
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havanese breeder (33)


The Havanese Tell Secrets

That daddy, letting who know who get on the bed...tsk tsk but we had an early afternoon nap and I had every single dawg on the bed with the exception of Whitney who no longer can do the stairs. That's alright cause anyone who has 19+ old sons in the house knows they don't sleep the same hours we do.

Seeing it's simply a dawg place around here, we are going to let the dawgs talk today. We will let them tell you about THEIR day.

If I didn't think it was a crazy dawg house around here, I do now. They are going to let ME (Gidget) talk first. Shh, they don't know but do I have secrets to tell!

That Katsuro - he thinks he's all that but I have his number! He pees (outside) and I pee right on top of him. Who's the queen biach around this place?

The puppies are confused. They think size somehow tells them the age of a dawg but do they have something to learn. The way they play with me, I swear they think I am a puppy. They even try to duplicate my flirting with Katsuro. Oh, but having had my own pawprint little ones, I have lots of patience and even indugle and engage them in much play. I even have them making a mad dash under the couch - all in fun, you know.

Last night I snuggled up to the female human here and she just snuggled and caressed me with her hand and face all night long off and on. How can a dawg get a decent sleep around this place?

I'm the Shosh and if I have to hear that paw in the light socket story again - I will whine my fool head off.

I used to not have my voice until daddy created a game with the ducks and he taught me that my job now is to alert the pack and I 'get' that but they certainly don't. Why is it okay to bark and tell the pack that ducks are in the pool but not let the pups know my best treat is not up for sharing.

I had a sulking session when mommy made me share with those little ones. Oh, just because Risa's on a diet doesn't mean we all have to get that svelte look.

Risa, you can do it but give me your portion you are missing - will ya? Crazy humans wanting us to be healthy. They need to start with themselves. Shhh...really mommy..I didn't say that but when's the last time I saw you exercising? Tsk, tsk

Okay, it's my turn. Really, I don't mind a house-full of females but you keep inviting boys over so all the girls see what else is out there.

What kind of human parents are you? I mean haven't you taken the class of 'harem 101'?

What - you say you do it so I learn to control myself and gain some manners around all those boys that want my gals? Is this a test?

First you bring Benny my brother over and that was fun and it was too long since the last time he came but then the Oats also came to visit and you know how he feels. He just loves to tease me. But once I 'got' that, I decided the best way to proceed is to play 'top dawg' games back. My heart was racing, my mind was racing and I do adore the Oats but when he went home, I smiled and laid down and went - now Otis - who has the gals now? It's tough competing with such a Don Juan.

I'm the littlest one around here and they expect me to go public with all the secrets around this place? As Jack, Nicholson once said, "You can't handle the truth."

Let's see - they think size matters - and who else climbs up a couch and plops down on the back of the couch? Now who is really top dawg around this place?

They think I shut my eyes to get some needed sleep but I am just resting, thinking and figuring up a new way to create trouble and with my best friend, Abigail - well that's surely is easy. So what if we like eating the wood from the woodpile in front of the fireplace or making a mad dash to jump on the retrievers? Why do those silly humans care what I have in my mouth? It's just a hair ribbon silly. You did put it in Wasabi's hair so I could pull it out, didn't you? come on, find your fun humans!

My big secret is I love to eat and they aren't feeding me enough so I try most anything for food. Here's what I have learned.

1. If you stare at someone long enough, eventually you'll get what you want.

2. Be aware of when to hold your tongue, and when to use it.

3. Leave room in your schedule for a good nap.

Now if you don't know who I am - well I am the Queen Biach around this place. I control EVERYTHING except the food....sigh.

On that note..the rest will have to spill the secrets another day...till later...


Windy Havanese Moments

The dawgs need baths - the wind is blowing fierce and our dawgs are loving it.

But for some, the wind is an unknown and when it is this strong, it may throw them off a bit creating a fear. Be sure to not make an issue of it if they do react and be creative on ways to make the experience positive and a fun one.

