
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havanese (27)


Watching Puppy Videos

Every now and then I need a puppy fix. Since our dear friend Yvonne refuses to bring me her puppies (how selfish is that?) (smile) I have to make do with watching our own videos from earlier this year. I just watched one of Sebastian, Coach and Sassy playing together that was delightful. Give it a look and tell me if I am wrong.

We had Sassy, Coach and Remy here today. I realize how much they have changed in the past 6 months but they still remain totally delicious. If you want to lighten up your day just scroll down the right hand side until you get to the list of the older videos. I promise you they will bring a smile to your face. They do mine.


Havanese Visitors & More

Risa's pup Bailey is visiting and the trio was checking what was going on outside.

They are fitting in really nicely with no transition necessary.

Little Dickens is also here and Fiona and Dickens have been playing up a storm. I swear Miss Abs is jealous.

It's great to have the visitors over.

Miss Abs is off to handling class again tonight. She has a reprieve of a weekend without a show so we are going to drag her to Woofstock along with Katsuro and Fiona. They are in for a treat.


Havanese Relationships

As you can see, Coach and Sebastian were mixing it up but what you can barely see was Fiona also in the midst of it.

The gang has been going since 5:30 this morning. I think they are laying down for the first time now at almost 2.

Nathan managed to get some video. I have to see what it looks and get that up. I also got a ton of photos but this crew is so fast that I got the back end, the side - the what have you. Those go in the delete bucket.

Nathan was complaining profusely how slow our digital is and thought it was the battery but shhh it really is slow. ROFL. You have to anticipate the move and take it the moment you anticipate. Don't we all know what's going to happen next?

Nathan did walks with all - much to the amazement of his legs. He doesn't do short walks and the dawgies appreciate that. I practiced some 'stand'. I also line combed all the dogs with the exception of Shoshi who gets it tonight when I watch TV.

As the snow dissipates, all sorts of yuck is cropping up and the dogs love it.

Me - I am going to take a nap and will fill you in later - maybe look at the video - something or totally veg but we shall see. I promised the dogs a solid game of retrieve today and I keep my promises.

We are thinking of Sassy and hoping her recovery is fast. She got spayed and had 2 baby teeth yanked out and we hear she hates that plastic conehead. They have to think of a better system. We used onesies - yeah for babies, for Shoshi and she liked it much better. Of course you have to cut out a hole in the flap or take it and pin it up each time they go but much better than that plastic thing around your neck.

Well, the couch and rest is calling me so I can be all I can be, later.


Abigail Attends Handling Class

Abigail and I attended our first Handling class together last night. She becomes eligible to be shown in the middle of April. I was hoping to get her ready for her first show in about a month. That remains to be seen but we did not get off to a great start and of course I blame myself. Abigail is magnificent in every way.

We pulled into the parking lot at handling class and exited the car. I had her in my arms as the parking lot was quite muddy. We walked around the car we had parked beside and came face to face with a beautiful Great Dane. That was a little much for her.

Keep in mind she's in my arms and this Dane, standing on all fours, is looking her in the eye. Oh oh, I thought to myself but it was ok.

We continued on into the community center and she slowly relaxed. She is not generally intimidated by anyone and she proved it not much later when a Beardie pup came over to play.

At over 8 months the Beardie pup was easily 4 or 5 times the size of Abigail and playful as all pups. This particular Beardie was raised with a litter of Havanese. So naturally she came over to play.

Abigail put up with it for a minute, being quite familiar with Yvonne's Beardie, then snapped at the Beardie puppy and growled in her face. The Beardie hit the floor, backing off completely. She tried again a few minutes later and a low growl backed her off again. Abigail really was not intimidated by any of the other dogs although she was leery of the Dane.

There was another Havanese in the class, Apple, one of Yvonne's that we'd not seen since she was a small pup. Abigail greeted her properly but in Handling Class we are supposed to focus on our dog and ignore everyone else's.

I also knew the instructor, Julie, a Beardie Breeder (we were surrounded by Beardies) and a few of the dogs there. Should be fine, I hoped. Nope, Abigail decided she didn't feel like walking around and refused to heel, period. They asked me if she'd ever been on a leash before. I sighed, quietly, inside.

