
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in chicadoro (11)


Steven's & My's Picnic Pictures

Check them out and he has more coming...



Kat's Wondering Where Lola Is

Today I decided to take a photo of Kat set in the garden and take the background out to see what it would look like. It was in a 'how to' that I had sitting around and I wanted to give it a shot. I suppose I could have thrown a photo of Lola behind him as I wanted to but her photo never came. Too much to do with the dam(s) in need.

Kat's rather smitten with Lola much to the irritation of Wasabi - heh. Oh, about 30 something days ago they did the Cuban tango many times over sometimes a couple of times a day every time she came to visit. It got so bad that all Kat has to do is see Yvonne or Alex and he says - well where's my gal? Well, that's not true. If truth is to be told, his teeth chattered, he shook with desire and plain went crazy wooing her, nuzzling her neck etc. Now gals - don't you wish the human men did that - heh.

Well, those of you that remembered Wasabi's pups know that Kat adores puppies and finally he may be able to play with some of his own.

Yes, Yvonne's Lola at Chicadora will have puppies in mid July just before the picnic. There's something about that picnic - I tell you.

We are excited at this combination. If interested in pups, well let us or Yvonne know. We promise many videos and Yvonne wil be kicking us out - just watch as we just LOVE puppies!


Woofstock - ing It Havanese Style

Well, Fiona and I are off to Woofstock but Daddy had to buy into the combined government and big oil robbery by adding gas to the van. Oh - but how else could we go to our much enjoyed Woofstock. They sure have us by the ...... fill in the blank.

Fiona wasn't sure of it all at first. She had her tail down trying to survey all the dogs and people and - oh boy there were a ton of those in this sweltering heat. But after meeting other Havanese and getting used to the meet and greet, her tail went up and so did everyone else's.

This is GREAT socialization for our guys if you are proactive in watching the signs of dogs that aren't friendly.

Woofstock can be a tad overwhelming for those that haven't seen this many dogs at once before. This was Katsuro's 2nd year so he wasn't ruffled in the least.

We were able to hookup with Yvonne, Flora and Downsey. We didn't see anyone else from the Hav group.

You can click on any photo to see a larger version.

Downsey is Fiona's sister. Flora is from an earlier breeding of Yvonnes. You will see her at the Orono show and you will also get to see Miss Abs there.

Well, we were lucky enough to bump into a really nice lady that had the 'Rens Pet of the Month' photo of Abigail. Please post and tell me your name. Silly me for not getting it. I want to thank you SOOOOOO much for bringing it. I need one more copy - if anyone has one so I can send it to Miss Abigail's breeder. Thanks ever so much again.

It was Havanese heaven of sorts and we kept bumping into a number of them but I didn't get photos of all. Sorry. But, one was a deep red colour so I wanted to share it with you and no that cutie in the back is not a Havanese. ROFL!

We got a ton of samples from shampoo to treats. Let's see - to cover a small sample, we got 'Barking Mad' natural treats, Benny Bullys (small packages of 4 different new types and we also bought some, Natural Planet Organic dog food, to training pads, poop bags, to Doggie Dinner casserole - frozen and much more.

Poor Fiona loved all the treats so much that she came home to a tummy ache - loose bowels - sigh. See - even someone who knows better needs to remind themselves that Havanese normally can't have so many variety of treats at once and she loved them all. Katsuro was picky and didn't eat but a few.

We also saw some really cool jackets and collars and I mean way different ones from molded what have yous growing from the coat - hahahaha. You have to see it to know what I mean.

Talking about red Havanese, we saw a red sable with a puppy cut called Jasmine. It had such a tight curl that I imagine it is much easier to care for in a shorter hair-do. It reminds me of my Shoshi who is from teh same kennel.

All of the Havanese were friendly. We only saw a handful of non-Havanese that were unfriendly but they came in all sizes. The owners were proactive though - all but one.

We talked to a guy that had a Havanese that was manning a booth. He just adored seeing more of these guys.

We talked to people that were waiting for a puppy - to those that had just acquired one and the list went on.

The colours all varied as you can see in this photo. It was fun to see so many out and about. I wish I could go back tomorrow with 2 different dogs but how many samples can someone get. hahahaha

What will you see at Woofstock? Many, many vendors, lots of dogs, tons of people and maybe a ton of Havanese - if you are lucky.

