
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in small dog boarding in toronto (9)


Quiet Times at Talemaker Havanese

If anyone wants to see the video of Missy, Holly and Penny with the pups, you can find them on the Wasabi or Abigail's video page or on the visitor/boarding video page.  Missy, Holly and Penny was hanging out with the little guys.

NOTE: Click on the photo here to see a larger version. We will be going back to using thumbnails and clickable photos if you want to see a larger view.

If you are interested in photos, Missy, Holly and Penny was snapped before and after baths as that was the day all 3 were going home. sniff I don't have formal before and after shots but rather just clicks of that day. Check them out on the visitors and boarding photo page.

Well, it is truly quiet here. It reminds me when our kids come home, the whole house gets more active. I believe due to having 7 kids, we are used to that non-stop activity so when we have a lull, it's as if to say - now what. Sure we have a house filled with our own but it takes me so little time to groom and that should equal lots of free time but does it? No! It just means all those tasks that were not dog related gets fit in till we get another visitor and then we have an excuse - we've gone to the dawgs! Plus I get extra snuggling time and extra playtimes and everything including fitting in a PVR that is filled up. But do we miss the activity? YEP!

Next guest comes on April 28th. We can't wait!

PS: I think tomorrow I wil work on some more articles to spruce up the library here.


Talemaker Havanese Immense Fun

We had Hugo and Milo join us for the day. Teddy also came for a couple of days. Daisy has been here for a bit and Shanty is here till Sunday. It was a TRULY fun day today.

I got a ton of photos but I am only putting up a few that turned into a slew but still not all.

Check the photos out here.

I also placed up a video with Penny, Shanty, Daisy and the Treasured one. Tomorrow I will put up a video of the rest of the visitors. I just ran out of time. Sorry.

Teddy brings such fun to the mix and so does Hugo and Milo. You already know Daisy is a play monster.

We had such a fun crew that I spent less time cropping 247 files - yeah that's right. I have 247 photos getting uploaded and I am only putting up a sliver.

Treasure is getting back to herself. Fiona is almost done her heat. The crew was playing hard and long and delightful. Watch for today's videos getting uploaded tomorrow. Till then, wish me luck with sleep tonight as we have the moms joining us for zzzzs.

Yeah, Saki is coming for a few hours tomorrow. FUN!


Playing By My Havanese Rules

As you probably know by now, we are big on the retrieve game. It's fun. It tuckers them out and it usually teaches them the spirit of competition.

It took a bit before Treasure 'understood' the spirit - meaning it doesn't always have to be about HER.

Well, Daisy reminds me a bit of Treasure where she rather would get YOU to do the chase game - you chase her - which I refuse or she covets the toy. So, we are practicing walking away and ending the game. This method may take a few days but it DOES work. I have never had a dog that it hasn't.

But you have to laugh watching the mind clicking away waiting to see what you will do. Will she give in this time?

PS: I didn't but we are about to go back out and try it again.



Mucking it Up Havanese Style

Daisy gets brushed up and voila, you would swear I didn't touch her. Personally, I love the chaotic look. Shoshi has that look too.

Daisy has been mucking it up and if there is a mud patch in the back, well she finds it. You have to laugh at such fun. Sure it is extra work for me but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Today we hung outside, played up a storm - found mud and just enjoyed life. Then comes the walks and catching zzzzs.

Now that's a Talemaker Havanese Life. hehehehehe


New Visitor Today

LouisLouis came early this morning and will be here till Monday. He's always a delight.

Coach and Sassy are here till Tuesday morning and Jay and Cesar are here till Thursday. Then Ripley comes on Friday. We will have a lot of changes this week.

As I type this Cesar and Jay are playing up a storm running up and down the hallways here.  Coach and Sassy are snoozing after playing a very active game of chase.

It's been a wild house and while I was off at the 'All About Pet Show' Nathan also had Yvonne's 4.

