
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in darlah potechin (104)


Dangerous Places and Havanese

Hiding spots are the best! Havanese enjoy those little hidden places where they can hide, play and jump out and surprise. It seems to tap their mischievous side. It's also great fun to watch.

We tend to create them under our desk, a bench outside, a table next to the sofa and on and on. It adds to their fun and ours as well.

Well, Miss Abs was selected as Ren's Pet of the Month so that means her photo will run in their ads in June. How cool is that?

We are off to handling class tonight (inside) thank goodness. I took down branches from my below grade level patio and dear old Abs followed me and almost gave me a heart attack not once but twice. She followed daddy the 2nd time. She doesn't quite get that if she fell, - well it wouldn't be pretty. They don't go there unless we do and we had to cut branches and once it is filled in, it won't be so inviting but if it is, I will be tacking mesh on the lower fence line till they get it. I think my heart was beating faster than it could handle when I saw her behind me.

Well, here's to possible warmer weather and checking your fenceline for possible mishaps and making sure your canine pals can't get into trouble.


Socialization Havanese Style

Well, we have had a busy day. I have been sick so ignore the disheveled look but we decided it was time to get the pups out today seeing we didn't have rain. We went all the way to Petsmart, Solutions and Canadian Tire and socialized bigtime. This also means that we walked along a very busy street and NO reaction for a couple of hours. We had more of a reaction in a parking lot when the cars were too close for even my comfort.

Miss Fiona needs more work but so does Miss Abs. This was Fiona's first big outing out other than to obedience class and walks in the neighbourhood. She now has her rabies shot so socializing will be on our plate bigtime.

It's funny what they react to that you do not realized they haven't been exposed to.

This appeared new to Abs: cars very close by, doors opening and shutting at stores that make noise, a dump truck, a flying bag.

This is what was new to Fiona - all of the above and other dogs in the stores, strange people giving her treats, petting her, busy street sounds, cash register. Fiona did well considering it was her first exposure but needs much more work. She is still reacting to other dogs, people walking by and lets Abs do the initiation before she trusts. We think she is still in her fear stage but these are all positive exposures. It's funny that she is fearless in an environment she knows but the unknown still needs work. It proves that socialization is important.

On Tuesday both Fiona and Abigail will be going to handling class. Nathan will be doing the handling with each but with my help, we can expose both.

Then we came back and walked Chico (this morning I trained him out front - was way distracted so training will continue out front), and Wasabi, Risa, Katsuro, Shoshi, Terra and Whitney. Nathan did an extra longer walk than I with Shoshi and Terra while I meandered around the block with Whitney envisioning I may have to carry her. She barely makes it and now crashes hard asleep but still wants to go. I guess that comes with old age.

I am going to wash her up after I eat lunch if she wakes up in time. :-) I also have to wash a couple of other dogs as we had wet days and muddy times. Nathan said they don't need it but the 2 retrievers do and so does Katsuro - bigtime.

Be sure to check out our slideshow of the puppies antics below.


Havanese Deck Vegging

Okay, we let the dogs kiss us after they have been known to - fill in the blank and then we lay outside on the deck, reading a book and chillin' with them. Life couldn't get any better.

Nathan is on the deck surrounded by two of Wasabi's 6 month pups lovin' it!

Take a look at their latest video so you can catch them in action.

Nathan always shakes his head at all these moments I capture but they are moments to be remembered and saved always. Ah...nothing like the Havanese!


Video: 2 of Wasabi Pups, Let's Go Crazy

My does time fly when you are having so much fun. Two of Wasabi's pups have been visiting our resident crew of 6 havanese and 2 retrievers. Check them out in action on this video and see how much they have grown.

They are now 6 months old. It's hard for even us to believe. Gad - we just adore the pups. We must have done something right to have them in our life! Take a look....

You should see how Wasabi lights up when they come. Hey - they all do!


Muddy Paws, Sticks & More

Coach went home last night and we got to see Sassy when they came to pick her up. She had a really small incision - much better than when Shoshi had hers.

We woke up to quiet with Coach gone.

I took them out back and even Kat was mixing it up - chasing Sebastian and Abigail. It was great and I only got 3 of them on camera where all of Kat was just a part of him as he tends to run way too fast.

We are in for a meltdown and had much junk strewn all over our floors - leaves, sticks - all in their hair and BLACK feet but I am not washing them as they will be back out getting black again. I will do a waterless bath tonight and wait till then to groom them. There's never a quiet moment with these guys.