As many of you know that follow the Talemaker Havanese Adventures, I tend to walk them daily. Abigail has been on 50 walks, always on leash AND she's a graduate of Obedience class where she learned to sit, stay, come, down, HEEL etc.

Her and I walk daily. She just decided that she wasn't interested in walking down this path this evening and refused to move unless I was heading for my coat hanging on the back of a chair near the door, or the exit. She didn't want to sit, she wanted to lie down.

Keep in mind in Handling Class the dogs must stand throughout. No sitting in Conformation.

Darlah wasn't there to film it or you'd be laughing at my antics, down on my hands and knees, one hand under her bum, the other under her neck trying to get her to stand, tail in the air, head up, encouraging her for all I'm worth, rewarding her at the littlest hint of forward progress. Same with heeling.

Keep in mind this same little girl knows how to heel perfectly, has done it every day for months. Not yesterday. I couldn't coax her, I couldn't make silly sounds and movements to encourage her, I couldn't outright bribe her with treats. Nothing worked. As soon as I let her go, she went into the down position. An hour later it was time to go.

Stay tuned for the further adventures of Abigail the Magnificent One and her idiot Handler.


After Bath Hanging Out

Gidget had her bath today and I blow dried her and brushed her and she came out amazingly soft and way fluffy. Let's see if it lasts till tomorrow when her mommy Audrey comes and gets her.

She was great to wash. I got the idea that she was enduring it all until I took out the treats and it was if I did something magic. Oh - sure have that blower in my face - just give me those treats and i will forgive ya!

She was the only one I bathed. Still under the weather. We have our son from London coming in tonight. His B-day is tomorrow.

Daddy didn't get to train Miss Abs again - still too sick so hoping tomorrow is it. I can hear Sebastians mom saying - excuses - excuses. You know who rules!

Well, I guess we do as it surely is not us in this condition. Usually we care but beyond brushing, throwing the ball around and snuggles - we are napping and trying to get rid of this whatever that has visited us.

I found some 'no more stain' stuff that is actually supposed to remove all stains but not up to trying it out. Will let you know.

That's all for now, folks.


Valetine's Day & Relationships

Last night Sassy was at Coach's playing and watching the Westminister Dog Show and a Havanese placed. Way to go!

I only hear snippets but I hear Coach and Sassy are having a grand time and as we know, Sassy likes to muck it up sometimes even more than the boys. She's a tomboy at heart. She used to have to deal with 5 brothers - you know.

Tomorrow is Valentine's day and I bring this up as some of you may not be aware of the potential hazards.

I have to give a couple of the dogs baths today and may get to the little ones as well. I want to see how 'gold on gold' works on Abigail and Fiona and we already know how 'white on white' works on Sassy, wasabi and Shoshi.

Gidget crawled up in a ball and went to sleep on the bed last night. Wasabi and Risa still claimed the extra bed.

There's more snow on the ground and the dawgs love that! Me - I may take a nap before the day starts - heh - oh what it already started? More later...


Havanese Mom Needs Bath

One day, I am going to blackmail mom with these photos she takes of me. She tells me that now that it is day 13, I need a bath. So what if my cute pups have been making my stomach interesting and so what if I looked like the cat just dragged me through the rafters...I sort of LIKE that look. It's better than a bath any old day!

Well, she tells me that Katsuro needs a bath too so I guess I will have a playmate during this cleaning process. Mom likes to have fun with us when we get a bath and it works. I do enjoy my time but mom will have to blow dry me today as its a bit cold and the puppies will create knots otherwise.

Each day mom gets up, gives me a massage - ahhhh and combs my hair and then weighs the babies. It used to worry me as she would put them in this sling and then hold them carefully in the air. I had no clue what she was up to but I trust the old human mom so I have calmed down and don't even get in the whelping box while she does it. She does though and one day someone is going to capture her in her jammies doing it. Oh...if i could only hold the camera myself.

Well more later...


Halloween Havanese

Okay, it's not Halloween yet but human mom is trying to find an outfit that will fit these 5 havanese boys and 1 havanese gal.

Human dad says, - get a life!

Me, Wasabi - the real mom out of this crew is glad she's not dressing me up. Sure, I have my sweaters and coats but Halloween outfits - please!


