
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


Panda's First Show

Panda got Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite today.

She performed rather well for her very first show. She won't be showing tomorrow as the judge teaches our handling class. So Nathan will be at the show all day helping out and I will be at home.

After getting her face in the greasy BBQ stuf that Dennis was cleaning yesterday, it was a miracle I got her clean at all.

Today we are going to take photos outside as Scruffy and Ringo are here. Tiger Lilly is coming soon. So look for those later today.


Today's Class

Panda or Roxie will not be going to class tonight.

Panda is in a show on Thursday and she would be too tired as she would have to be washed after class. I mulled it over, talked to the handler teacher and we all agreed that it would be a lot for me but detrimental to Panda to have her show sluggish so time off just this week.

We will play catch-up and teach on our own for the week. Panda really seems to enjoy the handling class.

As I haven't gone to handling classes lately it was a pleasure to see how much Panda has progressed.

She even was excited to go to class and happy to see all the other dogs.

The judge made fun of Nathan talking to the dogs in a cute manner but that's because she owns a power breed and you can't talk to them like that. But we laughed and Panda performs better than way so I say go for it.

Why is it okay for a woman to talk to a dog in a cute manner and not a man in the ring? It's not for some and for some it is.

It tells me you have to know who you are showing to. So many opinions on ring ettiquette.

It reminds me of Fiona scatting in the ring. People laughed and laughed but this one judge was mad and wanted her to be serious. So, Nathan accomodated him but Fiona was not happy. Havanese are supposed to be playful, folks!


Early Morning Snuggles

Danielle gets up around 7am and watches tv and snuggles with the dogs. Here she is snuggling with one of her fave, Sparky. I think he is a sensitive soul and realizes Danielle needs extra loving.

Tonight I am off to meet Nathan at handling class with Panda. He's been at an all day Pet First Aid Class with Lori.

The weather was just right to have the dogs outside. It wasn't too cold. It wasn't too hot.

I got everyone groomed and even Logan stood in line and said my turn.

It makes me feel good as I have to be doing something right by them for the lineup.

Time to feed the crew the head out to class. The day went by too fast. I suppose it does when one is very busy.


Scruffs & the Toilet Roll

From Lori:

So this is a cute story that I had to tell you about.  As you know, I am nocturnal and now so is the Scruffster. (Oops, my bad!) Roger has to find unique ways to get us both out of bed at 7am on those few unfortunate mornings that I start work early.  Neither of us is cooperative, of course, and we vehemently protest every time!

This morning, however, Roger came up with an ingenious idea.  Now, I will give you both some of the credit because it was yesterday's conversation that likely planted the seed.  He said, "Scruffy if you get up there is a treat waiting for you in the bathroom."  Unable to resist, I said, "Really? What did u do?" He said, "Go and see." Well, curious as a cat, I jumped out of bed and ran to see what it was.  I was so excited when I saw it, I said, "Scruffy, Scruffy, Scruffy!  Come see the treat Poppa left you."  Of course, Scruffs gets all excited at the word treat and also jumps out of bed to come collect.  He ran straight to the empty toilet paper roll in the middle of the floor and snatched it up like a puppy in a pet food store.  Mission accomplished right? But guess where he took it? Right back to bed! Hehehe, smart boy! He takes after his Momma Bear :)

This is a bad photo, but he wouldn't hold still for all his excitement!


Bathing Socks

Socks is getting a bath in a few minutes and he can be a wild child but a lovable one. hahahaha

He goes home soon so best get the bath ready.

He's a fun guy and a joy to have around.

Here's photos as promised of the crew inside and out playing including Steven's crew swimming.


Steven and May's Photos Plus a Video

Check them out. Link is on the Fiona's Blog as well.


Kat & the Kids

It's not often enough that we get Steven over with his 3 that happened to be Kat's kids. It's rather nice day as we had puppy people over and then Steven and May with the 3 Kat kids came over for their first time swimming.

Steven and May do not swim as many humans don't so it was an extra treat for us and for them to see what they could do in the pool.

I have many more photos and so does Steven and May but here is just a highlight as I have puppy photos to do first.

I want you to know that all 3 of their dogs swim really, really well. It was a treat to see them, click them, eat good food and have great company and yum on the chocolates and the dogs I am sure will say yum on the dog treats.

