
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havanese toronto (32)


Wet & Dry Days Havanese Style

Dry CrewIt started out as a dry day. Scout slept all the way till 630 and was raring to go. Marlee was playing like a banshee and Jazmyn was snuggling in the bed with Terra, our golden.

Jasper and Chico was playing like they were long lost brothers. heh

Rufus decides to eat faster than lightening so he can play with the boys.

Then our regulars Zack and Coco came in and then a new dog Towser. We didn't manage to get photos of Towser yet as I was busy drying dawgs and I had already pulled photos off for the photo gallery. I figure drying dawgs was more important but look for photos of him tomorrow along with Saki that is coming for an overnight visit.

We also had a dawg yank a bag off the counter but I caught it and back on the counter further away from the edge it went. We won't name names here. But no worries, no dietary indiscretions and beyond it hitting the floor, they didn't have time to get into it. :-)

We Crew

Here's part of the crew when it first started raining but it got much worse.

Dawgs have to be walked and brought out to get some energy out of them and do their business. It's not fair to the dawgs if we put pads on the floor and expect them to expel all their energy inside.

Both inside and outside is important. So that's what they get and I just dry and dry and brush and brush. hehehehe

Really they were nicely brushed THIS morning. If you look at the latest photos, you will see their feet wet. It's days like this that the work never ends but it's wonderful when you have a dog like Towser laying on my box under my desk snoozing on my foot. It makes all the work worthwhile.

Now off to snuggle.


Oh My, What a Havanese Day

Rufus Wants Food You should see eating time. Yes, we have them eat in the same room and I monitor one side and Nathan monitors the other side of the room. We want everyone eating their own food not everyone else's.

Nathan is the food guy and prepares it all. I am the one that usually but not always cleans the dishes after they are done.

With puppies we are taking turns doing things when usually we are all doing it together. The only thing different is our son takes a shift when we have puppies. He's doing the night time and we are sleeping with the visitors and our crew. Then usually I take over puppy duty in the morning and Nathan takes over visitors and our crew in the morning while the son sleeps.

It all works. Then when the son gets up he starts walking dogs. This way nothing changes just different times for things. Without puppies I groom in the morning but with puppies I groom in the afternoon.

Check out today's photos.

But then when it is nasty on the streets, all that grooming is almost for nothing when they come back with a black underside from their walks but it's only dirt so I give them another brush and baths come before they go home.

Well today we had a really good game of retrieve going on with Scout, Chico and Jasper. Jasper usually has this huge chesire grin when he gets the toy.

Scout got up at 4am to do his business and wouldn't go back to sleep so we will try to get him to do it at 11pm tonight. Will it work? I don't know but we are creative here. What is sleep anyway. ROFL!!

That is what dawg living is about. You adjust and get creative and laugh.

All of the visitors was playing today as the ice is finally completely melting. Tomorrow the forecast is rain and more rain till Sunday night. Think about that grooming. It's okay. I am getting way good in how long I can get each done thoroughly. I won't cut corners but I guess the more you do, the faster you get.

Tomorrow Towser, Zack and Coco comes. More fun...and then Saturday Saki comes over night then Sunday some of our visitors start going home.


Woof! It Snowed

It's been almost a snow-less winter here at Talemaker Havanese. We are really looking forward to puppies come March but we are sad not having mobile pups in lots of snow. It's a fun experience as you can see in some of our videos.

When I took the crew out this morning, there is a bounce of excitement seeing new fallen snow. Me too but we aren't getting enough of it.

This weekend we have some visitors and are we excited. We are hoping we have more snow so we can get the video camera out. There's going to be a whole lot of snuggling going on, I tell you!

Nathan took the crew up to the forest 2 by two first thing this morning ahead of the sand trucks. The dogs stayed sand-less and that makes me happy. Nathan should have taken the video camera as he said a few of them were so delighted over the top to be chasing squirrels after a fresh snow. It makes me wish I had gone too.


Miss Abs & the Woodruff Bed Shimmy

Catch our Miss Abs playing in her Woodruff bed. We are not in the habit of extolling the virtues of anything for our dawgs unless we really like it - or more like - they really like it. Well, this one is a hit!


