
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havanese obedience training (25)


Well Balanced

Jazzy is a well balanced boy and that's what you want to achieve. It comes with training, conditioning and trust.

His parents board him so he gains exposure to other dawgs and they have a fab clothing store called 'Eye on Fashion' in Richmond Hill where many a buyer of their merchandise comes in and says hello to Jazzy and sometimes they bring their own Havanese to say hello to him.

This is great socialization.

Jazzy has been hanging out at Talemaker and this will be the first day he won't be walking. The wind chill is sitting at -25 and we take the dawgs out for short stints and have to get them in right away after doing their business.

This winter we have had really cold weather so we have had to watch the dawgs closely. I put bag balm on the feet to make sure their pads do not crack and we watch them closely. Sometimes the dawgs think it's okay to hang out longer than it is safe.

It's called the crazy kid mentality - called having too much fun.

Many of you have probably experienced it if you have kids. They think they can stay out despite they are shivering cause it's fun mom and dad... Well some dawgs will do the same.

Treasure is one of those types of dawgs. She climbs all over Jazzy and he tries to climb back but she doesn't let him.

For her it is partly dominance games as she is a young thing trying everything but Jazzy just placates her as he knows she's a youngster and besides, he rather likes her. She likes him too.

That's what we mean about well balanced - an understanding of other dawgs allowing them to play in such a way to have patience and enjoyment all in one.

Today we are playing games inside. Dawgs are all groomed and snuggling and enjoying warmth.

The key is slow conditioning your dawgs always throughout their lives to get them to be all they are meant to be. Plus love we do with our hearts and souls.


Food Time

You have to understand that some dogs would eat and never stop eating and others you have to figure out what they like.

Our Treasure is one that would eat and eat and eat and waddle out the door. She's my kind of gal. I like to eat too but I would not be showing her how much I love her if I allowed it.

A Havanese can clearly get over weight fast without you noticing.

How can you feed your Havanese less if you have been indulgent? Count the treats as part of their diet in the day. All calories count.

Go to the dollar store and get a dog bowl. The new ones that they have are smaller. Why smaller? Well, when you put that 1/4 cup max into that bowl twice a day (puppies excluded as they need more calories), it will look like you are filling the bowl to the brim and YOU will feel better about the amount. It's all about your eye.

Now our Risa has been on a diet and has been slowly losing. She looks at you with those baby eyes saying - but Mommy but you can't go there. It's tough. Gad I can't do it with myself yet but I will after the pups are gone but love is having rules, boundaries and guidelines. Love is more than giving in to your Havanese. You must learn to say no when it is for their own good.

If we don't, it may mean we are shortening their lives unintentionally - out of the goodness of our hearts.

Now what do you do if you have a Havanese that doesn't eat so well? We had one of those but when she matured, she eats quite fine. For her, we fed her twice the amount everyone else had as her metabolism would burn off everything in sight. We also got creative and fed ger many things nixed in with her kibble. Now, she had gained and needs to maintain at her weight. That means back to that 1/4 cup twice a day and then monitor her weight. If she starts losing again, add a slight amount more till you get it right for her.

As your Havanese gets older, you also need to watch and monitor.

Food hounds are wonderful as they perform well for treats but if they are in obedience class once a week, take into consideration how many treats you are feeding and either skip their meal class night or reduce. You will be glad you did. A hungry dog will work for you and strive to get what you want him/her to do for that treat and the upside is you get a perfectly behaved dog and they relate belly filling times with class and suddenly that class isn't half bad but it's FUN!

Then you can make that transition to having fun without the treats.


Pack Leader: Havanese

Treasure and her sticks - oh my - spring begins and will my garden ever survive?

Here's an interesting philosophy of being the pack leader. Some believe that you need to calm your dogs, walk in front - not allow them to play or jump or act crazy on a walk. We tend to control the walk but we also allow them to enjoy. So - who really is in charge?

If you have a dog trying to pull and do everything they want but not what you want - try this.

If your dog is pulling or acting out while you are walking, stop and just stand there calmly till they calm down. That first walk may take a long time especially if you have to keep standing there till they calm down but eventually they will 'get' that if they want to go anywhere, they must do so in a calm and relaxed state. Why do it this way? It beats struggling with them and by leaving the frustration behind you, you convey to your Havanese what you expect and it puts you in charge - as it should be. I am not saying don't allow them to sniff but do so when you want - when you have the time.

