
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havana silk dog (72)


Washing Havanese Time

Chico had every hair in place after his bath today and then he shook. Oh - he's such a boy Havanese dawg - loves to go natural. But wow is his hair silky. I knew it was when he wasn't clean but he has his canine mom's hair - just fuller. He's not as big as he looks but that fluffy hair - wow nice.

Chico gets to go to class tonight with his sibling Coach and his housemate, Fiona. Fiona is next to get bathed. shhh don't tell her.

Take another look at him after his shake from a different position. Got to say - the boy cleans up well. :-) Not that he looked bad unwashed.

Well, off to do Fiona - next - in a bit - inbetween work.


Another Havanese Day

Well, it's another day and Chico says I still have this crazy cone head on but I am eating, coping with this crazy hat and my stitches look good. That human Darlah keeps trying to comb a knot out here and there only every once in a while and only for a few minutes but once the stitches are out, she tells me I am going to look soooo good!

She even did a top knot on me and I shook my head. You almost could see me with 2 eyes but well you see one and she will try another day in trying to make this top knot withstand the shake of the head.

I don't seem to know 'come' but I know the 'chase me' game so those humans are working on that and I get lots of love when I do come.
Now the human here says, now that we have Chico's number, we have made 'come' a fun game and he gets it most of the time. He catches on real fast so it looks like he is a fast learner and a willing one at that. Our goal is to get him doing all his basic commands and then some before he is rehomed. We work with the dogs daily and have already started with Chico.

He also will be starting obedience class next week so he's going to be amazing and that human Darlah will be handling him. He'll even get to see his brother Coach in class - now how cool is that?

Chico tends to stay happy go lucky even when he is in obvious pain but we figure by the weekend, he will have his cone head off and be vastly improved. The dawgs also have managed to adapt to this ball of fur that hits the corners with this collar.

The crew got up and started mixing it up. They were having a roaring grand time. Sebastian and Coco is just like one of the family now. You should hear the racing pitter patter of feet and Katsuro has been really getting into it showing just how fast a Havanese can run.

Tonight Abigail has handling class and Coco is here tonight - til maybe tomorrow. Yvonne should just leave her here - haha

More later.


Stoned Havanese Vegging With Fave Human

It's not a great photo as I was taking shots into the sun but dear Miss Abs came back from the vets after getting 2 of her canines pulled and she is stoned on morphine - chillin' out in the backyard on the deck with her fave human. That's okay as tomorrow she has to get show training busy. Today she has the day off. :-)

If you are getting your dog neutered or spayed, this is the time to deal with any teeth that just don't want to come out like Abs. Hers had roots that were larger than the actual tooth.

We have a great vet who let us bring in our crate so she can feel comfie.

Nathan also dropped over to Yvonnes to hang out and wait for the Abs with a few of the other dogs. He also managed to get a few photos.

Here you can see Rita's Minnie chasing Wasabi's Sebastian, Rita's Opal behind them and Downsey and Fiona behind Opal and good old Terra laying on the deck.

If I have any mistakes in this, forgive me. I will fix it tomorrow. I have a very conked out Abs laying in one arm while I try to type with the others. She never lays here for this amount of time as she is always too busy playing so I am treasuring the moment and dealing with the difficulty of typing.

Remember you can always click on the photos to see a larger version.

I asked Nathan to take photos so I could see Downsey's colour and to see if she is the same size. She looks like the same size but wow that colour. We are really getting excited to see what Cocoa looks like - their other sibling who comes on Friday. I will have to remember to charge the video camera.

Well more tomorrow. It's way too hard to snuggle and type.


Havanese Relationships

As you can see, Coach and Sebastian were mixing it up but what you can barely see was Fiona also in the midst of it.

The gang has been going since 5:30 this morning. I think they are laying down for the first time now at almost 2.

Nathan managed to get some video. I have to see what it looks and get that up. I also got a ton of photos but this crew is so fast that I got the back end, the side - the what have you. Those go in the delete bucket.

Nathan was complaining profusely how slow our digital is and thought it was the battery but shhh it really is slow. ROFL. You have to anticipate the move and take it the moment you anticipate. Don't we all know what's going to happen next?

Nathan did walks with all - much to the amazement of his legs. He doesn't do short walks and the dawgies appreciate that. I practiced some 'stand'. I also line combed all the dogs with the exception of Shoshi who gets it tonight when I watch TV.

As the snow dissipates, all sorts of yuck is cropping up and the dogs love it.