Havanese Deck Vegging

Okay, we let the dogs kiss us after they have been known to - fill in the blank and then we lay outside on the deck, reading a book and chillin' with them. Life couldn't get any better.

Nathan is on the deck surrounded by two of Wasabi's 6 month pups lovin' it!

Take a look at their latest video so you can catch them in action.

Nathan always shakes his head at all these moments I capture but they are moments to be remembered and saved always. Ah...nothing like the Havanese!


Vets, Weight and Much More

We went to the Big Apple today to see the vet. We also got to see Yvonne, Rita and her crew and picked up our Wasabi woo from Lex's place - the vets. We are excited to have her home with us. Though, I am not sure she is overly thrilled with me as she got a bath today. ROFL!

Me thinks she will survive - don't you? I also have to clean up her feet as she is getting that flipper look on them.

We weighed the duo today.

Miss Abigail is now 9lb and Fiona is 5lb 8 oz. Here you can see them after the vets watching that weasel ball and trying to figure out why its moving on its own.

The whole gang got into playing weasel and it distracted them for hours while Nathan was doing plumbing and tile work and all those fun things that come with a house.

Miss Fiona is really sore after her 3rd shot. Abs just went along to get weighed and Wasabi is now home with us.

Miss Abs starts handling class this Tuesday. We will fill you in on where it goes and soon her first show. Exciting times for her and the handler - Nathan. :-) I get to groom - groom and groom.

More later...


Sassy & Coach & Snow

Fiona says: Hey, we had Miss Super Sassy and Coach over when the snow just started. We had tons of fun. We have to do it again. Check out the video of this crew and watch Miss Abigail jump in delight.

We also have a rumour that we will be seeing Louis overnight and Katsuro's brother Benny soon. Wow!

I am the only brains around this place. This was the start of the storm that just kept coming and coming and although I am in a small part, I did sit on the snowbanks to survey all and I mixed it up with that Lass Super Sassy but hey just being 4lbs - you get cold - you know. The rest of the dawgs are crazy dawgs as they just didn't care that this white stuff was over my head.

We hope you enjoy our fun.

More later>>


A Happy Dawg is an Exercised Dawg

No class today due to storm - did you hear that Sebastian? We have an extra week to kick your ahem! We may try to go to the Orangeville dawg show.

Now that Miss Fiona has her 2nd set of shots, we started taking the dawgs out for some serious walks. Much to the delight of Abigail, she got to see the school, the forest where it was pristine as no one is using it. She wasn't crazy over those cars on the main street but she dealt and pranced on and yes she prances. She went with Terra and just adores the big dawgs.

Miss Abigail came back bouncing around yesterday and seemed to be wanting more but Miss abs and Risa laid their heads down and was totally conked out. We are going to try again today. It's a far cry from hating the collar and leash to this.

Now we are dealing with 'stubborn city' with Fiona with the collar. First day, Nathan takes her halfway up the street gently pulling her and ended up returning home as she would not walk. Yes, this 4 lb thing wouldn't walk.

I decided enough of this. I took her out and gently pulled her 3/4 of the way around the block. Finally she said to herself - hmm if I walk, she doesn't pull. So. yesterday I decided to take her out again. The gal hid. I took her anyway. She pulled all the way out of the driveway but because Abs was out on the walk too bouncing around, there were times she plain forgot she had the lead on. Still, those car sounds had her jumping back. We need some more slow conditioning as we did with Miss Abs. That's the issue with not walking them due to having all their shots, you have a tad bit more work in store. If I had this to do again, I would have placed a collar on the dogs from day one and walked them out back part of the time. Live and learn.

I expect by weeks end, Miss Fiona will be enjoying the walks. But for now, I may try treats to stop this hiding business. walks are supposed to be fun.

No matter what the weather is, walks are great - inside play is great but work that mind and body and you and your Havanese will be glad you did.

Miss Fiona has started a game every time she comes to bed to tunnel under the blankets and come up in different spots. she has all the other dawgs trying to pounce on the bumps. It's a riot. You too can do bumps under the blankets to get your Havanese playing, pouncing and having a grand time.