Back to stick eating Talemaker Havanese style - and how do we stop that!!!!! heh


Fiona & Abigail: Show Life

Is the show over yet, Mommy? Well today it was Fiona and Nathan's turn to shine and they received 3 points. Nathan did a fab job and he will kill me for saying so. He is a low key guy about all his accomplishments and the shows are not so easy. So the doggies and us say bravo, Nathan!

Fiona was on her game scatting and having a grand time in the ring.

I guess after a few days - she was rather comfie in her environment.

Here's a photo that was taken while Fiona hung out to get her photo with the judge. She had to wait till the judge was free so there was a lot of hanging out. It's okay as she is closer to getting her championship and that's what it's about.

We will get there but the team is improving and then there is the next show then Treasure then puppies and can't wait till the fun part.

The fun part for us is our doggies hanging out, learning - playing and puppies - puppies and puppies but hey winning can be nice too especially when it's an end to a means.

Now back to resting, working and catching some zzzzs with the puppy we have visiting called Lil Man. What a card. If interested - do send us mail.

Shhh we may also be getting Gina to visit - we shall see. It's never a dull moment at Talemaker Havanese.


Relationships & More

In a pack, relationships can often change. I have tried to figure out what the catalyst for changed attention but haven't totally figured it out yet but I still find it mighty interesting.

Fiona and Treasure used to be best buds and now lately it's all about the Abs. If you pay attention, you see a dance of manipulation in vying for someones attention. I swear I am in grade school again or the bug in the wall watching it all unfold.

Today, Kat tried to take Shoshi's bone and years ago she would have walked away but not today. She told him off and he listened. Nothing violent - just a growl and a body move to protect and he walked away. That's 'good' communications. If I had corrected Shoshi, she would have been the dog that always had everything taken away and me trying to protect her. I do not let it escalate but communications should be allowed otherwise the dog doesn't feel as if it has any control over his environment and that can make for a very unsure dog. You have to know when to step in and when not to. There is a difference. No one attacks anyone around here but they can communicate.

Well, we are taking 3 dogs to handling class tonight - Fiona, Abigail, and Treasure. Abigail and Fiona will be where the attention is but we may take Treasure around a time or two to get her used to a ring. She'll be in the ring in April and that's sooner than we think.

More tomorrow.


Confidence in Havanese

Are confident dogs just that or do you have to cultivate it? It's the latter. Although some have more confidence as a base - even the most balanced dog from the onset in the litter can be spooked by strange noises, people, things, events etc. Don't assume that always confident dog will remain that way unless you expose them.

How do you get your dog to be all it can be? Training!

By investing the time in training, you build your dog's self esteem by giving him a challenge that he can achieve over and over again and we all know if we can do things right eventually - well it feels good. It also works his mind and creates a bond like none other. But be sure you only practice POSITIVE training.

Bonus is a training class will give you slow conditioning to exposure of other types of dogs.

I am a firm believer to find an instructor that can control their class with presence and always knows how to handle a situation. For us, we want our dogs exposed to larger dogs as that is what we have in life. I do not want them to be skittish around them so a mixed class is great for this. We go all the way out to Blackstock as we really love the instructor at Daytripper. For us - who teaches and the way they teach matters.

At the top you will see Treasure in her obedience class strutting with the ease of confidence. She also has that stance when out in the backyard as you can see in this photo here.

She tends to have a good base but a garage door opening made her jump to say what was that on a walk. It was sudden and she didn't know what it was but I bet you next time it will be oh - its that.

We are afraid of what we do not know and that's true with the dogs. Slow conditioning is the answer to any fears that have set in and any fears that appear suddenly. They do have fear periods but we mustn't coddle but help them to understand and not validate their fears but instead show them by our body language and with a good base of training that they can play recovery and not hold on to their initial reaction. When they do play recovery and realize it's nothing to fear, they have started the process of being all they can be - with your help - of course.

So, puppies - adults - all can benefit. Do your dog and yourself a favour - have fun and enjoy a class or two. It's the best money you will ever spend if you invest the time in between.

Happy Valentine's Day from the Talemaker crew. May you spend it with loved ones and Treasure the ones that are there for you - always - your 4 legged crew.

Well - we are off to the vets for Treasure and Risa. Enjoy the moment and think of fun ways to get your dog to be all they can be. It's the most rewarding thing you will ever do.


