
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havanese puppies for sale in toronto (46)


Late Blog

Blog will be late and it is raining so not many photos the guys tell me. Just finished 12 pups and it took me 6 hours of non stop washing and blow drying. I will start with Spice's blog, then Panda's and last Roxie's for photos. I will place up the small size and link the large size as I go. To say I am exhausted is an understatement and tomorrow is going to be a full day so that blog will be late.

Looking forward to watching tv and snuggling with the dawgs.

Well, still working so no tv. Here are just a few photos. Have more but no energy. Just know the dogs had fun other than my hosing them off and drying them from the mud. Only Cali was a complete junkyard dawg.

I call this I survived getting hosed off but twice - come on lady...

Coco managed to only get her immediate feet dirty. I keep scratching my head over that. She just had a big treat and went yum yum - more please!

I thought it only fitting to end with the junkyard dawg. Who would have thought she was washed 2 days ago. Not me... I love ya anyways Cali gal!


Playing Catch Up

I may be able to do the puppy video tomorrow. You see I played catch-up and everyone is bathed though I had to think hard about it.  But it feels better that it is done. Tomorrow everyone has to only get brushed.

I am still being rude I guess not getting too close to people. I know I am not contagious but not taking chances as this is hanging on. But wow I am better than last week. Just look forward to going out with the dogs and not coughing uncontrollably. Maybe when its not so cold? Here is hoping... They say -37c tonight - geez.

Kona had a bath today though taking a photo was highly interesting as I had him so perfect and then he rolled, play bowed and well made himself a mess. I kept trying to brush and then gave up.

The Molly was also over for a bath and so was Dusty. Didn't get a photo of Dusty that came out. Not sure who was taking photos of her but they were all blurry. :-( Molly and Dusty played with the pups. Only got Molly with the pups.

Trigger and Levon departed with mom and I think she is going to stay in till next Monday. I don't blame her... brrr They were happy to see her! We already miss them.

I do not think Roxie is pregnant (think she is in full blown false pregnancy) so that means she will get bred with Jeannie around April/May. But I am sitting on the fence about Panda. Its looking more likely that she is than not so that will means Panda pups when Spice has hers. I am glad she will have company of the canine persuasion to help her if needed.

Nathan is doing a show in February on Saturday/Sunday and Monday. Then days later Spice and perhaps Panda will be due. Great timing, Nathan.

Sounds like we have Muntuno in the Tricks class so there are at least 3 havanese. Leti is going to be a challenge. I think she is the toughest dog I have ever trained. She's better than yesterday but all she cares about is the treat - rather like Adele. They get so excited its as if they lose their brain and can't contain themselves. Class and the show will be interesting. Nathan trained her after my session this morning and she was at least semi doing what she should. Stay, finish - ARE YOU KIDDING - I did it for half a second - now treat me please. We do not treat her unless she does it correctly. She is rather beside herself with that reality.

Some dogs you can't have the treat in your hand. Leti is indeed that type of a dog but fun... oh yes she is!


Winter is Here?

Well I guess winter is here. The dogs only wanted to do a short walk each and every one of them. They also wanted to play out more but for shorter timeframes.

That didn't stop Roxie and Zoe from playing like banshees nor Brewer running like the wind getting everyone to chase him.


I will tell you inside and on his fave chair suited Logan just fine. I am not sure he has truly adapted to this frigid stuff. I am not sure I have either.

On another note, I need help. I got out all my baby comforters for the pups and I am finding them rough. Maybe its just me and my hands at this time of year but I am using softener. What do you use for the blankets to keep them soft? I may have to go out and buy some more baby comforters but maybe I can infuse some life into the ones I have with some help from all of you. Ideas?

Right now I am using Tide scent free and downy scent free and bounce scent free. Sounds like an awful lot of softening going on but doesn't feel that way.