Me - I am going to take a nap and will fill you in later - maybe look at the video - something or totally veg but we shall see. I promised the dogs a solid game of retrieve today and I keep my promises.

We are thinking of Sassy and hoping her recovery is fast. She got spayed and had 2 baby teeth yanked out and we hear she hates that plastic conehead. They have to think of a better system. We used onesies - yeah for babies, for Shoshi and she liked it much better. Of course you have to cut out a hole in the flap or take it and pin it up each time they go but much better than that plastic thing around your neck.

Well, the couch and rest is calling me so I can be all I can be, later.


What - Havanese That Reads Ahem Paper

Really mommy, I am a treasure - really! It's 530am when I took this photo - (in the dark, I might add and that's why it's so flash exposed) of Fiona doing her part in digesting the newsprint. We want her to bring the newspaper to us but funny thing, it just can't seem to make it.

Havanese ADORE paper and sometimes we indulge. If a toilet paper or paper towel is down to the cardboard - we sometimes throw it down to let them have fun in tearing it apart into millions of pieces. We also throw down an empty water bottle as they like the noise that makes. It's funny the ones that they naturally like and others they don't.

I know it doesn't feel that way but the thunderstorms will be coming and I truly believe in 'slow conditioning' so I will be finding storm bytes online (just search on Storm sounds in google) and playing them low in the background and slowing raising the level. You probably think that's nuts and how could you stand doing such a thing or how do you have time? Well, not every dawg is sensitive to storms but those that are - well, I do not believe anything should be trapped in fear. If you can slow condition it out, well, you've done a great thing, imho.

More later from the stormy, paper strewn Talemaker Havanese home.


Havanese Vet Update

We went to the vets seeing the ice storm was coming in - we wanted to keep warm - yeah - at the vets. ROFL.

Miss Abigail got her rabies shot and Miss Fiona got her 2nd shots and goes back in 4 weeks to get her next.

Miss Abigail is now 8lb 4.5 ounces and Miss Fiona is 4lb 7.5 ounces. Remember that Miss Abigail is 2 days younger than the Wasabi crew. Miss Fiona is just 13 weeks last Friday.

Miss Fiona has gained 1lb 6.5 ounces in 5 weeks and Miss Abigail has gained 2lb 2 ounces. They do adore the food that human daddy makes.

No issues with rabies in regards to soreness for the Miss Abs but Fiona is way sore.

She is here giving Miss Abigail the evil eye and yes she has one - ROFL and it says - leave me alone.

I tried putting her in the crate and that was fine but she wants to be with the others. So, we are watching and figure by tomorrow she will be back to her usual feisty self.

More later and have you shoveled paths for your dawgies yet if the snowstorm hit you? We have.


Dangerous Places for Havanese

Fiona makes it a habit to try to get as close as possible to me and seeing that I work at my desk, she plops herself up on a wheel but dangerous if you don't realize so I found a solution.

I placed a rubber maid box that we store dog toys in and placed it under my desk with a bed on top and placed Fiona in it. You will also notice that I have a gate running next to my desk to protect the cords to my computer. Although most of them are up in a wired weaved holder that keeps them off the floor, some still remain so with teething pups - guess this is the smartest way to go although it looks like - hehe...

We had company over yesterday - our grand kids, our son Joe from Japan, his new wife, daughter and her hubby and all those dawgs.

Here is our youngest grand daughter Danielle with Abigail. She just adores the dawgs and she can be so enthusiastic that sometimes the dawgs don't know what to think but this didn't even bother Miss Abigail or Fiona. They loved the attention.

This Friday we have Yvonne and her dawgs coming for a visit so we are going down to a smaller bed (moving the bed back for the weekend). They are coming in to visit, go out to eat with us and go to the Markham show. We are going to even have Fiona's sister as Yvonne still has one small and simply gorgeous gal left. The colours that are coming in on her are simply GORGEOUS. It will be fun to see the two together.

We are also getting a sleepover with Chico and in the midst of this, Nathan will be doing Abs class without me so he will be seeing Sebastian and I won't.

Tonight we get to see Coach and his dad. What exciting times and in among this - we have to train Abs and Fiona. Got to find the time...that elusive thing that we all think we don't have enough of.

More later....


The Havanese Tell Secrets

That daddy, letting who know who get on the bed...tsk tsk but we had an early afternoon nap and I had every single dawg on the bed with the exception of Whitney who no longer can do the stairs. That's alright cause anyone who has 19+ old sons in the house knows they don't sleep the same hours we do.