For our old dawg - it throws her off but we offer distractions, act as if it's an enjoyable thang that is going on and it all works. Realize your dawgs react from your state of mind. If you are tense, they are. Practice your yoga chants - if you must - hahahaha and stay in that healthy state of mind for you and your canine pals. It helps them and therefore helps you. It's all in the head - you know.


Havanese Video Comes Tomorrow

Well, it's getting late and as you can see in this photo, Wasabi and Miss Abs are waiting for me to go upstairs. You can find them close to each other an amazing amount of time. I do believe these two are bonding the deepest thus far.

More tomorrow>>


Visiting Friends & Socialization

We went to visit Yvonne's house today to give the dogs something to do, give us a distraction and do so in a safe environment. We were going to go tomorrow but remembered we get to have Sebastian for a visit and it's surely going to be fun. We can't wait!

This is Sassy playing with one of Yvonnes puppies who are now 6 weeks old. Sassy is doing amazing in the car. She rather enjoys it as she knows car=fun places to go.

Yvonne's pups are way cute and it was fun to spend time with good friends that have a way to make you laugh.

Sassy's turning into a really great dog despite that I gave her a bath - what a few days ago and looks like a grunge due to running around in the mud but we will freshen her up, give her a bath before she goes to her new home next Saturday and you'll just have to read us to hear about the antics of the rest of the crew.

The crew promises that it's rarely a dull moment. With Havanese..well they are like that!

More tomorrow and we promise to do a video of the crew when Sebastian is here. One wonders what the bed arrangements will be with Sebastian here but I can't wait to find out!

Mark and Maryanne said...
I expect that Sebastian will be sleeping on the bed. Oh, and since he's a guest (and bound to be scared since it's his first time at sleep-over camp) he should get first pick of where on the bed he wants to sleep!!!:) But be careful, sometimes he waits until you're asleep, then he gets off the bed and gets into all sorts of mischief!
January 12, 2008 11:41 PM
Nathan said...
Eh hemmm! This might be his first time at sleep over camp but somehow I don't think he'll find the situation all that onerous with his mommy Wasabi, his sister Sassy, and his teacher Katsuro-san not to mention Terra, Whitney, Shoshi and Risa. As far as his spot on the bed, it is really rarely an issue. They all find their spots. As far as leaving the bed in the night goes, no worries there either. You can be sure that Sassy will stick with him and if it looks really interesting Kat will be there too. It will be a serious trial for him but somehow I think he'll struggle through it until you get back. --Nathan
January 13, 2008 9:07 AM


Power of Havanese Dogs

It never ceases to amaze me that no matter how down you are, the dogs make you laugh and at the very least smile.

Wasabi was running like a banshee up on the bench, to the couch, to the floor and back again playing with Sassy - always teaching her. I do believe Wasabi is most of all she can be when she is in this mode. She adores the pups - hers - others and she loves teaching. She has patience - something I need to learn at times.

We had 2 things that happened that surprised me. Wasabi tends to be a submissive and bows to Risa's wants/desires but she is starting to say enough of that, Risa - and she does it in a positive way but then yesterday, we had bones and Sassy took Terra's out of her mouth and then took Wasabi's out of her mouth in such a way that the 2 adult dogs had no clue what the mischievous thang did. I did laugh to myself and I corrected and Wasabi looked at me as if to say, thank you for helping rein this 'I am all that attitude' in. She's certainly a dog with a personality that you adore. She's got spunk, attitude and a lovey heart that doesn't stop. We can't wait till Sebastian gets here and gets her back to realizing she's not the only star around here.

More later...


Havanese Pay Attention To Me

Oh, it's surely getting cold out today and so bath times will begin - Katsuro first as he is - well a mess - then Wasabi and on and on.

I received a surprise gift from friends who made it - a grooming table so I am jazzed about having something other than my washing machine to stand them on. We shall see how it goes.