What was missing this year? The Wellness booth, the spraying thing guy, the greenies booth unless we missed some of the show but we saw many new ones as well including a shampoo company up from the states. I can't promise I will try it on Miss Abigail for the show but I may try it on someone else and then try it on Abs when she's not needing to look her best. Each shampoo reacts on each dog differently thus - the - we will wait on her. More later when we try it.

If you are going to Woofstock tomorrow, be sure to bring water for you and your dog but one of the vendors had ICE cold water - yum and we gave some to the dogs whose tongues were hanging down to the ground in need of refreshment. Just check out that tongue on Katsuro. Hey, mom - it's downright hot out here - you know! We probably gave them something to drink every 10 minutes throughout our visit. It was that hot.

Many vendors gave away frozen yogurt for the dogs. Our dogs weren't a fan of any of them.

We did manage to get some great beds for a CHEAP price. They are way soft and I will tell you the dogs loved them. I also bought a cooling coat for Fiona but it was actually too big and was hanging down on her. It fits the Miss Abs perfectly and that is what she will have on her during outdoor shows. Ten minutes before I can just fluff her up and she will be ready to go and she will stay cool. We have another one coming in the mail as they were running out of the toy size FAST. Anyone who does outside activities in the heat should consider one as they are light and stay cool for a long time. I got home and ours was still cold.

What else - well I know this is not a Havanese but it rather sums up the day. It was a DOG day for sure in so many ways. You should head to Woofstock tomorrow. You will be glad you did.


Wild & Fun Weekend

Hey, I am Mags. My mommy Yvonne and daddy Alex decided to drag me to visit my mommy, Risa and the rest of the mad house at the Talemaker abode.

Here I am, sitting, waiting and wanting to EAT! It is time, you know!

The visit was fun as one of my daughter's, who flew the nest a couple of weeks ago hangs out there - Fiona.

Below you can see one of my babies hanging out with my house sister, Lola and that fickle Katsuro from the Talemaker crew who tends to think all the gals are his.

Here's part of the crew that was here this weekend with me. This is Gigi, the puppy that has not left the nest yet and thinks my pillow is now hers. Yes, she is the sister to Fiona. She's a pistol just like Fiona. The humans around here just adore watching the two. I am glad I can add to their comic relief. Always anything for those crazy humans that pamper us silly.

This weekend, Katsuro was rather smitten with Lola - who you can see in this photo.

Then Wasabi's young'n Chico, after that human mommy gave him a brush (doesn't he look so fluffy?) - well he just kept mixing it up with Miss Abs.

These two are two days different in age and actually half siblings. (same sire). He was sort of smitten with the Abs much like the Katsuro was with that hot suff Cuban Lola. ROFL!

Gidget is having a roaring grand time this week and is enjoying the crowd and when she has enough, she goes up to bed and finds a comfie pillow. Here you can see her saying - well is it all gone? She's becoming quite the eater - oh no!

She adored seeing the Mags and Lola and Britney. Flora had to stay at a friends as she was in that thing the humans call heat where the male dawgs lose their minds - and Katsuro - well he needs his. Can you imagine how silly of a dawg he would be without it?

Well, I made my way home. I had to dictate this to the Talemaker human to post. A gal needs to do what a gal needs to do and after all this socializing - well I need my beauty sleep. I will hand the reins of this blogging stuff back to the Talemaker crew. Till next time.

Hoping the video comes tomorrow. The human daddy at Talemakers is way sick and the human mommy has to do Oscar stuff - till tomorrow!


Fun Havanese Day

This duo is fast becoming the best of pals. They sit in a bed under my desk a number of times just to be with each other. It will be interesting how things unfold when Fiona's sister comes to visit for the weekend.

Well, we are off to the Markham dog show. I am going to try to take video. Couldn't find the tripod. I have to wake Dennis up as he is watching the dogs.

Will get lots of photos of this crazy dawg house and the fun adventurous weekend. Oh and Chico is also coming this weekend - wow - fun!

More later>>


Mischevious Havanese

Sassy: it's all about the game type, missy - chievious personality, intelligent, balanced, caring, special heart, quick thinker, likes the game - whatever games she creates and is now 4 lbs 15 oz. She loves to eat too.

Now if she wasn't going to the people she is, well I think she would never be going ANYWHERE.

