
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havanese vet shots (8)


Confidence in Havanese

Are confident dogs just that or do you have to cultivate it? It's the latter. Although some have more confidence as a base - even the most balanced dog from the onset in the litter can be spooked by strange noises, people, things, events etc. Don't assume that always confident dog will remain that way unless you expose them.

How do you get your dog to be all it can be? Training!

By investing the time in training, you build your dog's self esteem by giving him a challenge that he can achieve over and over again and we all know if we can do things right eventually - well it feels good. It also works his mind and creates a bond like none other. But be sure you only practice POSITIVE training.

Bonus is a training class will give you slow conditioning to exposure of other types of dogs.

I am a firm believer to find an instructor that can control their class with presence and always knows how to handle a situation. For us, we want our dogs exposed to larger dogs as that is what we have in life. I do not want them to be skittish around them so a mixed class is great for this. We go all the way out to Blackstock as we really love the instructor at Daytripper. For us - who teaches and the way they teach matters.

At the top you will see Treasure in her obedience class strutting with the ease of confidence. She also has that stance when out in the backyard as you can see in this photo here.

She tends to have a good base but a garage door opening made her jump to say what was that on a walk. It was sudden and she didn't know what it was but I bet you next time it will be oh - its that.

We are afraid of what we do not know and that's true with the dogs. Slow conditioning is the answer to any fears that have set in and any fears that appear suddenly. They do have fear periods but we mustn't coddle but help them to understand and not validate their fears but instead show them by our body language and with a good base of training that they can play recovery and not hold on to their initial reaction. When they do play recovery and realize it's nothing to fear, they have started the process of being all they can be - with your help - of course.

So, puppies - adults - all can benefit. Do your dog and yourself a favour - have fun and enjoy a class or two. It's the best money you will ever spend if you invest the time in between.

Happy Valentine's Day from the Talemaker crew. May you spend it with loved ones and Treasure the ones that are there for you - always - your 4 legged crew.

Well - we are off to the vets for Treasure and Risa. Enjoy the moment and think of fun ways to get your dog to be all they can be. It's the most rewarding thing you will ever do.


Dancing Havanese

This duo does one heck of a dance even after one of them had her shots today.

Our vet said that our Treasure was exquisite, in his opinion. It was a nice thing to hear. The vet was impressed with her attitude, structure etc. But it was said that she is getting a bit wide in that tummy of hers. heh Oh - she does love to eat.

Off we went to Yvonne's to chill out - say hello to the gang and they fed us a fab lunch and we went home in almost white out conditions. It was a tad hairy at times.

Zack and Coco goes home today. We will have 2 less dogs. They will be missed by us and the entire gang!

We thank Yvonne, Lucille and the Chicadoro doggie clan for such fun. Come down and visit us sometime - will ya?

Tomorrow we start the hunt for special treats for training and socializing by taking Fiona, Abigail, Kat and Treasure in different combinations to various stores and doggie hangouts. We will let you know how that goes.


Daddy Pitches In Grooming

Well Zack and Coco are going with us to Yvonne's and to the vets tomorrow so they got their sprucing up today. They get picked up tomorrow night so I was doing a marathon wash up so daddy pitched in.

Let's see, I washed Zack, Coco, Abigail and Treasure. I brushed Shoshi, Kat and Daddy did Risa and Wasabi. Now I want to go to bed. I am not sure how groomers do it. I HATE grooming but I like the clean dog. Will Zack and Coco need sprucing up when we get back? YEP! But better than the 3.5 hours it took me today to do the duo.

When I get them ready to go home, I line comb them to make sure no knots exist but as we know a little play could change that depending on the dog and how old they are. Wasabi I could brush once a week and she would be more than fine.

Well tomorrow Katsuro gets to stay home with the kids as Yvonne's crew is in heat. I have to get everything ready and daddy has to drive. Who has it easier? ha

Oh and how did Treasure do in class yesterday? AMAZING - stay off lead - come off lead with distractions - leave the treats alone - just give her the instructors treats and she'll do anything. Got to buy some and keep them for only class. Even with missing a class she was on her game. She also has the fastest recovery when something concerns her - which is a good thing.

Going to be interesting to see her in the ring. If she prances like she does in class with a flash of paw - well - wow! I will say one thing - she hates a bath. hahahahaha

More tomorrow!


Stick Eating Havanese

What do you do about a dog that eats everything she gets her mouth on?

Correct, correct, correct - is all you can do.

Treasure knows better but finds a stick and tries to hide. Yep - they actually have that thought process - how can I get what I want despite them saying no.

But if you keep at it - it eventually sinks in and they get past that chewing - teething stage.

Treasure is in the midst of losing teeth.

Today she had a toilet paper holder - the cardboard paper insert and Fiona is hot after her. Such fun!

Now to add to this story – she intimidated Terra out of her bed as she wants big beds – the bigger the better.

She is surely missing the pups but making the best of the adults.

Tomorrow - shots at vets.


Finding the Havanese Play

Abs to Kooba:
Hey - that's MY toy!!!

So much for a dog that doesn't play with toys. Kooba not only loves to play with toys after she gets comfie but also acts as mischievous as a puppy. She was running around like a banshee trying to keep the toy away from Abs and I swear she was laughing as she did. She certainly had an upbeat prance. Abigail - well she adores the play. If she could talk - she would be saying - bring it on!

Even when a dog loses or doesn't know how to play - you can find it. It may take patience and just finding what gets them excited. With Kooba - it just came as she gained comfort.

