
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in Sonrisas Hot N Spicy Wasabi (45)


Finding the Havanese Play

Abs to Kooba:
Hey - that's MY toy!!!

So much for a dog that doesn't play with toys. Kooba not only loves to play with toys after she gets comfie but also acts as mischievous as a puppy. She was running around like a banshee trying to keep the toy away from Abs and I swear she was laughing as she did. She certainly had an upbeat prance. Abigail - well she adores the play. If she could talk - she would be saying - bring it on!

Even when a dog loses or doesn't know how to play - you can find it. It may take patience and just finding what gets them excited. With Kooba - it just came as she gained comfort.

Well, Kooba goes into the vet tomorrow to get her teeth cleaned. I have found if you spray Leba III and give bones - well their teeth whiten up. Leba is expensive but it does work. it certainly saves $$ in the long run and they do not have to be sedated - win/win.

Wasabi goes in for her rabies shot that she missed due to heat and pregnancy timing. Fiona - well she is going for the ride and so is Abigail and dropping in on Yvonne. They may be going tonight or tomorrow. We will know - after handling class.

Gidget has been a picky eater but tonight I cooked her up some broiled breadless chicken cooked in bacon, added some of her lamb warmed up and she wanted more.

Picky eaters - hahahaha eventually - you find what gets them excited and then they change their minds.


Alone & the Show

I hear Daddy is off to a show tomorrow with just Abs. I am miffed. What about me! Oh - she has to have that greasy junk all over her and then get a bath and blow dry?

Heh...well then I can pass.

Well, not much to report on but I had a walk tonight with one of my kids and it was fun.

A no stressed day without Mommy in the equation tomorrow. So - do your best and forget the rest, Daddy.

Wink - you will shine - just call us right after - will ya. Mommy will be difficult to deal with otherwise. hahahahaha


Dog Heaven Week

Exciting times at Talemaker Havanese this week. We have Bailey, one of Risa's pups coming over tomorrow to stay till Sunday. We also have a relative of Miss Abs - Little Dickens coming. The dogs are going to have fun this week.

Then we have the biggest celebration for dogs - a must see event once a year called Woofstock and it's happening this weekend. It's a must to go to. You can bring your dog. You can even eat out on a patio of many of the restaurants with your dog.

No where else in Toronto can you go shopping for your dog and with your dog to so many places at once. It's a feast of a dawgie celebration that you really should attend. We will be!


Dangerous Places and Havanese

Hiding spots are the best! Havanese enjoy those little hidden places where they can hide, play and jump out and surprise. It seems to tap their mischievous side. It's also great fun to watch.

We tend to create them under our desk, a bench outside, a table next to the sofa and on and on. It adds to their fun and ours as well.

Well, Miss Abs was selected as Ren's Pet of the Month so that means her photo will run in their ads in June. How cool is that?

We are off to handling class tonight (inside) thank goodness. I took down branches from my below grade level patio and dear old Abs followed me and almost gave me a heart attack not once but twice. She followed daddy the 2nd time. She doesn't quite get that if she fell, - well it wouldn't be pretty. They don't go there unless we do and we had to cut branches and once it is filled in, it won't be so inviting but if it is, I will be tacking mesh on the lower fence line till they get it. I think my heart was beating faster than it could handle when I saw her behind me.

Well, here's to possible warmer weather and checking your fenceline for possible mishaps and making sure your canine pals can't get into trouble.


Sebastian Stylin It

Here's a photo of Sebastian, one of Wasabi's pups. It took me so long as I am learning how to mask properly and had some feet on both sides to take out. One of his packmates feet and one of the human kind. I still need some practice so forgive me.

Sebastian has some All Systems invisible gel in so he can see and he has gorgeous eyes.

All you need to do is stick a face comb in it, shake off the excess and comb it back or where you want the hair to go. I use it with Katsuro as his hair is growing out. His hair is already starting to go back that way without the gel as it trains to go in a certain direction. I will continue till it totally falls that way.

Sebastian is going to be visiting us next for a sleepover - fun in the Talemaker house and we can't wait. It's sort of a let down when the guests go home as the pack tends to chill and get in a more quiet mode - even the youngins' that usually run around like banshees in the morning. They are doing it less today. The party left...and we are BORED mommy so get creative.

More later...


Visit to Chicadoro's (Yvonne's)

Well, the siblings got together and I will have to let Nathan fill you in on that.

He did tell me the snow was almost at the top of their fence - yeouch!

We hope the Wasabi woo isn't missing us as much as we miss her already but Katsuro is calming down and soon we shall see her.

