
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in R'Gang's Buster At Rockhurst (14)


Chico's Settling In

Chico is a pup from Wasabi and had an accident this past week. It seems he swallowed a knee high nylon and had to have an operation.

Luckily it was in the stomach so he won't have any issues with his bowels but he will have this cone head for bit.

We were hoping that he would be able to sleep with our son Jonathan but he has huge tests in university so it looks like the guest room for one of us. heh

We are going to strive to get Chico to be all he can be till we find him that 'right' forever home. It doesn't look like we have too much of a job and that's nice.

Usually when you get a dawg back, you wonder if there was something else beyond what they tell you so it is hard to understand. You want to understand so you can help the dog be all they can be. For Chico, his family never owned a dog and between this operation and feeling guilty that he was home while they both worked and the kids went to school - well now we are looking for a new home for him. Chico thankfully had the stocking in his stomach vs. the bowels.

But first, we will be allowing him to heal, (no medical issues will remain from this except learn from it all) getting his staples out, taking him to obedience (yes we signed him up to be in Coach's and Fiona's class. ) and we will be sprucing his coat up and enjoying him.

What I can tell you is he is very people, kids and dog friendly. He is adapting to this cone head but our little ones reacted way funny as if he was from outer space. It's good conditioning for them as they learn to accept something they are unfamiliar with. Coco really couldn't figure it out at first but it all worked out, as you can see.

I am waiting till he settles totally in and then will be grooming him up, giving him tons of snuggles and in a few days maybe he will get to meet Coach and Sassy again. We shall see. He already has Sebastian here so it's almost like a reunion.

Yes - it's less than 2 weeks and Nathan has to whip Abs to 'just perfect' state but we will love her even if she can't get over her exuberance on a heel. Handling classes for her tomorrow and training today for her and the rest of the gang. Will I fit in a shower...ROFL Yeah when Nathan gets home. Crazy dawg life but how can you help but love them.


We Welcome Abigail to Our Crew

Nathan and I welcomed a new and wonderful addition to our home, Abigail from Rockhurst. She arrived last night and we promise we'll have photos up shortly. She fit seamlessly into our home. When the time came she had no issues finding her spot to sleep on the bed.

She is having a really fun time with Sebastian. They were born two days apart, same sire/father.

Sebastian started playing with her the second he saw her. :-) After a few minutes of dealing with Risa, Shoshi, Wasabi, Terra, Whitney and of course Kat, which can be overwhelming, she settled right down and away they went. She is bringing much laughter to our house and that's what life is all about - enjoyment too.

You will have to drop in and follow the antics of this one as she brings joy to our home and we share with you all.

Here's Abigail checking herself out. More photos later of Abigail, Sebastian and the entire crew.

Can't believe it is almost Tuesday and Sebastian will be adventuring in his new home. But he will soon be having a play date with that Sassy Lassy. Now those are photos I want to see. :-)

Anonymous said...
Welcome to your new home "Sis" I hope you are having as much fun in your new home that I am in mine.Lov, Lil Red Delilah
January 21, 2008 7:52 AM


What is THAT?!!!!

The crew is all gone and it's just the Sassy Lassy. We took her out on an errand with her Mommy Wasabi. We just kept human daddy company and had the experience of looking about. We were going to start doing some minor walking out front to get her used to the idea but it's still too cold so in we came. Shoshi wore this outfit when she was about the same size.

Sassy is looking in the mirror trying to figure out who that dog is staring back with that funny outfit on. Now she's snoozing and we are cooking and we will soon settle in to blankets, watching TV and chillin' with Sassy sleeping on the bed tonight. New adventures for all...


Havanese Planning

Well, another day down and we were snoozing but mommy and daddy took us upstairs so they can clean out the pen. This is something they do daily completely and partially throughout the day. It gives them a chance to mix it up and give us new toys - fun. Best toy they love so far is that play center, the cat toy with the ball and the tunnels - grand fun indeed!

We listened to dog sounds today - all sorts. the only one that reacted was the retrievers. We go for our baer test next week and our shots, microchip and wellness. it will be a busy 2 days then.