Fiona's sister comes this Friday and we are excited. Abs gets a couple of teeth pulled this Wednesday and gets to do handling class. We are into teaching heel and stand and undoing the sits and downs - fun and we are exposing her to all sorts of strange dogs in Petsmart. She seems to do great with the dogs but hesitates with some people that really were afraid of dogs - strange in Petsmart and yes, they said that. Halfway through our Petsmart visit, she was saying hello to everyone. Progress - we think. We just have to keep at it as she is destined to walk the runway. hehe

More later...


Havanese Testing the Space

Well, we are still jockeying for who gets what. The usual spot for Abigail and Fiona is on the back of the couch. After some serious playtime, they need a good brush out and Coach decided the top of the couch was not only for Fiona or Abigail much to the 'Hey it is NOT' that Fiona vocalized.

I have to say, every now and then Fiona needs someone to say - no - I am not following YOUR rules. heh

Then while I was watching 'The Wire' with Dennis, Wasabi decided she was also going to tell Fiona that the top of the couch was hers too. Not a good day for Fiona but she's dealing. Like I said, the pack is still testing the waters - which is quite normal.

Nathan is off walking 2 dogs at once. He walked the Coach first as he always loudly vocalizes that he thinks not being first really isn't fair. Usually that's not the way we handle it but the youngest son needed to sleep so we made the decision to do what we thought would work. It didn't. He decided he wanted every walk. :-) So, off outside we went with the rest of the crew playing yard games and now we are back in.

Usually we find Coach playing with Sebastian and Abs playing with Fiona but every now and then, the whole crew mixes it up bigtime. It's great to see.

Both Coach and Sebastian are incredible snugglers. It's great to have them in bed with us.

But - exercise is a chore for me as every sit-up is seen as an invitation to play. But, I am laughing and I keep trying. Now to figure out how to get them exercising beside me instead of on top of me.

We are going to do training this afternoon, grooming and vegging. Besides - Nathan will have to rest those legs after these marathons. Still, we are lovin this havenese lovefest!


Handling Class, Wind & Havanese Play

We captured a windy moment out back filled with much ice and mud and muck, sticks and leaves. These are all things the dogs love. heh

The puppies adore the wind and so does Risa. The pups would stay out for hours if allowed. I want warmer and dryer before I move the portable out there.

Miss Abigail is off to her first handling class tonight to see if we can get her ready for the Lindsay show this month. Human mommy is not going in case I am a factor in her motivation and she's going hungry. That's right - we are starving her. ROFL Well - for an hour later than her usual dinnertime so she eats there with treats - chicken, liver, all good things - yum. We will report tomorrow how it all turned out but no photos as the camera person - the human mommy won't be there.

Today the puppies were really full of it as you can see Miss Abs flying through the air getting ready to pounce on Fiona but don't you worry - Fiona gives it back.

Miss Fiona gave me trouble with grooming again. She's not all that crazy about it but when I really get mad but she does stop. :-) It's that look - you know.

Oh - more later....and videos when we have Sebastian, Coach, Sassy and Cocoa. I promise!


Teeth, Eyes & More

If you have an extra toothbrush around for your Havanese, well put some dawg toothpaste on it and let them chew it especially if they are teething. It doesn't protect you from cleaning the teeth yourself but if you can combine teething with toothpaste - hmm better than chewing some other things. Just a thought.

Also, if you clean the eyes with a face comb, it makes a huge difference but you need to do it daily, imho.

We talked to Remy's parent today and he was going to get a haircut. I can't wait to see how he turns out. Photos - please.

Also, Coach will be joining Fiona in obedience at the end of this month and Miss Abigail is starting handling tomorrow night. Exciting times.

Sassy is getting spayed this Friday so she will be coming over for a spiff and clean along with Coach to play with Sebastian.

Sebastian is coming this Thursday while his human parents go on their honeymoon. Cool!

Cocoa, Fiona's sister is coming next week too - can't wait!!

Human mommy was way too busy today and so was daddy so no walks - that means no energy expelled (sigh) but no cleaning feet and tummies. Can't wait till better weather. We did manage to run out back - rare we don't get a walk in but it does happen especially that daddy who makes sure of it!

Oh..and this human mommy is back exercising at 5am. Try exercising with the Fiona - yeouch - pounce, jump - argh...almost impossible. daddy says put her in her crate. I said sure - and I can hear her barking at 5am. Not her...she wouldn't do THAT - would she? Tomorrow will be telling.

