
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in toy dog (15)


After Bath Snoozing

Somehow, getting a bath usually does us in and we nap and nap for a longer time than usual. Human mommy just covered us with blankets and towels and we settled in for a long winter's nap.

Soon, it will be fiesta time (we already have the coloured background thang going on) as human daddy may get home tonight albeit late but still home...ahhhh and one wonders if he will wake us all up and drive human mommy crazy as she will have yet another night of less sleep than usual.

Check out our video of snow days below...

More later..mommy may take a nap for her lunch.


Wasabi's Havanese in Toronto Pups Video

We hope you enjoy it! Now the furry crew is off to bed and human mom too!


Havanese Weekend Almost Over

Well, we had a full weekend so far. We had many visitors, grandpa and his wife, Tracy and the girls, Tal, Jonathan and Dennis - a number of folks to look at the pups and now we are waiting for Yvonne and mommy may lay on the couch with all of us and take a nap as the pups are now snoozing too. Here's one of my cuties just hanging out in dreamland.

We were all out back playing retrieve - without the pups, of course. They are still too young but soon for them too. I have a ton to teach them and wow that will be fun! They had a wonderful play session in the kitchen and many snuggles today and now they are having Havanese dreams.'s my turn too - so human mommy get off the computer will you?


Havanese Feeding Frenzy Time

Sorry we are so late in filling you in today. We have had lots of visitors and they are still here. So, today will be a tad short. My puppies are crawling all over me and get so excited to see me but they are now really entertaining themselves.

My littlest masked dog can often be seen on top of one dog or another playing his heart out wrestling and the white one - who happens to be a major snuggler crawls into my neck and settles in. He's been doing that since he was born. Nice....

More on the crew tomorrow...


Havanese Moms Can Have Fun Too

It's 4 and a half weeks now and I finally went out back and had some roaring good fun with Katsuro. He's been bugging me for weeks to play so, I finally gave in.

Thing is, now mommy is getting that comb and I had to tell her - NOT NOW! It's time to let me in to see my precious babies. I mean - haven't they totally missed the scent of me from leaving their presence? What - they didn't notice, you say? white fibs around here, mommy. I am the sun and the moon to them now till they leave the nest and by that time, I will have done a stupendous job.

Oh - you think you are a part of that equation too? Just because they wag their tails and come running....oh okay they run faster for daddy cause he's a totally silly guy but I suppose they get excited to see you too. Heck, some of them just hang out, snooze, dream of fun things to come and not worry about Havanese mommy cavorting all over the yard with that big boy dog.

So, let me in and put that comb away. Oh, and don't forget my massage when you pick it back up. Sometimes you have to deal as I am an adventurous gal and I like the just rolled and shook hair look.


Havanese Sleep Positions

Well, my pups have some strange sleeping positions and we are all now starting to hang out either together or by ourselves when we sleep. I guess they have adjusted to the air temperature but human mommy still has a heat lamp set up just in case we want some more warmth.

We have a carrier and a tunnel in the x-pen so my pups can get used to different places. This way a carrying case won't be an unfamiliar place. We will put a crate in there after a week or so to start them getting used to that as well.

The pups are really starting to show their personalities and it happens in hours the changes vs days. It's amazing. We are finding our one with our half mustache much like his mom is the most adventurous of the crew lately. He will run and wag his tail and come running to you, give kisses, climb under blankets - all sorts of things. It's a riot. They each have unique personalities and none are whiners of any sort but human mom was laying in the x-pen yesterday as we were trying to take a video and the DVD medium was corrupt - sorry no video - will try today and three of them thought they could suckle on her tummy. ROFL They just love human interaction though - way nice!

Today we have a lot of visitors coming to see my pups. I tend to get a little stressed so we are going to keep visits short. I can't seem to feed my pups when too much activity is going on. I am a dog that tends to enjoy activity but am also on guard as my babies are special - amazingly so and mommy and daddy are hoping that they have personalities like me as I am so evenly balanced when I am not worried about the babies and I have a full spirited sense of play that will keep you laughing. Oh to get ready for visitors. Mom is not feeling well so tonight she may crawl back into bed at 8pm when all the visitors are gone.

And as the last photo shows...we are all dead tired and getting our rest till visitors come after a full morning of play with human mom and dad and me - Wasabi Woo, of course!

You can always click on photos to see a larger photo of us. Try it! We did a video but a very short one - better one tomorrow. We promise!


Havanese Wasabi's Pup Climb Over

Well, am I in trouble or what?

I have spent my days on the other side of the whelping box as I have 2 sides put together safe from the little ones after I feed them. These little devils are 3 weeks old today and lo and behold 3 of them climbed right over after me.

