came on at noon and as everyone knows, it takes 24 hours to really feel the result.

Tomorrow I promise pictures even if it is inside.

Not to worry. We are still enjoying just chillin'!


Saki-Sized Visit at Talemaker Havanese

Saki came to visit us for a few hours today and it was fun. She has a really cute puppy cut that Val did. The owners say that it is much easier to care for especially during her blowing coat stage.

Saki comes in with grand exuberance and joins Teddy, Daisy and Shanty along with our crew in running around the backyard.

We also have Emma a golden visiting us and she's an absolute sweetheart. I adore her!

Check out yesterday's video on the Boarding and Visitors Videopage. We took video today but between playing and walking and grooming and snuggling and dealing with a boy over the moon and a gal in heat - well I hope yesterday's videos is enough. I wil be glad when Fiona is finished...pretty please let it be tomorrow?

Shanty leaves us tomorrow and she gets a bath tomorrow. She has truly grown on us. <sigh> Daisy and Teddy leaves us and I will miss their bubbly personality. More baths. :-) Emma is also leaving but no bath. She's an absolute sweetheart. Then Monday or Tuesday Penny leaves.

Then we get 2 sweeties tomorrow that are regulars that we love.

More about everything tomorrow! I need to grab a couch, get warm and snuggle with draping havanese.

Oh and the camera died AGAIN - ARGH!!!


Penny Visits Us Today

This is one of Fiona's daughters. She looks a lot like Fiona but also like Fiona's mother. Fiona is getting bred soon and will the pups look like this? No and yes. Each time they are different and the sire will not be Kat. Will they be wonderful characters? No doubt.

Will she have all blondes or apricots like her? You never know. She could have sables or black and whites or... well it is a wonderful surprise.

It's quiet around here. It's raining! We have Yvonne's Maggie visiting. Jay goes home tomorrow, Cesar goes home Friday. Ripley comes Friday.

No photos today. Sorry but I want to snuggle with pups and dawgs and enjoy them inside while they track in mud. hehehe

It's a Havanese dawg residence - what can I say!


Scout & Tiger Lily Goes Home Today

ScoutScout just got freshly bathed and he left us today. sniff sniff. He's a little guy with a big personality filled with fun.

Tiger Lily will be going home tonight, Daisy tomorrow and then we will be down to just Remy, Zack and Coach. Then on Monday Zack and Coco will leave us and then come back to us just for the weekend. <smile>

Tiger Lily has been enjoying the gang including Fiona.

Remy has been hanging out with Daisy, Treasure and he adores Abigail when she comes down.

Life is ever changing. It's almost SNOWING and no photos today. We only took about 20 so we will include then with tomorrow's photos. I hope you don't mind.

I need some snuggling time with the dawgs and of course the hubby. More tomorrow!


Havanese Runs

Running with the HavaneseYou've heard about that practice called 'Running with the Bulls' but have you heard about the Running with the Havanese'?

Well, the weather is now here and Nathan is doing his best to get the dawgs excited and running their fool heads off. Well, maybe his off not the dawgs.

The Havanese can run circles around him without even trying. That's not to say Nathan can't run fast but have you ever seen a Havanese run? It's amazing!

Well, I spent most of the day up with the puppies today. Nathan spent it with the gang.

I just came down, groomed a Havanese or two then went back upstairs and did that throughout the day.

I look forward to the puppies coming downstairs into my office. Three more weeks and counting - or maybe 2.5. hehehehe

The weather is gorgeous but I feel like it passed me by.

Thursday 3 go home in the morning so late tomorrow night I get to bathe then before bed. One of Fiona's kids comes for a couple of days and Remy joins us. We also have Scout leaving us come this weekend.

March Break is coming to a close and in the 2nd week of April we may be back to just our own.

It all goes by so fast...doesn't it?


Charlie Leaves Us Today

CharlieUnfortunately Charlie leaves us today. We have had a BLAST with the guy. It's been a true boys week and 2 more go home tomorrow.