Recliner Love Fest Havanese Style

Hey - the camera is back. Today we picked up the camera and took Fiona into Home Depot. Yes you CAN take your dog into Home Depot. How cool is that? Well we do it to condition them to the noise and boy was it noisy today. The tail went down slightly then back up and down slightly - never quite making it to half mast but you realized the noise was not a familiar one so this slow conditioning is a GOOD thing. So are visits to Petsmart.

Well tonight Treasure goes to her obedience class - only tonight and next week to go. It's far for us but well worth it. Tonight we are going to learn - 'go to your bed' and we have to take our bed to class. This is great for those big dogs that hog the couch but we don't have that problem. Nathan sits down and watches TV and they don't do that couch thing but instead join him on the recliner quite literally but Nathan is a good egg and as you can see - he laughs about it. What's even more of a riot is that's not all the dogs. Do you think our dogs will benefit from a 'go to your bed' training session? You tell me.

Was hoping to do another level class but no next level so maybe it is time to get her into handling class especially if she is making her debut in April. Still - if Teddy had a class - I would go.


Camera's in Shop: Poor Havanese or Me?

Well, the digital camera is in the shop to get fixed. It can take up to 6 weeks. Can you hear that primal scream. I may have to borrow a camera for Markham especially for the Best of the Best. I wanted to take photos at Woodstock this weekend but can I - nah. Do you know how many Havanese photos I take a day? Nah - you don't want to know.

But let's say that our dogs now freeze at times as if to say - okay take a photo now. One has to laugh. I will have to go back to using Nathan's Nikon Coolpix and just coping.
Well, Abigail got a present today from Beth of pink long johns. I can't wait to get them on and click a photo but who has a camera. Okay - as soon as Nathan comes home - I will point and click and post a photo of the darling in these pinkie things for you to see. This is to help protect her coat.
Abigail is blowing her coat BIG TIME. But good news - is if I didn't have to deal with the shows - it means her adult coat is coming in and then we will be done with it. Blowing ones coat usually just happens once.
Oh and did I tell you Treasure created a slide off the deck so she doesn't want to walk down the stairs. Oh my gad is it funny.


Havanese Treasure Trouble AGAIN!

Let's see - Treasure has climbed over a gate - yep climbed over not once but several times. She's opened kitchen cabinets to throw pasta around. She looks at things and troubleshoots. What she wants is what she wants. Her name is Treasure and we do treasure her but it should have been Trouble - hahahaha

Here she is playing with Fiona's sister Coco.

We are off to class tonight and after missing a week - we hope we don't have too much to catch up on. We shall see.

We were lucky enough to have Coach and Sassy over with their owner John and that was a delight. It's been way too long. Wish the outdoor pix came out but hey the memories are in our head and that Fiona - well she just LOVED John. Usually she's not overly friendly - friendly yes but not overly and she was with John. He must have passed her - he's a real dog person test.

Well, we are dead here from shoveling out snow paths in the yard but its worth it to watch the dogs running in them.

Beth bought Abigail a pair of long johns and that will be coming in the mail. We will be a stylin' and saving her blowing coat hair stage she is in.

More later.>>


Teaching Patience to a Havanese

WE now put on a t-shirt on Abigail to protect her hair from Treasure. Well, I found it on the kitchen floor and no one took it off. Now what is that about? I haven't figured it out yet but I want to.

I am looking for doggie long johns sold in Canada that I want to put on Abigail and Fiona. If you see them, let me know. I know they are available in the states.

Treasure is going through the stage of teeth coming in and getting WAY Too excited about treats. How do you deal with that? If you don't, she may bite you not on purpose but in pure desire to get that treat. If you have one of those, you must curb that. How do you do it? You teach patience.

Take a treat and show it to them then close it in your hand. Let them sniff your closed hand. When they stop sniffing, reward. After you do this for a bit - a week or so, try the floor - and ask them to wait. Don't let them eat off the floor but ask them to wait/sit - whatever you want and only reward when you do not have to correct them by giving them the treat from your hand. You are in control over the treats. Don't give then the idea that the floor is. Sounds crazy but its important.

If you have multiple dogs, that over enthusiasm may rear its ugly head. Use the closed hand till they calm down and reward. It works.

No one likes a dog that doesn't bite with a soft hand when you are treating them. But puppies may not be patient especially if they are competing. It's up to you to guide them. It's these little things that can make all the difference in the world.