Tomorrow we have our Havanese daddy's human mom coming Beth Obrecht from Rockhurst Kennels to visit and Sonrisa's Havanese Rita Thomas so we are resting up so we can really show them what we are made of.

Human daddy had mommy hold us today while he did nails. The gal was the absolutely squirmiest and most vocal about such an act. Still, it was done and we moved on to playing and snuggling.

The crew went out again today and only the double mask is shivering but no one lasts as long as the guy we call Tux. He just adores the outside and gad he just snuggled and snuggled tonight.

Well, human mommy had a very busy day with work so she's calling it a night too. Have-a-neese night! Yeah the rest of them except for the pups sleep with us. Great fun!


Havanese Thoughts to Ponder

How many pups can you count enjoying their play?

A wise person said - "He never bit anyone, which is more than you can say for most of us." The dogs are getting teeth and I - Wasabi are starting to correct them and so are the humans by saying yeoch in a louder voice and they are catching on FAST.

Another wise person said... "People love their dogs." "People have the relationship with their dog that they expected to have with their spouses or their kids. Dogs never stab you in the back, probably because they don't have opposable thumbs. And they lick your face when you cry. You can't say that of anyone else. Nor would you want to."

Wasabi says: My pups are now at the age where they are licking your face, running to you when you near the x-pen, playing joyfully even with the other Havanese but when they try to feed off the other Havanese, well they are correcting them . We must do a video as soon as time allows.

We had a rather full weekend and are trying to wind down from that. Life is amazing with the little ones, human daddy says but they now need an x-pen upstairs vs. a whelping box. Although some of us a a tad under 2lb and some a tad over 2 lbs - we feel the need to spread out unlike Risa's crew. No one stays out of the play these days and all are highly curious. We change the environment to slowly condition them to feel comfort in change. This makes it easier when they go to their new homes. We are also walking them around the house, getting them used to water running on them if they need a bit of cleanup and praising them when they hit the pee pad.

More later...and look for a video soon!


Havanese Sleep Positions

Well, my pups have some strange sleeping positions and we are all now starting to hang out either together or by ourselves when we sleep. I guess they have adjusted to the air temperature but human mommy still has a heat lamp set up just in case we want some more warmth.

We have a carrier and a tunnel in the x-pen so my pups can get used to different places. This way a carrying case won't be an unfamiliar place. We will put a crate in there after a week or so to start them getting used to that as well.

The pups are really starting to show their personalities and it happens in hours the changes vs days. It's amazing. We are finding our one with our half mustache much like his mom is the most adventurous of the crew lately. He will run and wag his tail and come running to you, give kisses, climb under blankets - all sorts of things. It's a riot. They each have unique personalities and none are whiners of any sort but human mom was laying in the x-pen yesterday as we were trying to take a video and the DVD medium was corrupt - sorry no video - will try today and three of them thought they could suckle on her tummy. ROFL They just love human interaction though - way nice!

Today we have a lot of visitors coming to see my pups. I tend to get a little stressed so we are going to keep visits short. I can't seem to feed my pups when too much activity is going on. I am a dog that tends to enjoy activity but am also on guard as my babies are special - amazingly so and mommy and daddy are hoping that they have personalities like me as I am so evenly balanced when I am not worried about the babies and I have a full spirited sense of play that will keep you laughing. Oh to get ready for visitors. Mom is not feeling well so tonight she may crawl back into bed at 8pm when all the visitors are gone.

And as the last photo shows...we are all dead tired and getting our rest till visitors come after a full morning of play with human mom and dad and me - Wasabi Woo, of course!

You can always click on photos to see a larger photo of us. Try it! We did a video but a very short one - better one tomorrow. We promise!


Playtime is Off to a Great Start

They call this fun? The pups interacting this way is a pure delight to behold. You laugh and laugh says human daddy.

"The pups learn many social rules through play" Wasabi mom says. We learn a great deal about how to interact properly, social status and how to respond to appeasement behavior.

Enough about that, mom - we are plain having fun. Tails are wagging when humans come around. Play sessions are enjoyed and rubbing tummies is a past time we can't get enough of.