We had puppies today - Abigails. So, no photos though I did take some of the crew - just no time to edit until I have the computer moved upstairs and who knows Wasabi could change everything by having puppies tomorrow. We shall see.

All 3 of us are taking shifts. I hope you understand as everyone counts here.

Till tomorrow.


Another Melting Havanese Day

Jay With Weaver, Treasure Looks OnOkay, the Havanese are not melting. It's the snow but I assume you 'get' what I mean. I am still sick. Aren't you bloody sick of hearing THAT? I sure am.

I am grooming all of the dogs. Jasper wasn't crazy over his arm pits and Weaver finally got the idea that he gets a treat at the end and has started coming to me each day when I start getting my tools ready. Or maybe it's the mini massages I give. I sure could use one. hahahaha

Well, I promised photos as I wasn't up to it and I wasn't up to it today either. Sorry but Nathan took some photos. I have a few mixed in but the majority are his. We are a team. (Nathan here: If we are a team, how come she's apologizing for me taking the pictures?) Our son pitches in with the daily walks. Nathan took photos and his usual games and poo patrol and snuggling. Me, I did the grooming, snuggling, playing as much retrieve as I could till the head was saturated with sweat.

We also had puppy people visitors and I was unable to meet them as no one should get this. Usually if I am upstairs I can hear every sound but almost 3 hours later I woke from a sound sleep and didn't hear a thing. I guess my body needed it. I am hoping with this sweating that the crud is leaving me so I can go back to feeling alive. I need to feel alive for the dawgs and besides we have puppies coming.

Everyone is bonding and enjoying each other. Relationships develop, change and evolve. The group is really starting to mesh. Charlie is no longer jumping on my chest when I am on the recliner but sits looking at me and when he does, I pick him up and snuggle and he settles in for a snuggle/snooze. Positive reward for the right behavior.

The crew enjoyed the company, the play and are now all resting after eating. Weaver is still not crazy about his dental food but we are being creative getting him to eat it.


Talemaker's Nathan's Clicks

Treasure is quiet. Can you believe?Yes, good natured Treasure does get thoughtful and quiet at times. She's just a play monkey most hours of the day.

Although sick, I did get most dogs groomed and Nathan did the rest. Most appreciated!! I also got 2 washed and dried.

Tomorrow we have the Tia going home at dinner time. We will miss this puppy play monkey. She just added a great amount of fun to the mix. But Sydney and Tia think the plants are theirs to chew on. Puppies....heh

Due to my illness, Nathan was out taking photos. You can check them out here. There's not my usual 50 million but a few as he was also taking video. I will try to get to the video tomorrow. Just not up to it tonight. Sorry...

Jay is fitting in really well. He's still smitten with the love bug for Treasure but humans are too. They just really play well together and every now and then Shoshi has been joining in. Fiona also finds her time with the younger set.

I guess Tia is not afraid of big dawgs in the least as she walked over Whitney's body to get out of the room. Whitney has a terrible habit of blocking a room. She's old so usually we just move her but Tia said, you didn't move her on time so up and over I go and Whitney didn't seem to mind a bit.

Tomorrow we have Jasper and Charlie coming. Are we excited. Then Weaver comes Sunday. It's going to be a Havanese Love Fest. Look for video footage tomorrow if this bug leaves me.


Changing of the Guards

Jay Jay Coming Again TomorrowJay Jay was with us last year during the August/September time frame and he was a blast to have around. He's joining us tomorrow first thing. We are excited and I assume Tia, Sydney and Treasure will be too.

If you do a search using the keyword, Jay Jay, you will see what his last visit was like. WE have a truly powerful search engine in our site.