Starting the Day Funny

Well, Coco and Doozie came 15 minutes early so my hair was every which way at 7am. At least I had clothes on vs. pjs. Coco and Doozie came rushing in waggy tails so excited. Hours later I looked at myself in the mirror and laughed hard. I looked like a train wreck. I am a wrestless sleeper. The dogs have adjusted to my sleep but my hair, well it looks interesting first thing. Most people would stop and brush the hair out. Mine just got brushed.

The Coco and Doozie are only here till the afternoon. Nathan is out running with the dogs and I am typing. Next run is mine. :-)

Now the dogs are starting to say can I come in? I am feeling rain you know! But Nathan believes in fresh air - cold, hot, raining, snowing.

The dogs love it too!


Busy Day

This will be short as I have Pepper and Scruffy to brush out and Max and Missy are going first thing tomorrow so they are getting baths tonight. So... I will try to get more photos up tonight but can't promise. It will depend on how long it takes to do each. :-)

If I finish early enough you will see photos. If not, I will play catch-up tomorrow.

The dogs had a really fun and crazy play day. They are a mess even though all were combed out. It's one of those days when you say really - you really brushed them... yeah right.

I am still looking for blankets baby and otherwise and baby lamaze toys especially the ones that clip on things so I can clip them to the xpen for sensory. I have been to our local baby consignment shop for the last 3 months and not a single blanket or lamaze toy. Strange but if you have a lead on any, let me know as my time is limited and I don't have the ability to shop just to shop. :-( I used to.

Just finished bathing - wow am I tired. Here are a few more photos taken today. I hope you enjoy them!

As usual, we always manage to have fun even when we are grooming up a storm. The dogs make my life worth living!


Terrific Day

We had a truly splendid day. We had pups. We had adults all playing and hanging with each other.

This is Barb's Jazzy. She fell asleep on Nathan.

I think Jazzy was curious what was going on with her housemate, Shelby or maybe it was the silly Nathan. :-)

Get on the floor and they will come...

This is Jazmyn. She loves to chill out and if Nathan is in the recliner, she's draping his head like a scarf.

Missy and Adele have a fondness going on!

Roxie finally had a bath and she needed it. Miss Roxie is looking more and more like Miss Abs these days.

Meet Ms. Marlee. She is a play monkey. Give her a toy and she goes crazy with fun. Yes, Patt both Jazmyn and Marlee are so comfortable that they are taking over. Just teasing but no worries with this duo.

Max, where's your head and where's Roxie's head?

The dogs ran and ran and ran their little hearts out today.

They also had a rip roaring game or 3 of get the sock covered ball.

Missy is so funny. She is finally realizing Max is not all hers when it comes to play. She wanted to play with everyone but Max had to play with just her. She tried bossing. She tried engaging him and he said talk to the paw. Now that she's not bossing him around she is playing in a big way with everyone.

Truffie is starting to get his winter dark. In winter he always goes darker. In summer he fades out.

As you can see Max thinks Roxie is all that and that was the crux of the problem all along with Missy. He's mine you know... heh

We had a wonderful time. Ms. Shelby's Jazzy was attentive with Ms. Shelby and relaxed with the crew. Mr. Levon was his usual play monkey but he always kept his eye on the Trigger guy. The puppy magic seems to be working.


Dry for a Bit: 2 Updates Today

Just got back from a walk with all the dogs. The last ones to go was Cali, Spice and Adele. Well Cali walked all the way around the block without having to be picked up. Adele was up front and excited that she was first. Everyone enjoyed the walk and we wanted to get everyone walking before the rain came. Everyone enjoyed it and so did the humans.

I am tired, I may crawl on the couch, watch tv surrounded by dogs. Lots of walking... Nathan went too. :-)

But before I do here is a video of the Cooper. He's doing weaves, playing in leaves. It's so much fun!


Busy Times

With dogs going home, paperwork getting done, bags getting created and the normal stuff we do, the blog is getting later and later in updates. Seeing I am doing multiple updates on Spice's blog, it only makes sense.

