
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in nathan potechin (127)


Oversized Havanese or WHAT?

This weekend someone asked Nathan to show a 130 lb dog. Can you guess what it was?

When the judge said run it around twice, Nathan got his full workout.

Nathan really enjoyed the experience though a dog that size - when it wants your treats - well who is going to win? You, of course but it gives new meaning into getting your dog trained. This one was a rather well trained special who already had his championship.

Well, today was a catch-up day with much grooming. Due to rain, and not being here - well I had work to do and - well sometimes they say - there are days like this....

Can we have another day?


A Bit of This and That

Kirsten, it was great meeting you and your family. Thank you for introducing yourself.

As always it was great to see Karyn and Scott.

We met so many great people that at times it was a blur. I finished taking antibiotics this morning and I was much better than Darlah who really is recovering from double pneumonia and insisted on working the show.

We had the pleasure of Sweetpea and Holly Ashley staying with us for a few days. They were up from Florida for the show. They did very well indeed and I believe enjoyed themselves throughout. We certainly enjoyed their company.

Yvonne stayed at our home from Thursday to Sunday with her four Havanese. So we had a full house of dogs and people. The only light missing was our little boy, Kat!

Wasabi and Abigail are coming to the end of their heat. Lola just went into heat. Kat got banished to Yvonne's place while the girls got to stay here. It was immediately apparent to me how much he is the center of our household and of all the dogs. It just wasn't the same without him and we miss him terribly. He'll be back on Wednesday. It is the first time he has been away from home without one of us in over two years.

Anyway, a bit about the show ... I knew I was in trouble the second we walked into the building on Friday as Fiona’s tail went down. Those that follow along with Darlah's posts know that her tail never goes down. It either had something to do with the bright lights, cement floors and echoes, noise, a combination of all of the above or maybe even Fiona is about to go into her first heat. With Abigail in her first heat right now, Wasabi, who we bred, also in heat, it can set off Fiona. Anyway, Fiona was not her usual spitfire self which really sucks at the specialty because I am, as always, so very proud of her and wanted her to show everyone how special she is even with my still learning handling skills on the other end of the lead. That was not to be. Usually she is entirely focused on me, oblivious to anything else. Not this weekend. She was constantly looking around to make sure no large monsters were creeping up on her. She went to sleep as soon as we got home and slept like a rock. This is so unlike her. Saturday and Sunday she was not much better. It just wasn’t her. She did win 4th and then 3rd in her class Friday and Sunday and they were very large classes. Abigail placed 4th but showed only one day. There were over 40 Havanese both days and I think 62 on Saturday.

On Saturday Fiona and Abigail won Best in Brace. I believe this was an event enjoyed by all. I was in the ring and trying to get Fiona to relax while Abigail was trying to jump on Fiona’s head. Keep in mind that when in brace they are supposed to walk demurely, like synchronized twins, calmly and properly. Normally when Abigail jumps on Fiona to play Fiona will immediately jump right back and off they’d rock and roll. But Fiona was having none of it. So when we were in stack position waiting for Deb’s Brace I tried to quietly pick up Fiona and place her on the inside instead of on the outside so I could be closer to her. I was hoping not too many people would notice I was swapping their positions. The swap worked so when we continued walking they were actually pretty good together. I suspect though, from the laughter from the crowd in the background, that everyone in the place saw me swap the dogs.

It was great meeting so many people from across the country. As this was the national specialty held once each year in a different city, this was the first chance Darlah and I had to meet so many of the national breed club members. We had the chance to discuss a lot of things that are of interest and importance to us and should be important to any responsible breeder such as health testing. The Havanese Fanciers of Canada sponsored and ran a BAER clinic on Friday so that anyone that wanted could bring their dogs for this once in a lifetime hearing test requirement. By the end of the day I think the Doctor tested 28 dogs, most being Havanese. Yvonne spent most of the day being the receptionist for the Doctor. I filled in for a few hours. At one point the next dog to arrive was a Bull Terrier. Oh my. If you are not familiar with the breed they are massively muscled, a real powerful breed. Naturally the dog was a total sweetheart. At one point one Havanese puppy got away and went running off into the hotel lobby. Freedom at last she thought. I finally walked her down at the end of a long hotel corridor. Never a dull moment.


With Just My Daddy Havanese Stylin'

Am I dreaming? Am I off to the show with just my Daddy. I get him all to myself! Oh my, how lucky for me indeed!

Looking at me at in this photo, mommy says - but I just brushed you - well showed Daddy how to and I look a disorganized mess but Daddy will primp me all up at the show, I am sure.

