
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in hhavanese puppies for sale in toronto ontario (19)


Driving Runs in Family

I bet you are wondering what that title is about.

Do Havanese actually drive?

This was Risa driving home after winning her championship.

Well not really but that's the pose she struck and I snapped it.

So many years have passed since this moment.

Risa still jumps, plays and adores all aspects of life.

This is Chewie, a Risa grandson from Wasabi and Kat. I wonder if driving does run in the family.

Check out the photos below of an earlier blog post too.


Not Much of an Update

I had 4 dogs to wash and a turkey to cook. You see we have dogs to watch while other people enjoy their dinner so I figured the only way I am going to get turkey is to cook it today. So inbetween I had dogs hovering around the stove licking their lips.

I had hubby and Dennis saying did you baste the turkey? Yes, I did inbetween this wash or that but thanks for asking. Dennis and Nathan played with the dogs when I was washing but do they take photos? NO! argh though Nathan said he took a video. Well I didn't get to yesterdays video. So, we shall see how today goes but hey its better to groom and play with the dogs don't you know?

As I type, I am eating turkey. Yum. See multi-tasking it still came out.

Plus the dogs were thrilled as Nathan took some turkey, cut it all up and the dogs got their feast too.

You didn't think we would forget about them, did you? Mr. Coop was smaking his lips and so were the rest especially Ms. No Name.

Happy early Thanksgiving!

PS: Just a small video Nathan did while I was washing dogs and making turkey.


Hedged Day

Kona is totally smitten with Adele. He humps her, covets her and kisses her neck and ears. It's so funny.

Then we have the posers - meet Scruffy

and Logan who tend to stop and look and pose for you when you have a camera.

Brewer and Pepper get along famously. Plus get this Spice is back playing with them - how nice! Now that Momma duties are less.

The crew has had a grand time and tonight Daisy comes and Dusty comes tomorrow for the day. Brewer departs anytime now. He came for a play and a bath.

Plus our hedges were cut so outdoor play was done each time they took a break. Glad that is done. Well don't like how thin the hedges look but the tops look nicer. hehe It is what it is.


Better Day

You never know who is going to play with whom. It can be confusing. Each day they can gravitate to the same and other times its different. Rafi likes to play the field and here he is with Griffin playing up a storm.

Griffin was playing with Keeper and Adele when he first arrived but he's decided that Rafi shoots the moon.

Pepper is here. I thought Rafi and Pepper would play but not yet. I think Pepper's mom does overtime on her hair (that's not why I was venting yesterday) as it was knot free but she is busy playing with Jeannie so by tonight we shall see. Right now, Nathan and some of the dogs are napping. I guess life is back to semi-normal.

Every day I play retreive in the house and outside and I always use a different item to mix it up. I don't want them so good that no one new can beat them at their game so we mix it up and play it different. Jeannie strives to win.

If it means way too much to her I stop the game for her and play with the rest. She's quickly caught on that you can't play the game of intimidation. You must play fair or you don't play at all. :-) Our games are not simply games but learning experiences.

Daisy is also getting quite the workout. No pool today. It's not warm enough for us. No warm weather till Saturday? <sigh>

We are all having fun but as Terra had an upset tummy I was up off and on all night. She's fine. She just had a treat - an extra large one that didn't agree with her tummy. Our son thought it was a good thing. :-)


It's Been an Event Filled Day

Well Benji and Kat were running around like crazy dawgs and Benji ended up cutting the corner too tight and splay into the pool.

Poor Benji got his brush out and blow dry before his bath. He gets his bath again on Sunday when he departs. I bet you he is scratching his head wondering why play equals bath. So am I. :-)

We had a ton of fun playing going on today. Here are a few photos.

Boo was here for the day and so was Brewer. They make the most of their time, I tell you!

Bentley, Adele's brother is here just for an overnight and oh my he has tuckered the Adele out. How fun is that?

Lola took to Bentley as if they were two peas in a pod. It was a riot. Lola is finally starting to get we brush daily, you get a treat and she is now saying okay where is the treat?

Dusty really likes the smaller set too. I don't blame her. Dusty gets a bath first thing tomorrow as she departs in the morning. We will miss her!

Panda loves chillin' on the deck. It was a perfect day today for it with no rain.

Sadie is a play monkey and adores the great outdoors.

JLo also departs tomorrow and with all the playing she has done, she will need it. :-)

These are only a few of the photos I clicked today. To be honest we have been having so much fun clicking was secondary. I hope you don't mind!