Seeing it's simply a dawg place around here, we are going to let the dawgs talk today. We will let them tell you about THEIR day.

If I didn't think it was a crazy dawg house around here, I do now. They are going to let ME (Gidget) talk first. Shh, they don't know but do I have secrets to tell!

That Katsuro - he thinks he's all that but I have his number! He pees (outside) and I pee right on top of him. Who's the queen biach around this place?

The puppies are confused. They think size somehow tells them the age of a dawg but do they have something to learn. The way they play with me, I swear they think I am a puppy. They even try to duplicate my flirting with Katsuro. Oh, but having had my own pawprint little ones, I have lots of patience and even indugle and engage them in much play. I even have them making a mad dash under the couch - all in fun, you know.

Last night I snuggled up to the female human here and she just snuggled and caressed me with her hand and face all night long off and on. How can a dawg get a decent sleep around this place?

I'm the Shosh and if I have to hear that paw in the light socket story again - I will whine my fool head off.

I used to not have my voice until daddy created a game with the ducks and he taught me that my job now is to alert the pack and I 'get' that but they certainly don't. Why is it okay to bark and tell the pack that ducks are in the pool but not let the pups know my best treat is not up for sharing.

I had a sulking session when mommy made me share with those little ones. Oh, just because Risa's on a diet doesn't mean we all have to get that svelte look.

Risa, you can do it but give me your portion you are missing - will ya? Crazy humans wanting us to be healthy. They need to start with themselves. Shhh...really mommy..I didn't say that but when's the last time I saw you exercising? Tsk, tsk

Okay, it's my turn. Really, I don't mind a house-full of females but you keep inviting boys over so all the girls see what else is out there.

What kind of human parents are you? I mean haven't you taken the class of 'harem 101'?

What - you say you do it so I learn to control myself and gain some manners around all those boys that want my gals? Is this a test?

First you bring Benny my brother over and that was fun and it was too long since the last time he came but then the Oats also came to visit and you know how he feels. He just loves to tease me. But once I 'got' that, I decided the best way to proceed is to play 'top dawg' games back. My heart was racing, my mind was racing and I do adore the Oats but when he went home, I smiled and laid down and went - now Otis - who has the gals now? It's tough competing with such a Don Juan.

I'm the littlest one around here and they expect me to go public with all the secrets around this place? As Jack, Nicholson once said, "You can't handle the truth."

Let's see - they think size matters - and who else climbs up a couch and plops down on the back of the couch? Now who is really top dawg around this place?

They think I shut my eyes to get some needed sleep but I am just resting, thinking and figuring up a new way to create trouble and with my best friend, Abigail - well that's surely is easy. So what if we like eating the wood from the woodpile in front of the fireplace or making a mad dash to jump on the retrievers? Why do those silly humans care what I have in my mouth? It's just a hair ribbon silly. You did put it in Wasabi's hair so I could pull it out, didn't you? come on, find your fun humans!

My big secret is I love to eat and they aren't feeding me enough so I try most anything for food. Here's what I have learned.

1. If you stare at someone long enough, eventually you'll get what you want.

2. Be aware of when to hold your tongue, and when to use it.

3. Leave room in your schedule for a good nap.

Now if you don't know who I am - well I am the Queen Biach around this place. I control EVERYTHING except the food....sigh.

On that note..the rest will have to spill the secrets another day...till later...


Havanese Day Has Just Begun

It's almost 7am - let's stretch it and they are doing WHAT!? They are playing their hearts out as if they just found each other AGAIN! Can I ever sleep in? Guess not as Fiona and Miss Abs will go down stairs to go out in the morning with Nathan but the rest wait till I move it or they won't. What's that about?

Then Risa and Gidget sleep in. Nathan crawls back to bed and pretends to and I wake up and can't go back to sleep.

A dawgs start of a day. More later >> It's only JUST begun!


Camera Lovin' Havanese

Sassy is having a bit of Sebastian rub off on her or is that the other way around? The camera comes out and it's strike a pose - such a runway gal.

The crew is up and the 'no bark' is working so well that I pointed my finger - said no bark this morning when a dog in the distance was barking and they are finally getting it. Good one!

Sassy, Wasabi and Sebastian are playing their little hearts out this morning having a roaring good time. After my breakfast, I will bathe her, brush her, Nathan will do her nails and get her ready to be stylin.