Treasures Got a Secret

Let's shake things up around this place!

That's what Treasure seems to be saying to Terra. She certainly likes to do just that.

Let's see, she's eaten my Ann Rule book. She's opened the sliding door to steal my shoes. She opened a cabinet in the kitchen to grab a bag of pasta and throw it around and you swear she is having a ball doing it. We won't tell you what she does with the toilet paper faster than a blink of an eye. She runs like hell thinking you won't catch up to her.

Not all are this adventurous but with some rules and boundaries, this cutie won't turn into a nightmare or a spoiled brat.

Deep down we enjoy such 'street smarts' so to speak but we can't let HER know that.

Plus if she keeps going this way, she will be great in the ring as she certainly has an attitude that she adores being 'it'. We shall see.

Now she doesn't scare us a bit - now how could she nor does she upset us really. We just are guiding her and letting her know the rules without killing that special personality.

Then she takes a rest and that 'melt my heart' cutie is there. Be still my heart!


Practice - Training - Havanese Style

Well, although yesterday was a blip. Nathan was able to etch out time to train the dogs.

Training consists of getting all of them on the table and doing lead work and more with Treasure.

As it gets closer to show time, we will be doing lead work with all plus Monday we will start going to handling classes with Abigail and Fiona for their next show.

Treasure can't be shown until April. That sounds like lots of time but is it?

You really should start general training months ahead of time to get them used to the lead, find their enthusiasm for it and create that bond. Without that connection - well it just won't work as great as it could.

But the key is not to do it for a very long time in one dose and find the fun - the connection. It is also important to correct when they are doing what they shouldn't be.

You need to correct in a positive way. They learn and you don't allow habits - well to become habits that are incorrect.

After the outside work, Nathan came in and did some table work. Realize that a good portion of dogs get nervous being up on a table the first time. Many have their tails down and some for weeks while you do training. It all depends on many things but each are individuals.

Think of it like a public speaking event for a human. Some can stand up and go on and on with much comfort and others have to learn and find their comfort level by getting exposure. Some never quite get it entirely and those are the dogs - well the kind even if they are perfect in every other way - well we say - if they don't like it - do what you need to and then forget the rest.

Now why would they be nervous? The table doesn't have sides. It's high up and they have no clue what you expect from them.

It's important to get them to feel their comfort level and then you start making sure they are stacked properly - feet where they are supposed to be etc.

One other thing you have to do is check their teeth. A good portion of dogs will wonder what you are doing first time they experience this. Others hate their back end touched and arch their back.

Each dog is different.

Then after all the training was done, Nathan invested some fun time with a break in-between with doing some retrieve. He gets on the floor - makes all sorts of fun sounds and the dogs LOVE it. As I said, training is important but don't forget that training should be fun and rewarding. You and your attitude make all the difference in the world. If you get frustrated - stop - and come back at it later in a better frame of mind. Your Havanese can read how you feel.


Off to Class: Big Dogs and All

We went all the way out to Blackstock last night as we like a certain instructor and her obedience is all about the connection, the focus on you etc so it helps with the ring. Treasure walked in surrounded by all large and mind you rambunctious dogs as they were large in body – puppies so silly in mind. Tail was down for about 3 minutes. She looked around – Nathan walked her around and tail went up and she played recovery. The instructor demo’d with her and her tail went down for about 1 minute till she saw she had treats. She looked at Nathan – looked at the treats and tail up and – oh I can do this – follow the treats. She is treat, happy voice and toy motivated.

She even had dogs trying to get in her space – no issue.

She was extremely attentive, loose lead on heel and had only been on a lead twice before less than 5 minutes each as Nathan hadn’t got around to it. She picked up ‘by me’ fast – leave the treat etc – all fast – everything she had thrown at her – she learned by showing her one or 2 times.

Her recovery and fast pickup on all commands gave our instructor the idea that she was trained before class. She wasn’t. Our instructor also commented how she struts with confidence as if the room is hers. She was amazed. She does have a strut as if to say – look at me!

I was very surprised as we did not socialize her due to not having her shots other than visiting dogs and our own. She hadn’t gone anywhere she never been before. Kat, Fiona and Treasure are the only dogs that speak their minds with Risa.

After we picked her up from Beth’s we visited Yvonne and she had her tail down for quite sometime – weeks ago but still was a concern that she would need some work. She came here and the tail never went down so I said hmm maybe just new places so I was ready for lots of work.