Well, time to shower - walk Havanese dawgs and just enjoy the day. We may tape 'My Cousin Vinny' just due to Marisa Tomei's acting in it. Otherwise, we are hoping to have visitors, go to a show, not get stuck in snow and just enjoy what this potential storm brings.

More later as the day unfolds.


Nothing Like More Than One Havanese

We have a returning visitor Gidget having a holiday with us and it gave us an opportunity to capture how Havanese play with each other. One Havanese is great - two are amazing and watch out - they are addicting. They make you laugh and realize that there is much laughter in the world if you just flick off the tube and watch the Havanese. My PVR runneth over. Follow the Talemaker Adventures at


Havanese Visiting: Old Pal

Well, Gidget has dropped in for the next 2 weeks and she is rather smitten with Katsuro. She used to love Wasabi but who needs a gal when you can have a guy - ROFL. Oh - she will come to her senses and realize that girls rule. Besides, Gidget is fixed and eventually Katsuro will figure it out but for now she is flirting up a storm.

It's funny to watch Katsuro think he is all THAT for the moment.

Men can be so ______you fill in the blank.

More later as this blooming relationship evolves - or doesn't - hehehe


Fresh Bathing Havanese Fun

Sebastian just had a bath and wow what an incredibly soft and fluffy coat with no knots. He wasn't overly crazy about the blower but plying him with treats helped. He looks so good and feels and smells good.

Well, after a Havanese has had a bath, they suddenly get excited and do the run like hell thang and acting all crazy. I had tons of blurs but when they calmed down, I got the two doing tug of war and I did get a ton of photos. Terra just watched the duo though she was getting involved out back.

Havanese really love the snow and Wasabi - well she is the most creative in her play. She has already taught Abigail to run and play hide and seek under the deck. tsk tsk Sebastian already knows the tricks but she's learning much more and catching on too fast. I only had to correct Sebastian and Abigail too many times on eating sticks, plants and what have you but you say - why so many times - well they would stop to indulge me, I would turn around and they were back at it. It finally stopped but those 2 were almost saying nah, nah, nah to me - I swear and laughing all the way.

Earlier today, Wasabi decided to show the little ones our downstairs patio. It's an area we had dug out and faced with stones on 3 sides to give us an exit in the basement and create an interesting garden that lends you privacy.

The dogs love it as they have these stairs that are easy to navigate but Abigail is not used to stairs so Wasabi has been teaching her how to navigate. Sebastian has long since learned about many stairs in his early life - heh - early life. Abigail, we figure lives with only a few stairs from what I can tell and wasn't totally sure of them so Wasabi is teaching her that all you have to do is not think about it and plow on down and she is. It's nice that Wasabi, even when it's not her own still gets into that teaching mode.

Here Wasabi is showing her - just do it - plow on down and run up and down and do it again and that's exactly what they were doing. What a fun time was had by all in the yard.

When looking at the photos, realize you can click on them to see a larger version.

Well, I am off to bathe Abigail now as she has had an interesting time under the deck. Just think - no snow, wet, gravel but dirt that is starting to soften and you will understand. Then I will have to keep them out of it or poor Sebastian - well his mommy won't see him looking fabulous. I am also cleaning the 5 million items Sebastian's mom sent to make sure they aren't given back with that lived in dawg look which they were getting. More later....


Havanese Antics With Two Pups

There's really nothing like two puppies playing. Here you can see Sebastian and Abs playing tug and they have been already playing for hours. She will miss him. Sebastian goes home today or tomorrow morning. It all depends on plane, automobiles and timing. He has been a true joy to have.

There will be an extra few inches in the bed that we will have to fill up somehow. ROFL

Sebastian - as soon as my work quiets down is going to get a bath, fluffy grooming and smell ever so good. It's a must after all that activity - sweaty paws and all - hahahahahaha Dogs sweat through their pads and feet but they get friction in their armpits and therefore that's one of the areas they can get those fine knots - on their bum too - not fun for us or them but most grow out of it. It's rare that I take knots out of armpits from an adult - only when Risa plows into the snow and gets sopping wet but hey - she is having fun.