Well, it's cold outside. The crew is rolling around having fun and I need my coffee. More later!


Havanese Sibling Socialization

The siblings had a meet and greet session yesterday that was an amazing amount of fun and we wonder if Coach slept afterwards. Sassy crawled into bed upstairs after he left and said enough is enough - I need my sleep. She was completely exhausted. Sebastian decided to stay downstairs and nibble on Terra's ear trying to get her to play. He was wide awake until after 11pm.

They all slept well last night and had no jockeying for position but Sebastian still had Risa's pillow at the top of the bed for a portion of the night- imagine that. He laid across the pillow with his body stretched out and up against Nathan's head. All was fine in his world getting top dawg position for the 2nd night in a row. Katsuro snuggled then decided the floor was cooler. Sassy doesn't seem to get preoccupied with proving any of that stuff - rather like Risa, so one wonders if they remained in the same house who would be true alpha. Only time would tell. Personally, I think a submissive position is easier than controlling the universe.

Interesting enough, Coach is also an alpha want to be - so 3 alpha want to be's getting together to play - it was actually fun. They wrestled and play growled and rolled around and ran and had a roaring grand time. Here's Sassy yanking on her brother to get him out of the tunnel. Hey - you can't escape me - you just think you can.

This get together was great. It was great distraction for us. Thanks, John!

Here's a photo of Coach and Sassy and I am putting this up as Sassy was shaking her head midstream while I was taking this photo trying to dust herself off from the antics of her siblings. It looks a tad funny but that's what she was indeed doing.

Sassy was the target at times but she held her own and then some - but it was all in fun. If it wasn't, we would have ceased the behaviour but she kept going back for more and playing with all comers.

You can click on any of the photos in this site to see a larger version.

I remember when the dogs couldn't reach this water dish and had to put their paws up to drink. My, times have changed. They have really grown. Rockhurst's Buster and Wasabi really made nice pups and Wasabi and her body structure, balanced nature and Buster and his - wow. I can't say enough and they remain ahead of schedule, smart as ever and pretty dawgs. Ok, we aren't supposed to say pretty about the males but they are...rather nice features and everyone says that. They have this cuteness factor thang going on.

The siblings had a blast. I have yet to find time to look at the video but it was a futile attempt to capture. They were running and running with excitement. But - maybe - something. We will find out later and if so, we will upload. Our still photos were just as bad. Amazing how fast with excitement they were moving. We must do this again.


Havanese Grooming Time

Are we having fun or what? As you can see, I got a bath today and what is that thing she is putting on me around my neck? What is that rush of hair blowing at me? Hey - I am not sure I like this!

Oh my, but if I stand still, I get a treat. Hmm - it's NOT all bad. Plus I look perfectly snowy white just like my canine mommy Wasabi that also had a bath before me.

This human has this thing that points at me and blows warmish air but not that warm at me. Then she brushes me while it is blowing at me and I am not sure I am thrilled with that but she says she must or I may get some knots plus the hair looks silky smooth when she does it that way. I know as I admired myself in the mirror that is around this place. Those humans think I think it's another dawg but I know it's me strutting myself. Plus - I look boot-i-full - don't ya think?

It's important not to make the hair bone dry unless you are going out. As you can see from this photo, I am a tad damp but not wet. This way my skin doesn't dry out and my hair stays smashingly healthy. She also sprays this spray on conditioner all over and that helps protect my coat and keeps it cleaner longer plus keep any knots away as long as I get a brush.

We got batteries for a toy that has a recorder in it. You are supposed to record things and when I move it, well that human's voice starts talking out of it. I am sooooo confused and it drops out treats. The humans around here may hide this toy as it is about to drive them nuts.


Thaw: Time to Be Careful

We are dealing with a thaw here in the Toronto area and cold weather will again set in. But it's time to say that if your little one has not had 3 of its vaccinations, do not let him traipse through fecal matter or sniff or worse eat it or drink from water found in pools from the thaw. Your little one is not protected yet. Before you say - well, I wouldn't allow that - at this stage, with teething and being a puppy, it's natural for them to mouth, taste and figure things out just like a human baby will. Dogs are fast and it can happen without you even noticing. They need their 3 vaccinations before they can fight off the possibilities that exist out there.