My office is getting opened up to the other adults now with only 4 left. They are playing but sleeping a great deal.

Roxie and Panda had this system of cleaning puppy ears. It was a riot. That's what Momma dogs do.

Logan and Panda are now home. Ty also came for a day visit. Ziggy is hanging out and is truly a fun, fun dog. He will love seeing Scruffy tomorrow who is his brother.

It's a crazy week and we are missing the pups but its also fun in many, many ways.

We will resume our normal flavour of blogging soon. No worries!


Indoor Fun

We had indoor fun and baths today - 6 of them today - wow. Mr. Coops comes tomorrow. Logan and Panda had a bath and will be departing, Scruffy and Pepper are now home.

Here are a couple of photos. Seeing its late indulge me as I didn't take many.

Kona departs tomorrow. I didn't get a photo of Daisy licking Nathan's face but it was funny as she tends to want to give you kisses for everything. She reminds me of our late Terra. She's reclining in the recliner with him as I type.

Off to get pups out before bed and try to relax for a moment. It's been a busy and wet day.


Brohs and More

Okay so its rainy and they have red eyes but hey you can see that they are brothers from a different litter. Bailey was over for a visit and really cozies up to his new gal pal Adele. He also got to play with Fiona as well.

We also had some visitors today so the adults got to play and socialize too.

It's all mine!

Fun and Games

Catch me if you can!

Oscars also visiting but only for overnight. It means a very quiet time tomorrow and a no grooming day for me.

Just so you can see how cute Bailey is without the red eyes - here he is again.

Thanks everyone for playing with the dogs, loving them up. They hate it so - NOT. :-)



My guy is going to sleep till 4am, get up, let me sleep and I will be heading out with skype and phone so Nathan can also enjoy from afar. I will also be taking photos, and video. He gets to go to 2 specialties in August so a great trade off but still I would have liked him to attend too.

Only Jeannie and Fiona will be going. Can't do anymore on my own with this little sleep plus its not my car. :-) It gives me more time to concentrate on photos, socializing, eating and sharing with Nathan.

Bring chairs. You need them. Wear comfortable, loose clothing as its going to be hot. Bring a dish. There will be drinks but if you want something special bring that too.

Yvonne already had our popups picked up so we have some shade.

I look forward to seeing you all but please ignore me if I seem incoherent. I should have enough sleep but we shall see and caffeine is becoming my friend till these all nighters fade and Dennis can do them. Maybe Tim Horton ice cap - we shall see.

Thank you hubby, thank you all that offered a ride. Thank you Sylvia for taking me. Thank you Yvonne, Alex and Lucille (Lucille is Yvonne's sister) for setting up without us for the most part and using your gorgeous property. Thank you to whomever saw it fit that pups were born, doing well giving me the opportunity to go. It means a lot to me.

Thank you to all that are taking the time to come. It means more than words can say. Though I understand not everyone can come - maybe next year?


Getting Ready

The Boo went home. Pepper and Scruffy got washed up for the picnic. Brewer, Logan and Panda already brushed out. I took a 10 minute swim. May take another but no dogs will be swimming while we are in this hold as I don't want the stress of brushing out and drying while in the midst of pups coming.

Here is the Pepper yesterday in her pretty bow.

I even got everyone brushed out already just in case. Spice is still eating with gusto so this could be awhile.

It's going to kill me if we have to miss the picnic more than you know. It's a joint effort from Chicadoro and Talemaker and it was filled last year with mostly Talemaker dawgs. It used to be here but we have too many dogs so Yvonne offered to do a joint venture. If all is well, I will be going and Nathan remaining. He is going to 2 specialties in August so I thought it has to be him cause I know how you feel about the guy but I am going to take him up on the offer to go as it will be 3 things I miss vs just 2. I hope you understand. If we both can't go, please take videos and photos. I will miss it but I would like to see our dogs please. It does mean a lot to us to see the dogs.