Personalities are starting to come out fully. Our rrrrrr purr growling can be heard by all and human mom loves that the best working right next to our x-pen. We find her in the x-pen more than out.


Havanese Finding Fun in Toys

My puppies certainly enjoy their toys and human mommy and daddy have a heck of a lot of them so they will be changing them every day when we come downstairs. Most of them like to snuggle and sleep with them. The white one tends to like to sleep with his head up on the railing and tux - the one with most black likes to sleep under the rails without the extra stuff. Will that change as they get older or we move to an x-pen? I am not sure. Time will tell.

For the first time mommy and daddy left the whelping room door open so I could snuggle with them and go back and check on my babies when I felt the need. I am beginning to relax and not worry as much as I know they are safe.

Today I got into the other side of the whelping box away from my pups and they climbed - all right over after me and then I went to the other side and they climbed over again. Something about wanting to feed, I imagine. They are good climbers. It means they are strong and that's a good thang! They all continue to gain. They are all walking and playing and investigating their environment and they love pushing that foam ball around.

Human mommy was weighing them today while she sat on the other side of the box and I came over and laid on her and soon all my pups were feeding and I was laying on mommy so she couldn't move. She thought that was a great experience.

Someone said we got snow yesterday - oh my - mommy will have to get cute jackets for the pups - excuses to dress them and when they are old enough, I will introduce them to that white stuff. Human mommy hasn't even moved everything in yet - silly.

Well, tomorrow we have a couple of people coming to see the pups so mom is deciding if we come down 1 day early to the x-pen or wait till Friday.

More later - human mom has to feed me and her too - and coffee junk too - well for her.


Havanese Hanging Out on the Rails

Now I have some interesting pups, I might say. My puppies like to climb on the pig rails in my whelping box and sleep there. Thing is, they forget where they are and tend to roll off onto the floor and surprise themselves. None of Risa's last litter did this. Oh, they climbed over to the other side but didn't climb up to hang out on them. It's a Havanese trait you know to climb up on high places and just appear as if we are balancing but usually we are solid. I call this 'High Training' and they have a bit to go. I just ignore them and human mommy can't understand why but I know what they are doing. Silly human mommy - practice makes perfect you know!

My pups have some other interesting things that they do. I swear one purrs like a kitten - yeah you heard it. No, I didn't mate with a Kat - hahahaha for all those that know my packmate's name is Kat - I meant cat but he appears to purrrrrrr just purrrrfectly. I did mate with the stunning AMERICAN/CANADIAN CHAMPION R'Gang's Buster At Rockhurst.

Now some of us tend to spend time under the rails - yeah walking the line. Human mom says - didn't Johnny Cash do that already? Sometimes - whenever mom is charging the cameras - Murphy's law and all - you can see a few walking up against the wall and around the box. Maybe they are looking for an escape route? Next week they get to come downstairs into their x-pen and then the real fun begins.


Sire: R'Gang's Buster At Rockhurst Sent Wasabi an Email

Sire: R'Gang's Buster At Rockhurst - that stunning guy sent me an email (how thoughtful) and his photo so I would always remember him. In it, he said...

I'm out-a-here!....
Well done Wasabi...5 little Busters! hmmmmmm! and 1 little Wasabi...
you rock Wasabi!

Hope to see you again...:))


Missing Daddy & Yvonne's Pics

UPDATE: Photos From Yvonne's With Pups and More are In. Even got Wasabi playing with pups and Katsuro Wooing Maggie. Check Them Out Here.

Now back to Wasabi's getting ready for Havanese motherhood!

It's rather pathetic - me sitting at the front door waiting for daddy. I had a really long day yesterday. I did eat well this morning but visiting all those cute puppies was exhausting.

With daddy working a trade show till Tuesday night, I have a feeling it will be eat what I give you or else.