Havanese Wasabi Day 5 Watching Pups

This used to be my all time fave place to tease Risa's pups and now I am using it to watch in amazement. I wonder if when they get bigger, Risa will tease mine. We shall see. Time will tell.

We had a visitor yesterday to see our pups. Alex dropped in to say hello and stayed for a bit. He was amazed at how good I look - nice and shiny as if mommy washed me but she can't due to my stitches. Still, this motherhood thing is doing my body good.

All pups are up in weight. I am becoming comfie maneuvering around the pups. I am keeping them clean, feeding them and sometimes I simply stare at them like I am doing here. I just can't believe this miracle - 1 girl, 5 boys.


Havanese Wasabi Can Swim Too!

Hey, this is me - Wasabi who happens to be a swimming maniac. I jump in too when I have my druthers and swim with grace.

See, Katsuro is not the only one that knows how to swim around this place. All Havanese can swim but it's all in how you introduce them to it that makes a difference. Some totally love it like Katsuro (see his video below).

The video is when he first started jumping in but by summer's end, he was AMAZING) . He was jumping without prompting, running and jumping halfway across the pool and loving every minute of it but mommy found this video and just started to learn how to convert the Sony video file to an .avi and splice and edit. She'll get better and find better copy.

Some love it when they want to like me - Wasabi and some tolerate it like my packmate Shoshi. Just like humans, we are all different but have a pool - we can swim!

Best part is when my pups come, mommy can take videos and edit them. Mommy just put this video up to show you we can jump and swim and she had to figure it all out before the pups come. I am still holding on. Any takers for the weekend being the big day?


Bloated Havanese Ready & Waiting

Well, another day passes and mom is making sure I stay clean. I got all dirty after going out with the pups yesterday and I can't resist going into the mud. But mom brushed me up yesterday. Today she placed me on my back to start brushing and feeling pups and then she had the nerve to take an exposed photo like this. Come on, mom - I know Paris Hilton thrives on exposure but me...I am a lady. I guess Paris may say how can you compare me to a dog but if you have to - well I am the genuine thing and she should be lucky to be compared to me. ROFL!

The only Havanese that is owned by a celebrity to my mom's knowledge is Barbara Walters and hers talks - yeah you heard it. Well shh - we all talk but it's those humans that don't know how to listen. I hear the pups talking to me all the time from my tummy and they were saying - 'it's getting too crowded here' - 'stop rubbing her tummy lady' - 'you are squishing us' - 'it's time to get out of this darken, wet place where all my needs are met to seek a new adventure.' Yeah - I heard them and are you going to tell me I am wrong? A mother always knows. Just wait till they get here. They will tell you! Any day now....all six.


Havanese Crowding Scene

Every whimper, every feeling of 'oh, my gad what are they doing in there' Katsuro is there watching, making sure I am okay. He's not sure what is wrong but he's a sensitive soul and he makes sure I am okay always. I guess that's what a 'want to be alpha' does when one of his pack members is not themselves. Besides, he thinks I am simply the best. Ha!

Today the puppies were moving all over. First thing I didn't keep my food down - just too much indigestion. No fever, no other signs just the pups aren't giving me all that much room. Daddy finally hand fed me yet again and I kept it down. Mom was worried at first but when she saw that I can eat small meals vs. a good sized usual one, well she understands.

This is my last week. Mom still thinks Friday but we shall see. I don't tend to do anything like anyone else so I will have to surprise the world. All great things come to those that wait!


A Havanese in Deep Patience

This is me and my belly just hanging out. I tried to get up on the couch today and it doesn't work. For the first time in my life, my body is just not cooperating. I tried and went okay someone moved that couch and tried again and looked at mommy and said - 'what the hey' with those eyes of mine. I wasn't so happy as I am known for my ability to leap tall objects in a single bound and not only that, do it with style and grace. I usually flow with ease. Is this what pregnancy does to you?

I am laying around as the weather is lousy. Daddy tried to take me for a walk. I decided not to let mommy out of my line of sight or smell. So, mommy tried and although I complained last week, I got over it. Today I refused - plain refused as if I was an elephant on the end of that lead and right about now, I feel like it. So, mommy took me out back on lead so I won't go under the deck and all I wanted was to come inside, lay in my whelping box and then hang out with mommy and daddy.