We are only doing this show alone and then on Friday, Saturday and Sunday that lady mommy will come too and she will hog that human - I just know it. She will also brush me like an insane woman. Daddy is a tad more balanced, I suspect but we shall find out and we will let you in on that bit of news later.

Well, more later!


Adventurous Havanese Times

Abs had a blast at handling class. I am not sure if human Daddy did but she sure did. She loves to chase squirrels and saw a dog that rather looked like one. Sorry but it really did. She just couldn't get over having it so close and boy would I love to pounce on THAT! Abs learned squirrel hunting from Shoshi who can catch the tail of one but doesn't want to do anything but to say - I caught you - now you can run away. The fun is in the chase and Abs certainly loves games. I am positive she could get titles in things that involved play easily.

Let's say - life was challenging tonight. Abs continues to have a true zest for play - and those aromas in the ground are just too much for her to ignore. Human daddy is doing his best to learn ways to get her to F-O-C-U-S but it may have to come with maturity or great creativity on the human part.

Here you can see Daddy trying to bait Abs with one of her fave toys. She has two and one is sadly falling apart. We need to find another. It's a little furry thing you hold in your hand, shake it and it sounds like a bird noise. This one he is using is a rattle and she likes it too. It does get her attention.

Daddy has a few weeks to find his creativity and then we will have the fun of seeing Lola and Kat pups and we will have to have videos, photos - all of it but poor Yvonne gets the work. She also gets the day to day joy.

We are already getting enquiries on the pups and will be visiting Yvonne this weekend so folks can meet the dogs.

We have grandkids coming on Friday (our oldest daughter's b-day and she owns a CAT - always one you know) and the garden cleanup and trying to get Abs swimming on a daily basis like Kat and walks and exercise and grooming and yikes - can we stop and smell the roses? Oh yeah we have plants to plant - and 2 are roses. hehehehe

More tomorrow.


The Ever Changing Havanese & Life

Here's a photo of Lola when she was a wee one. She was such a cutie - don't you think? Lola has changed colours as Havanese often do to a goldish blond. She looks like she is changing colours yet again when you look at her up close getting that richer colour back.

Havanese are such an interesting breed as you can have the looks of one colour then they grow up and get another and then they can revert again or change again. It's like having a package that keeps on evolving. To me, that's ever so much fun.

We have no clue what colours a Lola/Kat combo will produce. Ultrasounds etc. don't tell that but Kat has sable in his line, Lola has it in hers. There is also the greying gene at play. At times you can see a cocoa overcast in Kat's coat. It too is always changing.

Life is filled with surprises and we are excited to see what this one brings.

Personality is prevalent in the Mojo line - Kat has it in spades but hey we are biased. Lola is a Cuban Havanese - a strong gal filled with a genteel personality. She is a first class mom.

Can you tell we are excited?

Now on to the shenanigans of the crew here. Fiona is playing up a storm. I am back exercising doing Kenpo/Cardio X with Tony Horton. It's time I get back into it and well, Fiona was jumping on me the entire time. It made exercise a challenge but a fun one. We are back to finding what life is about - moments that you can treasure. It's why we are called Talemaker - as we bring you quality Havanese that lifetime tales are made from.

Treasure the moments and laugh at even the frustrating moments like a dog jumping on you while you exercise. Life is short and it can be amazing if YOU allow it to be.

More later...


Kat's Wondering Where Lola Is

Today I decided to take a photo of Kat set in the garden and take the background out to see what it would look like. It was in a 'how to' that I had sitting around and I wanted to give it a shot. I suppose I could have thrown a photo of Lola behind him as I wanted to but her photo never came. Too much to do with the dam(s) in need.

Kat's rather smitten with Lola much to the irritation of Wasabi - heh. Oh, about 30 something days ago they did the Cuban tango many times over sometimes a couple of times a day every time she came to visit. It got so bad that all Kat has to do is see Yvonne or Alex and he says - well where's my gal? Well, that's not true. If truth is to be told, his teeth chattered, he shook with desire and plain went crazy wooing her, nuzzling her neck etc. Now gals - don't you wish the human men did that - heh.

Well, those of you that remembered Wasabi's pups know that Kat adores puppies and finally he may be able to play with some of his own.

Yes, Yvonne's Lola at Chicadora will have puppies in mid July just before the picnic. There's something about that picnic - I tell you.

We are excited at this combination. If interested in pups, well let us or Yvonne know. We promise many videos and Yvonne wil be kicking us out - just watch as we just LOVE puppies!


