
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in wasabi puppies (23)


Havanese Louis Visit

Louis - an old time boarder came over with a new haircut. I think it looks smashing. When Fiona is done showing...hmmmm They are about the same size. What was interesting is Louis has a lot of grey overtone and grey on his face.

Louis tends to get along with everyone. He is so highly socialized that he knows how to react to all types of dogs. His parents take him to the park daily.

Louis is a Tiny/Paris pup and perhaps he will get to see his mom while he is here. He will be here til late August 2nd.

Louis is always a wonderful addition to the crew no matter who is here visiting. He's one of those calming dogs.

Treasure is off to a show this weekend just for Saturday. Nathan is taking her for one day events just to keep her feet wet before she heads to Chicago in August. She decided to jump in the pool. You got that right - jump in the pool. She needed a bath but NOT this early.


Almost Over Folks

Fiona spent a leisurely day outside and inside lounging around. She's an entirely different gal in heat - clingy - lovey - well she's lovey but not clingy which is often the case when hormones are raging.

Today we have Zack and Coco visiting till next Sunday and Louis coming on Friday for 2 weeks. We thought we would get swimming in today but no go. Fiona is still very much in heat. Poor Kat can't handle it and I know you are sick of hearing it but this is what it is like when you have a male not fixed and a female not fixed. It's loony tunes time - or is the saying loony bin times?

We found a solution so Nathan and I could both be outside but it means Fiona is in the house or Kat is in the crate outside. Yep - we brought a crate outside and if covered, he calms down most times and rests - which he sorely needs.

According to my calendar, sanity clicks in on Wednesday or Thursday. Then - it is till the next time...straight jacket for me or the dawg...I don't know.

But we still love them even when they lose their brains.

As you can see, I was playing with the monochrome. Risa - when I did her - it was hard to tell the difference between monochrome and colour. heh

This monochrome photo is Nathan doing the crate walk. Kat actually finds it comforting at times like this. It's something to think about when you are training your dog. They should be comfie in a crate in case they ever need medical care. We rarely use them closed but when we do, our dogs find comfort in them by sleeping in one when left open always etc.


Thunderstorms/Rain/Play Havanese

Well, Nathan took a walk with the boy to calm him down. We are still in huge distraction mode with Fiona and Kat. Nathan thought that it would be a great way to help Kat calm down. Anyone who purposely has a gal in heat and an intact boy is NUTS unless you breed them. Okay - we are off our rockers but in a good way, I hope.

So, off to the bank on a long walk Nathan and Kat went but then it started raining - drizzling, then raining harder then downright pouring with wind and lightening and loud, loud thunder.

If Kat looked like this - can you imagine Nathan? ROFL.

So, Nathan gets back. I am sitting out with the crew under the gazebo in the back yard as Whitney, our golden is afraid of storms and I try to get her to do her business when in this state outside or we will have an accident inside. So, picture me with all the dogs other than Wasabi who was feeding the pups and Kat who just got back with Nathan drenched. Nathan goes up to change. I call him on the phone (yes from outside) to tell him get out here now as the gazebo is going to come down. He comes running out and we proceed to take down the gazebo and he's drenched yet again. The man can't win.

It was a rip roaring - interesting time but now we are inside and the dawgs do have to play. So, on the floor that was just toweled off Nathan did go playing up a storm with the crew.

What's happening with the rain? It's stopped. Go figure but no pool today. We already got wet enough!


Talemaker Havanese Swim Time

Now that the kids are not feeding nonstop, we look for ways to give Wasabi balance. It can't be all kids and nothing else. It's important that she doesn't get lost in the equation. Even great moms like her need to have balance. It's the trickle down effect. What she is - well the pups end up being.

We took her out swimming today right after she fed the kids. This gives her a 2 hour + window. It's enough time to let her swim - run around and get blow dried.

When the crew swims (Kat and Wasabi enjoy it the best) the rest of the crew run around the pool like the supporting cast applauding the efforts of those swimming.

Here Shoshi is telling Treasure - stop nipping at my face. Treasure is a puppy so she thinks that is okay but Shoshi corrected her. This is okay and agreeable. It wouldn't be if she attacked her but this was simply - knock it off - will ya - Treasure. Treasure was back pouncing on Shoshi 2 minutes later.

