
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havanese puppies talemaker (12)


Puppy Updates

People were asking about Biggie and it seems he is doing wonderful.

He got a new hairdo and it seems he is still a character.

From his mom:

Biggie spent several hours at the 'spaw' this morning and came out with this new do. Not sure about the blow out (I like his hair in its natural curl better) but its nice to see his eyes again ;).

He seems pretty happy with it.


Now for an update from another.

Kobe, one half of the twins mommy sent us a photo.

This is from Kobe's mom:

Hi guys! How's your summer going? I am home with the pups and it has been great! Kobe went for his first swim last week and after I brought him in once he jumped back in on his own! He seemed to enjoy it and especially liked running around wet!

Then we went to the beach and he was initially scared of the waves but later was lying down in them! He is just the best! Looking forward to seeing you all soon!

Lauren, Vince, Shilo and Kobe


Can I Go In Yet?

They say we may be able to swim tomorrow. That human mom is becoming OCD about this pool. She needs a life.

Extended family is at Wonderland and she was hoping to go but the transmission died enroute. So, the car is getting fixed and human Daddy is saying what else is going to go wrong?

Mom says nothing. It piles up and then you get a reprieve - well she believes that. Daddy better buy that lotto ticket for Friday. Good things are bound to happen and this means Fiona's pups are going to be drop jaw STUNNING!

Dennis was taking out weeds from our below ground level patio and the dogs were running away with the weeds as fast as he was clipping.

Jazzy has stopped digging out my prize rare Day Lilly. One is dead - 2 others survived - he just killed the rare one of course. He's lucky cause I love him and he just doesn't know what is rare and what isn't so how can you get mad at that?

Besides, life is too short to be in that mindset, don't you think?


We Had Visiting Fun

We had a lot of fun and it was great to see Meeko, Panda, Rox, Kona, Logan and Spice playing.

Check out the photos!

Thanks again to Kathy for bringing Kona coffee - yum!

Kona got a new hairdo and if I do say so myself, Val did an excellent job on him. She did a scissor cut and I was impressed. You will adjust, Kathy!

Meeko is also back at her house and the Rox is missing her. Panda and Logan are also home and its rather QUIET here.

I got all my grooming in early. Kat has to have a bath tomorrow and tomorrow evening I get to go to a vaccination seminar. It's about the new protocols. I have over 100 pages to read tonight.

I know... I best get reading. Did I ever say I hate reading dry stuff? B-O-R-I-N-G but so necessary so I can know what is best.

It's best to learn until you die - or so they say!



 Tomorrow we will do a video of feet but today we are wet. It's raining and we all look like wet rats.

This was taken just before the rain hit.

We are playing a lot of indoor games and the dawgs love it.

I can't groom anymore. I can't do a video. Just too much to do when it rains floor wise, grooming wise and I didn't get much sleep last night.

Daddy was back so we had a lot of bed jostling for position last night and Daddy spending way too much time getting Rox to sleep with him. hahahaha

She was a wondering last night and Truffie - well he slept at the top of the bed on a pillow way comfie and didn't move. I wish they all did that last night.


Lots of Work

We have been very busy but this will open up by Monday. We are still updating daily but not with photos. I apologize.

Risa is saying thank gad as I am next to wash - a reprieve - yeah!!!


Heating Up

Fiona needs a bath but she's not getting one till Friday night before the show as she is showing at the Specialty and Yvonne is walking her in the ring.

But she is in heat and her boyfriend will be at the show but we will be nice and make sure they stay away from each other till Sunday night.

Truffie is Fiona and Phantom's pup and we hope we get a female Truffie as if you can order them up like that. hahahaha

Phantom will also be strutting his stuff from Thursday on.

Yep, Truffie also will be at the show but may not be showing specialty day. It's complicated. He's not himself and showing for a stranger won't cut it but we shall see. Nathan is not allowed to show. Oh well....

It's only a DAWG show. :-) Plus this wil help him get ready for Sudbury.


Steven and My's Home

We had the pleasure of visiting Steven and My's home, their 3 and Eugenia's 2. What a full house that was and it was fun.

The food was great, the human company was great and the dawgs - well the dawgs are the dawgs, aren't they?

It was great for Truffie and Mac who found they really liked each other and yes the rest already knew.

Check out photos from the visit and check out the video out though my camera died halfway through or was that 1/4 of the way through but now with a charge it is as good as new.

The video is not the best but shows you that fun nature the Havanese is well known for.