It was a pleasant surprise. Wish I had taken a video to show her bounce in her step – her – what’s next daddy – can we do that again. Oh I can’t have the treat now – okay – I will wait – now can I have it. She did a heel loose lead right away – now to get her to do it without paying attention to daddy till the end.

Thanks for indulging me in sharing a fun evening with our latest addition. Here I thought she was my dog and she didn’t even pay any attention to me.

By the way, want to see Blackstock in the light – country stores – this old tiny chapel building we are practicing in – looked quite fun to visit. Now the only thing that could have made it more fun is having Yvonne join us but that’s some travelling for her. It is for us – but I think further for her.

If she continues like this - we have a star in the making. It also helps that Nathan gets better as he keeps at it. He indeed has his comfort level. The dogs can tell too!

PS: we have a puppy visiting overnight today and then off to Amsterdam. The dogs are going to have fun - another puppy in the house - photos to come. hehehehe

If you are doing the show thing - train, train and train in various environments - obedience, games, handling but make it fun. We decided stand/stay was in the cards vs. sit as yu usually do not teach a show dog sit but I think Treasure would 'get' it. Still - best not to.


Danger Lurks in Havanese Curiousity

We work in our home and that means we have computers and dogs and computers mean cords. When one has a puppy, you have to spray, get the cords out of the way and supervise.

If you have a dog like Treasure, well then that's a challenge but one worth doing. So, we got a rack that hitches to the underside of my desk and handles all the cords. When we had our last puppy, it was as easy as placing a crate in front of the mess but not with our Treasure. Where there is smoke, well she lives up to the name - there's fire.

So, go the extra mile to protect your treasured one. We treasure our Treasure and are doing so and you can too.

We are off to class tonight with Treasure. We didn't get much sleep. My camera was on the fritz and I thought it was user idiocy but no our repair place Henry's also had the same issue until guess what - they replaced the battery. Hmm but that means my battery is bad. No - they put mine back in and its still working so I may be able to get photos of tonight. We shall see.

Tomorrow we will report how she did considering she has had the lead on twice never been around big dogs other than our two and the one she was born with - well it may be an adventure but a must when it comes to helping your little one find their coping skills. You do it with slow, consistent exposure in a safe environment and what better way than a class with a fab instructor.

More tomorrow!


Havanese Treasure's Training Begins

Darlah and I both feel that formal dog training is of utmost importance. I don’t care how many dogs you’ve previously owned, there is always something to learn and the socialization aspects to any class are not to be underestimated.

We attended class all over Toronto until we finally found the class and the instructor that we liked, that we felt taught our values. We’ve subsequently taken courses with her with many of our dogs. They teach positive reinforcement. They use clicker training or an upbeat YES to mark the dogs correct behaviour, followed by a reward.

Five of our dogs have taken lessons with her, some dogs such as Kat took more than one level of obedience training. He is a natural.

Later this week we will start classes with Treasure. As she is destined to be shown in the Conformation Ring there are some aspects of obedience training that affect what will be required from her in the show ring. For example, in the show ring the dog never sits. She will stand, walk, stack and patiently allow herself to be examined on the table. In obedience the sit command is one of the most important.

When we took obedience courses with Abigail and Fiona we actually had them learn stand instead of sit but I’m thinking with Treasure we’ll teach her sit and then teach her stand and just make sure she learns the stand command really well, as did Kat.

We also attend Handling classes with Kat, Abigail and Fiona as they are going to all be shown this year, as is Treasure. I’m thinking she’ll take both the obedience course and Handling classes and they will overlap. The socialization will be good for her.

A different type of leash is used in each class. In any case she is very treat motivated which will help teach her what we expect her to do. And Treasure is very independent. She needs the training regardless. Formal classes are always a good thing providing the class is well controlled and the atmosphere a positive one.


PS: Darlah here - This is the 2nd time Treasure had a lead on and Treasure was none too happy. We will do it tomorrow (class starts Thursday) and eventually they see it as a positive especially when they get treats and get taken places. Dear old Fiona had to be almost dragged around the block before she said - okay - I guess this isn't so bad. I gently tugged her 3/4 of the way around our cul-de-sac until she gave in. She was a mighty stubborn one. But Fiona likes to get her own way no matter what. She needs a firm idea of rules and boundaries always in a positive way. Treasure seems to have an even stronger personality so classes should be interesting. watch for our Thursday night update or maybe Friday as we are driving over an hour away to go to this one instructor we love in Blackstock. call us crazy but the instructor and how she runs a class matters, imho.