The crew had a great time but Mom is going to go dogless into the pool tomorrow so she doesn't have to groom the afternoon away. Besides - Missy needs a bath before she goes home tomorrow night.

If you want to see the latest on the pups, check out Talemaker Puppy Life.


Havanese Heat: What's THAT

It's tough being a guy in a sea of gals. When a gal goes into heat and is not getting mated to our boy, well he has to be kept separate. That means at bedtime and all throughout the day.

It doesn't sound fun but we rotate who is where so everyone gets time with everyone except Kat and the female in heat.

How long does this last? Oh..about 3 weeks. You got it - and Fiona is the gal in heat this time and it's not over till the 15th - another week.

As you can see, Kat's not overly pleased but he does get his walks - playing and all sorts of fun. We make sure he gets time with everyone except Fiona. Bonus - Wasabi doesn't mind him being in with her and the pups so it all works.

To make matters worse, Fiona teases Kat each time I have her up on something or I am carrying her from one place to another when Kat needs to be rotated.

This is her saying - I am up here..hehehehehe

It's okay, it will be over soon.

Well, Remy just had his bath and I had to be creative getting him to calm down on the table. He just wanted to get going and when he did, well he went from handsome lad to messy lad. Not dirty - just shake and run and have all sorts of fun.

Remy goes home tonight and then we will be down to Missy till Friday then Zack and Coco come. We heard they got new hairdos. Can't wait to check them out. I hear it's going to be easier to take care of and that's great especially for an active family like they belong to.

Well - tonight we promised pics of the pups all individual. Will get to that much later tonight. Between walks and play and grooming and baths - and weighing pups - and cuddle time and..where did that day go?

Now it's raining..oh well walks done just in time...


Hide and Seek Human!

Our visitor Missy is having a great time. She loves our Japanese maple as it's a great spot that they can all hang out and you can't find them. I tell you this as I was out and turned the equipment on for the pool and hmm 4 dogs are gone.

Our yard is enclosed so I assumed they went under the deck so off I went to look. They like it under there as they can run in one side and out the other playing games with the rest. But no..not there. It was quiet too so hmm where did they go...must be in our below ground patio. So, I walked up the walkway and noticed the rustling of the leaves and thought maybe it's a bird. Just like little kids playing a game, they all pounced out and ran after each other. Ah..the crew came up with a new game and Missy taught it to them. I just love it!

Then our son came over with his gorgeous wife and they were playing with the Treasure. This cat toy - well let''s just say since she arrived in our lives and to this day - she adores this toy. She was having a total blast with it and they were too watching and participating!

Really - Treasure's hair was brushed today. hehehe

Look at Havanese Life if you want to see the latest pictures of the pups. They are growing - crawling - pigment is starting to come in on their noses. It looks so funny when it starts coming in but we will blink and it will be there - you watch and then eyes, ears - walking - all of it. It's going to be so much fun following this crew.


Pool, Visitors, Havanese & More

In the morning, I always turn on the pool, get the pool cleaner going and the dawgs watch me from various spots - some on the deck, some in the pool house and some watch the pool.

It must be a curious ritual. But today we have company coming over - Yvonne and her pups, Nathan's brother (my brother-in-law) and wife to stay over. So, I might have to skim the pool too.

Nathan will be off to a dog show for the first time without me (sniff) but someone has to watch the pups - so that's me. I am hoping he talks someone into taking a photo or two for me especially after they are groomed again.

It's going to be a strange day for me.


Hava-Dad Daze

Well, to all you Havanese Dads - a wonderful Father's Day. We had the daughter and grand daughters come up early and we took a walk to the park. A man in front of us had a white shepherd that he couldn't control - jumping on him and trying to get at us. We kept our distance.

Can I say - get that dog in obedience class please....

Well our grand daughter Danielle was throwing a ball and Treasure took off on a mad dash to get it.

The dogs ran after her but couldn't catch up. It was getting hot and only the crazy Kat and Treasure seem to keep on going despite the weather so you have to control it.

We recently saw a dog at a dog show that was getting sick from the heat. It happens - so we are really aware. Please note that we are in for a heat wave this week in Toronto. If you do not have air - I have some tips on how to keep your have cool - just ask if you are not aware of how to accomplish this for you and your Havanese.

She just loves being at the park. It usually takes us 10 minutes to get to the park where they run their little legs off and just enjoy the outdoors but she's not the only one.