We did not cancel the event as the timing was best for Yvonne, Alex and Gerda. We want you to have a great time so please do and please attend!

I am not sure why that isn't understood. You can't believe the comments we got as if its not our event too. <sigh> It has us rethinking the joint venture and I don't really want to do that. <sigh>



We are swimming so no video today - no photos today. We are humans. No dogs want to swim. Go figure.

Tomorrow we have Hugo and Milo and their parents over so we will be swimming again and Shady and Nora will look beautiful to go home. I need to get my ahem in gear and wash some of my own before Spice has pups. Oh they are groomed but after washing Terra today - well I can't imagine having 4 goldens to wash. Glad we only have 1. Oh my are they a back breaking job to do.


Just Some Photos

Please let me play recovery. But fun was had by all and Brewer had a bath and then it rained of course. Here are a few photos taken of the dogs jumping at the camera.

More fun was had...

Panda and Spice hanging out.

Jeannie and the puppy

Grace and the pup

Tiger Lily saying oh my its raining!

Brewer and Adele

Brewer had a bath and then it rained....

The fun hasn't stopped but I am running out of steam. After a 7pm visitor I am climbing on a couch!


Just Some Fun

I have limited time today and didn't get many photos. I will tell you why.

I woke up this morning to find out Nathan and Dennis didn't bring any of the dog stuff in and it rained so I got to do laundry all day and I mean all day. Then Nathan is doing an outside show so we had to get ready for that. That meant he wanted my big grooming table (he's picking up someone to go with him and this big table means he doesn't have to drive downtown) so I got to disassemble that, reorganize that room (its not done) and groom a slew of dogs before they left. I get the little table.

Shady and Nora is up at the cottage. Benji arrived. Plus we were supposed to go to class and that is impossible - sorry folks. You see I have to wash Jeannie tonight and class would mean at 9pm when I arrived home I would have to bathe her. I just don't have the energy today so I apologize.

But Nora, Shady, Rocky is knot free, Brewer is and so is Logan, Panda and Benji. I started in on my own but haven't finished and I suspect it will wait till tomorrow.

Here are a few photos of Rocky and Benji playing. This does my heart good.

Now to update the other blogs and get back to setting up everything in my grooming room and then washing Jeannie.


Hot, Hot, Hot

I was going to wash all the dogs and let them air dry and then they said rain at 10, then 11, then 2 now 4 and none of it arrived and no one got washed. But Nathan and I got into the pool after Piper departed and we took the dogs out very early for a run down the path and play. It is actually too hot for the dogs to hang outside. I weeded in-between swimming and well doesn't appear that much is done even though I filled 3 lawn bags. Weeds are like that.

Kat went swimming. Roxie went swimming and so did Spice and I brushed no one else out except Piper. I made it my day to swim and to recoup. Tomorrow I have Molly to wash and some others. Molly will get a blow dry. They say hot again tomorrow so we may be taking Molly into the pool at the request of her owner as they go boating and she wants to be sure with and without a life jacket Molly can swim.

Maybe I will was a dog, swim, wash a dog, swim much like I did with weeding today.

What do you think that Spice was thinking when she stuck her tongue out at human Daddy? We are going to get Spice swimming most days so she is in perfect shape for a month from now. Plus it will cool her off. It does us!


Awful Night

We had a perfectly AWFUL night last night. The Abigail pups were fine but our smoke alarms went off for no reason. They need replacing but still this was absolutely ridiculous waking us and the dogs up from a dead sleep including the Fiona pups. It started at 4am and wouldn't stop. As they are hardwired in it was hard to get them to stop. Dennis and Nathan finally figured it out at 630am. Oy....

Dennis being the individual he is went all over the house opening up windows incase we had some unsmellable smell so to speak. He also went down to the son's room in the basement in case he was having a party that he isn't supposed to have here. Well, at 4am you think of strange things.