By the way, I really enjoyed getting out and it was a huge treat. I am also going to a seminar tomorrow while our son watches the crew for a couple of hours. It's been forever since I have been out. The subject is 'dog language. WE tend to try to keep learning so any of the dogs and boarders can benefit. It's a win/win for us and them.

Shoshi & TreasureI bought this absolutely grand idea of a toy at the show. You put a plastic bottle inside of it and they use it to crinkle and retrieve but the bottle doesn't get splintered or a mess and you can always put a new one in to replace it.

Here you can see Treasure nearly having a heart attack as Shoshi had the audacity to beat her to it first.

You can get a better photo of this toy in today's photos. Still don't have tons of photos but as things wind down in the busy department, I will.

This toy is a huge hit!!

As you can see, although exhausted, I came back and played with the dogs, snuggled with the puppies and cropped photos and updated the blog. I could use sleep after getting up at 5am.

No, the dawgs didn't wake us but Nathan was doing a favour for someone and driving them to the show. If you do go to the show, go to Breeder's row and say hello to Val Weston. She's in the Bichon booth and she has one of Fiona's pups and yes she is bouncing and saying hello to just about everyone. Give her kisses for me.


Lost Dawg Day

SSassy and Coach came last night and are fitting in really well. Remy and Jay are really enjoying the additions. Tomorrow Louis joins us. It's a truly fun house and Shanty is joining in on the fun.

I know I promised photos but it was a nice day and I couldn't help but get caught up in dawgs and playing with puppies and then Yvonne came with her dogs and Audrey came with Gidget and the day got away from me.

It happens and I hope you forgive me but I have been having lots of snuggles and fun with the dawgs and the human visitors than came. Forgive me!


The Havanese Dance

Jay & TreasureIt's fun to watch the play - what I like to call the Havanese dance. Treasure loves it when the boys pay attention to her like this. Jay is heavily smitten. What will we do?

Today Cesar won the retrieval toy more than Treasure did and it drove her crazy. It was so silly - this game. You swear you are watching pre-teens.

Tonight Coach and Sassy arrived and Friday Louis comes. Tomorrow Yvonne's crew wil come for a visit. It's going to be a crazy house for sure but a fun one. Watch for photos tomorrow.

We moved the puppies downstairs so we had a lot of moving and changes so it was moving, playing, walking and fun but not much time for photography but I promise tomorrow brings more dawg fun!


Remy Goes Home

RemyThe Remster has left us and I bet he is already snoozing as I type. He will be missed.

It's rather quiet around here with just Cesar and Shanty. Cesar is smitten with Treasure and has been running after her nonstop and she is loving it.

Treasure's that gal that always gets attention and revels in it. I am not sure why the boys like her but it has to be her fun lovin' way she embraces life.

I washed, Remy, Fiona, Wasabi and Abigail today so no photo gallery today. I hope you understand. I am now off to watch the puppies and relax. More tomorrow.


New & Old Friends at Talemaker Havanese

Treasure & ObiWe had 1 new visitor come today and some of our regulars. It's exciting times. Check out the photos here.

This is Obi playing with Treasure. I think Treasure has taken over Abigail's role now that Abigail has pups.

Well, what can I say about our visitors? Obi does the stairs up and down and he's a wee pup of I think 3.5 months. He's hanging out with Treasure and with Shanty. He's fitting in really well. He's here till tomorrow or Sunday depending on the game score. That's another story. :-)

Cesar arrived and well Cesar is a great fun filled dog who I love to snap photos of. He just finds the fun with everyone. He ran up to me and slathered me with kisses.

Zack and Coco arrived and well they fit in as if they are always here. They tend to play with everyone and Coco tends to be curious always checking anything new out. Zack was already standing in line to get his treat after grooming. hahahaha

Remy is playing with Treasure a great deal but he is also branching out and playing with the rest of the crew especially with Zack. It's nice to see.

It's a crazy dawg house tonight and I love it!!

I can't wait till tomorrow to see what the day brings. Catch you then!