But even with all that, your little one - a winter pup has not had the grass exposure to know what its about. Add extreme moisture into the equation and some dogs plain don't like it. Sassy doesn't seem to mind though the deck was a momentary - what is this funny stuff under my feet but she didn't let it stop her. She wasn't crazy about the wetness and mud and it's futile to keep the dogs clean and I am a person who likes my dogs clean but sanity also plays a part in my life and we will get to it when the weather gets colder. It sounds strange to do that but the mud won't be an issue then and they will stay cleaner longer. Who would expect a thaw in January and I even have green plants outside. Confusing mother nature.

Well, if yours doesn't like it or can't figure out where to go, take him and place him in the center of the grass and give him your command for him to go. Even Shoshi, who hates wet feet goes in the grass in the backyard as we have physically placed her in the middle and she has had no choice. She also eventually figured out it wasn't so bad.

Coach came by with his human dad and the dogs were excited to see him. He couldn't stay for long but really was excited, recalled well and knew where daddy was. Nice! He really enjoyed Sassy and his canine mom, Wasabi. I do believe when he visits again - hoping when Sebastian is here but anytime is fine - we will have to video tape that. Coach was just at a vet and weighed in at 6lbs even. He's in great shape and I should have taken a photo of him as he is turning out to be so extremely cute. What a beauty. I knew he would be. Wasabi really makes pretty pups. Thanks, John for bringing him by.


Terra Speaks Out

I was just reading the latest bias one-sided propaganda from my human Mommy about her Wasabi and all her other darling Havanese. I thought I’d take this opportunity to offer my Golden Retriever perspective.

First of all let me say with all due modesty that I am a smart cookie and easily graduated Obedience school at the top of my class, or at least I would have been first if not for Shoshi also being in the same class. Second is good too.

I know how to heel perfectly and do so when my human Dad walks me, if he asks me too, a few times, nicely. Meanwhile Risa heels perfectly all the time.

I can recall in seconds, if I feel like it, or if my human Dad really wants me to come, now. Meanwhile when Daddy calls Katsuro to come he runs back to him. What’s that about?

I don’t need to be washed every time I go for a walk. My body easily clears the ground. I don’t need to be brushed as often as my Havanese brother and sisters because my hair, unlike theirs, falls off, all the time, all over the place.

I play wonderfully with all the Havanese. I do not step on them. I am always aware of them, especially when Sassy is eating my coat. Yes, that’s right, I don’t wear a coat.

Shoshi and I have been best friends since the day my human Mommy and Daddy brought her home even though she never grew to full size (well retriever size - the only way to be). I understand that poor Shoshi is going to remain at around 12 lbs. and never achieve her full growth and that’s ok because I love her anyway. (Shoshi says - silly that is my full growth, Terra)

I do have one large pet peeve. All the other dogs sleep on the bed but I’m not allowed. What’s that about?! I don’t even require doggy steps but am perfectly capable of stepping right up onto the bed. It’s outright full size dog discrimination, that’s what it is. Luckily I can sneak on the bed with my Daddy when Mommy is downstairs. She’ll never know.


PS: I have included a picture of me chillin' in one of my four beds. You can clearly tell it isn't the same as sleeping with the pack in Mommy and Daddy's bed. And I have included a picture of me and my Shoshi when she was about the age that Sassy is right now. Hey - she's even wearing that same sweater Sassy was the other day. Hey human mom - can't you buy her something NEW?


Sassy Takes the Stairs

Sassy is now going up the long staircase from our main floor to our second floor. She stops a few times along the way but seems to be going faster each time. Once she makes it upstairs she heads straight into the ‘puppy’ room where she and her siblings slept for 10 weeks. She plops herself down on a pad inside the x-pen which is now entirely left open, takes stock of her surroundings, then grabs a favourite toy and heads into our bedroom. She then proceeds to run right up the doggy stairs onto the bench that sits at the foot of our bed. From the bench she takes a quick hop and she’s on the bed. She finds this much easier when the other dogs aren’t in her way. Then, she waits for her mom to jump on the bed so that she can jump on her mom. She still hasn’t managed to go back down the stairs but it won’t be long now.

We take her and all the dogs outside probably a dozen times a day. She’s right out there with the rest of them and loving it. Tonight Wasabi was trying to teach Sassy to play run-like-hell with her. It was hysterical. I’m sorry I didn’t tape it when Wasabi would come blowing by Sassy and get her to chase her. Then stop once she did and chase her back, then run by her again at top speed and repeat. She was clearly trying to teach her run-like-hell and Sassy was just as clearly getting it. I LOVE this breed in general and I love these dogs in particular. How can you not?

ps: When I went upstairs Risa just naturally tagged along just in case it was time to go to bed. Oh that gal Risa loves the comfort of the bed and she won't do couches without pillows for her to lay down on.