Crazy Dawg Times

The Look!Tomorrow Adele gets to spend sometime with her brother. How cool is that? It will be laughing time for sure for all!

I am finally feeling better but Nathan has a serious neck issue which he refuses to get checked. It started when he went to the funeral and it has only got worse. I say to him you must move it to the point that it hurts just to gain mobility. You can't hold it in place but I get that he is. I think it is stress induced. This loss has been difficult to say the least. We really are missing a dear loved one. Sorry to use this as a venting - I know its about the dogs but we are about the dogs too. They are our lives and so are our families. Without them we would not be who we are.

We get our grandkids on Wednesday as our daughter goes into Ottawa for shiva (mourning for one week) and our one grand daughter can't miss her Bat Mitzvah lessons (she is going daily - thank you Rabbi) as she is playing catch-up due to hospital stays. This last month has been terrible. She is now off the Remicade due to serious side effects (breathing difficulties, rashes - side effects) and is on another drug. This one will take 6 weeks to work but her bat mitzvah is in 4 weeks. It's always something.

As I was sick and I was truly sick I got behind in grooming - never on visitors - just my own. Nathan said he would help and I suppose he did or it would be worse but wow I am playing catch-up today and it isn't pretty. I am working in-between feedings. Dennis is sleeping. I have 3/4 done. I am thorough so I take my time and not just say I do only getting the top coat. I use a comb on all. So time consuming it is.

It's also pouring so what I get done looks interesting 5 minutes later.

I did manage to take a slew of photos BEFORE grooming so you can see what my dogs looks like before I get to work. I brush the dogs before I groom me but to me they count more. That sounds silly but anything that brings me so much joy deserves my work I say.

So when you are looking at yours going oh my they look absolutely atrocious, smile as it happens here too. It's not often but it does. But I am a crazy dawg person and that's all I will say on the subject.

Truffie has been combed since, Roxie not yet. hehe

Dusty has been groomed and gad I love her silky shiny hair. Much to Adele's irritation she was groomed too and so was Benji but Benji decided to go under the deck and well he needs a bath and that's all I can say. I love his personality. He has such spirit but boy he reminds me of Wasabi - not his mom Fiona. hahahaha Fiona is such a princess and Wasabi likes to muck it up, crawl, get dirty and pounce on this or that. That's Benji and I swear he smiles when he comes looking at you as if he just climbed into the dirtiest hole he could find.

This was Benji before this mornings grooming and before he crawled under the deck. I love him anyway. All I can say is I am glad we are getting a new washer tomorrow as its been hell without one and I am almost out of towels and baby blankets for pups.

Abigail continues to play with Adele as if she is a wee pup. I will tell you Adele has a mischievous soul. She is a happy go lucky, let's create trouble soul. She doesn't back down from the bigger dogs being a tad boisterous. She keeps on going till she thinks she has won. Sounds like Jeannie, doesn't it!

We have been blessed to have Brewer join us this month just for the day. His last day is Wednesday and we and the others will miss that fun spirit. Oh Spice you make such wonderful pups.

Brewer is having a blast with Benji. See Irma Benji's haircut and its highly managable and curly and I think it looks great on him. They have the same hair.

This is Sadie and Lola. They both are really mucking it up with the crew and it is nice to see!

This is Brewer and Roxie. Brewer is saying I win! They go back and forth over this winning business.

Lola and Truffie are exceptionally playful with each other.

I have more photos but to be honest I must get back to grooming. We are having a blast. I am too and I am thankful that I feel well enough to play catch-up and enjoy the dogs. They are what makes my heart skip a beat. The hubby and the family does too. :-) I love them for sure!


Check it Out

Bailey playing with the pups and Truffie. Check it out. Gallery is now in the Fiona blog.


Class Last Night & Play Today

Here is Kona doing the perfect beg.

Ty doing his pray! He does so many tricks including counting much like the Kona!

Magic doing her paw. She also has a slew of tricks she knows.

Plus I want to add another of Magic as the relationship between the human sister Caitlin and Magic is amazing. As Phyllis says she does all the training and wow she is up there giving competition to Ty and Kona. Us, we didn't do any trick training before the class but Jeannie got the beg in oh - minutes. Nathan wasn't going to teach as he is too afraid she will try this stuff in the conformation ring and lose. But a truly trained dog should know you do x in this venue and x in that venue but for pups that is a bit hard to expect but we do. heh

Today we had Levon over and you will see some photos of him on Abigail's blog as he was playing with the pups. Below you will see Truffie and Logan and Panda playing.