Steven's photos can be found at


Let the Games Begin

We had a lot of visitors drop by today and no one swam except Breeze who jumped in like her Dad and now Truff does. Oh my.

When we invite people over we say come for a swim but no one seems to take us up on it. It's just a Dawg visit, you know.

It was wonderful to see Mia's parents but I didn't get to say goodbye as Breeze felt the pool was simply inviting and off I went to dry her.

But we also had our daughter and son-in-law come up to take the kids out to the mall to give this old granny a break and they get to see them.

Fiona had a bath today and I let her air dry without brushing till the end. I folded laundry while I stood and watched and put more laundry in etc. She just stood there with the breeze drying her coat while I looked on. I can do this with her as I am standing at the grooming table (my grooming area is in the laundry area) and she stands there waiting for her treat.

How do I know? That tongue darts in and out saying - hey lady TREAT TIME!

Well, off to wash a dawg and relax or maybe not.


Adventuring Talemaker Havanese Style

What a funny looking Havanese THAT is. Okay, it's not a Havanese but one of our Goldens who helps us with the big dog, little dog socialization.

Shoshi was Terra's first Havanese and she adores her but she finds all the smaller set quite fun. It's great for the pups to get to know a gentle big dog too and that she is. She lets them crawl all over her and she gets down to their level to play. They can yank on her and she doesn't ever do a thing.

She also helps with our boarders who have fears of larger dogs. No matter what they do, she remains calm and gentle. Eventually any boarders that are concerned do 'get' that she is a truly gentle being.

Today all the crew is going to our friends Yvonne and Alex's place.

We probably won't be able to update till tomorrow as the remaining pups are going with us, 2 visitors, our goldens and our Havanese on a 2 hour journey each way. It's warm so the dawgs can run and play and hang out and enjoy. It's probably Whitney's last trip out there as she is now 14 plus years old. But she adores their yard so how could we not bring her. The car will be crowded. It will feel like a long trip but come the return, they will be exhausted and will be sleeping on the way back. That's how it always works.

So, more tomorrow. We have Kitzie (Fiona's daughter) and Charlie staying here this week. We look forward to it!


Quiet Times at Talemaker Havanese

If anyone wants to see the video of Missy, Holly and Penny with the pups, you can find them on the Wasabi or Abigail's video page or on the visitor/boarding video page.  Missy, Holly and Penny was hanging out with the little guys.

NOTE: Click on the photo here to see a larger version. We will be going back to using thumbnails and clickable photos if you want to see a larger view.

If you are interested in photos, Missy, Holly and Penny was snapped before and after baths as that was the day all 3 were going home. sniff I don't have formal before and after shots but rather just clicks of that day. Check them out on the visitors and boarding photo page.

Well, it is truly quiet here. It reminds me when our kids come home, the whole house gets more active. I believe due to having 7 kids, we are used to that non-stop activity so when we have a lull, it's as if to say - now what. Sure we have a house filled with our own but it takes me so little time to groom and that should equal lots of free time but does it? No! It just means all those tasks that were not dog related gets fit in till we get another visitor and then we have an excuse - we've gone to the dawgs! Plus I get extra snuggling time and extra playtimes and everything including fitting in a PVR that is filled up. But do we miss the activity? YEP!

Next guest comes on April 28th. We can't wait!

PS: I think tomorrow I wil work on some more articles to spruce up the library here.


Penny Visits Us Today

This is one of Fiona's daughters. She looks a lot like Fiona but also like Fiona's mother. Fiona is getting bred soon and will the pups look like this? No and yes. Each time they are different and the sire will not be Kat. Will they be wonderful characters? No doubt.

Will she have all blondes or apricots like her? You never know. She could have sables or black and whites or... well it is a wonderful surprise.

It's quiet around here. It's raining! We have Yvonne's Maggie visiting. Jay goes home tomorrow, Cesar goes home Friday. Ripley comes Friday.

No photos today. Sorry but I want to snuggle with pups and dawgs and enjoy them inside while they track in mud. hehehe

It's a Havanese dawg residence - what can I say!


Vet Visit

The vet saw pregnancies but we won't know till the 26th on how many when we do x-rays. I know, even we don't like to wait.

But we are going to have puppies and that is way exciting!

Kat went in for his kennel cough as he does an odd dog show here and there and we need to be careful plus with boarders, we tend to keep up with such things.

Getting cracked pads? Do you ever check them? Use Bag Balm.