First was El Blanco Grande and Mommy didn't have the camera ready for him. The next was Tux and she got a photo of him after he hit the floor. Then the one with the mask climbed over then climbed back as I tried to fool him by jumping on the other side. It didn't work with this one. Me thinks he might be the best climber of all as he climbed one way at me then back after me again. No puppy free zone left for me except out of the box now.

It's really hard when something happens to catch it midstream in the act. You have to be waaay fast and mommy is waaaaay old so she is slooooower than mollasses. At least she caught one of them. Even though it took her 3 dogs and a double cross-over to turn the &^%$ camera on. Mommy says she was excited so its hard to be fast when you are excited. Excuses - excuses - mom.

There's no place to be safe anymore. I guess it's jump up on couch time.

Gad these puppies are way agile before their time. Maybe they will take after me - Wasabi after all. The best of both I imagine.


Havanese Life: Eat, Play and Conk Out

Life is so tough for my pups - I tell you. They suck me dry, keep me busy cleaning them and then oh my, they are starting to play. I was so looking forward to this day but now that it is here, wow 6 growing concerns having fun and one is even climbing up on the rails.

I refused to eat much all yesterday and mommy was so worried and then at night, daddy makes his chicken, we had vegetable rice and I ate and ate and ate more than I ever did in my life. Of course this was late at night so daddy went - guess no sleep for the tired till she goes out. heh The things human daddy's do for their precious Wasabi woo.

We had visitors here from 'Eye on Fashion' and they enjoyed looking at my pups. Today is mommy's day to try to recover from computer woes, backlog of work and much more. She may even take a nap with me - Cool.

More later when the pups do something exciting - well exciting to me. They are changing daily and mommy thinks they look like me. How nice...heh


Keeping it in the Havanese Family

This photo was taken at the beginning of the weekend but wanted to show those that do not visit the Canadian Havanese site that these Havanese are special. They share - they play nice and they genuinely care for each other. They even help each other out.

Now back to Wasabi. After all - this is HER blog.

It's one of THOSE days. The kids - well they are eating and even making slurping sounds. I need to teach them some manners. We don't slurp at the stomach - you hear?

Mommy has to put some soothing gel on me that is non toxic to the babies as a few are giving me things that look like hickeys.

My puppies - this is Tux - waiting for a new name when his personality truly shows - looking at you. Well, they all have their eyes open to some degree and it all happened all right after each other or at the same time. I call this so exciting as they can now see who is licking them clean and snuggling with them. I have some real snugglers in this crew right from the start. They like to snuggle up to my face and neck. Even when they couldn't see, they found their way there. I guess they could smell my breath. Read more about how Havanese smell.

The littlest one - the lone gal has now surpassed the smallest boy in weight. Later on, we will take photos of them with their eyes open.

Mommy and daddy are doing a program that introduces various textures to them starting on day 14. We have also been doing the superdog program that will help us develop high achievers. This way they won't be concerned no matter what the texture is or the feel. Toys are starting to come out now that eyes are open and a mirror will go into the whelping box. The fun is about to begin. Mommy tells me soon they will be playing - be patient. Where have I heard that before?

Well, we have also been busy adding new photos to the album and will be making another video each milestone, I imagine.

Today mommy got up at 430am to fit in her exercise as that hasn't been working so well for her - no havanade yoga for me doggie style or otherwise. I looked up at her and went - see you later when there's light outside. Mommy came back about 6am and Daddy joined her to feed me, weigh the youngsters and cuddle and kiss them.

More later...


Day 16 Eyes Are Opening

Human Mommy bought us a cool new bed so we can get used to various textures - and its so plush and soft - mommy and daddy like soft - like we are when they snuggle with us. She is also placing us on different things so we can get slowly conditioned to our environment.

Today our eyes are starting to open and everyone is way excited around here. Who did they see first - daddy and he thought it would be human mommy.

Petsmart had these incredibly soft blankets that you see in this photo for $2.00. Such a steal.

Well, personalities are already starting to come out and we are keeping track of who reacts to what and how they react so we can track and try to make sense of it all. We are all having fun.

Mommy even dressed Wasabi in a Halloween hat. The things they do around here. Humans can be mighty silly but good to have around - don't you think?


Havanese Puppies Day 12 Posing

Well, it's Day 12 and this is one of my pups. He's already learning how to 'strike a pose'. He's so cute. Look at that black tip ear. When he yawns, I know he's eaten enough and is so satisfied.

All the pups are growing. They are smaller than Risa's pups including Katsuro at day 12 but they have round tummies and are eating up a storm. Me thinks they may be smaller as adults than Risa's but time will tell. They range from 12 to 16 ounces. Yes, one hit 1 lb already - wow!

Yesterday, Linda came over to snuggle with us. It was so nice. The snuggles we get before we even know who we are snuggling but we can smell quite well. Click here if you want to know about a Havanese's sense of smell.

