
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in balanced havanese (10)


New Visitor Today

LouisLouis came early this morning and will be here till Monday. He's always a delight.

Coach and Sassy are here till Tuesday morning and Jay and Cesar are here till Thursday. Then Ripley comes on Friday. We will have a lot of changes this week.

As I type this Cesar and Jay are playing up a storm running up and down the hallways here.  Coach and Sassy are snoozing after playing a very active game of chase.

It's been a wild house and while I was off at the 'All About Pet Show' Nathan also had Yvonne's 4.

By the way, I really enjoyed getting out and it was a huge treat. I am also going to a seminar tomorrow while our son watches the crew for a couple of hours. It's been forever since I have been out. The subject is 'dog language. WE tend to try to keep learning so any of the dogs and boarders can benefit. It's a win/win for us and them.

Shoshi & TreasureI bought this absolutely grand idea of a toy at the show. You put a plastic bottle inside of it and they use it to crinkle and retrieve but the bottle doesn't get splintered or a mess and you can always put a new one in to replace it.

Here you can see Treasure nearly having a heart attack as Shoshi had the audacity to beat her to it first.

You can get a better photo of this toy in today's photos. Still don't have tons of photos but as things wind down in the busy department, I will.

This toy is a huge hit!!

As you can see, although exhausted, I came back and played with the dogs, snuggled with the puppies and cropped photos and updated the blog. I could use sleep after getting up at 5am.

No, the dawgs didn't wake us but Nathan was doing a favour for someone and driving them to the show. If you do go to the show, go to Breeder's row and say hello to Val Weston. She's in the Bichon booth and she has one of Fiona's pups and yes she is bouncing and saying hello to just about everyone. Give her kisses for me.


Chasing Games in the Yard

Cesar Got the Ball & Treasure & JayUsually Treasure gets the ball but not this time. Cesar beat her to the punch. Any game that is played, Treasure plays to win. She should just play to play. She's learning.

It's great that Treasure learns the game of fair play. That's the bonus of having boarding, she gets to deal with a variety of personalities and more exposure for any of them equals a better dog if done right.

Socialization is important. I believe it is key to a balanced dog.

Today we played ball a number of times. We did the grooming thing. Someone asked me how long it takes to groom a dog. Well puppies about 5 or 10 minutes but the more dogs you do, the faster you become. It used to take me over 2 hours to do a proper bath and blow dry but I can do one in just over an hour depending on the condition of the hair, of course. I line comb them completely looking to see if there is a knot I missed.

Now if a coat is going through the 'blowing coat' stage and I had 3 visitors here this year that was doing so at once, I have to brush and comb several times a day or you face a huge job and I try to avoid this.

It's warm weather, dried what have you is yanked through the house especially if you are us and you don't do a proper fall cleanup. That increases grooming time but hey, it's warm and who is going to the All about Pets Show? Don't know what it is about? Check out the Events page. Then check out some dog action with ball seeking fun on our visitors photo page.


Boarding Alert!!

If a big snow hits like New England and you need to drop off your dog early, just let us know. Of course we charge accordingly but we wanted to put it out as an option in case getting here becomes a hardship. If you are local, we can do a pickup for a charge.

No, this is not about money. It's about offering you a way to not have to worry about one more thing.

They say a big one is coming Xmas eve but you know how the weather folks just never know.

While our visitors families are away for Xmas and/or the New Year, we at Talemaker are hoping for a ton of snow to do all sorts of fun videos with our visitors and our pack. Yep, we want snow not for your inconvenience so it can come after you are basking in the rays somewhere warm or skiing on a snow hill but just so we can have some delicious snow fun with the crew.

More later today about our crew. ... Stay warm and enjoy the winter holidays!


Visitors, Baths & More

I don't know what it is about this place but I go and get dirty and mommy has to clean me.

After all this time, I still don't get this bath thing.

Mommy thinks I look pretty all cleaned up but I sort of like that disheveled look. What about you?

I have been spending much time playing with our new visitors. I rather like them!

My new two buds now (visitors) called Jazmyn and Marlee (this is Marlee) that are mucking it up right along with me but mommy won't be bathing them till just before they go home. They adore the walks but come home from them less than pristine so its waterless bath, run with a towel and brush, brush brush. Marlee even clears our gate at the front door in excitement for the walks. Can I say - a great agility future? heh

Do you have a jumper in your house? Got any fun stories about it to share?


Dancing Havanese

This duo does one heck of a dance even after one of them had her shots today.

Our vet said that our Treasure was exquisite, in his opinion. It was a nice thing to hear. The vet was impressed with her attitude, structure etc. But it was said that she is getting a bit wide in that tummy of hers. heh Oh - she does love to eat.

Off we went to Yvonne's to chill out - say hello to the gang and they fed us a fab lunch and we went home in almost white out conditions. It was a tad hairy at times.

Zack and Coco goes home today. We will have 2 less dogs. They will be missed by us and the entire gang!

We thank Yvonne, Lucille and the Chicadoro doggie clan for such fun. Come down and visit us sometime - will ya?

Tomorrow we start the hunt for special treats for training and socializing by taking Fiona, Abigail, Kat and Treasure in different combinations to various stores and doggie hangouts. We will let you know how that goes.


Havanese in Cold Weather

It's really cold here in the Toronto area so much so that the dogs *are* getting walks but only a quick one around our cul-de-sac.