Here's a picture of Fiona's sister taken today at Yvonnes. Look at those colours. I hear tell she also has Fiona's personality so watch out!

Remember you can click on the photos to see a larger version.


Wasabi Goes On Holiday

Miss Abs likes to mix it up with Fiona every chance she gets. Take a look at this face in midstream of doing just that.

The duo has gone to visit Yvonne with Nathan and Wasabi but Wasabi will remain till she is past her heat. It became intolerable - yet again - sleeping separate, whining, crying for her and panting, not eating nor sleeping. It meant I didn't get a heck of a lot of sleep. Next place we live, there has to be a live-in solution - such as a different wing - ROFL. Get that lottery ticket, dear!

I asked daddy to take photos of Abs, Fiona and her sister so I could post something. Good thing I called as he was about to leave and not take a single photo. Men...I tell you. Well, I am hoping I see a good photo out of what he takes but I suspect I get what I will get.

It's back to being quiet again after 98 minutes of panting, searching, jumping, whining and now he is sleeping. It's much quicker than the last frustrated time for him. Perhaps he is improving or getting conditioned - sigh. His time will come. ha!

Well, more later after we hear about the visit hoping Yvonne is feeling better than she has in the last 2 weeks. You are a gem for doing this, lady!


Lost My Brain Dawg

Well dear old Wasabi is in heat again and she will soon be taking a holiday at Yvonne's. We can't show a photo of Katsuro as he looks worse than that sandy photo. Those boy dawgs lose their minds at this time and that's an understatement. They don't eat, they don't sleep - nada if the gal is around.

The moral of this story is get your dogs fixed and you won't have to deal with such craziness.

We are going to take him to Remy's class just to get his mind off ...well ... maybe a cold shower?

We will fill you in when we get back. We also have a CD of all our last 2 classes for Maryanne. Drop by and get it.


Havanese Puppy Training

Here is a photo of the fierce-some twosome - Fiona yawning not ready for the day quite yet. It's 5am in the Talemaker house and Miss Abigail decided it was time for her to 'get busy'. You ask what 'get busy' is? Well it's when she has to go and when she has to go - she has to go but I wanted to sleep in. So, I ignored, went under the covers and she went off the bed and my mind clicked in and said oh oh - she does have to go and she did. Tsk tsk on me and my not wanting to get my rump out of bed as she DID tell me. No, I did not get mad. I said 'no - outside' firmly, took her and her double trouble companion outside and she went again. The person I should be mad at is myself and I am. Miss Abs is pretty good at getting the 'outside' but if you miss the signals - and that's what it often is or you ignore - well then accidents will happen. If you have to go - you have to go.

Remember you can always click on the photos to see a larger version always.

So, as a snowplow went by at 5am with blue light flashing making all sorts of noise plowing streets that didn't need to be plowed as they were already done yesterday (such a waste) and the dawgs started to react to the sound.

I said my 'silly dawg' and they got that this was nothing to send to the pack to faciliate a warning. Notice how Miss Fiona has her eyes up cocked listening to the plow and Shoshi is sniffing her to see what its all about.

Well dear old Abs said now I am awake - let's play and here you can see her at 5am chasing Shoshi - who if you didn't look close enough - looks like a fur ball vs. a Havanese. ROFL People would shake their head if they saw my backyard at 5am. It comes alive.

Then after they came out, Shoshi, Wasabi and Katsuro came down. You didn't think Risa would - did you? Nah she stayed in bed with daddy till after 7am. Such is the life of those that are lucky.

Then it started getting lighter and good old Abs was still full of it (you should see the puppies first thing in the morning - CRAZY pups for sure - maybe I will tape it this weekend.

The moral of this story is the most fun to be had is early in the morning and don't think sleep is better than that. You will have a better trained dawg if you get into that mindset. Can you hear me laughing from here?

More later - and hope your dawg adventures are grand ones!


Havanese Wet Affect

They want me to go outside in all of this wet, cold stuff they call rain - do my business and then they expect me to see with this hairdo? It's an ice skating wet land of water pools out there and its D-I-R-T-Y.

The only saving grace is mommy won't wash us till it snows as she doesn't want to be spinning her wheels, so to speak cleaning over and over again.

It's a dawg day here for sure. Wet blankies, wet floors, wet hair and we all got together and decided to make sure mommy knew it by snuggling with her. It must be L-O-V-E or she would have been .... well we don't want to think about it.

Me, I just adore to muck it up. The wetter, the dirtier - the better and I am teaching the youngsters to do the same - tsk tsk. Well, we are dawgs and we do deserve to have SOME fun - you know! At least I am not heading under the deck for now doing the muddy shimmy. Those humans just adore me when I do THAT!