Coach may come over to play with the pups tonight. Hoping he gets 2 for the price of one or Maryanne is here to see it too. Ah...havenese puppy play - nothing like it!

Well more later.>>


Havanese: You Snooze or You Lose

Hey - it's lunch time and I can smell it but all I want to do is curl up and snooze in this bed that is really not big enough for two but am I going to let that stop us? nah... Besides - Havanese can curl up into a small little ball.

I am so camera shy that I lifted my head to make sure they saw me.

More later.>>


Sebastian Visit is Full of Fun

Sebastian is here visiting and we are in heaven. Nathan caught him snuggling with me. He's been playing up a storm and I mean non-stop. Me thinks he is rather fond of his sister, Sassy. He's such a cutie. It's great to have him here as they are making us laugh. So far, Katsuro was rolling around in the big bed with him, Shoshi was doing run-like-hell, Risa's been watching and mommy Wasabi has been correcting. hehehehe

You know that tunnel we have, Sebastian just jumped in mid air on top while Sassy was inside and squished it on her. No one got hurt. Sassy jumped out and I swear she was laughing about it. Where was the video camera then? This all happened while I was typing.

We have had a couple of - 'who is boss' episodes where one squeaks from rough-housing but then Wasabi straightens them out. It's way funny and great timing for us as we needed an infusion of fun. Thanks, Maryanne and Mark. More later as I am positive this duo will keep us on our toes and to me - that's quite nice!

Here Sebastian is taking a time out so he can get rejuvenated. It lasted 10 minutes and they were both back at it - in and out of tunnels, and Sebastian's home safe place is that house that Maryanne brought. Where did you get it?

Tomorrow I will get more video. I got a bit but I am way too busy watching. Something about a camera on your face - well it takes away from the experience - heh but I promise you lots of moments - no worry. Today - well today is just enjoy without worrying about capturing it all.

PS: Sebastians already checked out the bed and has staked his claim. When he calms down, I will clean up his feet from all that run-like-hell through the grass out back.

More to watch the pair.
Mark and Maryanne has left a new comment on your post "Sebastian Visit is Full of Fun": Sebastian's bed came from SuperPet. It's actually a cat bed, but I didn't tell Sebastian that! He'll be sad when he's too big to fit through the holes in it. Posted by Mark and Maryanne to Wasabi's Havanese Adventures at January 13, 2008 9:18 PM


Thaw: Time to Be Careful

We are dealing with a thaw here in the Toronto area and cold weather will again set in. But it's time to say that if your little one has not had 3 of its vaccinations, do not let him traipse through fecal matter or sniff or worse eat it or drink from water found in pools from the thaw. Your little one is not protected yet. Before you say - well, I wouldn't allow that - at this stage, with teething and being a puppy, it's natural for them to mouth, taste and figure things out just like a human baby will. Dogs are fast and it can happen without you even noticing. They need their 3 vaccinations before they can fight off the possibilities that exist out there.

But even with all that, your little one - a winter pup has not had the grass exposure to know what its about. Add extreme moisture into the equation and some dogs plain don't like it. Sassy doesn't seem to mind though the deck was a momentary - what is this funny stuff under my feet but she didn't let it stop her. She wasn't crazy about the wetness and mud and it's futile to keep the dogs clean and I am a person who likes my dogs clean but sanity also plays a part in my life and we will get to it when the weather gets colder. It sounds strange to do that but the mud won't be an issue then and they will stay cleaner longer. Who would expect a thaw in January and I even have green plants outside. Confusing mother nature.

Well, if yours doesn't like it or can't figure out where to go, take him and place him in the center of the grass and give him your command for him to go. Even Shoshi, who hates wet feet goes in the grass in the backyard as we have physically placed her in the middle and she has had no choice. She also eventually figured out it wasn't so bad.