The first day we had Tia and Sydney together they played non-stop and they are still going strong. They became instant best friends, same age, same haircut. Treasure is right in there with them too.  You have to collect them and place them on your lap to watch TV to get them to slow down and take a rest. We do not mind the non-stop play but puppies need rest too. The idea around this place is healthy mind and body. If I collect Tia, Sydney will settle into that special bed or visa versa. When we all sit down together, we negotiate who is going to have whom even though Nathan wants them ALL! hahahahah

Today, I groomed - when do I not - yikes. I could skip a day but I washed Kat. I could have crawled into bed as I have some sickie fluish bug but I am nursing it. Nathan is going outside. He took video but no photos - so look for them tomorrow. heh It happens.

I did upload a video of the Tia and Sydney duo. You can catch it on the Boarders and Visitors Video page.

The snow is wet. Got snow balls. Know how to get them out of the coat? Either rinse them out or brush them out. I prefer the brush as you get two things done at once.

Catch you tomorrow.

PS: Abigail's tummy - read the Puppy blog to find out about this widening problem.



Havanese Changing of the Crew

Ripley after bathRipley has been visiting us for a few days.

I managed to get some really good video fun of him playing - 17 minutes but had to just cut it down to a few minutes. I also added a few more videos to our Boarders and Visitor's Videos page.

Check them out. Ripley's video is there as well.

I wish I could show you the long version as there was so much good copy on it that it was hard to cut it out.

For those of you that prefer photos, we also included those on the Visitors and Boarder's Photo page.

We had Jessie, Coco and Zack drop in. Sydney just came.

It's starting out as a truly fun weekend. I am not sure how I could ever do it without the dawgs.

When they do something they didn't or open up or play, well it tells me that this is what we were meant to do.

Ripley Meets JessieJust before Ripley went home tonight he was sleeping under my desk. He was introduced to Jessie a new visitor and Zack and Coco, one of our regulars.

We always practice proper meet and greets.

Sydney just arrived, Ripley just went home. Jessie and Sydney are adapting quite well.

We just had an outdoor session and now we wil settle in with some games and watching TV and snuggling. Ahh... dawgs...nothing like them.

Already missing the Rips but I am enjoying the crew here quite a bit. It's going to be a fun weekend for sure!

Be sure to check out Talemaker Puppy Life for news about our pregnant gals. It will be updated daily from now til the pups go home.


Learning as You Go

Really mom, I am not a bulldog.

Shoshi had a bath and she has hair that is thick and stands on end. It's a tight wave. It doesn't look that way when you blow it dry but it does when it is wet.

Poor Shoshi looks like she has no neck but really she does.

I used to have someone thin her out but I haven't and probably will do it myself come spring. She's one that you can take out half her hair and she still would look like she has a ton.

Yes, they do have various types of hair from silky to cottony. Shoshi is our only cottony type dog. A cotton type coat is more difficult to maintain except when it is thick, if you use thinning shears in knots, well you can't tell. But I have learned a lot of tricks with taking care of Shoshi's hair. I figure if I can do her hair and keep it mat free, I can do any Havanese on a regular basis. Besides, I have learned brushing her daily thoroughly keeps all the knots away.

I do not find the silkier coats hard to maintain and thanks to Shoshi, I learned how to take care of cottony coats.

So, she is more than just our heart dog but a learning experience. Those of you that have children - more than one child knows that as you go along you learn, you get better and the last one is easier as you are either so conditioned or you simply have the confidence that you may not have that first moment they entered your life. This Havanese business is a truly exciting learning experience and what you give, well you get it back 10 fold. They are truly special beings.


New Website is Revealing

We are doing a new website and I found this shot. I had to laugh. Yes, we do sleep with all of the dawgs and the visitors.

Nathan, the English major hates when I use the term DAWGS but in my awful southern drawl - well it just seems right to ME!

Besides, this is mostly my eyes looking at this crazy life we exist in. I tend to expose and he tends to be a tad more reserve in this revealing stuff but by far the most social of us both. It's why we work.

It's also why the dawgs love us both. They get different needs filled by each of us including that son who is caught peeking in at puppies after they are born and just watching them.