This is Panda telling Roxie she's boss.

This is Logan and Truffie full out playing and loving it!

At one moment in time Panda said Logan is MINE but Logan and Truffie ignored her.

They continued to play and Panda observed.

Panda finally engaged Logan in play but only after Truffie and Logan was done. The boys were having fun!


Happy 4th to Ripley

Imagine not having to setup a background like this and having it natural? Wow! Ripley - you are gorgeous! Daddy Katsura says Happy 4th Birthday! Time has flown by way too fast!


Photos of the Day

Don't have time for much in updates. With the pups going home, he blog updates - well as you can see what time it is and now I am updating so I will just say the dogs had a blast today. The snow was coming down sideways. They all played. Kona hasn't had his bath yet but I am fitting him in as it is a must. At least with this snow we aren't having dogs swimming on the pool cover.

This is what we looked out to when the dogs first went out today. The dogs didn't seem to mind.

As you can see Momma Spice is enjoying the snow!

Spice was getting them all to chase her and they did!

Kona and Boo two peas in a pod all day long. How interesting!

Then Kona was on the chase!

Dusty found shelter.

You can't see in this photo but Truffie was in the bush and they were all hunting a squirrel.

When Scruffy wasn't playing with his sister, Pepper he was out playing up a storm with the crew. He looks so good in motion!

Finn visited for the day and who does Finn play with the most? Well, everyone he can! He is so full of life!

Cha Cha came for a bath and play date. I did have her part perfect but she fixed that. Can you believe how shiny her hair is?

Well that's it for tonight!


Levon's Smile

Don't have much time to do a gallery but will try in the next couple of days. We have had a BLAST out in the snow running, jumping and just being silly. Then I had to wash the Spice crew and I am passing on the Treasure crew as I am spent but they had a bath not long ago. Should wash Spice but we shall see.

I have photos to do of the Spice crew so if I can figure out what photo is whom - well its going to be interesting.

Also, check out photos of Tangles as Top Cat and Best Friend.

Here is a photo I got today of Levon.

Shannon says, Hi Nathan and Darlah,

I hope you're both enjoying the holidays. The pups are impossibly cute these days. Like them, Levon is loving the snow. I'm attaching a picutre here of him - he is one of the happiest dogs I have ever known.


We just love the Levon!


We just got a photo of Boo who is Teaser and Truffie's pup. I can see Truffie's face - oh my how cute.

We get to see Boo on Thursday - how fun. I am truly looking forward to it. Truffie - you make nice puppies. :-)


Hmm a Day?

Nathan was too busy trying to get the snowflakes in the photos that we had that he didn't get Timmy's face but the dogs were out in it and for a bit. We had a good amount of white stuff flying through the air but it didn't stick.

Timmy didn't mind one bit.

He is literally having a blast. He's like a dog in a store of bones. He just plays and plays and plays and then crashes.

No worries about this one having fun. He finds it and if someone doesn't want to play, he moves on and plays with the next.

But too funny with Tangles he wants to lay on top of her and possess her. Oh so funny. Is it that she is smaller and younger and not as mouthy as Jeannie? Time will tell!


Unexpected Visitor

We had an unexpected visitor today and I am sadly behind in everything but it was worth it!

The rest of the crew is doing fine except Roxie who is having tummy aches and not eating. Poor thing. I had to give her a half of a zantac to try to settle her tummy down. Check out Fiona's blog to see who came to visit.


What is It About Rox?

I am going to put this short and sweet. What is it about the Rox? Look at that tongue on Scruffy making sure he gets his lick in. hahahaha

As you can see, Daisy is laying there too ignoring his fascination with the Rox.

I think Daisy just doesn't get it.

Take a look at Scruffy, Daisy and Cha Cha on Fiona's blog. They love the Cha Cha too!


Wet, Rainy and Chilly

It's wet, rainy in a big way and it has become chilly so the dawgs are hanging out with Nathan in the TV room - well most of them.

This one took over the entire recliner and only in this house can you spread out and get comfie in the chair that the humans like the most.

I started grooming and gave up. They go outside and come in looking like wet rags and we put all these blankets all over the couches, on the chairs, in the crates so they can get real cozy.

It's a tough life, you know. They cuddle in and catch some serious zzs.