We don't do this often enough but we really enjoyed the afternoon. It can't get better than this sharing the puppies and then also seeing Kat's puppies swim. This is Raylan in Nathan's arms.

Bonus Roxie jumped in the pool and I only got the going to leap and the in the pool shot and not the between and I think Steven got the same. It was the only time she jumped in. Got to try to get her jumping in like Kat so we have more  opportunities.

Before Steven and May left we put Raylan and Monty in with the pups. I didn't get photos of that but Steven promised to share his with us. They were WONDERFUL with the pups. Mac still thought they were martians so he watched. Can't wait to see those photos.

Here is the highlight of them swimming with more to come tomorrow along with that one shot of Roxie jumping in. I hope Steven got a better one than I did.


No Great Photos

Tell Nathan to take photos and this is what I get. Well, you get the idea, I hope.

I was too busy today doing puppy baths, grooming everyone and we have the grandkids here.

That's my excuse but the dogs are still managing fun without me. Hey they have Nathan and Dennis and me when it comes time to groom.

My laundry room sink backed up so Logan and Panda didn't have a bath but bending in a tub I can't do yet.

Grooming I can...

Steven and May and their dawgs are coming over after the puppy visit and I think I have to do takeout cause Nathan says that's my job and well I still have a house to clean so nice... I am so bad I am not sure if I promised lunch or not.

Well, off to clean. Looking forward to their visit despite 'my jobs' not getting done.


I'm Here: Scruffy

All I can say is Scruffy came in as if to say, I am here and never stopped. I think he tuckered Sparky and Tia out in a big way.

Here is a few photos of Sparky and Scruffy.

And after a few runs in the mud in the backyard from all this rain, Scruffy had a bath. Now he is home I bet catching some serious zzzzs.

No toilet paper rolls for you little guy!


Delilah & Kat Puppy

Meet Smudge. This is a Kat and Delilah puppy. Delilah is Abigail's sister who lives in Nova Scotia.

Deb (Delilah's owner) was looking for a black and white or silver and white gal she could show and this is the only black and white from this litter and so far so good.

I know I am biased but she is rather cute. It makes sense as Kat makes beautiful pups with Abigail so why not with her sister. She even has the name I originally had for Panda. :-) Deb didn't know about that either. How interesting.

Sparky had a bath today and it was hard to get a photo of him perfect. What is perfect anyways?

Each time I brushed his hair he shook or rolled or - well IMPOSSIBLE.

Here are a few photos after his bath mostly so Mary doesn't miss him so. He feels silky as ever but the perfect photo - well almost....heh

They are in the midst of letting him grow out.

Now Cody goes home so it will soon be time for his bath.


Sophie's Travels

Here are a couple of videos from Sophie's vacation on the Canadian shore (PEI).

Red Point



Bath Tomorrow

Sparky, Socks, Tia and Cody are having a ton of fun literally. What a fun group.

Going to give Sparky a bath tomorrow. He simply can't wait till he gets picked up. Don't worry Mary he will get another. :-0

I just find clean hair knots less so he's at that point. Sometimes I can go longer - sometimes not. It truly depends on the type of the hair. Clean hair means less work for me especially since I line comb each bath. It can last for DAYS if you line comb clean hair.

Treasure had a bath today. It's been a month for her. Why so long? I guage the need when the hair starts knotting or when it simply looks dirty. Hers lasts the longest though hers looks greasy when it is dirty.

Most are about every 2 weeks. Logan is a once a week. If I don't do him once a week he will have serious knots. I can go 10 days at the max but I like him going clean for a weekend to mom. This way mom doesn't have to be fretting about his hair and I don't have to take knots out. I like him looking at me adoringly vs. giving me the evil eye.

Most people won't do a once a week bath and on a dog that has dry hair you can dry it out more if you wash it too frequently creating different types of knots. Crazy, eh?

Coating it and giving deep conditioners on dry hair not every week but every 2 weeks actually helps dry hair. Using a good grooming spray matters.

Tomorrow I wash Cody, Sparky and maybe Shoshi. We shall see. Cody for sure as he goes home. It all depends on my stamina and the weather. Good weather means outside with pups and grand kids. Inside means more time to wash.

Fiona and the pups get a wash on Friday to get ready for their visitors - puppy owners and Steven and crew after that. We are going to try to get Steven's crew in the water. Let's hope the weather cooperates.