Dressed Up and Play Time

We had another day that was a bust but we came home and had a roaring grand time. But that man - he does claen up well but shhhh don't tell him THAT!

The crew went swimming and Katsuro and Wasabi laid on top of mommy while she laid in the pool on a mat. It was a sight for sore eyes but sorry - no camera.

Now daddy is out with Abs visiting jazzy and picking up Chinese food. Mommy might even do a glass of wine with raspberries in it. Yum. Now that will get her to sleep tonight.

Pray for no storms. Due to so many - Whitney is not doing well. Mommy is not either as she is not getting any sleep. Oh well, there is tomorrow late morning and afternoon to chill and we may - in that pool.


Sunny Havanese Sunday

The Abigail thinks its way too hot to deal with outside so here she is lazing in her new bed she got at Woofstock. It's mighty comfie and she's been nesting in it so the pillow isn't laying real flat but that is the way she loves it.

We were lucky enough to have Gidget and Audrey over for a visit and even managed to get some video. I have to convert it but hoping it comes out.

Where's the thunderstorm that was supposed to happen all day? All I see is sun. So - eating and back to the pool as this is sweating season for sure!
Yeah gad and that means I have to brush Katsuro yet again - oh no.

Well, our visitors will be going home tonight. We are sure they had a wonderful time.

Miss Abs is lounging before doing a show on Friday. More later>>


Havanese Colours & Pool Safety

I find the colours in the Havanese to be a fascinating thing but it sometimes throws off the judges, those that don't know the breed etc.

One of our puppy owners owns one of our black and white pups and a brown sable from Yvonne's breeding. She's often asked which breeds they are. Some have no clue that they come in so many colours though black and white in various degrees are often seen more.

Here you can see Miss Abs soaking wet from her swim today. She has similar colours to our Golden Retriever with a variety of other colours mixed in.

The gal fell off the diving board and dove in head first. Instead of coddling her and validating any fear she may have had from such an ooops Nathan instead directed her to the stairs and made it into a game.

Katsuro fell in last year once and hasn't gone in since unless Nathan is in it. He won't even go when I am the only one in. Why? Nathan made it a game Katsuro shares exclusively with him and no other human. It's a smart thing to do as it created an amazing amount of fun for both, got him past that - oh my - I fell in and it was only 50F but also stopped him from just going in by himself. It's a win/win. He attempted to do the same with the Abs and hopefully we will get her jumping in too. She certainly has the potential.

Now, Miss Fiona is a different personality. She really is not crazy over this swimming business so Nathan has taken another angle with her to make her feel her comfort level. She is now staying around the swimming pool vs. running for the house after her swim today. So - Nathan is on the right track with her. Here you can see her doing just fine in her journey to love the pool.

Note: Fiona is the top photo on the right and Abs is the bottom one on the right.

None of our dogs swim without us and Nathan spends an amazing amount of time showing them how and where to get out of the pool, over and over again. The first thing that they learn is how to get out of the pool. They were born knowing how to swim.

So, never get complacent with a pool. Don't take for granted that they can figure out how to get out on their own. Give them the tools that may save their life and do not coddle them when they have an oops. If you do coddle, you have just validated their fear of whatever they are reacting to. Redirect - refocus and teach and you will help your dog find solutions instead of relying simply on his/her emotions. Your dawg will be glad you did and you will end up with a more balanced dawg.

Remember you can always click on the photos to see a larger view.


Long Havanese Day

It was a long day. I even hid in the tunnel when I heard the water go on. That's a first for me but they tell me I have a 12 day reprieve. Now how dirty can I get? I am still pretty clean right now...but...

Well, Yvonne's gal picked up 2 points and we are way excited for her. Way to go - LOLA!

We may be seeing Little Dickens and Bailey this week for sleepovers. - We got to see Jazzy and he's gorgeous!

More tomorrow.


Dangerous Places and Havanese

Hiding spots are the best! Havanese enjoy those little hidden places where they can hide, play and jump out and surprise. It seems to tap their mischievous side. It's also great fun to watch.

We tend to create them under our desk, a bench outside, a table next to the sofa and on and on. It adds to their fun and ours as well.

Well, Miss Abs was selected as Ren's Pet of the Month so that means her photo will run in their ads in June. How cool is that?

We are off to handling class tonight (inside) thank goodness. I took down branches from my below grade level patio and dear old Abs followed me and almost gave me a heart attack not once but twice. She followed daddy the 2nd time. She doesn't quite get that if she fell, - well it wouldn't be pretty. They don't go there unless we do and we had to cut branches and once it is filled in, it won't be so inviting but if it is, I will be tacking mesh on the lower fence line till they get it. I think my heart was beating faster than it could handle when I saw her behind me.