Remy Welcomes His New Family

It has been a tough day for us. When Remy’s new family showed up I got choked up. I think it had more to do with Sassy being the last after Remy leaves. The two of them were snuggling and sleeping on one another at the time.

But thinking about it, poor Sassy doesn’t have it so rough. She now gets individual attention from Darlah and me, not to mention Wasabi who is all over her, Kat, Shoshi and even Terra and Whitney.

When we came back inside from having Wasabi and Sassy out with us, all the dogs, even ‘Queen’ Risa, touched noses with Sassy. I don’t know how we are supposed to handle this aspect of breeding, watching the puppies we love leave, but I can say that it is hard for us both and I suspect it always will be. That is why it is so important that we see the puppies as they grow older, so that we see how very happy they are. (All you new puppy owners need to be paying close attention.)

Remy is an excellent match for his new family. Their youngest walked in the door and said “can we take Remy home now” after they’d been here 5 seconds. When the girls approached the wide open x-pen where Sassy and Remy were sleeping Remy jumped up and went running into their arms. I swear it was spontaneous and just perfect. Join me in wishing Remy the very best as he joins his new family. He’s going to get all the love he can handle and then some.


What is THAT?!!!!

The crew is all gone and it's just the Sassy Lassy. We took her out on an errand with her Mommy Wasabi. We just kept human daddy company and had the experience of looking about. We were going to start doing some minor walking out front to get her used to the idea but it's still too cold so in we came. Shoshi wore this outfit when she was about the same size.

Sassy is looking in the mirror trying to figure out who that dog is staring back with that funny outfit on. Now she's snoozing and we are cooking and we will soon settle in to blankets, watching TV and chillin' with Sassy sleeping on the bed tonight. New adventures for all...


Picture of the Dudes

My new family has allowed me to post a picture of the four of us hanging out. I call this 'Picture of the Dudes'.

As you can see, I’ve already wiped out one Lab who crawled into Daddy's lap for protection and after I take a short break, and pose for my picture, I’ll get on to the next one.

I have peed and pood outside and have already picked out my own spot. Soon I'll be lifting my leg so high that the Labs will stay out of my territory altogether or maybe, if they are nice to me, I'll share it with them. We'll see.
sign me - Sebastian

For anyone who doesn't know what this leg business is all about and calling cards - well read this.


Sebastian's New Family

It was 8 degrees (Celsius) today. It rained off an on for most of it. The snow has been melting so much that steam was rising from the ground. The dogs came in from playing in the backyard soaked to the skin. Kat couldn’t care less. He’d have happily stayed out all day.

Now the temperature has dropped dramatically and the wind is howling outside. The temperature tonight is supposed to reach -6 not counting the wind chill factor. In other words, it’s going to be freezing and the roads are going to be totally iced over and treacherous and so are our backyards. If you don’t have to go out, stay home! And please don’t spend too much time outside with your dogs or puppies tonight, just enough to do their business and get back inside. Dogs can get frost bite too!

Sebastian left us today. He is the sweetest little boy. He’s going to a home where they know dogs! I’m told he’s already met his two new four legged companions, both Labrador retrievers that only outweigh him by 90 lbs. Knowing Sebastian he’ll have no problem establishing dominance, licking his way to the top of the pack. I’ll post a picture of Sebastian and his entire new family as soon as I can get it. In the meantime those wee Labs better leave room on the bed for the new king. I taught him martial arts for nights like this.



Happy Holidays & Happy New Year

For those that celebrate the holiday - Merry Christmas from the Talemaker Crew, Nathan, myself and all the canine crew and for those that don't, and those that do - may next year bring you and your Havanese an amazing year filled with special memories. Be good to each other and great things will come from that.

For those that have our Havanese, give them extra hugs from us. Send photos that we can share and post.

The 3 remaining were quiet for a bit and so was mommy Wasabi but that Sassy gal got them all playing again and all was well. They all have to take a bit to adjust to this change but they will and then when they come to visit, they will have a roaring grand time then be ready to go home again. It all works...and we get to see them. Stay in touch...

Sebastian goes home tomorrow - Remy Monday and then I start doing serious training with the Sassy gal that I will share - the good, the bad, the funny - all of it so you can get inspired too.