
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havanese puppies for sale in richmond hill (8)


Not Impressed Plus Show Update: 2 Updates Today

I am Miss Roxie and this is my 3rd heat and I am not impressed but girls rule!

Mommy says she needs Kat tuckered out as he is so focused on me so I just jump all over. He can't catch me and I mount him. He gets plenty tired. That makes Mommy happy as he has no energy to whine.

Daddy says I will probably have a mating by tomorrow but we shall see. For right now I am in Mommy's office or running with the gals until Daddy gets home and I tucker him out more.


Show update. Muntuno beat Cali. He is quite the adorable thing. He is now being shown by Val this afternoon for 'best baby puppy in show' and coming home here for a bath. We co-own Muntuno. So, Lucia will show him tomorrow freshly bathed.

Jeannie lost today. Adele, even though Nathan had to do all sorts of silly things did walk (Nathan said he used to have pride) and she won Winners Bitch and Best Puppy. He did hear from a ringside judge that when she walks she is a very nice dog and he should go places with her. We knew that but - condition, condition, condition. :-0

Tomorrow is a new day and I get to wash all the dogs (4 tonight) as we get up at 4am so Nathan can do it again. Shoot me now - will you?

Tomorrow Lynda drops in and we are looking forward to that and Dusty departs. It will be a quiet week with only the Daisy snuggling with me in bed. After dinner I may take a nap with the dogs. I have a long night with bathing it seems and I know Nathan will be tired. hehe


Nice Warm Day

It wasn't warm enough to swim but nice it was. Dusty dropped in to get a bath and her human mom played with the pups with her friends. See those photos on Spice's blog. Here are a few photos taken today.

Contemplating the stick.... - The Peppered One

Miss Risa... posing

Miss Adele Looking at me!

The Panda Bear

The Daisy Gal!

Logan and Kat are back at sniff hunting.

Scruffster the regal one!

Kona participating in the run game. Nathan gets out there and runs with them several times a day. I think Kona thinks that is a piece of heaven as he is so delightfully happy participating.

Dawgs are having a grand time. Each seem to be so full of enthusiasm today. Is it the weather or??


Falling Down on Job

Life is so crazy busy the last few days so I am falling down on galleries and photos but its life. We had friends over and they swam. I had Abigail and the 4 pups to wash and I have a dog to demat but won't get to him anymore till tomorrow.

I tried to get Pepper and Scruffy in the pool but I admit I didn't try overly hard as Abigail jumped in AFTER I did her bath - yes Abigail, Roxie, Kat so I had a lot of blow drying and brushing to do and I was out of steam. I had already groomed everyone. But still I kept asking and they kept running away much like Fiona when we asked her. They were simply not in the mood and that's okay too. Monday is supposed to be warm so I will take them in before they get their baths. They are knot free so I do not have to worry about it.

This is Roxie and Hugo and Milo and I will tell you they too are smitten with her and she looks away so disinterested in Milo. I have to laugh at that face!

Here Roxie is launching herself off the side. She has learned a kick to the side gets her further.

Pepper and Scruffy got to play with Bailey. Check out this cutie patootie on the Fiona page. She was so excited to see him it was unreal. I have to do a gallery of them playing together. It was priceless!

We had a lot of snuggles time. Scruffy is FASCINATED with Dennis hand-held game machine. He often hangs his head on his shoulder to watch.

I have a ton of photos but to be realistic, I can't do them tonight. I am TOO TIRED. Its a half hour before bed and I have not had down time at all today so I am being proactive to me and finishing this blog then taking 10 minutes for me before bed. ROFL


Lots of Grooming

I brushed and brushed today except for Shoshi and Risa and told Nathan those 2 are his. Let's see how many times I have to ask or I will just do them too.

Daisy has decided that if the only way she is going to get treats is to get groomed then groom me many times a day - will you? She's too smart for her own good. By the way the Daisy head shots are so interesting as you are seeing her hair as the background. Look and see what I mean.

Logan and Panda have started what I call maniac hour when Mom comes for them so we are working on it. It's rather funny but shhh you didn't hear me say that but we are trying to tone down the excitement as it can escalate. I just love those 2.

Cha Cha will get a bath and Mommy will pick her up and let's see if she does the maniac door visit thing too. :-) Cha Cha really loves playing with Jeannie, Dusty, Finn and Truffie. She is such a play monkey.

Marlee I believe is 6 years old and still a puppy in nature. Her housemate Jazmyn is such a laid back thing like Fiona and Marlee is a wild child.

Finn has the treat thing down too. He wants me to brush him 40 times a day - just treat me - will ya. hahahaha

I must say I laugh and laugh at Chinook and Breeze. Breeze is always doing her dominant thing with Chinook and he just ignores, ignores and then goes for it - full out play.

Here are a few photos today.


Piper Update

Piper, Boo and Levon will be here on Wednesday, I think - how delightful. They are Teaser and Truffie pups...

Looks like Piper has the silvering gene - how nice. Can't wait to see the trip together.