Will report tomorrow. heh


Vets, Weight and Much More

We went to the Big Apple today to see the vet. We also got to see Yvonne, Rita and her crew and picked up our Wasabi woo from Lex's place - the vets. We are excited to have her home with us. Though, I am not sure she is overly thrilled with me as she got a bath today. ROFL!

Me thinks she will survive - don't you? I also have to clean up her feet as she is getting that flipper look on them.

We weighed the duo today.

Miss Abigail is now 9lb and Fiona is 5lb 8 oz. Here you can see them after the vets watching that weasel ball and trying to figure out why its moving on its own.

The whole gang got into playing weasel and it distracted them for hours while Nathan was doing plumbing and tile work and all those fun things that come with a house.

Miss Fiona is really sore after her 3rd shot. Abs just went along to get weighed and Wasabi is now home with us.

Miss Abs starts handling class this Tuesday. We will fill you in on where it goes and soon her first show. Exciting times for her and the handler - Nathan. :-) I get to groom - groom and groom.

More later...


Self Stacking Trouble

Abs Says: Sebastian, you best practice your stacking. Miss Abs seems to self stack. Okay, she has a stick in her mouth but we COULD airbrush that out.

Gad - it's starting to become spring and the pups are - well getting into T-R-O-U-B-L-E. Sticks, leaves, mud. I gave them a bath yesterday and today they are a sticky mess and we haven't figured out how. So, I figured I would have to wash them up before tomorrow's vet visit - maybe just a waterless bath so I gave Nathan the 'go' to walk Miss Abs. She adorse the walks. Miss Fiona is just starting to get that enthusiasm. It's not there yet but neither was Miss Abs at her age. It's going to be a very fun season or lots of work or both.

Weights tomorrow to see how much the crew gained.


Monster Havanese Shoe

Well, little Miss Fiona is chewing - teething and I caught her eating daddy's shoes. We won't tell if you won't. ROFL!

Now I could spray them with Bitter Apple or Fooey! with the latter being the most disgusting taste of the two for the hard to 'get' it crew. But watch out - if they give you kisses, they transfer that wonderful taste to you.

This morning, Risa was becoming her not usual frisky self. It must be the walks that her human daddy is taking her on. Abigail took the tug toy away from Risa - oooh a no no and Risa took it back but it was all in fun.

Tomorrow we take Fiona in for her 3rd shot and we pick up Wasabi. We are not sure if Wasabi is finished but we will gladly go crazy for a day or two to see her again. We miss the dawgs madly even though we are sure she's getting pampered. Can't have her thinking she's queen - oh but she is. hahahahaha


Coach & Sassy Visit

Coach and Sassy came for a visit with their human dad, John. We were sorely missing the Wasabi and the crew was not as lively as usual as the pups had baths today. It seems to tucker them out.

Soon Sebastian is coming for a sleepover and Coach is visiting for a few days and we are going to have Fiona's sister for a visit. Exciting and FUN times in my book!

We can't wait!


We - well I am trying and I mean trying to catch the crew in motion. Do you think this 'Dancing' duo could give the 'Dancing With the Stars' a run for their money? - hmm Havanese Dancing competition - nah

I now have Fiona standing on her back legs hopping for a treat. What can I call THAT command?

You can always click on any of the photos here to see a larger version.

The duo, as usual has started to get back into playing heartily since the visitors went home. Here you can see Fiona almost laughing and I swear she does with her body - enjoying and living in the moment.

More later as the day goes on.


Springtime Havanese Moments

You know how they say 'blame Canada' - well this is blame Pat. hahahahaha

Okay - so we stuck some real lilies out in the snow as Nathan is allergic (one son bought them for me as a b-day present) and then took this photo.

What you didn't see is that they then proceeded to attack it and had stamen and leaf colour, a bright green, all over their face. They were quickly placed in the trash (the flowers - not the dawgs) but with Pat telling us her hubby had to mow their lawn - and us with this snow - well I couldn't help myself.

Ah - Havanese love among the flowers!


Mushy Havanese Day

What a difference a day makes.

All our paths this fine 5am morning hour were starting to get mushy.

Poor Abs and Miss Fiona climbed the piles to do their business out of the way and sunk into the wet snow. You could almost see their face saying - what was THAT! But they persisted, trudged on through and one wonders how they will react when all the snow disappears as this will be their first experience with grass.