Today's Update and Lynda's Picnic Photos

Socks and Jazzy have been hanging outside with Sparky. The boys just can't get enough with playing crazy games outside and who can blame them.

I am so late in updating as I had Truffie and Spice to wash today and the rest to brush.

Jazzy just came to play and will be going shortly. I am hoping his exit is before the rain comes so he can look good for his mom and dad. No bath for Jazzy but he is clean and handsome and I would like to keep him that way.

Sparky looks at his food and says - is that all there is? Yes, we feed him a bit extra but he is still saying - is that all there is. hahahaha

Sparky loves to lay on top of you while you watch tv snuggled into the blankets you have on top of you.

Socks and Sparky seem to be playing tag team with Roxie or Abigail. Abigail is not thrille with it and is now telling them off but Roxie thinks they just LOVE her and well I think they are just having fun with her. heh

Here are a few photos from the picnic taken my Lynda on her iphone.


Jane Waring's Picnic Photos


Steven and Mays Picnic Photos


Too Tired

It's not often that I say I am too tired to blog and do photos but I am.

I can't stop from yawning. I feel a knot or two coming in on Spice but no grooming, no photos - nada.

It's one of those days that I am totally spent.

I need to play recovery.

So until tomorrow, here is Scruffy all cleaned up after the picnic and Sophie who is heading back home to Ct after her trip to the Canada shores. Sophie looks like I feel and I wish I could be doing!


2012 Annual Picnic Shot

2012 Annual Picnic Shot - Click for Larger View

We came, we survived the sunshine, the rain, the swimming pool bathers (Kobe and Roxie). We had great conversation, food, marvelous times with the dogs that looked like wet rags going home. Each year we take a shot and never manage to get everyone in as they either leave too early, come too late or just don't want to be in photos and I GET that!

Thanks goes to Steven and May that are wonderful taking these photos each year so we can share with you. Without them I certainly wouldn't be in the photo and would be clicking instead.

Thank you to Yvonne and Alex for opening their yard, the home to all these wonderful dawg people and I am proud to say are part of our dog families. The way I see you connect with the dogs with much love actually does my heart good. It's the reason we can do this.

Thank you for all that brought yummy food! Kobe beef - wow!

Watching Maxine and her parents running around like Nathan does and playing with the dogs - WOW. Gerda coming all the way from Alberta and saying she would do it again - WOW. Scruffster's parents - the interaction and the smiles you gave me laughing about the two step dancing, Heather those clothes you wear are amazing and you and Fred's sense of humour - priceless plus Marlaina's gentleness with Risa... WOW Carol's dancing with her two dogs - Coco and Doozie - AMAZING - and I could go on and on but I would bore you I imagine. All of you - each one of you I have to say I am so happy you are a part of our lives.

Those that visit us - special. Daisy squealing in delight at Nathan and I - priceless - here I go again - enough - I may have not mentioned you but that doesn't mean I won't but let's spread the stories out and share with each other the fun in the comments so those that didn't come know what was missed.

Even the huddle wet rag experience was interesting!


Few Photos 

Not every photo but a few - too tired to do them all...

Promise I will get to the photos by Monday. Today, I am so exhausted! Late for daughter's party too and not sure I have energy to drive there. :-(


Havanese Picnic 2012

Brushing, crazy rain outside but we are off to go to the picnic and if the dogs get wet - that's okay. We hear no rain in Brighton so maybe that far away equals dryness. We shall see.

It's really going to be fun either way!


Washa Washa

Roxie is washed. Got Logan, Panda and Kat to do as soon as I finish typing. I am posting a photo of Roxie as she won't look this way tomorrow.

Yes, the picnic is on rain or shine but we are arriving at 10am for setup so I expect my dogs to look like ragamuffins by the time everyone comes.

So, why am I washing?

Logan Just Washed After a DrinkWell, haven't figured out that one as they will surely need baths on Sunday. hahahaha

Sparky arrived and is smitten with Roxie. He is doing really well enjoying the other dogs.

Photos of the other washed dogs later cause as I said this is the cleanest you will see them.

That's okay, they will have a grand time.

Here you will see Logan just washed and after a drink so he can wet his face don't ya know. Dawgs....

Risa and Abigail was washed yesterday. They will get brushed at 6am tomorrow as we leave no later than 8am tomorrow.

 Panda Just Washed