Kat, Abigail and Fiona just played their hearts out too. It was great to watch. When it gets cooler, we will get the crew out again.

Our Father's day was a good one. The weeds around the pool are halfway out. Shhh..if you saw some of our photos some were a foot high - oh my...okay we have better things to do but I know - it's about time.

Our son who is heading to Iraq is home on furlough and his wife - our daughter-in-law is graduating this coming Sunday. Then we have Wasabi due anytime and oh my - so many moments to create.

We have exciting times ahead...and we hope you do too... Give your Hav a hug and treasure that dad of yours.


Camera Lovin' Havanese

Sassy is having a bit of Sebastian rub off on her or is that the other way around? The camera comes out and it's strike a pose - such a runway gal.

The crew is up and the 'no bark' is working so well that I pointed my finger - said no bark this morning when a dog in the distance was barking and they are finally getting it. Good one!

Sassy, Wasabi and Sebastian are playing their little hearts out this morning having a roaring good time. After my breakfast, I will bathe her, brush her, Nathan will do her nails and get her ready to be stylin.

Well, it's cold outside. The crew is rolling around having fun and I need my coffee. More later!


Remy Comfort, More on Video & Exercise

Here's a photo of Talemaker's Remy that his new owners sent us. He has 3 kids to play with and I am positive that makes him WAY happy. We hear he is fitting in well. There is always that first few days of - where am I - but then they seem to be falling into the rules of their new home and finding their grounding and comfort. We LOVE hearing from the puppy owners and can't wait till the picnic this year. There's nothing like seeing all the siblings together and we will have Risa's crew, Wasabi's crew and some of Paris (Gidget) crew plus Gidget herself as we always watch some of the Paris (Gidget) crew. Plus if we are really lucky we may have some of Yvonne's crew. How wonderful will that be to see so many Havanese.

We start out - well I start out my day taking the doggies downstairs and outside before I do my exercise. Usually Sassy will go back upstairs and kiss up Nathan's face (hope his new owners love a kissy face) and settle back in with Risa who never deigns to get up. Every now and then if we take Sassy out last thing, she does the same but today the crew all came down minus Risa and its wet and rainy as you can see how they look in this photo but I started exercising. I do p90x - waiting to do p90X+ when it comes to stay in shape, keep my energy up and de-stress if I ever need it. I was erratic while puppies were here as they are our focus but now with less pups, I can get back at it and boy the body is feeling it and the dogs love it. Pounce time on me...

During puppy time, the dogs don't get the walks as a precaution to catching anything and due to Yvonne having pups that we visit, we will stay in that head space till hers are vaccinated. It's important not to take your dogs to dog traffic places till after their shots. But you can do many things at home and socialize them with dogs you know well.

Today the crew, while I did Ab Ripper X - well let's just say I wish someone else was up as the dogs - when I got on the floor saw it as an invitation to play and Sassy was draped on my neck, Shoshi was pouncing on me, Wasabi was trying to pounce on Sassy on my neck all while I was doing abx exercises. It was a riot and I needed it as taking a break from exercises, it almost is like you are starting again falling asleep early - trying to get the body adjusted but well worth it in the long run. It's an amazing program and if you stick with it - 90 days later - wow what a HUGE difference in everything.

Now while I was doing it today, I had to set them aside to actually do it but that was after I was done laughing and laughter is the best medicine. Havanese fill you with laughter and to me that is precious.

If you watched Sebastian and Sassy yesterday, did you notice that Wasabi was still playing mommy and corrected Sassy? If you watch where Sebastian went under the couch, watch what Wasabi did to Sassy. These puppies are both potential alphas but siblings work out their relationship and it gives them a lifetime of understanding how to be the politician when one needs to be. When Sebastian comes to visit, I suspect Wasabi will continue those lessons with the 2 and that will be a huge bonus for both and fun for us to watch. Plus, it gives Wasabi a job. Havanese love having a job - something they can get fulfilled from.

Well off to eat, feed doggies and argh work today. More later.


Havanese Tug With the Big Ones

Well yesterday we covered Sassy playing with Wasabi and who did you figure ended up being 'Top Dawg' - oh - it wasn't mommy. Sassy usually puts on a good defense with Wasabi but yesterday she won - out and out won even if it was in a mischievous way.