Well, here is Sassy - sorely needing a bath herself - still doesn't look so bad but still - it's time. We put a jacket of Shoshi's on as it's rather windy today to practice look at me. Once we have this mastered, we will start heeling.

The first step is to get him/her to gain comfort with the leash, the various mediums, noises etc and then you start training. Some say train from the minute you start but we find that it interferes with the love of the experience. We want the dog to look around, enjoy his surroundings and gain some curiousity and excitement about the process. Then when your dog is excited about getting a collar and lead on, you then start getting them to pay attention to YOU.

First command is an 'attention' command as this will be the core to getting your dog to do what you want. If you want your dogs to listen to you in all circumstances, then you must first have their FULL attention and a method that works.

Attach a very long leash to your dog's collar. Why? Because a short leash doesn't give him enough room to "test" his limits and learn which behavior you're going for. Ultimately, if your dog willingly stays with you on a long leash, then it will be easier to teach him to stay with you willingly on a shorter leash later.

Start by getting your dog's full attention. With the dog standing (or sitting) on your left side, call his name. When he looks at you, reward immediately with a TREAT.

If he doesn't look at you, take a treat to his nose and bring it to your eyes. When you are doing this, say 'Sassy, look.' (trade your dog's name for Sassy) When he looks up at you (really the treat) then reward him. You can also start using a clicker here to get them to understand a click means something positive and this will help you in the long term to wean off of the treat system.

Then, start walking. With each and every step that the dog follows along next to you, TREAT. If he gets distracted, repeat getting him to pay attention to you. If you get to this 2nd step, you have just begun teaching your dog to heel. If you are stuck in the 'attention' portion, it will come. Be patient. It's not about intelligence but creating an atmosphere where they know this is what you want. The key is always make it fun. Do not practice for too long and do not get frustrated. If you are getting frustrated, it's time to stop. You should only be practicing this in 5 to 10 minute intervals. Do not treat when he wanders off or refuses to pay attention to you when you call his name.

When training, feed a tad less to compensate for the addition of training treats.

This is in no way a substitution for training classes. You will be glad that you plunked your money down if you find a quality training centre.

More later.


Our Dear Friends Have a Puppy Video

Check out the puppy video of Yvonne's crew and our very own Sassy Lass is in it as well. Yvonne's pups are 5 weeks now but were 4 weeks on New Year's day when this video was taken. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do.


Remy Comfort, More on Video & Exercise

Here's a photo of Talemaker's Remy that his new owners sent us. He has 3 kids to play with and I am positive that makes him WAY happy. We hear he is fitting in well. There is always that first few days of - where am I - but then they seem to be falling into the rules of their new home and finding their grounding and comfort. We LOVE hearing from the puppy owners and can't wait till the picnic this year. There's nothing like seeing all the siblings together and we will have Risa's crew, Wasabi's crew and some of Paris (Gidget) crew plus Gidget herself as we always watch some of the Paris (Gidget) crew. Plus if we are really lucky we may have some of Yvonne's crew. How wonderful will that be to see so many Havanese.

We start out - well I start out my day taking the doggies downstairs and outside before I do my exercise. Usually Sassy will go back upstairs and kiss up Nathan's face (hope his new owners love a kissy face) and settle back in with Risa who never deigns to get up. Every now and then if we take Sassy out last thing, she does the same but today the crew all came down minus Risa and its wet and rainy as you can see how they look in this photo but I started exercising. I do p90x - waiting to do p90X+ when it comes to stay in shape, keep my energy up and de-stress if I ever need it. I was erratic while puppies were here as they are our focus but now with less pups, I can get back at it and boy the body is feeling it and the dogs love it. Pounce time on me...

During puppy time, the dogs don't get the walks as a precaution to catching anything and due to Yvonne having pups that we visit, we will stay in that head space till hers are vaccinated. It's important not to take your dogs to dog traffic places till after their shots. But you can do many things at home and socialize them with dogs you know well.

