
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havanese puppies for sale in toronto (46)


Crazy Day

I had a silly crazy day today. I was trying to convince Nathan to groom so these photos are BEFORE grooming but they were having such fun!

Okay, how many dogs are in this photo?

Now off to watch tv and snuggle with the dogs. We have a busy weekend so I need a breather before it gets too busy! Abs best hold out.


Having Fun

It's all about having fun and that is the operative word. Run, play, run, play and crash out and cuddle and watch tv. It's all we are doing in-between getting each of the dogs combed out.

Thi sis a no photo day. The hand is well has its limitations. Nathan is also brushing but I look around and they aren't brushed like I do but he is trying and I do love him. It helps that I am just finishing and finding what he doesn't. :-) It's all good but look for more photos tomorrow - not today. Forgive me - need to play recovery.


Messy and No Photo Day

Hand hurts, heart hurts - not up to this today but all I can say is Nathan needs to start grooming MY DOGS as my dogs need grooming. Cause if I groom them with this hand they will be all MINE. hahahahaha

Dogs are doing great. We are just about to watch Idol on the tv with with laying all over us. I need it. You should try it. It truly makes you feel better.

Dawgs... well nothing like them!


Go AWAY Rain

Have to tell you I love Ringo's eyes. He also has a mix of personality that is similar to his canine mom but also his canine dad. I see both in them . He is a true character. He plays and plays and plays and I do think he is missing Finn but Roxie and Pavie is taking over. Have to get some photos but without Nathan its been crazy busy but soon her will be home - today!

Finn had a bath and gave me that look as if to say can't I go out? Well, he couldn't as he had just had a bath. Meanie me, I suppose but this way he looked great for human Daddy's pickup and he is even more snuggly.

This is Pavvie - Abigail's pup, (the littlest one) and Roxie's sister. She is a riot and when you lay down she blankets your head like a hat and licks your forehead in case you don't realize she is not there. Gad is she fun.

Now I just brushed up Coco as she heads out - just visiting as her human siblings are in a sport tournament. I call this her bad hair day. Really, her hair was brushed and as you can see after playing outside they adore all the creature comforts in the tv room. It's a blanket of dogs when you lay down in there and I love it! Think Dennis does too. I caught him snoozing with them all over him today.



It's not just the pups that start the scavenging when the melt begins. Logan and Kat are out looking for whatever they can find like 2 peas in a pod.

It's rather interesting as usually Kat has no time for Logan. He's just another boy and well he's just another boy that is here when gals are all supposed to be mine but they have developed a relationship much like Truffie has with him.

They do things together and Kat likes that even more than the play. Sure Kat plays but he likes to forage and investigate and well be busy. One wonders what that is about but Logan also seems to like to do so as well. Logan is a huge play monkey but he has found this scavenger game fun.

Magic is here visiting and she just had a brush out. I also added a pretty barrette to her hair (thank you Shelley and Al) and doesn't she look great in it?

Magic has been so amazing today playing up a storm and now she is catching some serious zzzs.

I find they all do just before dinner time. What is that about?


Changes Always

Charlie departed - Zack and Coco soon and Frannie came to visit. But did I get photos - no was too busy taking the wee ones so forgive me....

Promise tomorrow to do better with photos. But hey I hope you enjoyed the photos of the little set on Treasure, Spice and this blog. It's busy around here but lots of fun.

When I combed out Shady today he kept licking his lips knowing the drill - hey where is teh treat - massage - will ya?


What a Warm Day

Nathan and Dennis have been out playing with the dogs off and on all day. I have been out with Fiona as she has had to go a great deal. :-( Weather is GORGEOUS!

No photos as Nathan didn't think of it. I was busy grooming, taking care of Fiona and feeding pups. I was also washing Fiona's back end and drying each time, doing laundry and cleaning the whelping box more than the usual.

Panda is also here as she is in heat and not being bred but she is not totally happy about not being able to be with the boys. She is with her mommy though and with me and at night with Dennis.

So, give us a few days. I will post something each day - just not my usual.

I thought this was an interesting photo I just took. Mia is in her usual spot behind Nathan or on his neck. Kat was saying hi to Nathan.