The duo was at it again in the birdbath. They seem to really like this spot. It lends them that bit of height on more solid ground than melting snow.

Last month, Miss Abs had the start of little mats and I had to use a brush with long tines and follow up with a cat comb (movable teeth) as her hair had some undercoat growth. This month I can brush her once a day and hardly anything where Fiona is 7 weeks behind and I am now dealing what I went through with Abs and she's not crazy about it.

Now, Miss Abs has always been easy to wash and to brush. Even when she's not so crazy about it all she will do is try to wriggle away. But Miss Fiona will try to bite the comb, the brush, you - whatever to get you not to do it. It's easy when dealing with a pup that is dominant to allow them to get their way but mats are a serious thing. They downright hurt the dog. Pull your hair tight close to the skin and leave it that way and see how it feels. So, I hold her firmly. I growl -yes, I growl like her canine mom would do. I even stare at her pretending to be all upset and she stops. When she behaves calmly and you will hear that release of breath as if to say - okay - 'I get it' then this is when you say "good girl - way to go" and give a massage or snuggle and continue on.

If she was my first dominant want-to-be-alpha dog, I would probably not persist but I know I must, knowing what I do about mats. I do know that after you do it daily for a certain period of time, even the dog that hates the brush will eventually just allow it. They may not run to you saying 'my turn' but they will put up with it and with some snuggles - not all growls in between and a treat at the end and perhaps a massage where those mats were - well they will finally get the idea that you are the alpha and good alphas take care of the pack by keeping them healthy - body and mind, groomed and fed. You will have achieved their adoration not by brute force but by a positive but firm correction. Would you allow your human child to go to school with unbrushed, matted hair?

Okay - enough about mats. It's a new day - and have you played retrieve today? What are you waiting for? :-)


White Flying Stuff

Mommy groomed us up so nice then we went out and all this white stuff was coming from the sky. Is it ever going to stop?

Ms. Fiona is still in the stage of - get that comb away from me but endures and Miss Abigail ignores and waits for the treat.

Is everyone brushing teeth? It will save you from a tooth cleaning. If you are getting spayed/neutered soon, and the teeth managed to get dirty - this would be the perfect time for them to clean it up. But to save you $$, brush teeth or give them bones that will take the tartar off.

Also, if you have baby teeth that won't fall out but the adult are coming in almost in the same spot, they can also remove them at this time.

The crew tends to not let anything stop them. They climb on a bird bath that I forgot to bring inside. (let's hope it survives) to finding all sorts of branches to chew on. So - this is spring...

Just another slow - no visitor day for the crew.

That's okay as Saturday Miss Fiona has to get her rabies shot and if Wasabi is not done with her heat - well then we won't be visiting Yvonne.

Probably for the best as she has two extra beardies till Sunday. :-) We are not the only crazy doggie sitters.


Chillin' Talemaker Havanese Day

From the Dawgs:

Well, we are having a chillin' Havanese day. Mommy, don't you dress up for these photos - yikes. I know - you are too used to taking all the photos that no one never sees how much you are crazy about us. Still - that hair - those clothes - you should be stylin' as someone said this was a special day for you.

Did I hear that all you want to do is play with Photoshop or crawl on the couch and watch TV - oh my and snuggle with us. I like the 2nd choice best as it includes us.

Well, mommy whispered she really likes this day. Daddy went and got her lunch, the youngest human son is getting her dinner. Another son and his wife sent her beautiful flowers that daddy is allergic to.

Daddy took Risa for a very long walk and she was dragging her ahem when she got back. She had a sweater on but she was still full of sand and crud but get this - daddy cleaned her all up. Wow - mommy is having a great day!

Mommy thinks that is quite special and it surely saved her. She told me no grooming today and it looks like she took that seriously to heart - human and canine alike. Ignore how we look and concentrate on the fact that we are having grand fun as this snow disappears.

Well, daddy went outside with us to play retrieve. After Risa and having to clean her - well the decision to play out back seemed more logical - especially today - now especially to daddy too.

Risa wants to know why that retriever, Terra doesn't need a rinse and brush out.

Daddy was running around with us fast and furious, throwing the ball. I think he thinks he's part Havanese but we can out run him any old day. We try to pretend to let him win sometimes.

Then that strange 'ring ring' happens and he's suddenly talking to the air. The strange things humans do with their ears - I tell ya!