Today the crew, while I did Ab Ripper X - well let's just say I wish someone else was up as the dogs - when I got on the floor saw it as an invitation to play and Sassy was draped on my neck, Shoshi was pouncing on me, Wasabi was trying to pounce on Sassy on my neck all while I was doing abx exercises. It was a riot and I needed it as taking a break from exercises, it almost is like you are starting again falling asleep early - trying to get the body adjusted but well worth it in the long run. It's an amazing program and if you stick with it - 90 days later - wow what a HUGE difference in everything.

Now while I was doing it today, I had to set them aside to actually do it but that was after I was done laughing and laughter is the best medicine. Havanese fill you with laughter and to me that is precious.

If you watched Sebastian and Sassy yesterday, did you notice that Wasabi was still playing mommy and corrected Sassy? If you watch where Sebastian went under the couch, watch what Wasabi did to Sassy. These puppies are both potential alphas but siblings work out their relationship and it gives them a lifetime of understanding how to be the politician when one needs to be. When Sebastian comes to visit, I suspect Wasabi will continue those lessons with the 2 and that will be a huge bonus for both and fun for us to watch. Plus, it gives Wasabi a job. Havanese love having a job - something they can get fulfilled from.

Well off to eat, feed doggies and argh work today. More later.


Talemaker's Sassy's 1st Walk (More Added)

Well, we decided that December 25th early was the best day to take the dogs out as no one would be out and we were right. It's icy out there (I had to put my Yaktrax on), way dirty from the sanding and you have to remember to wipe and or wash the paws to get the salt out. If they are biting their paws, you didn't do a good enough job.

Bath times for all mine when I am up to it. Not today...

What we found interesting was Sassy was so much more interested in walking on snow than the cement. Maybe it was the salt - maybe the sand but she wasn't thrilled and we had to use Wasabi out in front to get her to forget about it. It tells me she needs to do this all the time after her next shots and for longer. The cement seemed foreign to her - teach me what I have to condition winter pups to. I am making notes. Then the cars whizzing by - what was that but she was fine. No adverse reactions just a - WHAT WAS THAT? We only took her out for a very short walk down the street and back not even around the cul-de-sac.

We heard her brother Sebastian did fine on his walk.

For those of you in the in between stage on sizing - a sweater is the best route till that next size. As you can see, Sassy has a lot of stylin' clothes as she got Shoshi's hand me downs and she doesn't mind except to say - what is that you are putting on. If it's very cold, we sometimes place a sweater on and a jacket over it.

Well, off to make a sandwich and nap. Walking all these doggies this morning was fun but tiring maneuvering in the ice. Hoping it either snows or thaws. Now to eat then snuggle on the couch with the crew.

PS: Nathan reminds me that although we were allowing Sassy and Wasabi to walk in front of us - Wasabi as a lure - Sassy to gain her comfort level with collar, walk etc - the goal is to get them walking NEXT to you after this stage. If we have Sassy here long enough, we are going to enroll her in 'Who's Walking Who' classes and she will be practicing heel till she gets it right till that squirrel pops by, I imagine. Doesn't every dawg lose its brain when that happens?

Mark and Maryanne said...
Sebastian went out for his first "walk with the dudes" last night and didn't miss a step. He was up for another walk to grandma and grandpa's house this morning where he proceeded to charm the socks off them. Thanks to his first parents, Nathan and Darlah, he is already quite well versed in sitting, buffet eating and using the back yard outhouse. Not to be outdone by his sister, today he has already retrieved several of the many gifts he was able to bring with him to his new home. More firsts to come...Mark and Maryanne

Darlah & Nathan said...
Sassy better get her act together - hahahahahaha


Oh My Havanese Trouble Or What?

Here I am with the crew but I selected one where my face wasn't scrunched up as they were crawling all over my face and I was trying not to laugh too hard. Here is Tux giving me kisses. I am afraid we are in big trouble with him.