Everyone is exhausted. They are so exhausted from playing and I mean every single one that Nathan is getting the food ready and all but Dusty hasn't even got up to see what he is doing. They are tired. I believe they loved the outside today. Even Mia is now settled into the back of the couch and catching some serious zzzs.

It's nice when the dogs play till they need to take a nap. It tells me they all had fun. Not a single one is awake - now Dusty has fallen asleep. Hmm wonder if they will get up when Nathan starts putting out dishes. :-)


3rd Birthday & More

It's crazy busy day today so I rushed to do baths for 3 getting picked up. This is Breeze who turned 3 along with Raylan, Finnigan, Coco. Big Happy Birthday to Breeze and all her siblings. How did 3 years go by so fast.

Chinook also had a bath but I have to get Nathan to take some more photos after my camera battery charges. What timing......

Finn we did manage to get photos of but he refused to stay still but 2 minutes. He's so excited to see Brewer - wait till he sees Pepper and Scruffy too.

Here is a series of photos I attempted to get of Finn after his bath. What a mexican jumping bean.


Today's Sedate Day

This is Coco after she was brushed.

This is Coco right after the first photo was taken. I think she is taking lessons from Wasabi who loves that free wielding hair of no return to freshly groomed.

Coco and Doozie will be bathed and take off on their first limo ride tomorrow afternoon. I have a carpal tunnel thing going on so Nathan has been helping me doing the first stage of grooming and I do the finishing and actual bathing.

Thanks to Lynda for letting me try a product that appears to be getting my hand to relax but now I want to eat with my left hand. hahahaha

I just finished watching a seriously disturbed movie called Sinister. I used to work with authors - some True Crime writers so I have read a lot in the True Crime genre but visual still disturbs me and this was rather like horror - oh boy - warning if you haven't seen.

Now back to dogs. We had Shoshi doing snow angels today. See the gallery. I just love how they get into it and Shoshi is a riot.

We also had Brewer here and I will post some of the photos I took of the visit on Spice's blog in a few.

The Doozie has decided she wants the love seat to herself. This is ALL MINE, Coco.

I think Roxie loves Lynda the best. She lives for her coming in. :-)

Tangles refuses to keep a tie in her hair and loves the bed on high where she can direct traffic.

Dusty was delighted to have Brewer over and is dead asleep. I snapped this two minutes before she faded out.

Zoe is missing Socks - its obvious so now Roxie is getting all her attention and Roxie has played hard today and wants sleep. Each dog has their own energy level. Sometimes I could use their energy. :-)


Lots of Activity Today

Okay, I didn't get a chance to brush out Envy AGAIN as he was playing so hard. I actually brushed him out after Paula headed out and well he doesn't look so. This was a photo of Tangles jumping OVER Envy. What do you think is going through Envy's mind?

Finn comes tomorrow and I have to get a photo of Tangles and Finn as they look so similar or my memory thinks so. Let's see if they do with a side by side photo tomorrow.

Here is a photo of Kona and Socks. Kona gets a bath and heads out with Kathy tomorrow. I will miss him in a big way. Wow... She will be delighted to see him, I am sure! He's going to sleep and sleep I bet. The dogs simply have so much fun from morning till night.

Darcy comes for a quick bath and I will be so delighted to see her. I bet you Spice will be too!

JLo will also get a bath and head out. She has had so much fun with everyone but especially Roxie. I love that she has so much fun in her as you can see here.

Doozie and Pepper were giving Zoe the eye. They rather like her.

Zoe even tries to clean Pepper as if she is the mom. It's a riot!

This is Tangles. I may have to put her hair out of her eyes so you can see them. :-)

Here are a few more photos taken.


Camera Was Down

My camera was down for the early part of the day so it's a no photo day per se.

Last night Ty's mom shared with us a photo of Ty watching the Grammys. He must have thought it was boring too!

Dawgs are so expressive! :-)

Then we got a photo of Levon. Boo, his brother just went home and was doing stairs. Hope he continues them at home. We will miss the Boo spirit but we will have his bro Levon to make us laugh too on Wednesday.

Don't ya just love this photo of Levon?

Two different expressions from 2 havanese. What can I say?


Snow Wins Out

Finally got Kona out in the snow and much to his amazement he actually liked it.