If the rain keeps coming the pool is going to overflow for sure. No photo galleries today. It's just one of those days but besides chilling we also play a lot of games that expels their energy and gets them tuckered out - us too. heh


It's Been a Day

Cooper and Scruffy was playing up a storm as if they are related. Wait, they are!

Scruffy is now home and I bet you he will be snoozin' as he played hard today despite the lack of a pool and despite the rain they still manage to go silly crazy. It's nice.

I did manage to groom everyone. Molly and her mom dropped by and we did hair talk.

Coco and Doozie rema funm fun, fun with their antics and we are still learning all their commands but it is fun trying.

Yvonne just missed seeing Coco and Zack. Coco waited for her turn for grooming. Now that's new. Hey I see you are giving out treats when you groom, lady. So groom me next!

Rocky came in the place looking forward to the fun and is really settling in well. (more photos tomorrow of everyone) Just more difficult taking photos in the house in tighter quarters so I am hoping no rain tomorrow. We shall see. Plus sitting is not so easy still.

I lined combed Cooper but he doesn't look like it. Rain and play - what can I say.

But we are managing 'some' play outside but much grooming after that!

Flora is visiting till tomorrow as she is breeding to Kat.

We signed up Roxie tp Citizen Canine in Ajax starting August 1st at 8pm. Class is almost full. Ty and Scruffy wil be joining us. It's going to be fun!

More photos tomorrow... just know fun is had by all despite this rain that has come and they say is still coming.


Another View

Before Grooming Moments

The crew had a lazy day. I weeded, They helped and when I say help, a few of them start pulling and digging beside me as it looks like so much fun. It isn't.

Fiona finally got brushed but she was not in the mood to be brushed today. She just wanted to laze out in the sun with Daddy.

After brushing, I cleaned out our formal livingroom (was using it for specialty storage) so our daughter can play the piano. I also put the photo of her and her ex away and haven't a clue what to do with that but I will keep the frame. She's coming up with a new boyfriend we haven't met.

Her kids are dog friendly as she is a groomer and tends to help strays. Not sure where she gets that. heh

Tomorrow I am going to wash, and wash, and wash dogs. Tonight I wash 2. Tomorrow Logan and Panda and anyone else I have the energy for. Friday more, I imagine.

There is too much to do to get ready for visitors but I am glad we do not have puppies. Our focus would be on the pups and the rest - well would have to wait.

Looking forward to grandkids and dawgs in pool and I am hoping it happens by Father's Day but not holding my breath.

I was practicing down with just a hand signal across the yard and I had a sea of dogs that went down immediately than looked for the treat. It's good to practice even when you are not doing school.


Woofstock Gathering

It was great to see all the dogs at Woofstock. I wish more was able to come. Nathan also didn't take great photos as he was too busy socializing but he did get a few.

It was great to see Ringo and Kobe especially as we hadn't seen them. But it was a joy to see the rest. Each and every one is unique and special and I sincerely mean that!

Check out the photos.

Woofstock was pretty good. Some of the old vendors was back, some missing unfortunately. But it was a great size and it took us a couple of hours to get through it.  We lost people, we found people and it even rained for 10 minutes but not hard and it was fine. It was even  refreshing.

Hope those that go tomorrow enjoy it as much as we did.


What a Day

Well it started with rain, ended with sunshine. The dogs helped me repot plants, weed out one section of a bed (got way more to do) and they LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the smelly compost, go figure.

There goes my day of leisure. Nathan got a nap after he went and got me lunch and went out and got me a calla and canna lily from someone who was selling them cheap off craigs list. The canna went into my water feature. I need more for my front pond and other water pot. I will keep looking as this is the time people are dividing their plants.

I really wanted a quiet day doing nothing but fun. My deal was when I saw these 2 mature plants I told Nathan I would wash Jlo (remember he promised to) if he would go get the plants. I should have included him repotting too but maybe they would still be sitting in bags if I did. :-)

Tomorrow if we have sunshine I will sand the picnic table.

Jlo came out great. I am pleased with how her coat came out. I hope her owner is too. Tomorrow I get back to grooming my crew and Phantom and Mugs.

We thought Phantom and Mugs would be going home but Paula got in a 4 year old Havanese that is dog aggressive. She is retraining him. Something about encouraging the dog to be a guard dog - not good.

So between 2 babies, Envy another baby and this dog she got in she has her hands full so we have a delay in the duo heading back home.

Some people complain that they are bored, me I just want to catch a breath sometimes. hahaha

I am so glad Fiona can now be in with the rest. Segregating is not fun.