Mommy is making a turkey today - yum, I can smell it. She created this really great dish this morning and for the first time for her I ate it like no tomorrow. I have gained 3 lbs. Risa gained 4 on her last week. Oh well, I am more delicate than Risa. Oh, I love her but gal stop thinking you are using my whelping box - it's MINE.

My pack mate Katsuro is acting strange. He lays around me and stares at me. If I make noises under my breath, which I am doing all the time lately, he sniffs and acts concerned and gets mommy to look after me. It's really interesting as he is younger than me but he is really playing my caretaker making sure I am okay. We have always been close.

Today daddy tried to play with us and all I wanted to do is take my toy and play with it. I am simply not up to running any more and I am sleepy. Daddy invited Terra (our resident retriever) up on the bed and I said 'give me a break daddy - where's the room - best make a new bed that attaches to ours if you are going to do that'. I was laying on Risa's pillow and no one noticed but daddy. The things I get away with and maybe it will stay this way after I am not pregnant. Here's hoping!


Wasabi the Havanese Almost Ready

Well daddy took some great photos of me while I was in my whelping box snuggling with my duck. Is that what I am going to have - little cloth ducks that go quack, quack? Can't you see the concerned look on my face? What am I having in this stomach that seems to 'rock and roll' all the time. Mommy keeps giving me massages so I feel better and I do but...

I am spending more time hanging out in the whelping box wondering what my hormones are telling me - soon - yeah soon. I love the toys that my other momma Rita got me when she was with Auntie Yvonne, Lola and Mags doing the deed. I am hoping she's pregnant too - whatever pregnant is. Mom tells me I will figure THAT out soon.


Daddy's Home - Wasabi's Havanese Vet Visit

What is it about daddy? Look at the way he is snuggling with the Shoshi and Risa is just idolizing him. Me, I am hanging out in the back just watching. I should be getting all the snuggles - you hear?

Okay, so he snuggled with me big time in bed last night when he woke us all up at 1am - oh that was today - it was after midnight. I guess I got my time and I guess he needs to spread the snuggles SOMETIMES!

Well Daddy is home and we are off to see the vets today. More as we know. Puppies are coming real soon and mommy is working on converting the proprietary software that Sony uses on her video camera so she can upload. We are trying before it happens or all you will see is photos.


Yearning for Havanese Summer

Well today the puppies are rockin' and rollin' so to speak. Mommy was rubbing my tummy and it kept kicking back at her. I think it's indigestion - she thinks I have these things inside of me - oh yeah puppies and I adore puppies. I played with them all the time when I lived with Rita at Sonrisas Havanese.

This is me the last day the pool was open. I wish I was in there today. I just can't seem to get comfortable. Mommy did give me a bath - yuck and then brushed me out and is letting me air dry as it is so warm out. I guess she will have to comb me again when I am totally dry.

Tomorrow I go to the vet to get x-rayed with daddy - yeah daddy will be home again and mommy and my other momma Rita from Sonrisas. Now as long as none of the furry cuties that love to kick aren't playing games like I like to (I am a mischievous one but in a good way) and hide behind the other - well we will be able to see how many are in there. Then I know what to expect. I also have to get the rest of my tummy shaved. Mommy's shaver doesn't work so hot. She needs a new one. We will have to use the vets.

Then we are off to see Yvonne's puppies who are almost ready to go to their new homes. They are amazingly delicious and I get to play with them. Me, I will be starting any day. Then they will be driving mommy and daddy deliriously crazy come December when they are as old as Yvonne's are. Oh my - what a holiday this is going to be this year.


Daddy's Gone For This Havanese

Hi Momma Rita - well my other mom here is mad at me as I keep digging a ditch under the deck - smack dab in the center where she couldn't get to me. So now mommy doesn't let me near it. She walks behind me everywhere and redirects me.

She took me out today and all I did was whimper till I got home. I just don't want to go anywhere anymore.

Mom keeps taking that silly stethoscope out to listen to the pups but she can't hear anything.