This was Roxie snow diving. She dives into the snow as if she is diving into a pool. It's a riot to watch her. Too bad its supposed to rain on Monday so we have 1 more day of snow fun.

Do you notice Kona's eyes closed? This was after him jumping through the snow. Poor dog was falling asleep standing outside. We took him inside as Nathan said the glare was bothering his eye and so he sat down on the recliner. Kona jumped up on the couch and made a leap for the back of the recliner to settle into Nathan's head on the back of the chair. First time I saw this I went yikes but he's so agile and so concise on his jump that he always manages to get to the target. No one else has ever done that trick. Still, I put down cushions all around the chair in case he didn't make the back of the chair but he always does and with ease, I might add. I am surprised he had that much energy after coming in cause seriously he was falling asleep standing up outside.

He is so fast asleep now that even a loud noise didn't wake him up. See what playing in the snow does for you?

Daisy thinks she has a new toy and she is named Dusty. Dusty doesn't know quite how to take it as Daisy kept capturing her. When they got inside Dusty had enough and told Daisy - I don't think so. Dusty is like Truffie - a mild mannered gal till enough is enough. I think it shocked Daisy but then a bit later they were on a more even keel and playing much better together. Relationships unfold and they need to learn effective communications. After grooming Daisy will be heading home. She will be missed!

Dusty finds my tree peony mighty tasty. <sigh>

Boo continues to act as the kid that he is. He plows through the snow. Delights in the play and I think he thinks he has gone to dawg heaven. What a character he is. His parents are stuck and can't get home so he is hanging out here for a couple of days. He will be missed.

Coops is up in Huntsville getting less knots than when he visits us and we have snow. His play with Cody was amazing. But when Cody's dad was here (I was grooming) I overheard that Cody was saying - that's MY dad not yours. Silly funny!

Logan who is visiting for Chinese New Year decided he was NOT going to jump in the snow. He just walked around - played a bit with Panda and Roxie and came in and settled into the couch and fall asleep. So unlike the play monkey. That's okay, Kat just wanted to investigate and watch too. I get that!

The dawgs - they are so interesting - each and every one of them.

Me, I am in pure agony. I overdid it. My neck, my back, my arms are crazy sore and my muscles seem to be jumping - weird feeling. I am glad I got the grooming done. Just Daisy and a break till the next day - of course.

I am praying it doesn't rain on Monday.

Oh, and you guys out there - if you want the BEST truffles in town for Valentine's Day best head to the Longo plaza in the Bayview John area. Ultimate Truffles resides there and hands down they make the very best Truffles I have ever tasted and I have tried a ton as they are my faves.

Check out the message below as we have an update from Laci. We have missed her updates!


Snow Gallery

Here's the gallery of when Lilly and Timmy visited. Hope you enjoy. Me, I have to go out and shovel. Dennis is exhausted and sleeping sitting up so its my turn.


Oh Oh

Snow is coming. Dusty needs MUCH training. Her latest antic is to hide under the deck and Nathan has to go get her. After about the 4th time - we can be slow like all of us can be, we decided recall needed to be practiced. So upstairs she went and by the time we were done for today, she was running back and forth without hearing come. What a smarty pants. Tomorrow no treat unless she hears the command.

Not sure if we are going to get the big huge storm but it is slowly coming down.

Here are just a few photos taken today. Just not up to going through all of them. So, I hope its okay to see a few.

Ty was here and gone today but just before Julie left she showed us Ty's latest command of play dead and sleep. :-) What a riot.

Daisy's home has workmen in it doing smelly stuff me thinks and she is playing up a storm. Cody was playing with Ty whenever Kona was otherwise focused on the frisbee. At first it was Ty and Kona as a team. it helped that we brought them out first alone.

Cooper thinks Boo is so fun and he relishes play growling and rolling all over the place. Each time Panda and Roxie play though he makes Roxie his own. I want to figure out what that extra something Roxie possess cause the boys all try to covet her.

Everyone is now chilling all over the place with us or with Dennis in the TV room.

Still waiting for the big storm to hit.

I did brush the Coops up but he adores sticking his face in the cedars. I may need a neutralizer to get the smell out. Funny cause Kat does the same thing. Haven't figured out what that is about except they get their face mighty messy.