Well, here's to possible warmer weather and checking your fenceline for possible mishaps and making sure your canine pals can't get into trouble.


A Havanese Show No Points Day

The shows over and no points today but a grand display of sunshine that mother nature offered us. So, we are heading to the pool and are going to find the energy to chill before we have to do it again next Friday.

Well, we are still learning - what to do, the show politics (what doesn't have some) and how to get up at 4am, bathe a dog and still appear awake.

We will let you know if we survive all of this.

All I know is Abs is delighted to be back at home playing. Me too!


Rain, Dandelions & Handling Class

We were at handling class and it was spitting rain, cold and dandelions up so high and grass as well that - well they say a dog has to get used to it as they don't always mow the grounds on outside shows. Fun. Check out a few of the photos from tonight.

Handling class tomorrow - obedience Thursday and then show time. So much to do...


Brr It's a Havanese Dog Day

It's cold. It's a holiday here in Canada and the Havanese don't even want to go out. What's mother nature trying to tell us?

Well, take advantage of it and train the dogs - making it a fun game then curl up on the couch and pretend the world doesn't exist. HA - Then come back to the land of the living TOMORROW.

We are off to cover the plants - do a run like hell game with the dogs and curl up with a blanket in front of the TV.

Well, 4 days till dog shows and we have handling, obedience and much to do even for this person here who isn't showing. I am the fluff and dry and make boo-ti-full lady.

More tomorrow!


Fun at Handling Class

Daddy was at handling class with the Miss Abs and it was her first time in grass. Usually it is done inside but outside it was mosquitoes and all.

Tomorrow night we get to do it all again but this class will be inside. It's not as fun as this one but...

Check out a few of the photos from tonight's class.

That mommy - always taking photos. One day - with fine equipment she intends on doing it creatively but until then - you get what you get.


Bath & Handling Class Tonight

Well, I haven't had a bath since the 27th of last month when I did a show and due to 3 baths in one weekend, Mommy believes in giving her and me a break. I am not all that dirty. Mommy is just a tad ridiculous about the coat. Today she is going to try a new shampoo on Fiona and if it works good, she will give it a try on me.

Last night Mommy did training with Zack. Mommy thinks Daddy did it with the rest of the crew minus heeling. He also took Zack over to Home depot. Hrmmmf I didn't go but I do get to go to handling class tonight. I can't wait. One more week and we will be doing the classes outside.

When you have multiple dogs, its good to have one on one time too with each.

Well both Fiona and Abs had a bath today. We were trying new stuff on them to see what works with their hair the best.

Abs is going to handling soon. Let's hope she really does well this week. Here you can see her tail at half mast after her bath. One would think that she didn't just adore the bath. ROFL - Okay - they don't but she's rather used to it and lets me blow dry her face thoroughly. Fiona is still at the point of - anywhere but the face mom so we still do it - just don't completely dry it.

The point is - keep at this washing/grooming business and it DOES get easier.


Handling, Obedience and Hav Snip - Snip

Chico now has a new home (goes in a bit over a week) with another Havanese who happens to be our Fiona's sister. Coco - his new pack mate sibling stayed here for a bit till she went to Yvonne's. It was so much fun.

This morning is going to be tough as Chico - now known as Zack is going in to be neutered before he goes to his new home. We are using his new name and seems to get it but not totally yet. We have another week to reinforce it.

Zack's new human mom will be coming to his obedience class tonight and he will stay home to play recovery with our sons. Then he gets to go to another class with us a week Thursday. We get to see Coach too tonight - yeah!

Here's how last night went.

Abs Says: Just another handling class with daddy and mommy came and took photos. This one isn't as helpful as the night before where you get more tips and people focus on what you are doing vs. talking but it is practice and we need to do that at this point a couple of times a day.

Miss Abs still gets bored and I can see why here - takes too long to get to you but all of it is good conditioning.

Miss Abs needs a serious shampoo but we are waiting. Between rain and new products coming to try - timing hasn't been right. Miss Abs is still a test case in progress. This way by Orangeville, she will be stylin! A gal has to look good - you know!

Here Miss Abs was doing her usual - waiting her turn (takes too long here and she gets way bored) but patience or learning it is a good thing.