There's only been one dog that has been able to stick up to our Queen Biach, Risa - our Havanese who rules the house of the dogs with much love but doesn't let anyone mess with her with the exception of Katsuro and now dear old Tux sauntered up to her dish while she was eating and anyone knows the Risa is a major food hound - you do not touch her food - well she growled at Tux - he backed off - thought about it and decided it was worth the challenge and ended up eating out of her dish with her eating too. Now, the dogs are not food aggressive but Risa will let out a growl to say - ah - wait - I get it first. She looked at Tux, let out a sigh and continued eating. It was priceless. I guess she rather likes him. She tends to get really attached to dogs that stick up to her. ROFL!

Our dear old gal decided she was going to bark and I looked at her, put my finger up and didn't say a word and she stopped. It tells me that body language must speak volumes. This is the formative years and it is important to get them to follow the rules by correcting in a positive way. Now if we could just get her not to run under the deck like Mommy Wasabi taught them.

Wasabi tends to be a troublemaker - not in a bad way but she LOVES to tease. Here she is with a chicken strip and she's saying look what I have and you don't. She even saves it after the others have had theirs long gone just so she can covet it in front of the others.

We are allowing the crew to have their play sessions in a larger area of the house. We now allow them in the kitchen and in the hallway with the other doors shut. We place a pad down in various rooms so they can hit the mark. As you can see, they are still hitting the mark. We just have to remember - outside after eating and make sure the pads are in all the rooms they are in.

The crew is really enjoying their freedom and even some go and investigate even further than the others, as you can see here. Tux tends to check out everywhere. He's highly curious and too smart for his own good.

Well, the crew is sleeping again and soon we will be back to having another play session and one on one training. They adore the one on one time and that's nice.

Wasabi was outside earlier chasing them all over the place and they were chasing her. It's amazing that even with the ice, how good they are at maneuvering. I just wish my body was able to be as easily as theirs. I can't wait for the ice to go. Oh well, I best get the Yaktrax out. It's time.


Fill Me Up Two Whole Weeks Old

I am so thoroughly pleased that my pups are two weeks old today. Can't you see their tiny tails wagging up high saying - fill me up!

They have now taken eating to a whole new level - slurping loudly at times as if they are starving but they aren't.

Auntie Yvonne came to see my pups today. She brought, Britney, Lola, Maggie and the pups to meet someone that was interested in the pups and one is going to their new home Sunday. Read all about it soon on their blog.

The puppies were so cute too - just scrumptious and full of mischievous fun.

Katsuro spent all of his time trying to woo Maggie and they played Halloween dress-up. See them stylin' it!

Now daddy is off to BBQ me some CHEESEburgers in the rain. Yes, I meant to spell it like that. What a dad! I even gave him massive hugs today - cuddle city. He's so special to me. Now where's those burgers, daddy? I have to get back to the kids soon - oops the pups.


Havanese Puppies Day 12 Posing

Well, it's Day 12 and this is one of my pups. He's already learning how to 'strike a pose'. He's so cute. Look at that black tip ear. When he yawns, I know he's eaten enough and is so satisfied.

All the pups are growing. They are smaller than Risa's pups including Katsuro at day 12 but they have round tummies and are eating up a storm. Me thinks they may be smaller as adults than Risa's but time will tell. They range from 12 to 16 ounces. Yes, one hit 1 lb already - wow!

Yesterday, Linda came over to snuggle with us. It was so nice. The snuggles we get before we even know who we are snuggling but we can smell quite well. Click here if you want to know about a Havanese's sense of smell.

Today Mojo and Opal are visiting and momma Rita came back to see my pups after her appointment. She liked what she saw - fat tummies and interesting looks. Well - more later. Be sure to keep checking out our photos. Mommy updates them daily.


Day 11 Havanese Puppy Stretch

It's Day 11 and time to start doing my Havanese yoga. Yeah, if human mommy can fit it in, so can I. I just have to plump up on all that cool refreshment, watch my waist line expand and then work it off. Don't we all do that? Better than eating Halloween candy as that goes straight to....well we won't talk about THAT! Food does a body good.