Part of her human mom's note:

She's doing so well with training. I knew Havanese were smart and eager to please but I can't believe how fast she catches on to everything. She actually graduated puppy class this afternoon, passed with flying colours, and stole the hearts of everyone there. There's two pictures of her laying with her certificate, the ribbon is from tying for first place in a One Minute Stay game today.

She is quite the little ham, full of attitude and life. She loves, loves, loves to play retrieve and right now she's playing it by herself throwing one of her toys around the room only to run after it and throw it again. She has so many little adorable quirks and she's queen of "that look" when she's not impressed or offended that she can't have something. She loves belly rubs and having the spot right at the base of her tail on her back scratched. She's such a funny little gal, we're sure she knows she's funny and plays it up whenever possible. One morning while I was on the laptop and had my feet up on the coffee table she figured out how to get onto my legs and now that's her go-to spot when I'm on the couch. I don't think a day has gone by that we haven't spent a good portion of the day laughing and smiling at her. She's definitely got that Havanese smile. She also seems to be quite the daddy's girl during the day but come night, she's all about me. She spends each night curled up in a ball either in the spot at the back of my knees when they're bent or stretched out against my side.


She had so many photos that were great but Nathan wants to use some in the magazine. :-)


Hmm a Day?

Nathan was too busy trying to get the snowflakes in the photos that we had that he didn't get Timmy's face but the dogs were out in it and for a bit. We had a good amount of white stuff flying through the air but it didn't stick.

Timmy didn't mind one bit.

He is literally having a blast. He's like a dog in a store of bones. He just plays and plays and plays and then crashes.

No worries about this one having fun. He finds it and if someone doesn't want to play, he moves on and plays with the next.

But too funny with Tangles he wants to lay on top of her and possess her. Oh so funny. Is it that she is smaller and younger and not as mouthy as Jeannie? Time will tell!


Fiona's Getting Big

Nathan and Treasure was playing with Fiona tonight when I captured this photo. I *had* Fiona nicely groomed and thenNathan plays with her pushing her hair 5 ways to Sunday cause guess what, he doesn't groom. hahahaha

Next week - midweek, Fiona goes to the vet for her x-ray. Then we will know if we are on track for Feb 14th - the day of love.

Treasure has not had her bath as we felt it was more important for her to be with the babies. I am hoping for Sunday for hers.

Now you know my dawgs are not always looking their best. We do have a life - or so we attempt to.

If we have a 14th delivery, I will be giving them temporary names until their owners give them their real names cause it will just be fun to have a love theme and I need some fun.



New Visitors and a Cooling Off Weather Wise

Didi and Tess came and although they were not sure what to think with the crew, they have now started hanging out with the crew, adventuring in the back (which they love) and they even had fun with some kids that came to visit (Chewies house). They have really gone from - what is this about to hey this is fun. Though Didi is not sure what that barking from Raylan is about and his pouncing on her back to play but she seems to know that he's just a pup. Her tail even wags at him. Tess loves to explore and I think she has found her fun.

Chewie went home today and we will miss him but he will be back for a couple of weeks soon. We surely had a lot of fun with him.

What was our day like?

We went out before the heat hit first thing at 6amish. I watered the plants. Took photos in-between and we played a bit of retrieve and then came in. The heat was coming on.

Then I started grooming one by one. That's why in today's photos you will see the ungroomed look and the groomed look. <heh> It takes me a bit to do each dog but it gets done and I feel better that they don't have any knots. Plus I get to clean around their eyes, check their ears and see if anything else is going on with them. Grooming tells you so much. It gets you to look closer.

After that Nathan had a session with them playing up a storm and only managed a few photos but I think I made up for it. He had a dog show to attend. So it was me and the dawgs for most of the day. Now he is hanging out with teh crew while I update the blogs.

Let me tell you about the visitors. Chewie is a play monkey. He adores Wasabi and loves Raylan.

Archie is not a fan of the heat and I don't blame him.

We pay attention to the dogs. They are never outside alone. So, if I am feeling it, they are and we act accordingly only going outside for short stints. What I have noticed is the play is minimum as running is hot in hot weather and inside is not enough running room though they try and we allow. We walk after the sun goes down and all the dogs LOVE the walks some begging to go twice.

Archie has been here a few times before and really has found his spot. He plays with everyone but he adores laying in your lap and oh that treat after grooming - well can I have TWO?

Hugo is a 'got to play' dog. He doesn't think about the heat so we think for him. He's busy trying to be the coordinator. You play with me and you play with me and also you play with me. Milo his housemate is more of an easy going guy who just lets it all play out and joins in when Abigail is playing. He's smitten.

Oscar came yesterday and his mom says he doesn't like the heat but he goes out every chance he gets for 5 minute stints here and there. Early morning when it was cool, he loved chillin' on the deck and adventuring in the backyard. Food - well bring it on, please! I remember the 1st time he was here when I hugged him the 1st time he was stiff. That tells me he was not sure what this crazy person was doing but now he hunkers on down and snuggles into the neck. It's so nice to see the changes. He adores his walks.

It's been a really great day with snuggles, eating, playing and just relaxing. Check out today's photos. When it cools off you will get to see more action versions but we managed to capture some.