Coach came by with his human dad and the dogs were excited to see him. He couldn't stay for long but really was excited, recalled well and knew where daddy was. Nice! He really enjoyed Sassy and his canine mom, Wasabi. I do believe when he visits again - hoping when Sebastian is here but anytime is fine - we will have to video tape that. Coach was just at a vet and weighed in at 6lbs even. He's in great shape and I should have taken a photo of him as he is turning out to be so extremely cute. What a beauty. I knew he would be. Wasabi really makes pretty pups. Thanks, John for bringing him by.


What Makes an Outstanding Havanese?

This morning, Sassy was relentless with Katsuro. He wanted to sleep - she insisted that she wanted to snuggle. It was as if Katsuro wanted to say - 'will you just leave me alone?'

This was the beginning of their social interaction today. Each day it varies on what she learns from each. It's a huge bonus for her to remain with many dogs as she will learn a bit from each and it will help her learn important communication skills. It's hard for us as we bond with them. But as we found in the past and with Sebastian yesterday, when a pup comes to visit and enjoys and is comfie in our home, it means they have good imprints from where they began. Then when they are done playing, show that their new owners are their person, and they go home, it also shows us that this learning, security and love has continued and that lends us comfort as it's all about the dawgs to us more than you can ever know!

To continue on what happened this morning - Then as time went on, they just fell asleep together. Relationships at this critical stage are important as they lay the base for how they will react as adults unless you intervene and immerse them in slow conditioning but why start with baggage? It's best to expose in safe environments to give the best result. Easier said then done at times and things do happen and you 'can' recover.

What that means is it is important to expose them to dogs you know that will give them positive reactions to help them learn how to interact. That's not to say that the growl from Risa as one is getting too close is not a good thing. It is but when no altercation exists but rather communication, the puppy learns.

You can click on any photos in this blog to get a larger view.

Today we are working on a video with Sebastian to show you how siblings react to each other. It's a joy - a true one. But I need to find the time to edit and we have much to do today - am shooting for tonight at the latest to post.

To elaborate on what makes a dog balanced, secure, even temperament and all that you want it to be - is it genetics? I will take a piece out of Kathryn Braunds book, The Joyous Havanese (I suggest you buy this book) that tells what makes a dog be all they can be.

"Your dog is 50% dam, 50% sire however both dam and sire are a product of generations of genes. Each canine mom imprints her puppies with habits she has and the way she responds to their and her human's guardians every action. " (My note: with multi dogs - that includes all the dogs that interact with the pups)

"Ingredients in making a dog be all they can be:

1. Interactions with siblings (other dogs in home)
2. Interaction with the breeder
3. Permanent socialization from 8 to 20 weeks
4. The final touch covers adolescent from 12 to 15 months. Socialization during this period cements all past genetic and environmental happenings in the not so closed brain.

Note that many genes do not come into play unless they are utilized early on such as retrieving. It is why you should be teaching your dog as much as he can by 15 months. It doesn't mean learning ceases after this age but the brain is more receptive till this age."

Puppy relationships start in the whelping box. You as a potential owner should be asking what the breeder does in regards to socialization, relationships etc.

Here, we take it very serious and invest our whole heart and soul in it but it's a learning process and once you stop and become stagnant, it's not good. Life is changing so learning should never end. From 4 weeks to 16 weeks is a very critical stage.

"Let's see what makes a Havanese tick. We already know the Havanese have genes honed into them through centuries of rearing, which makes him loving, exceptionally happy and bouncy. His stereotype is of a sensitive, willing, attention seeking, charming athletic dog.

However each Havanese is an individual and each has been gifted or denied by nature and environment with certain talents above and beyond the breed's basic characteristics., just as humans are. Each Havanese will develop different emotional responses to experiences he meets in life."

It's good to know that the Havanese you own (or will) completes his personality development and his uniqueness through interaction with you and your family.


Happy Havanese New Year

Well, we just got back from having a fab time at our friends Yvonne and Alex. The crew is sitting in their living room sopping wet and they had lots of snow and if I can get a video rendered, you may see then running like the dickens outside having a grand time.