Interesting thing to note, Logan didn't want Cooper to play with Panda but could care less if he played with Roxie. Interesting dynamics and this afternoon it could and usually does all change - which is quite the norm.

I just love it! Sometimes its like a school playground.


Snip Snip

Sounds like Tre is down for the count but it seriously won't be a week as the vet suggests. It's easier on the boys and the dogs DO heal fast.

Wasabi had her spay and if your remember by day 2 you would have never known it was done. I fretted though. I think it is harder on us humans than on them. Give him a hug and he looks stylin in his onesie!

He still has his golden copper colour on his leg I see!

Our vet now sells a dog onsie if you can believe for post surgey in all sizes.

How much does he weigh now?


Never Thought

Never thought I would see the day when someone else tuckers Cooper out but Charlie did just that.

Cooper jumped on the bench and said I have had enough for NOW.

I knew they would click and when Zack gets here it will be Zack and Logan joining in.

Dennis has been busy having fun trying out commands on Coco and Doozie. It's a riot. He's so good with the dogs and they love him so.

Me, I am in pain. I wasn't so bad this morning but two tylenol 3s and I can walk but sit and climb over or get up from a sit - yeouch. Hoping tomorrow is better so althugh I washed Kat (Nathan brushed the rest) as Flora is coming to get bred, standing for that length of time was not a good thing. He feels so wonderful though. At least he is squeaky clean for the deed. :-) Yvonne should arrive anytime. :-)

Kat's a lucky guy. :-) He sort of gets it but says where's the gal?


Ah That Beach Smell

We already miss that smell of fresh air, light breezes and good company.

I have way too many photos but I did manage to upload some.

Check out the photo gallery.

We came back to real life and having the Scruffy hang out with us. They played up a storm and then cuddled into sick Nathan and took a nap this afternoon. It was a riot and I clicked a photo of Scruffy during these moments.

He's such a full of life pup and it is fun to have him around.

We were busy today but managed to get some real fun times in. As Nathan was sick it was me and the dawgs and him trying to get rest so no photos but did have fun. It was great seeing Logan and Panda again!


Support the Havanese

The Havanese specialty shirt is now on sale and is on sale online and will be on sale at the show.

But if you want a certain size, be sure to order ahead of time.

There is a photo on the front and on the back.

The Havanese Fanciers Club of Canada will also have a raffle at the show, tote bags on sale and there will be vendors at the show.

See the official merchandise here.

Try to attend if you are near Richmond Hill at the end of the month. We would LOVE to see you.

Here are the details.

We will have Truffie and the Spice showing but not by us. Nathan can't show as he is show chairperson but we will be there helping out, taking photos.

Plus if you are getting a puppy or have a puppy, the vendors you want will be at the show.

If you can't make it for Saturday for the national specialty, be sure to join us on Sunday for the regional specialty put on by HOLA.

Look forward to seeing you there.


Sparky in a what!

Now I want you to know that this outfit trumps Sophie's no eyes and wide mouth though I LOVED that photo.

I saw this and went oh my!

I mean red looks really good on him but those things coming out of his head....

Sparky is a great dawg. He indulges mom but I can imagine what he was saying when he posed for this.

I promise, I won't show this to his canine mom. :-)



Puppy Snuggles

I am bringing up this photo from quite sometime ago. These are Wasabi's pups. Other than it is cold in the environment, I was looking past notes I make and noticing just how striking her pups look in snow.

It's easier when it is not snowing as pups can only go out for short spurts when old enough when it is cold but there is nothing like pups jumping in and out of snow.

Pups born in winter look for a patch of snow to go on and are confused as to where that white stuff went when spring melt comes. They make the transition just fine but you do notice the confusion.

Pups born in warmer times look for that grass and aren't too sure about this white stuff where some just think it's the best thing ever.

Personally, I hate shovelling but a white draping of snow is quite pleasing with black and white pups scrambling through the drifts.

That's my memory moment.... sorry... but we are doing well. I have Abigail left to groom and Wasabi is stylin.

Moms are now relaxed enough to feed and come out of the whelping box and peer in allowing them to stay cool but be attentive. First time mothers rarely leave even though they are just there. Relaxed is a 'good' thing.