Well, Kooba goes into the vet tomorrow to get her teeth cleaned. I have found if you spray Leba III and give bones - well their teeth whiten up. Leba is expensive but it does work. it certainly saves $$ in the long run and they do not have to be sedated - win/win.

Wasabi goes in for her rabies shot that she missed due to heat and pregnancy timing. Fiona - well she is going for the ride and so is Abigail and dropping in on Yvonne. They may be going tonight or tomorrow. We will know - after handling class.

Gidget has been a picky eater but tonight I cooked her up some broiled breadless chicken cooked in bacon, added some of her lamb warmed up and she wanted more.

Picky eaters - hahahaha eventually - you find what gets them excited and then they change their minds.


Shots, Visit & Late Arrival Home

We went to get shots today for Miss Abs (3rd one done) who weighed in at 6lbs. She got her shots and so did a couple of other dawgs in our crew. The vet thought Miss Abs had great knees, perfect bite, nice compact body. He thought she was a beauty. He even commented how clean her bum was. I wanted to ask what kind of bums he saw but I held my tongue and thought to myself that I didn't want to know. ROFL!

Then we headed to Yvonnes and saw her pretty babies (pups) and got to play with Fiona - who comes home Thursday after her Baer test. Fiona has 4 white sox like her grandmother - our Risa. I got more photos of Yvonnes pups that I will post and we had lunch - thnx Yvonne and Alex - most gracious and then headed home. The dawgs were really happy to be home.

I have work waiting - the dog show video to do and all I want to do is crawl on the couch.

Here's a photo of Fiona (is that what we are calling her?) It's not a good quality but I had the camera on the wrong setting - gad - shows me to play with it. I promise better photos after she comes.

She's an Ever-Ready battery - at least at Yvonne's and then she crashes. It's going to be a ton of fun - ah puppies - nothing like them!


Visitors and Perfecting Running

We have Louis visiting. He's the black Havanese in this photo. We adore Louis as he is one of the most agile havanese we know walking across the top of the agility tunnel last picnic we had. Everyone else walked or ran through - not him on top just like his mom Gidget formally named Paris. Black Havanese are hard to photograph and you have to have a technique - called get them up close that I didn't have here. :-) Sorry...

As you can see, Sassy is running across our safety cover towards Louis. She's been having a blast today. She also had a golden visitor called Casey that was rather cool to have over. We love Golden's around this place.

Tomorrow Sassy gets her next set of shots. She's in for a treat seeing Lex as she likes him and more surprises tomorrow coming her way.


Next Day After Vet & Before Baer Testing

The crew already ate and won't be eating till they get back from their hearing test. The lone gal is sore today and expressed it vocally this morning. No one else has. She is staying away from the others and this is highly unusual for her but we figure the soreness will go. No fever, no signs of anything else but soreness where the microchip is.

Mommy Wasabi is almost done weaning the pups (it means they are allowing her to play with them now - hooray) and she likes their food (Merrick's Wingaling) mixed in with softened Fromm's kibble that she ate it all so fast that we had to take her out of the room. This is the 2nd time she devoured this particular meal and the pups love it too. Wasabi - no fair - you are stopping feeding them so leave their food alone. :-)

Today, one by one I am going to work with each dog and see what they can do and how fast they comprehend. I tried tiny pieces of chicken as treats from my hand and they went CRAZY for it. So, now I know I can use chicken as a treat when training. Over the last few weeks, I will try other things.

We have found the dogs DO NOT like Fromm's salmon or duck but adore Fromm's chicken thigh, the Merrick's Wingaling, Puppy Plate, Grandma's Pot Pie, Thanksgiving Day Dinner, Cowboy Cookout and we will try them on others. We do know they like the Fromm's dry food softened with our own chicken and steak cut up or shredded in the food processor and mixed in and these two things also do well as training treats as noted above. We will try a few others but really like the quality of the Merrick and Fromm's foods plus adding our own rice, veggies, chicken, steak depending on what you have on hand. We are also giving them goats milk by itself and they rather enjoy that. Do not worry but we put together a package with things they do well on to hold you over for a bit with all the instructions on how much.

We are not finding they have any issues with bowels that some dogs experience with a variety of foods. Even the duck, and salmon that they did not like didn't create a problem but they simply smelled and ate very little.

After the Baer, I will post all weights and results. If anyone else is looking for a puppy, please let us know. We *may* have one available and our good friends had puppies from our Risa's daughter. We saw them yesterday - well I saw them and dogs stayed in the heated car and Nathan snoozed and then Nathan saw them. I am hoping Yvonne posts some photos. In all my excitement, I got some great photos and some not so great - figures. Well, we were tired after the vets. This vet takes a long time checking, ears, eyes, lungs, knees, weight, doing nails, teeth, bone structure, shots and microchips etc. that a couple of hours later we were out the door after 6 pups. We are hoping the hearing test goes much quicker. Pups were amazingly good and the vet staff loved their crate and toys and bumper pads I created just from blankets etc. Toys R Us has some great baby toys that hang on crates or go on mobiles etc. and we are finding they rather enjoy the comfie environment. They initially fussed when they got into the car (they are not used to being in such close quarters with all 6 together) but they soon played and travelled well. I even brought an extra crate pad just in case we had an accident but it wasn't needed. Still, I will bring one today as it's that Murphy's law - if you do not bring it, you will need it.

More later....