Sassy had her shots so yesterday she was sore but not too bad. She weighed in at 4lbs 6 ounces. Her vet loved her patellas - said wow - really great ones. He thought she was in excellent health and we are glad and he said - oh my this one looks like her mommy - such a beautiful face. That was nice.

We spent a really great time at our friends but one can't sleep with 6 Havanese in a queen size bed. It's way too funny and we had all sorts of issues with technical stuff but hey that calmed down and we watched TV and human daddy snored and Yvonne had to say - ah let's go to bed and Risa was asking for hours already.

Today we tried to render a video but will have to give it a shot here. Till now, you can look at Sassy and her mom out in the backyard at Yvonnes. She soooo adorable in looks and personality - I tell you. Big dogs, little ones - she got her grounding and played in such a short time - it was great to see. Even when Britney (an old Beardie - the leader of the pack at Yvonnes and Alex) was barking she said - what was that and continued on without issue.

I need to eat but wanted to say Sassy did well on the long ride there, the shots, the strange house, the different bed to sleep on and all those doggies to play with. She had a roaring good time and so did the rest of the pack but when we said home, Katsuro got excited then the rest did and they are almost all conked out except Louis, our visitor (who goes home tomorrow - sniff) and Sassy who are playing up a storm. More tomorrow and hopefully a video but too tired tonight to pull it together.

By the way, Sassy has really and I mean really perfected her jumps through snows and her going up and down stairs. Me thinks she's going to be quite the athlete like Wasabi.


Long Havanese Day

We had a long day today but a fun one. The dogs are starting to eat Fromm's canned food with Fromm's Dry food softened and they LOVE it. The Chicken Thighs Entrée had them smacking their lips. They adore it. They are starting to eat more and less from mom.

Human mommy is tired so she will fill you in more tomorrow and human daddy is out of town till Sunday.

More tomorrow...when we get our rest...


Havanese Characters

Well my puppies decided to test the waters - well the esbilac. It was a messy affair but fun was had by all. We have so many photos but later today we will upload it to snapfish.

The mostly white guy tends to be the first one diving in, first one to hit the mark on the pad every time and the one with the mustache is a star with the same as well. Double mask, mustache, mostly white and half mask were stars after they ate and made it to the pad. The gal fell asleep doing nothing so maybe she has a bladder of steel and tux went to play. What does that tell you - who knows but the white one and mustache had a rollover, grr match of play fun after they ate and then fell fast asleep. They are showing personality - more and more each day.

As a matter of fact, they all fell asleep in various spots quite pleased with themselves but coated with esbilac. We will be sponge bathing them today but it is all worth it to watch it.

What's even better is as you can see they love the tunnels, the carrying bag. We will be doing a crate next week and tux was laying on his back batting a fish in the tunnel. It was priceless. We are hoping we caught it on today's video. We shall see.

Looking at this one in the tunnel, he looks rather like good ole Katsuro. I had to take a double look.



My puppies adore this doggie that human mommy put in the whelping box. It simulates a dog's heartbeat so my pups like to snuggle with it when I am not available. We bought it from DoggieStyle Petwear where they have a lot of cool dog stuff.

A gal has to go outside, do her duty and look at the big blue rainy, miserable sky - you know. Well, maybe not. I think I will hang out with the pups all day today. ROFL!

Human Mommy was at it with testing the pups but she didn't get to but one today. Busy - busy day but she did get to play with them, change their beds, weigh them and brush and comb me out. Those crazy celebrities are keeping her busy.

Mommy had one of my babies....crawling in this tunnel that she bought at Dine's Boutique (they have some really cool stuff) and he just didn't know which way to go. Much more difficult, at least for this one than the other tunnel but that's a good thing. It will hold their attention longer.

It wasn't until I Wasabi, his Havanese mom looked in the tunnel that he knew which route to go but that's okay. He saw me and life was good. They just smell me and come running these days. This tunnel also crinkles. How fun can that be!

I must have that extra special touch. Can you just hear him saying, oh there you are mom.

Human mommy and daddy are really enjoying how we interact now. It has just truly begun. The faces are getting more defined. The personalities are starting to come out. Life is ever so good. We even get to come downstairs at the end of this week - cool!