Today Mojo and Opal are visiting and momma Rita came back to see my pups after her appointment. She liked what she saw - fat tummies and interesting looks. Well - more later. Be sure to keep checking out our photos. Mommy updates them daily.


Day 11 Havanese Puppy Stretch

It's Day 11 and time to start doing my Havanese yoga. Yeah, if human mommy can fit it in, so can I. I just have to plump up on all that cool refreshment, watch my waist line expand and then work it off. Don't we all do that? Better than eating Halloween candy as that goes straight to....well we won't talk about THAT! Food does a body good.

My auntie Risa - who is clamoring to take care of us can attest to that statement. That gal will go to great lengths to get food. My Havanese mommy, Wasabi is a small gal and our sire is too. They only do Havanese yoga for the fun of it - heh!

Well, human daddy already has to cut our nails when we are tired. Mommy was a soaking mess after going outside today and human mom had to clean her feet. Yeah - I know this is MOMMY"S BLOG but the kids are taking over - ROFL! Don't they all? They win your hearts and it's all over.

Well, be sure to check out our latest photos. Now if I can only get human mommy caught in the act in photo print of laying in our whelping box 'oohing and ahhing' over us, well that will be something to blackmail her with. Oh, the mind is already churning away at wonderful ideas. Those humans better watch out when we get mobile as their lives will never be the same!


Attentive New Havanese Mom Wasabi

Well day 2 and I am still taking catnaps but I just can't get enough of these miracles I had. They are lively. They eat and snuggle with me and those snuggles - well they are really what makes it all worth it.

As you can see, I have an incision that is healing nicely and pink hair from the operation but all and all mom is doing her usual taking care of me. She has yet to comb me today but she wants me to sleep. She even put in a thin mat so I can lay my head down but I am too excited to do anything but snooze for a few minutes.

Mom is going to take individual photos of us later today when we are all rested. We figure you don't mind that we get rested first. Mom and dad says my pups and I count the most.


Daddy's Gone For This Havanese

Hi Momma Rita - well my other mom here is mad at me as I keep digging a ditch under the deck - smack dab in the center where she couldn't get to me. So now mommy doesn't let me near it. She walks behind me everywhere and redirects me.

She took me out today and all I did was whimper till I got home. I just don't want to go anywhere anymore.

Mom keeps taking that silly stethoscope out to listen to the pups but she can't hear anything.

Daddy's gone on business to Ottawa till very late Thursday night - about 1am Friday morning actually so who is going to feed me tomorrow? Mommy made some hamburger to mix in with my food and I refused to eat it. Daddy sat on the floor and hand fed me and I went yum and ate half of it.

I keep staring at mom all day making sure she is close by. I haven't slept too much today. Mommy got the whelping room set up mostly. She's going to bathe me tomorrow and get it all done. Whatever is she waiting for - I have no clue.

Oh well, mommy is going to try rubbing my tummy and massaging me so I actually sleep. It's been a long day. Daddy's been away and that means I may get his pillow tonight if Risa doesn't grab it first.

Do you think I can teach my pups easily how to do the Havanese snow rub?


T.G.I.F. & Anticipation City!

What can I say - T.G.I.F. Tomorrow I get to go see Yvonne's pups or shall I say Lola's as Maggie has a huge secret, read her post here. Mommy and daddy said they would take lots of photos to upload.

Then tomorrow night, if I am plain lucky, maybe I will get to go see Danielle for her b-day. That's mommy and daddy's grandchild and she is full of jumping beans and just loves the puppies so she is alright by me.

The sun is shining. I jumped in and went swimming. This paddling around is addicting. Now if dear old Opal didn't show me how to rub up against the bushes and roll in the dirt while I am wet, mommy may not need to bathe me. Tsk Tsk mommy says - Opal just had to show you how to have fun rolling around in the muck. Then Katsuro runs and jumps way up in the air and does a splat belly flop but it didn't seem to bother him. He kept jumping way before daddy came in. Then mommy tried to dive but that gal needs some practice. Then Risa came in and Terra jumped - not walked in - you go Terra. Wow, the Potechins are swimming - just in time for the pool to close.

Mommy finished the whelping room so now all the extra junk is out of it. Risa gets a room with baseball bats and I get a room all spiffied up. Now who counts more? Shh! Risa is listening. We do not want to upset the queen. (hahahaha)

Every day now I go in and smell the whelping box. I remember Risa's pups and I adored teasing them - oops playing with them. Did I tease them - nah. I just went in and got them woken up to raise a ruckus so Risa had to go in and check. I did it so much that when they were almost ready to go home, Risa knew it was me and ignored it. I just adore the little ones.

Well, I see my dear friend Maggie posted so be sure to read her hot news! She doesn't know what she is in for. Are we going to have an exciting winter or what!