Adventurous Havanese Dogs

Gidget (formally Paris) was over visiting with her person(s) Audrey and Audrey's mom.

Gidget will be back on a sleepover this Friday having a doggie holiday. We can't wait.

Gidget was checking out the rustling of the leaves and for a moment I thought - oh no - that skunk again but it was the Abs, under the plants having a grand time but not knowing how to get out till her daddy laid down and guided her.

Kooba is coming along really great. She tried to play with Gidget but Gidget had a one track mind and just wanted Kat. ROFL Don't they all. We will see how that all unfolds when she visits.

Whenever a new dog enters the mix, the pack changes and it is always interesting to watch. If you have multiple dogs and take one in, you will see what I mean and we rather like that it mixes things up as it gives us the opportunity to help them deal with changes and it often adds some fun laughter as well.

Well, as you know, we have been on this diet kick. I am only down 3 lbs. Risa is down 4 ounces (sigh), Fiona gained and is now a 9lb dog as much as Kooba and Gidget. I haven't checked the others but we are heading down the right track. Yes, Fiona is on the diet I want - eat all you want and just gain, gain, gain. Well not too much but I want those genes.

Hoping you have a great weekend. Tomorrow we start training Kooba with basic commands. We will let you know how it goes.


Graduation for Coach, Zack and Fiona


Show, Last Night & Today Havanese Style

We do not have time but will later. We have a show to get ready for, work and the update will come today - later.

We will try to get a slide show of last night's obedience class and tell you how Zack slid into home run to win. Gad - where is the video camera when you need one.

Let's not forget Coach who really improved amazingly since that first night - wow!

For now, enjoy Fiona in class last night so in tuned to Nathan or was that the treat or both?

She was a complete circus clown last night but she wouldn't be her otherwise.


Door Waiting & Barking Havanese

Just watched a show where it said it is natural for your crew to announce someone coming to the door but then it should stop. If it continues, to block off their access to you like we have with this gate and stand there without any contact - say sit/down whatever and the first one to stop barking and sit quietly gets their treat.

It emphasized to be consistent and to be patient and wait. Each time you do it, the time frame should lessen but do not expect a single bark as dogs feel it is their job to warn you.

We are giving it a try and letting you know how it goes. Will fill you in when we have a few of these sessions down pat.

We are off to handling tonight, obedience tomorrow and then shows all weekend. So there will be updates daily but not necessarily in the morning. We shall see.


Much to Do in Havanese Living

Our little Miss Abs is a gal in waiting. She hates waiting. Oh, she waits for a treat even if she is the last one in the pack but if handling class is too large - well it's boring so her mind works at ways to either tune out or mix it up. If she can't play with the Dobie or any other dog close by, well then she lays down and tunes out. We are working on getting her distracted and focused on her handler - daddy so she doesn't get bored. She's an adventurous gal and if life is not exciting - well it's B-O-R-I-N-G! Her breeder tells me we just make life too fun for her. ROFL

Well, we have a busy week. We had Linda with her Havanese over last night and we almost had Remy over for a quick visit but he had company come in. We also almost had Benny over from Risa's last litter but we are way too busy this week with shows coming up - it almost makes your head spin.

Let's see, we have handling class tonight and tomorrow night. Obedience on Thursday. Friday, Saturday and Sunday we have a show with the Miss Abs and Yvonne comes with Lola.

I have the finals for 'Dancing' and 'Idol' to cover. Who sleeps? Plants to cover in this cold. A pool salt cleaner that isn't working so at this rate no swimming yet - hahaha Then we get to do it all again next week.

Yesterday, Miss Abs and Fiona got into BIG trouble. Oh, it's funny but can't let them know that. I had planted some plants in my pots and left a half filled dirt plastic pot big enough to look good but not too big that a dawg couldn't carry it around spilling dirt all over the place from outside to in. The gals were delighted as if they had found a pot of gold and ran for their little playhouse to hide and investigate this find but daddy caught them and took it away. Oh - the things dogs can get into.

We also heard that Zack is fitting in well and is even getting Coco to eat faster than her usual as Zack thinks its all his, I imagine. Can't wait to hear all about their adventures. It's nice!

More later...