The dawgs also appreciate our differences. When an unsure dawg comes to visit, they also choose their person(s) too depending on who they feel the most comfort with but then if they are here for awhile, they learn to get what they need from each human. It's how it works with the dawg crew. It's like going to a party and you don't really know anyone but with our effort, they find the enjoyment and the connection and the fun.

It's really important to us that all dawgs find that fun.

When they are having fun, we are. Now that is what this crazy dawg life is really about.


Vet Visit

The vet saw pregnancies but we won't know till the 26th on how many when we do x-rays. I know, even we don't like to wait.

But we are going to have puppies and that is way exciting!

Kat went in for his kennel cough as he does an odd dog show here and there and we need to be careful plus with boarders, we tend to keep up with such things.

Getting cracked pads? Do you ever check them? Use Bag Balm.


Escaping Bath Tips

I am the Treasured one and I managed to escape the bath. The key is wear Mommy out by staying out of sight and pretend you don't exist while she washes others.

I am sooooooooooooooo smart!

She washed Wasabi, Abigail, Fiona and Kat today. Fiona was really overdue. Kat, Wasabi and Abigail are off to the vet tomorrow so they got the water and dry treatment - with shampoo and conditioner thrown in, of course.

Mommy is way tired and I keep bugging her to play retrieve. She throws it. I bring it back and then I shake it and throw it with my mouth. I can't figure out why she doesn't retrieve it when I throw it. Is this a one sided game?


Milo and Hugo are Here

The duo was here for daycare. As you can see, Hugo just almost bowled Nathan over.

The crew had a roaring good time with the duo. Here are some photos from their visit.

Treasure even played 'up on the rock - who is really boss' games. Hugo just ignored her and tried to pounce up. heh Yes, I said 'up.'

We got some video of it but we have to convert and edit it. Give me some time.

Well, T.G.I.F. I think? Sometimes I forget what day it is. Tomorrow we are off to a seminar on 'Dominance Debunked' and we will fill you in when we get back.


Progress at Talemaker Havanese

Abigail ate a great meal this morning and another one this afternoon without us going through lots of - do you want this - or that or...

It seems her morning sickness is over, for now. She is playing, as you can see in this photo with Treasure.

We are celebrating and are looking forward to her and Wasabi's ultrasound on Monday.

Abigail wasn't the only one having fun.

Wasabi was also outside having a grand time soaking up the snowflakes.

Yes, we finally have some snow but not much - just enough that the dawgs really enjoy it. I do too, I must admit.

Walks were more enjoyable without tons of sand and salt on the ground as we now we have a thin blanket of white stuff on top.

We have been literally picking up the dawgs to cross the street to avoid dirt and salt. It's interesting carrying 2 at once across the street. Nathan does it in style and easily, me I am a tad clumsy about it though they are secure, I just have to perfect my technique. Practice makes perfect.

Today is Jazzy's owner's b-day and here at Talemaker we wish him the very best b-day filled with great memories.

Tonight we are going to cuddle and love the dawgs and enjoy...oh we do that everyday...well extra ones.


Changes for Talemaker Havanese

We are building a new website and will be porting over our tips, our puppy and our crew and boarder's blogs. You will also see all our video links and our photos as well. In porting this over, I got to see photos from Wasabi's first puppies, her c-section. It brought back amazing memories. Soon I will be working on the photos from her 2nd pregnancy which she had naturally.

You will still be able to find us by typing If you have us saved as a favorite, you may have to wait till we post saying you can find us.... and then click on the link and save us to your favorites. We are not sure of a date yet but we will leave this area up as a pointer for a month or two.

We are still working like crazy to get it done. So stay tuned. The blogs will be a bit more interactive so we like that.

Now that we teased you, you'll just have to wait till it is done.