Well, I am not sure if I ever saw rain quite like this. I tried to hibernate in the pool house as the walkways that they shovelled was filled with rain that - well I almost had to swim in some of the pockets. They forget, I am a little gal. It's okay, it got me to practice my doggie paddle.

Now to get some zzzzz's in after all that work. It's a dawg day for sure or so they tell me. Do you know that I make all sorts of sounds when I sleep. Then I have the humans trained to carry me down off the top of the sofa whenever I want - ahhhh life is good!

I tell you what - the house is filled with wimps. I want to stay out all day and all they want to do is come in, get under the blankies and get dried.

Mommy even took me out on a lead and I heeled PURR-FECT-LEE! Of course when I saw a puddle, I couldn't help myself. I mean puddles are for jumping in - are they not?

Happy Family Day tomorrow. We have this thing called grandchildren coming by. I wonder what that is.


We Are Rich in Havanese

Benny, Katsuro's brother and his Olga came over to visit and so did Gidget's (alias Paris') son Otis with Jackie. As you can see in this photo, Terra, Miss Abs and Katsuro are trying to engage Benny in play. Terra was even doing her famous, put the snout in the snow and throw it with my nose and maybe they will play with me game. It's sort of like a Havanese play bow but done with her nose.

Below and at this link, you can also see Sassy, Gidget and the crew playing up a storm. Gidget is downright fast. Gidget is falling into her usual play, cuddling with me in bed and being a true joy to have around but boy has she really found her play teh last couple of days.

Here's part of the crew hanging out in the kitchen. Otis and Katsuro once were the best of friends. Katsuro was highly excited when he came and there was much one-up-manship but they worked it out and all was right in the world. Katsuro has even managed to crash after having Benny and Otis here. It's nice.

Now that Sassy is off on a holiday with Coach, we are finding the two little ones playing in a way they haven't till now. Fiona is running full speed and jumping on Miss Abs back and she is rolling all over with her. It's a true pleasure to watch. Fiona is not up to keeping up with Miss Abs and Sassy for too long but she does try. Then when they have had enough - you can find her....

Yes, that Fiona crawling up Whitney's back. Both Fiona and the Miss Abs do that often but as you can see on Whitney's face, she more or less is saying - hey - help - what are they doing to me!

Life is never boring in our home with all these Havanese and the fun they bring to your life. They always manage to bring that smile!


Funny Tales of the Havanese Flavour YIKES! Watch For Updates All Day

Something about the snow and your face in it - oh such a joy for a dawg! But watch out - as the days pass by without a snowstorm, they can be rolling in that yellow stuff - YIKES.

We had a shovel that we would pick this stuff up with but get this, the shovel is missing somewhere in the snow piles. Got to love it. So, I am just doing the crazy - taking white snow and covering the yellow and eventually - well we don't want to think about THAT.

Still, from this photo - it LOOKS white but .... Got to do a video of the dawgs and I am afraid you may see yellow in that but cleanup is a regular thing each time we go out with our crew. It should be for you.

Katsuro's brother is coming for a visit today, Benny and then a bit later Jackie and Otis is coming to play. Katsuro is bound to be either - oh no not another boy ROFL or tuckered out or both. Photos as we get them.

More later from the crew...


Havanese Friendships Abound

Ah, the play of the Havanese - nothing quite like it. This duo - as the days go by - are becoming the best of pals. I think Miss Abs will enjoy Fiona when she gets a tad bigger even more but still - they manage to mix it up and Hav Joy!

Fiona still loves high places and there is still much jockeying in the bed. I think Fiona moved around the most last night and curls right into the crrok of your neck and fits there - and one wonders how it will be tonight with Gidget.

Miss Wasabi Woo and Risa had the brains in the house. They took over the extra twin bed attached to our king and claimed the entire thing as their own. Now who's the smartest?

We will tell you how it all works out tomorrow. Till then, we are watching Westminister, freezing our ahems off to get the dawgs to do their business then off to bed. More tomorrow...


Talemaker Coach Visit & Snowy Days

Miss Abs & Coach got along fabulously. Coach was more gentle with her than with his canine mom Wasabi. Miss Wasabi Woo was delighted and it's a joy to watch her excitement when seeing the pups. A great time was had by all. Now it's snowing and we are also including the photos of that - snow covered dawgs - such fun! Another grooming day...hehehehe

Snow tends to invigorate the Havanese. Enjoy the slideshow below!