Risa is fast asleep now. One wonders what she is dreaming about. It's time for couch, eating and snoozing and TV and not necessarily in that order. More tomorrow!


Havanese Action Shots

It's really difficult to get a good 'action' shot with a digital camera that is not a digital SLR but if you persist and shoot, shoot, shoot, by accident eventually you 'will' get some. Due to the way that the pups bounce around, I may get an action shot out of 100 photos taken that I like. Either get a better camera. (Eventually I plan to) or if you can't afford to, keep at it and click even when you think its not a good selection. By the time the camera clicks, it may be. The best part about having a digital is you can delete even before you put them on your camera.

This was Miss Abs jumping at a toy and I was the one with the toy coaxing her and trying to click at the same time. Multi-tasking - I tell you.

We also took a walk today. Actually Miss Abs got 2 walks - one with the Fiona to motivate her and she did wonderful and one with Terra.

If I had the right angle, you might even see a flash of paw. Miss Abs prances on her walks. Now to see what she does on her last obedience class.

Just looked out my window and that means more snow photos today. Yikes, it's snowing YET again.

We have Risa's son coming over again today and we are hoping to get photos of him. We had Coach and Sassy over last night, Benny over earlier but we were too focused on Benny to remember to take out the camera. For shame on us!

More later today. Keep clicking/shooting!


Havanese Love High Spots

Havanese like to hang out on high spots, be it the top of a snow pile to the back of a chair or couch. We tend to feed this side of them by giving them interesting places to stand or sleep on top of them. Check out our Dawg Friendly Arrangements Here.

Our couch has blankets so they can rest their heads. We build up the snowbanks so they can climb them. We even dig out tunnels under benches to give them a hiding spot. What can I say. We are a real dawg house.

As we get ready for the big storm to hit us over this 'March Forward' weekend, we realize the weather people being what they are - predictors of all mother nature has to offer or not offer - we will be doing our part to have fun in the white stuff if it shows with video in hand. Think of it as an adventure - a back breaking adventure of shoveling paths so your little ones can have fun or think of it as a way to get your ahem in gear to exercise. It's all in the mindset - you know.

Anything for the least here!

More later>>


Ice Storm Warning & Relationships

Sometimes that male dawg just snuggles with the human mom and us. Human daddy wasn't fast enough with the camera but they were seen nose to nose sleeping just before that.

The relationships in a multi-dawg home is mighty interesting and you can learn a lot from your canines from watching them. Katsuro used to want all the attention to be on him but he has learned that there is enjoyment in building his relationships with the other dawgs and therefore has become a more confident dawg understanding that there is enough love to go all the way around. Besides - nothing like a gal dawg to hang out with. ROFL!

Well they are calling for yet another ice storm and before you say - well we will just stay in - be aware that if your dawg slips the wrong way, they can hurt themselves just like we can hurt ourselves. Tread carefully and until the ice is not on the path of your walk, find fun ways to entertain your dawg inside such as retrieve.

Our son recently tested our dawgs for a paper he is doing for university and we had interesting results. We may try it again to see if the way it unfolds changes with the 2nd time around.

Games help to reduce the causes and symptoms of stress and build a strong bond of understanding between your dog and you and simply they are plain fun.

Games you can play with your little one inside are:

1. Fetch (find a hallway where you are at one end and there is no exit except past you and the learning will be faster.

2. Hide the treat. Show them you have it and then hide it. See how quickly they find it. Use the command 'find it' and you can graduate to toys and much more.

3. Soccer - yeah soccer - take a half inflated ball the size of a soccer ball and kick it around. I say half inflated as then your dawg can grasp it in it's teeth. We had a dawg here last summer that pushed a ball all over with it's nose. For some it comes natural - if given an opportunity and others you have to give them the opportunity. This can be a real joy to watch - inside or out.

4. Practice your commands in a really fun way by being upbeat and creating interest. Sit/stay/down etc Be creative with it. If you already know all the basics - well if your dawg does then try leading with a treat in a crazy 8 way through your legs. This is the first step to training them to do all sorts of fun things with you.

5. Agility training - there are cheap weave poles you can use, you can make a teeter totter and even use a hula hoop as a jump plus buy a cheap tunnel.

6. Hide and Seek - yes we had a German shepherd that played this with our youngest son but you can also play it. Just put him in a stay or have someone else hold your dawg and then when you are hidden call the dawg and let him find you. After he knows the game, just hide without the vocal and you can create all sorts of fun.

There's more but start with these and share your own games - please!