Sassy takes on all comers too. Look at her pulling for all she is worth with Terra. Now Terra knows this game well and she used to play it with Shoshi. She would sometimes let Shoshi win and guess what - she's doing the same with Sassy but all this winning is giving the little girl a big head. Oh oh!

More later...


This is How Havanese Play

Today Mommy Wasabi and Katsuro was playing inside and outside today while us youngsters watch them. This was mommy's 101 lesson on how your flirt with the boys and it was Katsuro's lesson on patience brings great things as he's been waiting a long time for Wasabi to get back into play mode.

She's also been having a roaring good time with the puppies. It's nice to watch. The pups tried the Merrick's lamb mixed in with the Fromm's kibble and only half is gone. It's not that they hated it but not so in love with it either.

More later. We have company and human mommy is not feeling all that well so nap time sometime before then.


The Havanese: Do You Really Have To?

Here's one of my dawgs saying - what does a Havanese have to do to get some sleep around this place. Human mommy and daddy want to cuddle, Havanese mommy wants to check us out, clean us up and coddle us and 5 siblings - well it's rough to get some sleep around here. Oh, but I try.

This was one of my pups after playing its heart out with Katsuro yet again. We all did and what you don't see is we are spread out and crashed but I was the only one with that eye open - just watching.

Well, my pups had their 2nd outing into that great vast yard with snow - hmm think that's what they call that white brr cold stuff. Three of them sniffed around and did their duty, 1 said - are you kidding - its FREEZING and the other 2 well it wasn't our time - you know but human mommy and daddy will be timing these outside adventures after we eat. This way we will 'get' what this outside break is about other than chillin' and getting conditioned to this cold.

Human daddy stuffed us in his jacket when we were done and took us out 1 at a time with the rest of the adult pack.

Well more later.


After Bath Havanese Still Needs Brushing

Mommy gave me a bath with Katsuro. No shame around here. We all share. She even set me under a dryer and semi dried me out while brushing. I feel so clean but I think the pups went sniff sniff - who is THAT!

Here I am looking at whatever mommy thinks she is feeding me - yuck! You can do much better, mommy! I am not sure about this stuff. It looks like it's going to crawl out of the dish - yikes!

Did you notice that silly mommy dressed one of my pups up for Halloween and created a Havanese Halloween Safety Tips to help you keep your Havanese safe? Do keep your Havanese safe. They are very precious and deserve it!


Day 10 Havanese Puppies Feeding Frenzy

It's day 10 and my gad I have this thing down called Havanese motherhood. It's not that I didn't but mommy and daddy are a bit much. They want to make sure all the pups are healthy, weighed, all eating and I am making sure they stay clean. Well, I am. I guess you can never get too careful but I guess mommy and daddy love me sooooo much that they want me to be the best mom I can ever strive to be and I am.

The pups are growing leaps and bounds - some more than others. They now shimmy to me and I don't have to shimmy into them to feed.

Eyes open maybe today - can't wait. I must be the first one that they see - not mommy and daddy - pshaw! My luck, they will have their face in there just when it happens. Oh, actually I have GREAT LUCK as I have 6 beautiful pups - so maybe it will be me! Time will tell.

Can you believe it's over a week? I can't and here it is almost Halloween. My first Havanese Halloween Puppies - hmmmm. The leaves are falling and I hope they remain so I can teach them the Havanese shuffle through the leaves and the rolling that we love to do. I am hoping!

I am relaxing around Risa. She wants to take care of my pups too. She sits outside of the room and sometimes I let her in. I may even allow her to help but we shall see. She's going to have to know - I love help but I am the mom. hehehehehehehe


Day 8 Havanese Motherhood

Well, a week has gone by and tonight it will be day 8. I do believe I have this motherhood thing going on. Mommy thinks other than the cute havanes puppies chomping on my hair, it's doing quite well.

I am eating well, snuggling with the pups but these havanese pups don't seem to play with the toys I give them. Mommy says to be patient. They will.

Mommy is going out to the land of the living and getting my photograph of me preggie matted that Maureen and John were so kind to give to her as a present. She's also going to get a photo reframed in mahogany to match our others from Pepi and Teddy's mom - their thanks for watching them this summer. Can't wait to see them on the wall.

Mommy's been busy uploading new photos to snapfish all the time. Look at the menu on the right and click on Wasabi's Puppy Photos to see the latest. Mom's not editing. She's putting everything up - me a mess after I nest in my box and shake my hair into the place I want it to be to mom after combing me. When the pups get older, we will take videos to share as well. This way we create some memories. After all, this is my first crew and there's always something special about the first but shhh don't tell that to any others. Something special about the last too - yeah - they are the LAST.