He also opened up a window in my office and said the pups have a heat lamp. I shut that window immediately as they can't have a draft heat lamp or not. He was not happy with me, I was not happy with him but as I said it was 4am.

I thought of what it would take to get us out of here if we had to. It wasn't a fun thought.

Then he unplugged everything in my laundryroom thinking it was my grooming equipment. I have 4 dogs to wash today so I had to plug everything back in - no biggie but reorganize everything cause as I said he is the guy he is.

I am a TOTAL crab today. We have class tonight and the last one so I am going. It's raining so I have to wash certain dogs then keep them inside so timing is critical.

Now we have to get new smoke alarms. We don't smoke here. Nathan and I are ex-smokers. Dennis never smoked in his life and well Jonathan we won't talk about what he smoked but he's not supposed to HERE and he says not anymore - heh. But we checked anyways and no he was actually sleeping through that nonstop beeping that the dogs wouldn't stop barking at and remember Dennis opened the windows.

So, if I don't have an update today on this blog, I am tired. I am crabby. I have 4 dogs to wash and its raining. I think I earned my crabbiness. Here's hoping the dogs get me over it!


First Swim 2013

Well didn't realize my lens was all wet so I got a blurry result but this is the first swim of 2013.

I can't believe I didn't realize but oh well.... at least I realized for the pups - yes they went swimming too!

Kat is loving that the pool is open. Me too! More swimming tomorrow.

Photos of pups and update tomorrow. This way I have something for you to look forward to.

Got my deck washed, the sunshade up, cushions out though I need new cushions and seems like more tables but we are enjoying the outside.

Have to keep coming in though to check on the Miss Abs pups or Dennis has to. So you enjoy but in small bits and pieces. Pups are still outside air drying. :-)


Today's Update

Juggling a great deal. Update coming late but it will come. Nathan is going to class and Logan and Panda depart tomorrow. Due to Nathan going to the vet tomorrow, I am washing the Logan and Panda tonight so I am behind. I can't wash tomorrow without Nathan here. All dogs were brushed. One had to be dematted (sigh) and Panda has been washed. Nathan took in a nap. Not I. :-(

Ty came for the day and found his fave spot out on the deck. It's glorious weather and the dawgs are loving being outside.

Brie and Colby departed and I was unable to go out as I was neck deep in pups among other things and Dennis was trying to sleep. That didn't work out so well so he is now sleeping. I am typing on the computer. Nathan is out back with the dogs and pups and he will be heading to class soon. I am hoping Dennis is up by then.

Panda and Shoshi love the lower part of the table outside. Panda was on one side, Shoshi on the other. Each had a strategic spot so they could watch everyone else. :-)

Coco prefers to hang out close to the pool. The pool is a balmy 78F now. A far cry from 48F when we started. It's starting to get clear too. They say really warm by Sunday so maybe I will get a quick dip in and then again perhaps not. We shall see.

The dogs were very social today but also sedate. That's hard to explain. We had a lot of visitors - well Nathan did. I had dawg duty inside. That happens when you have a son trying to sleep. This too shall pass or so they say.

Kat and Logan rather enjoy each other these days. They even have the same stance when they want in.

It's been a long day but I feel like I missed the visitors and I did. Sorry everyone but I am sure you enjoyed Nathan and the dawgs. I also had no downtime. I am rather exhausted and don't see down time till I go to bed about 11 as Dennis likes to take a shower at 10pm and he likes a long one. :-) Then I get up at 630. But at 6 the dogs are saying NOW and I am saying NO and this all happened after the time change. I need blackout curtains, I am afraid.

I think I am hungry and exhausted and Nathan has to leave soon and Dennis is still sleeping.


No Update

All the dogs are doing wonderful but with pups getting born, dogs needing to be groomed and those going home I just can't do it today. I hope you understand.

To say it was a tad crazy today would be an understatement. I didn't even find time to eat. Did groom dogs but still not sure how I did. hahahaha

Thank you Dennis for playing with the dogs and giving them extra love!