February is turning into a fun month with a number of boarders coming. We are excited. We are going to get our video camera rolling to make photos and videos a part of the fun. I have been so busy with the camera that I forgot about the video camera. Got to plug it in and charge it up

It's been too quiet around here. We also have ultrasound slated for Feb 8th for Wasabi and Abigail. We are also attending a seminar about dogs this weekend. We continue to glean whatever info we can get and it enables us to continue to learn and therefore help the dogs, if needed. I am really looking forward to this one and will fill you in after we have attended.

We started getting flurries today but nothing to write home about. I really want more and so do the dawgs!

Wasabi seems to have a tummy and Abigail is still experiencing morning sickness. We are loving and cuddling and enjoying all of them.

Risa and Kat went for their cerf and passed and the others all passed in December.

Today has been a day of how to coerce Abigail into eating. Any ideas are welcomed!


Oh my Gad is it Cold!

Well, there is no rest for the weary. We were going to crawl into bed to take a nap and Nathan kept talking to me about a project that I should be working on and there goes the nap for me. It's not likely that I could close my eyes after that!

So, he got to snuggle with the dawgs and I got up to try to figure out this project.

I think he wanted the dawgs to himself. tsk tsk

Nathan read this over my shoulders and confirmed this was EXACTLY true - yep he wanted the dawgs to himself!

You think I can convince him to start a fire? It's soooooooooooooo cold here in Toronto. I mean downright chilly that I am sitting with socks and a sweater on and still feeling chilly.

Check the temperature before going out. In winter, as in summer, the temperature can feel worse than what the thermometer reads. Check the temperature and the wind chill factor to keep your dog from getting a chill.

We took the dawgs for a walk today and I swore my face was going to freeze off. Can you imagine how the dawgs felt but we had them in sweaters and coats and we paid attention to their feet and body language. I think the wind chill alert set in after we got back. It surely felt cold on the walks but not as much as when we went out back an hour later.

Can we have a fire around here?

Then we have friends sitting in Florida telling us it might rain this weekend - oh poor things...we feel so very bad.

Use double layers of clothes on your dawgs during cold alerts. It is warmer than single layering and pay attention to them. Short walks is better than no walks but we believe that walks are therapy for the minds so we do them despite freezing our ahems off but we use intelligence when doing so in extreme weather and may even miss a day or two if the weather warrants it but that's due to the dawgs not us being...busy or lazy or cold... or... well you get the point!


Big Dogs Count Too

We made the trek into Colborne to take Terra in for her 2nd cruciate operation. She had been limping and we were concerned. Did she blow out her other knee totally? Was it this or that?

Terra is a very important equation (excellent socialization) in boarding, puppies and part of the pack. She is a gentle soul who plays with abandonment. She has bad hips. Her other cruciate gave out and we were told by the time her first leg was healed, the next one had to get done.

But all we are seeing is arthritis. That can be managed with pain relieving meds. So, she can't run on ice or we have to manage the off the deck romp when it is slippery and we need to continue to walk her 3 times a day to continue to build up the muscles but we are on a wait and see and must swim all spring/summer/fall.

We have a very honest vet. We were also told her hair is in excellent condition thanks to wild salmon oil and Missing Link. We are seeing a difference with all with the addition of wild salmon oil.

Do Havanese also have cruciate issues? Not many but they can and do. If you do a search in google, you will find stories.

What is the Cause?

Not all cruciate ligament injuries in dogs are due to degeneration of the ligaments, that is just the most common cause in dogs. Traumatic injuries can occur in dogs just like in humans and are probably more common in very active, athletic dogs.

Does this mean you should never allow your dawg to do agility or a sports related activity? No. I truly believe that a dawg needs to enjoy his passion but your dawg is yours so the decision is yours, not mine. Enjoyment of life has to be a factor.

Does it mean that you should keep your dawg lean vs. fat? YES! Extra weight can be an issue with the entire knee area from the patella to the cruciate ligaments.

We have never had an issue with our Havanese despite their activity. They have a huge passion for running, playing etc. I wouldn't have it any other way.

But today..I am glad our Terra - our resident big dawg socializer to boarders and puppies is going to be able to play with puppies.