Mommy did make a chicken stew with veggies, pieces of prime rib - huh chicken stew with prime rib. Hmm - I think she's giving me the slop - the leftovers - my oh my. Now mommy, I thought I was the light of your life -that really special one. She whispers to me so the others do not hear - but you are! Oh not enough to make the others jealous. Mommy reminds me she has had lots of human kids and everyone thought the other was loved the best. It's the nature of the child and she believes the nature of the canine pack - she says we all count and I guess we do. She makes sure we always have special moments and hey she now carries me upstairs at night as I look at her with those gorgeous eyes saying - are you going to make me climb those stairs? Still, she makes me walk and I rather do love it even though I don't realize it lately till I get out there.

I am hoping mommy goes swimming with us now that I am brushed. She may create a frame with lots of photos for the whelping room. Mommy and daddy are even trying to figure out what to do with the desk in there so they can open the bed and daddy can sleep in the room with me that first week. This way I can be in comfort too. I rather like that and besides, the couch closed up is okay but nothing like a big bed to spread out on and still look down at the pups in case they need me.

Well, we finished Yvonne's puppy pictures let us know if you like them. Much work but worth it to share!


Getting Rest While I Can

Well, I decided it was prudent to get the rest wherever I can. Eat rest, eat, rest and changes are coming. It's approx Day 40 if success happened at the picnic, day 39 if it was the day after. Time will tell.

Mom just read that Asian elephants have a gestation period of 645 days. That's a year and 3/4 - yeoch. Here it is day 40 for me and I can't imagine thinking of having 605 days more but maybe if daddy kept feeding me like he is, there are some benefits. Still...

I turned my nose down at mom's chicken stew - veggies, nice broth, chicken, thrown over my kibble. Daddy - I want filet mignon - go get me lamb, go get me anything but mommy's stew. The others can eat it but not me. Maybe she's sick of chicken, mommy says but daddy makes his famous chicken and warm - well then she will eat it. Oh - she doesn't like mommy's food and who's the great cook around this house. Well, mommy is thinking it's not her anymore.

Daddy always has a way with the preggie gals. That's when Risa made him her person and there was no going back.

Well the belly is growing. I decided air is better than the pool and mom is out working at the pool. Me, I am anywhere where the food guy is. If you haven't figured that out - that's daddy.


Buster Visits Wasabi's Blog

Well little lady Wasabi, what was I -R'Gang's Buster At Rockhurst- a fleeting stop in your life? I came to see your lovely face and what – not a single mention of me. My nose is out of joint!

We made beautiful magic together and that's not all we made together! You just wait till mid-October to see I don't just love them and leave them with nothing.

We are going to have amazing pups - the best - you just wait!

The rumour is out that we are going to have six little darlings. I best get a ton of photos. It's the least you can do, don't you know!

Well my mom, Beth Obrecht is telling me I am spending too much time reading your site. Maybe she's telling herself - not again!

It's okay mom. I haven't convinced Sonrisas' Hot N Spicy Wasabi (oh, I just love that name) to run away with me. She rather likes it at her place where her packmates, Whitney, Terra, Risa, Shoshi and Katsuro would be more than miffed if she decided to go anywhere but at her home!


The Bed is Empty

Well, another day down and the bed was empty last night. No Mojo or Opal. That gives me - Wasabi a wide berth to stretch out and not get the - I am crowding your space growls from Risa and Mojo. Not that I pay attention to such silliness. I just have more room to lay on my back, roll whichever way I want and dream those great dreams us Havanese tend to have.

Mom thinks I need a bath today. I'm sitting in the gazebo hoping mom doesn't notice me. My hair is silky - okay a tad frizzy from rolling around but it looks and feels clean. It's not that I hate a bath. Mom makes it fun for me taking me in the bath tub with her in her suit and we sit and play with toys while she gets the dirt off me - it's just that it's cold out today.

Mom just came to find me and told me if it doesn't warm up, I am safe - no baths today and anyway, she's not feeling well and wants to just snuggle with me on the couch. She told me so.

Oh, gad is mommy and daddy going to cuddle with my pups that way? I saw them laying in the play pen and letting Risa's pups climb all over them. I think they love the pups as much as I do.

What is this day 37 and counting. I can't imagine what those humans do with 9 months. I feel for them. 63 days is enough for moi!