My auntie Risa - who is clamoring to take care of us can attest to that statement. That gal will go to great lengths to get food. My Havanese mommy, Wasabi is a small gal and our sire is too. They only do Havanese yoga for the fun of it - heh!

Well, human daddy already has to cut our nails when we are tired. Mommy was a soaking mess after going outside today and human mom had to clean her feet. Yeah - I know this is MOMMY"S BLOG but the kids are taking over - ROFL! Don't they all? They win your hearts and it's all over.

Well, be sure to check out our latest photos. Now if I can only get human mommy caught in the act in photo print of laying in our whelping box 'oohing and ahhing' over us, well that will be something to blackmail her with. Oh, the mind is already churning away at wonderful ideas. Those humans better watch out when we get mobile as their lives will never be the same!


Day 10 Havanese Puppies Feeding Frenzy

It's day 10 and my gad I have this thing down called Havanese motherhood. It's not that I didn't but mommy and daddy are a bit much. They want to make sure all the pups are healthy, weighed, all eating and I am making sure they stay clean. Well, I am. I guess you can never get too careful but I guess mommy and daddy love me sooooo much that they want me to be the best mom I can ever strive to be and I am.

The pups are growing leaps and bounds - some more than others. They now shimmy to me and I don't have to shimmy into them to feed.

Eyes open maybe today - can't wait. I must be the first one that they see - not mommy and daddy - pshaw! My luck, they will have their face in there just when it happens. Oh, actually I have GREAT LUCK as I have 6 beautiful pups - so maybe it will be me! Time will tell.

Can you believe it's over a week? I can't and here it is almost Halloween. My first Havanese Halloween Puppies - hmmmm. The leaves are falling and I hope they remain so I can teach them the Havanese shuffle through the leaves and the rolling that we love to do. I am hoping!

I am relaxing around Risa. She wants to take care of my pups too. She sits outside of the room and sometimes I let her in. I may even allow her to help but we shall see. She's going to have to know - I love help but I am the mom. hehehehehehehe


Wasabi's Havanese Pups Will Play

Mommy says, Wasabi is an interesting mom. She's ever so attentive but she wants the pups to play. I find Wasbi bringing her toys in for the pups to play all the time and its way funny. She even shakes them to get their attention. I guess she doesn't realize they can't hear yet. She's going to love it when they really start playing.

Wasabi says, of course - their mine - all mine till they get new homes - sigh! Till then, I plan to have tons of fun with them and then hopefully I will get to see them at the yearly picnic mom and dad have.

Daddy says, Wasabi not only uses her mind but she has fun doing it. Some would say, Wasabi is a thinker and she is but that's what makes her ever so special. She comes up with solutions fast and we know her pups will too! They take after her, of course. ROFL!

Mommy had my pups out and she had them with the toys all to indulge me and every last one of them crawled and pushed the toys here and there. Mommy thought I might get stressed while she took photos but I was so excited to see them with my toys. She had to have her feet surrounding them as they are a growing concern. They are moving fast these days - almost 9 days old - 8.5 to be exact. By gad, I will get them playing - just watch. To catch these photos, check out Wasabi's Puppy Photos. Mommy adds to them every single day.


Halloween Havanese

Okay, it's not Halloween yet but human mom is trying to find an outfit that will fit these 5 havanese boys and 1 havanese gal.

Human dad says, - get a life!

Me, Wasabi - the real mom out of this crew is glad she's not dressing me up. Sure, I have my sweaters and coats but Halloween outfits - please!


Day 8 Havanese Motherhood

Well, a week has gone by and tonight it will be day 8. I do believe I have this motherhood thing going on. Mommy thinks other than the cute havanes puppies chomping on my hair, it's doing quite well.