Talemaker's Coach Visits

Miss Abs got a visit from her half brother Coach - one of Wasabi's pups. Wasabi was delighted to see Coach but this photo was taken just before he was going home. The kids were still mucking it up and Wasabi looks as if to say - kids - do they ever stop playing?

You can click on all the photos to see a larger version.

The crew had a wonderful time. Look tomorrow for some priceless photos of the gang in a slideshow.

We hope Coach sleeps tonight. We know Miss Abs and Wasabi will. Thanks, John for bringing him by. It was a real pleasure. Surely made our day!

More tomorrow>>


Havanese Video Comes Tomorrow

Well, it's getting late and as you can see in this photo, Wasabi and Miss Abs are waiting for me to go upstairs. You can find them close to each other an amazing amount of time. I do believe these two are bonding the deepest thus far.

More tomorrow>>


Havanese Monday Blahs

Nathan and Miss Abs did their class homework. Did Sassy Lassy and Sebastian? We will find out come Saturday - hahahahahaha

Just to update you, I am a bit under the weather. Not sure why but feeling chills. I usually only feel that in other places. We are still working on the video of Abigail making her transition and the video from Yvonne's house but it may take me till tomorrow. Still hoping but want to crawl on the couch. Also, Yvonne will have some photos up on her blog and I will put a pointer here when she does from the weekend. Look for it soon.

By the way, Miss Abs has totally made the bridge. She stole a tug toy from Risa and played with her. She plays with Wasabi and Shoshi every chance she gets. She hangs on Katsuro's back and on and on. But for those that know Risa - stealing a toy from her - well the gal has guts and she has made it completely. ROFL

Wasabi even plays with Abs just like she did Sassy so that gal has real get up and go. Oh my! What fun to see.


Where's All the Havanese Excitement?

Here's the wet duo wanting to come in this morning. As you can see, Katsuro's hair is growing in from Opal yanking it off short on top but now Abigail thinks she can do similar so we will be spraying Katsuro's head with fooey. Not the best texture but better not to have it never come in - I say.

What we noticed is after a very full weekend, the day after - the crew needs to relax - even Nathan, hahahaha. So, they are all up in bed - I am working and they are vegging. What a life - I tell you. Nathan will have to play catch-up but the dawgs won't have to.

It's important to give your dawgs downtime as well as exciting, fun times. Balance is an important thing. You can still play retrieve, do walks, play but also find the time to snuggle, nap and enjoy the comfort of each other. Miss Abigail has found her way to the bed every morning after she wakes up much like our Sassy Lassy did. She comes down to do her duty, yank at Katsuro, jump on Wasabi, listen to Risa grumble and get Shoshi running. Terra just looks at all this shenanigans with a grin - I tell you and Whitney won't go out till after she eats - plain and simple.

Then Abigail will run upstairs and all I can hear is the pitter patter of paws running across the floor looking for daddy who is usually in the shower by then. If she can't find him, she barks - oh my.

We are working on videos of our crew - of Yvonne's crew and more so check back with us. I am trying to get it done inbetween work.

More later>>


The Trios First Class, Visit to Yvonne's


New Havanese Puppy Transitions

Well Miss Abs is getting her comfort on. Today she was playing full on with Wasabi but couldn't keep up with her like the Sassy Lassy but we suspect if she keeps it up, her round little belly will fade. Such a cute belly too as that gal loves to eat. I don't blame her - me too. Wasabi is rather relentless in her play holding on for hours. Sassy was too.

But much to the delight of Terra, Miss Abs played tug with her off and on and Terra was even squeezing the pull toy to make noises to attract her. She was indeed delighted that she has another Havanese that isn't afraid of her size and will play with abandonment.

Then if that wasn't enough, Katsuro, as wet as he was from rolling outside said - hmm this one is staying around so let's play with her too! This is a cute photo but poor Katsuro with that hair growing out from Opal yanking it out - is something else - it's long enough to point straight out now. ;-) I think I have about 50 shots of these two rolling around in all sorts of angles even next to that lovely box that has teeth marks on it - hmmm I wonder who did THAT! Some were much better than this one but this shows the comfort level that these two have and they let me shoot and click over and over.

Miss Abs also found the tunnel play today. At first sauntering on up to it, peeking head in and slipping right in. Then she ran the lengths, poking her head out and making all sorts of noises. It was a riot. The Havanese just adore these hiding devices and for me - the more the better.

Right at this moment she is sitting on a pillow under a table that we have to give our dawgs comfort and fun places to relax in. They really enjoy this craziness and we don't mind having a dawg house of sorts. Some may but I find the more comfort you give them, the more they make you laugh and that's what life is about - laughter and dawgs!

More later.>>