Daddy's gone on business to Ottawa till very late Thursday night - about 1am Friday morning actually so who is going to feed me tomorrow? Mommy made some hamburger to mix in with my food and I refused to eat it. Daddy sat on the floor and hand fed me and I went yum and ate half of it.

I keep staring at mom all day making sure she is close by. I haven't slept too much today. Mommy got the whelping room set up mostly. She's going to bathe me tomorrow and get it all done. Whatever is she waiting for - I have no clue.

Oh well, mommy is going to try rubbing my tummy and massaging me so I actually sleep. It's been a long day. Daddy's been away and that means I may get his pillow tonight if Risa doesn't grab it first.

Do you think I can teach my pups easily how to do the Havanese snow rub?


Wasabi the Havana Silk Dog Hanging Out

Here I am hanging out in the grass and mommy says it's bath time. I am trying to hold out till Thursday. My coat's still silky and I think having all these baths are silly but I can understand why mom wants me smelling good for the vet for my up close and personal visit.

Mom is busy creating this box for my little ones called a doggie incubator of sorts. She finished the bottom with half of it with a warming pad, bumper pads and all and I just climbed into it and got WAY comfie. If the photos come out, mom will have to change this one out. If not, use your imagination - just know that I am WAY comfie - for the pups - hmmmf it's for me!

I heard Maggie is back home. Rita and Yvonne just had a very long trip but productive one. I get to see Rita on Friday at the vets. She was doing the counting and said next week would be MY week. Well, it's about time.

Daddy is going out of town tomorrow night so it best not happen then. I need my Lamaze coach. There is such a thing as a doggie Lamaze coach, isn't there? I think he forgot to take me to classes. Yoo hoo daddy - it's not too late - breath, focus - what else - can you remember? Better hone your skills cause it's happening soon.


Paris & Cleo Visits Day 50 of Pregnancy - Wasabi's Puppies Coming Soon

Today Paris now known as Gidget came to visit me. She was my very best friend. I used to play with her endlessly but alas today I didn't feel like playing. Katsuro was the one wanting to play. I was really happy to see her though. A day without Gidget is a day without a best friend!

We were also blessed with having a visit with Cleo. Shoshi has begun to think in my delicate state that she needs to protect me so she decided to bark at Cleo and mom and dad had to correct her. It reminds you that no matter how well trained any dog is, if changes occur that sometimes one of the pack will take on a new role not desired. Training is an ongoing thang! I expect to be doing that a lot with my pups with the help of mom and dad.

Cleo is one pretty dog and we were glad to meet her. We hope to see her again!
Mom and dad took us for a walk this afternoon through the forest. I had to stay on leash and so did Shoshi as the Shosh wasn't acting her usual self and me - well I am preggie so mom and dad don't want me getting into anything I shouldn't. So, I had to watch Katsuro and Risa have a roaring good time chasing the squirrels. I was green with envy. Still, it was fun to watch. Gad day 50 - it's all going so fast and mom and dad have to finish my whelping room - that desk has to go!
Well, mommy mentioned to some of her friends the neat toy that Kitty Braund got for her doggies and lo and behold this one showed up for them. Now mommy is trying to figure out how washable it is. Ha! I think I will play with it - forget the doggies.

Another friend got me waterproof pads for whelping and 2 toys. Wow - it's nice being preggie. Mommy told me she wasn't going to let me play with this one as I did with the duck. I think I mauled the duck beyond recognition and it was supposed to be for the pups. Tsk, tsk mom!

Well off to watch TV and snuggle with daddy and mommy. Life is good...for now...


Mom & Dad Are Sick

Gad - what a day. We just hung out and did very little. Mom and dad was really not feeling well but mommy still took me on a walk and just finished working on 2 huge pages a few minutes ago. She wanted to crawl into bed but she took us out back, on a long walk, brushed us and worked - crazy lady! Now we may go to bed and try to do something exciting tomorrow to write about.

I have about 2 weeks to go till puppy time so I decided to practice games with Shoshi. Besides, she's a pushy little thing. I don't think she knows the word no even though I know mommy taught it to her. Oh, she knows it with mommy but with me...well I am glad we played. It's been awhile. When you are preggies, you just don't feel like jumping all over the place.

Well off to catch some serious zzzzzzzzzzzzs Catch you tomorrow!