Our little Treasure adores staying outside but even she is standing at the door to come in. There's cold and then there is cold. Yes, I could dress them up and I do for the walks but not to go out back quickly and come back in.

Things that we often don't think about is our dog's pads. They can crack and dry out due to the salt and the extreme cold. We make sure the hair is cut short between the pads and we moisturize them when they appear dry but before they crack with bag balm but if they are cracked already, bag balm works wonders. It also helps the snow from not sticking between the pads.

If your Havanese is lifting its foot, most likely in this weather its due to it being plain too cold. Check that he doesn't have anything stuck inbetween and bring him inside.

The crew has been outside with me about 6 times today for short time frames and its only noon. They love the outdoors but as you can see - even Treasure is running to get inside.

Protect your little ones and if it is too cold for you - well its probably is for your Havanese.

Stay warm!


Attitude Havanese Style

The dogs here manage to have a grand amount of fun each and every day. We could ALL learn something from that. No matter what is going on, they always invest time to letting loose and playing their hearts out.

Your goal in life should be to make sure your Havanese has that spirit of fun in them and you in turn get inspired by it.

Life is way too short not to enjoy the 'fun' the smiles and just letting loose and enjoying your Havanese and each other.


In the Dog House Havanese Style

There's that tongue again sticking it out daring any dog to come close enough so she can pounce and play her heart out. The problem with Treasure having a rip roaring grand time with the puppies here (Oreo, Rufus, Fiona, Abigail, Benny) is she only wants them so we make sure she has some down time.

Treasure is an absolute nut case at times. She pounces, hides, attacks and takes on 3 dogs at once. She's small - though that tummy is not but that surely doesn't stop her.

It's going to be sad for her when the last puppy goes home on the 31st and Louis who comes tomorrow also goes then. Benny will be here till the 4th and then we start training the little munchkin as we will be down to our own pack.

Oreo and Benny was a tad overwhelmed with the crew and they have loosened up quite a bit where Oreo has come into his own. It takes a day or two at times to get your bearings and that's a GOOD thing as they learn new skills. We do it in such a way to make them feel secure and get to where they need to. We think Oreo has done just that as he is now a ball of - can't get enough of this play' dawg. It's a riot to watch and Benny is playing one on one with various dogs and enjoying his moments. That's what it is all about and Rufus - well he came in not needing to get his bearings - and that's unusual. No right or wrong - we are all just different and we are what we experience. It's like going to a party and you don't know a soul. Some wing it and others have to get their bearings.

If you celebrate Christmas - I hope you got everything you wanted and if not, take a breath - look at your fur kids and realize you did.

To a very enjoyable day. We - well I will be brushing dogs as they have mats and knots from yesterdays wet experience and it may take me half the day but I will do it watching the TV and spending one on one time with all.



Should I Dress My Dog Or Not?

This is a jacket we just bought most of our crew from (They didn't have Risa's size in stock at the moment. Natalie was kind enough to bring the coats over and have a play date with her Rex. It was fun and the coats are great. They will help save the coat, protect from ice balls and cut your time down in grooming - well worth it - in my opinion.

When you live in a city or suburb, does your dog really need a jacket and pair of boots?

If you think it's cold outside, consider whether your dog shares your shivers. This time of year, many dog owners put coats and other rugged outwear on their pets before heading outdoors.

Like their humans, urban dogs grow accustomed to a warm house. Their own coats may not be as thick as their rural cousins' coats might be, making it more difficult for the animals to adapt to the cold.

Footwear may be necessary in some cities to protect tender paws from de-icing salts and chemicals. We opt for the no boots route except for our show dogs on show days but if your dawg is a city dawg, if you go the 'no boot' route, you need to clean the salt and chemicals off their feet. You should also take care of their pads.

If you're not sure whether your city dog needs a coat, look for shivering during or after exercise. Just how cold are we talking? How long will the dog be out for? How typically active is the dog?

What is shivering? Muscular activity that increases as your dawg works to keep their body temperature up.

If this is your first winter with your Havanese, the snow when wet - that nice heavy snow - well it sticks to their hair, forms snow balls and downright is cold for them and painful. Put your stomach on snow bare and leave it there. Then tell me how it feels.

Plus - it's not fun to take out. You have to dry it or wash it out or brush it out but if left you will have an amazing amount of mats. Some can be prevented by shaving their tummies down but you still have to protect that bare skin.

Bottom line? Pay attention. Your dog's behavior will likely tell you when and whether he's uncomfortable. That's your cue to act.

If you're at all embarrassed by the notion of dog outerwear, it's typically the toughest of dogs who wear boots and coats. It's not just your fou fou dogs. Police and military K-9's and search-and rescue dogs all need foot protection. Search and rescue dogs that brave the elements use coats. Plus agility and games people suit their dogs up after a hard day on the run.
Real dogs do wear coats.


Havanaese Showing Signs of Concern

Our Havanese rescue that we are fostering is coming around just fine.

When Kooba 1st got here, she was overwhelmed. There were many changes that were about to unfold and your dog doesn't understand what is going on.

But if you keep at it, even the most sensitive dog can open up and gain balance.

Kooba continues to make huge leaps in becoming assertive and balanced. She's even going in the crate now and moving the furniture around, so to speak. She's also cuddling while watching TV.

As you can see, Kat is enjoying her company. One more girl - well that is okay with him.

Soon we will be looking for a new home for her and hoping we will stay in touch. We rather like this one - bigtime.