There are times after all the fun and games, the dogs just conk out and sit next to you and all is right in the world. This was one of those moments yesterday. Here you can see Maggie - the mom of Yvonne's latest litter who happens to be our very own Risa's daughter, Sassy and Flora Dora - well Flora from Lola's litter - Yvonne's litter just before this one who happens to have Wasabi's brother as the sire. No wonder they look similar.

Oh, Havanese can be quite amusing. Our adult dogs minus Katsuro who had his topknot/ponytail gnawed out of him by another dog - well they wear hair ties to hold the hair away from the eyes. Typically, Sassy now has a hair tie or two in her mouth from Wasabi's head or Shoshi's that we have to take away from her.

We have to catch her in the act as it is way cute but a no no when you have a show dog that is the recipient of such antics.

As time goes on, Sassy has been learning how to effectively communicate with the other dogs, get the best of them if she can help it by playing these fun games and she delights in them. We are going to miss such spirit around here but she's like her mom so the new owners are going to have a life of interesting times woven with much fun and personally - well that's what makes Havanese so special. This litter - well I must have done something right to have them in our lives.

More later after Sebastian comes.>>


Our Dear Friends Have a Puppy Video

Check out the puppy video of Yvonne's crew and our very own Sassy Lass is in it as well. Yvonne's pups are 5 weeks now but were 4 weeks on New Year's day when this video was taken. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do.


New Years Havanese Slideshow

With so much snow, we got to spend New Years with our friends Yvonne and Alex from Chicadoro Havanese. We had a roaring good time and these are only some of the photos. We hope Yvonne does a slideshow on her site as there are so many more photos with her beautiful litter.


Another Havanese Day Down

Well here I am in anticipation stuffed into a blanket and pillows that I created on the couch. I got to look at Yvonne's pups who visited after their Baer test - all passed with flying colours and I didn't want to play today.

My temp has dropped to 98.0 but nothing is happening. Mom still thinks the weekend.

Want to see Yvonne's pups in our backyard? My daddy was good enough to take a photo with his phone. Aren't they cute? They were all over my garden. Is this what I am going to deal with? Puppies going every which way?


Hey, girlfriend!!!

When you were here at the Sonrisas picnic I wondered why all the guys were all over you. My mommy tells me that I'm about to find out cause I'm in "season". Don't know what that means but I'm gonna find out real soon or so she tells me!!

We're gonna go with Auntie Rita on a long car ride (not sure if I like that idea) to a place far, far away. Somewhere called Minnie apples??? And I'm gonna get to play with my new boyfriend!! Yeah, I like to play.

Well, I'll tell you more when I see you tomorrow.


T.G.I.F. & Anticipation City!

What can I say - T.G.I.F. Tomorrow I get to go see Yvonne's pups or shall I say Lola's as Maggie has a huge secret, read her post here. Mommy and daddy said they would take lots of photos to upload.

Then tomorrow night, if I am plain lucky, maybe I will get to go see Danielle for her b-day. That's mommy and daddy's grandchild and she is full of jumping beans and just loves the puppies so she is alright by me.

The sun is shining. I jumped in and went swimming. This paddling around is addicting. Now if dear old Opal didn't show me how to rub up against the bushes and roll in the dirt while I am wet, mommy may not need to bathe me. Tsk Tsk mommy says - Opal just had to show you how to have fun rolling around in the muck. Then Katsuro runs and jumps way up in the air and does a splat belly flop but it didn't seem to bother him. He kept jumping way before daddy came in. Then mommy tried to dive but that gal needs some practice. Then Risa came in and Terra jumped - not walked in - you go Terra. Wow, the Potechins are swimming - just in time for the pool to close.

Mommy finished the whelping room so now all the extra junk is out of it. Risa gets a room with baseball bats and I get a room all spiffied up. Now who counts more? Shh! Risa is listening. We do not want to upset the queen. (hahahaha)

Every day now I go in and smell the whelping box. I remember Risa's pups and I adored teasing them - oops playing with them. Did I tease them - nah. I just went in and got them woken up to raise a ruckus so Risa had to go in and check. I did it so much that when they were almost ready to go home, Risa knew it was me and ignored it. I just adore the little ones.

Well, I see my dear friend Maggie posted so be sure to read her hot news! She doesn't know what she is in for. Are we going to have an exciting winter or what!