Well, other than my escape past mom and dad last night to gad knows where in the back to nest, things have been going rather well. Tails are wagging so I know they are happy and life - well its rather special and precious with a havanese or two on your life and I have 6 - WOW!


Attentive New Havanese Mom Wasabi

Well day 2 and I am still taking catnaps but I just can't get enough of these miracles I had. They are lively. They eat and snuggle with me and those snuggles - well they are really what makes it all worth it.

As you can see, I have an incision that is healing nicely and pink hair from the operation but all and all mom is doing her usual taking care of me. She has yet to comb me today but she wants me to sleep. She even put in a thin mat so I can lay my head down but I am too excited to do anything but snooze for a few minutes.

Mom is going to take individual photos of us later today when we are all rested. We figure you don't mind that we get rested first. Mom and dad says my pups and I count the most.


This Havanese Creates Tales or Tails (Ha!)

Well, I like to keep everyone on their toes to make sure they are exhausted when my puppies make their debut.

Last night I went into panting for 1.5 hours and then I stopped and said - nope - it's not time yet. So, everyone focuses on me and nothing happens except I get all the attention. The humans act really strange and I shake my head saying - well we have to have drills don't we? I have to be sure YOU are ready.

Are the humans ready? I think they are more than ready and me, well I am just hanging out all bloated and getting pampered and enjoying it. Wouldn't you? Mommy looks like she hasn't had sleep for eons but maybe she will take a nap instead of lunch and I will snuggle with her and make up for keeping my mom and dad and other mom up all night.

We shall see.


The Snow is Coming - Not a Chance!

Mommy was talking on the phone to her friend in Utah and they had SNOW. Oh my! Well here I am just enjoying that crisp air last year in our yard.

The pool people closed the pool today. Wow they already did and did we run on the cover big time. Something about this safety cover is sort of like bathing a Havanese. It invigorates us and we 'run like hell' all over it bouncing all the way. Mom promised to get a photo of it the next time we are out on it. Watch us not run then. We will wait till Quito comes (ooops he has rescheduled) and that will give us new reason to go C-R-A-Z-Y! He's now coming next week!

It's cool outside now - not snow weather yet or mom would be dragging the sweaters and coats out. A girl has to be be stylin' you know. One must think we are 2nd class citizens. When mom fills that reading - oops bathroom with reading material, she has these fashion mags but where are the dog fashion magazines?

Mom took me for a walk but I am not in the mood today. She spent eons in the kitchen cooking up a storm and I didn't want anything but the leftover satay chicken and steak - not enough to feed this growing tummy. I guess I will wait till daddy comes home and wait to see what he has.

It's dawned on me that in all likelihood, unless we have a dry winter, I will be able to play with my pups in the snow. Wow, will that be fun. Mom is creating a file that will list a bunch of things to do to stimulate your dog and when she's finished, I am going to put my paw print on it or I won't. First requirement is the games had to be something she's done with us - so mom find some more creative ideas in that cobweb of a mind cause - well no one likes a bored dog - an active mind and body is a healthy one.

Just got email - well mom got it. It said Mags is on her road trip. Some gals get to travel to exotic places to have their fun in the sun - me, I get to go to Yvonne's house to a puppy picnic that I could only watch from the house. Now what was THAT about. A girl in my condition can't have fun? Next time we will have to have an all girls' puppy picnic. ROFL! Okay - what fun will that be?

Well signing off for now - more later...


Another Monday

It's just a lazy day today. Mommy created another page for the Havanese crew events and the 'Food For Thought' info. This way you know what my mom and dad are all about. Even their human kids think they are crazy - crazy in love with us furry crew.

Mom was bored and decided to see what I would look like with my hair standing up straight. My - she needs a life. I had to tell her to take it out. She had this idea she was going to leave it that way till daddy got home and parade me on my walk like that. I told her to do that with HER hair and we have a deal - knowing full well she would never go there. Still, the thought of her with her hair on end...well I won't tell you what thoughts that conjures up.

Well, it is now approx day 44. I can't wait till I see them. I have never been this big before in my life and wow can you hear those heartbeats. In 11 days I go to the vet to see how many they see.