I am eating well, snuggling with the pups but these havanese pups don't seem to play with the toys I give them. Mommy says to be patient. They will.

Mommy is going out to the land of the living and getting my photograph of me preggie matted that Maureen and John were so kind to give to her as a present. She's also going to get a photo reframed in mahogany to match our others from Pepi and Teddy's mom - their thanks for watching them this summer. Can't wait to see them on the wall.

Mommy's been busy uploading new photos to snapfish all the time. Look at the menu on the right and click on Wasabi's Puppy Photos to see the latest. Mom's not editing. She's putting everything up - me a mess after I nest in my box and shake my hair into the place I want it to be to mom after combing me. When the pups get older, we will take videos to share as well. This way we create some memories. After all, this is my first crew and there's always something special about the first but shhh don't tell that to any others. Something special about the last too - yeah - they are the LAST.

Well, other than my escape past mom and dad last night to gad knows where in the back to nest, things have been going rather well. Tails are wagging so I know they are happy and life - well its rather special and precious with a havanese or two on your life and I have 6 - WOW!


Week Old Havanese

Well my babies are 7 days old tonight. This is what mommy calls the Havanese huddle. Mom and dad are trying to get me to relax when my puppies do this.

They are sleeping for longer bursts and mom and dad likes to make sure I am taken care of. It's times like this she makes sure I eat, go out and do my duty, grooms me and cuddles with me as she feels if I am happy, the puppies will be happy. I agree!

Daddy finally calmed down last night and slept a bit in my whelping room instead of watching me 24/7. He's finally starting to get it that I got this motherhood thing down. So what if he had 7 kids - I already have 6.

My puppies are growing well. They have fat tummies after eating and you can tell they are satisfied by the amount of sleep we do inbetween. Still, El Blanco Grande and mom's new name for another - 'have to chow down like no tomorrow - Bigote' seems to zone into me whenever I am in the box so I get out now and cool off and I go back in when needed.

At birth their respective weights were:
5 oz (he doubled)
5 oz - up 3 oz (our lone gal - gaining but slower)
4 oz - up 4 oz (he doubled)
4 oz - up 5 oz (more than doubled)
4 oz - up 5 oz (more than doubled)
4 oz - up 6 oz - passing the white one - heh

Gad, it's easy to fall in love with this crew.


Attentive New Havanese Mom Wasabi

Well day 2 and I am still taking catnaps but I just can't get enough of these miracles I had. They are lively. They eat and snuggle with me and those snuggles - well they are really what makes it all worth it.

As you can see, I have an incision that is healing nicely and pink hair from the operation but all and all mom is doing her usual taking care of me. She has yet to comb me today but she wants me to sleep. She even put in a thin mat so I can lay my head down but I am too excited to do anything but snooze for a few minutes.

Mom is going to take individual photos of us later today when we are all rested. We figure you don't mind that we get rested first. Mom and dad says my pups and I count the most.


Bloated Havanese Ready & Waiting

Well, another day passes and mom is making sure I stay clean. I got all dirty after going out with the pups yesterday and I can't resist going into the mud. But mom brushed me up yesterday. Today she placed me on my back to start brushing and feeling pups and then she had the nerve to take an exposed photo like this. Come on, mom - I know Paris Hilton thrives on exposure but me...I am a lady. I guess Paris may say how can you compare me to a dog but if you have to - well I am the genuine thing and she should be lucky to be compared to me. ROFL!

The only Havanese that is owned by a celebrity to my mom's knowledge is Barbara Walters and hers talks - yeah you heard it. Well shh - we all talk but it's those humans that don't know how to listen. I hear the pups talking to me all the time from my tummy and they were saying - 'it's getting too crowded here' - 'stop rubbing her tummy lady' - 'you are squishing us' - 'it's time to get out of this darken, wet place where all my needs are met to seek a new adventure.' Yeah - I heard them and are you going to tell me I am wrong? A mother always knows. Just wait till they get here. They will tell you! Any day now....all six.