We had a Boston Terrier (well 2 in class) but although Miss Abs kept trying to be nice to one of them, it really was too nervous and kept lashing out at her. I truly believe Abs is the most balanced puppy dog I know as she reacts properly - backs off a bit but doesn't retreat and tries again given time and finally after the 4th time (all of this spaced out) she gave up. The dog needs more meet and greet practice. Miss Abs gave him a start and didn't seem to mind helping her out. She seems to be a calming influence in other dogs and we see it when dogs come to our home. The dog was better - just not there yet. I imagine next week she may be. That's quite nice, imho.

Well, since Miss Abs decided to eat daddy's pants while she walked, we will be practicing heeling this week and more stacking. Got to get her excited about holding that tail up always and stacking with no fuss, no muss. No treats unless she is perfect now - you hear daddy?

Well, more later and we will fill you in on Zack after we pick him up.

See you tonight, John, Coach and Ramona!


Socialization Havanese Style

Well, we have had a busy day. I have been sick so ignore the disheveled look but we decided it was time to get the pups out today seeing we didn't have rain. We went all the way to Petsmart, Solutions and Canadian Tire and socialized bigtime. This also means that we walked along a very busy street and NO reaction for a couple of hours. We had more of a reaction in a parking lot when the cars were too close for even my comfort.

Miss Fiona needs more work but so does Miss Abs. This was Fiona's first big outing out other than to obedience class and walks in the neighbourhood. She now has her rabies shot so socializing will be on our plate bigtime.

It's funny what they react to that you do not realized they haven't been exposed to.

This appeared new to Abs: cars very close by, doors opening and shutting at stores that make noise, a dump truck, a flying bag.

This is what was new to Fiona - all of the above and other dogs in the stores, strange people giving her treats, petting her, busy street sounds, cash register. Fiona did well considering it was her first exposure but needs much more work. She is still reacting to other dogs, people walking by and lets Abs do the initiation before she trusts. We think she is still in her fear stage but these are all positive exposures. It's funny that she is fearless in an environment she knows but the unknown still needs work. It proves that socialization is important.

On Tuesday both Fiona and Abigail will be going to handling class. Nathan will be doing the handling with each but with my help, we can expose both.

Then we came back and walked Chico (this morning I trained him out front - was way distracted so training will continue out front), and Wasabi, Risa, Katsuro, Shoshi, Terra and Whitney. Nathan did an extra longer walk than I with Shoshi and Terra while I meandered around the block with Whitney envisioning I may have to carry her. She barely makes it and now crashes hard asleep but still wants to go. I guess that comes with old age.

I am going to wash her up after I eat lunch if she wakes up in time. :-) I also have to wash a couple of other dogs as we had wet days and muddy times. Nathan said they don't need it but the 2 retrievers do and so does Katsuro - bigtime.

Be sure to check out our slideshow of the puppies antics below.


Class Tonight!

Today is Thursday and here I am after eating. Do I look happy at the food that daddy feeds us? I gained a solid pound in one month.

I get to go to class tonight. Coach and Chico is in my class too. I can't wait - class #2. Mommy needs to get her act together and train, train, train. We have stopped lunch time feeding as we do so many treats at noon time training sessions that it makes sense.

Daddy is also adding table work into my training so I get a head start in the scheme of things. With my - I just want to be into everything personality, I will need that. But charming - that I have down cold. hahahaha

More later...


Wet Havanese Day - Videos to Come

It's a rainy day and the pups are mucking it up. There goes Abs most stylin' do - hair-do that is. The gal is going to have a break and no shampoos for a bit no matter how dirty she gets. Ice on Ice will help protect the coat and allow her to have fun, fun, fun.

Well, we are working on the Lindsay show videos. I will post more links as soon as we have day two and three uploaded. See below for day 1 Lindsay Dog Show.

Day 1 Lindsay Show
Day 1 Lindsay Show Part 1 of 3
Day 1 Lindsay Show Part 2 of 3
Day 1 Lindsay Show Part 3 of 3

Day 2 Lindsay Show
Day 2 Lindsay Show Part 1 of 3
Day 2 Lindsay Show Part 2 of 3
Day 2 Lindsay Show Part 3 of 3

Day 3 Lindsay Show
Day 3 Lindsay Show Part 1 of 3

--Two More Coming Tomorrow Morning! - Then that is it!

Day one was a tad funny as I was trying to take photos with Yvonne's grand camera but one can't hold a video camera in place and take photos at the same time and only crazy me thought one could. Not to worry - day 2 and day 3 is more solid though a tripod would be needed to get solid as your arm gets tired holding it in the air for so long but I had fun. Hope you have fun watching too.

Stay tuned here as there will be more links posted here soon today.