
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.



Benji had a bath before he went to his uncles house and I have to tell you I didn't know if I should put his hair up or leave it down. He can see either way but its us humans that can't figure it out.

He flies out with his uncle on Saturday to see his family and have another holiday. Such a lucky guy. I lined combed him every which way in hopes that he lasts till Saturday but I have my doubts. We will wait to hear.

I will tell you everyone misses him but especially Charlie. But that's okay, Charlie needs a rest today and as he has the Cooper coming and he will keep him on his toes for a couple of days.

Got Logan cleaned up and brushed before he headed home. Nathan did Panda. This body is mighty sore so I let him. I will do Panda tomorrow. Although Panda is a show gal and needs her hair taken care of extra hers tends to be wonderful so it is Logan that needs the extra care for now.

Today Nathan was practicing down and twirl and all the commands Carol sent us with Coco. It was a riot and she knows them so well she does them in a crowd.

That's a testament to her mommy Carol, I am sure!

Coco and Doozie are such amazing dogs due to what Carol puts into them. They do dance and several levels of obedience and it shows.

Doozie has found that Abigail and Wasabi is a lot of fun. Unfortunately when she perked up to play with Wasabi today Wasabi said not today. By weeks end I am sure Wasabi will be back playing again. Till then, Coco and Doozie play like sisters as they are both sharing the same dad. They also live with each other so no surprise. Abigail, Spicy, Roxie and Panda play with both so getting tuckered out is a usual.

Till tomorrow...


We are Home

Wasabi is now home. She seems to be doing rather fine. It's been a very long day. She's eaten a big meal.

It's sad that we won't see anymore Wasabi pups but its time and Spice and Envy at Paula's will carry on the line.

It was a very hot day. Nathan didn't swim I am told. He did brush most of the dogs and played with all of the dogs.

Me, I am exhausted.

Benji gets bathed first thing in the morning as he leaves. He will be missed.

I got home and Coco, Doozie and Rocky ran to give me kisses. How special is that! Sure Fiona and the rest did but I like it when the visitors do.

Till tomorrow...


Pool Time

We had a very busy day today. We had Linda drop by and take Roxie over for a visit to her house - nice! She's never been for a playdate so this was extra nice for her and for Panda and Logan. She brought some lamb kebobs that was to DIE FOR! That woman is such a sensational cook.

We had Helen and Suzy come over to tucker out Hugo and Milo. Suzy has had an operation on her foot so she was unable to swim but she got to sit and watch.

Kat jumped in the pool over and over and Hugo jumped off the stairs - bravo!

As you will see in this photo Kat even jumped over Helen.

Anything to get to his Daddy.

We had Maxine and Ziggy leave. <sigh>

We had relatives drop in.

We had a mad rush to get the stuff out of the rain outside.

Tia arrived and is leaving tomorrow at noon. A bath for her. Tuesday Benji gets a bath and leaves too. Although Nathan would like to think Benji snuggled with him at bedtime he was attached to me in a good way all night long. As he is on a trip this week we have been testing him in his Sherpa bag almost daily to make sure he finds comfort - conditioning but it appears his parents did that too.Good one on them!

Charlie remains a fun loving dog. Since his first visit he has become more and more comfortable and is so fun to have around. He runs up to me and gives me kisses like none other. I love it! He also plays nonstop with everyone. It is so nice to see!

Wasabi gets her snip tomorrow and it is a bit more when they are older in cost and recovery so we are hoping for a speedy one. I will be out there all day as she can't come home till 4ish. That means I will be home around 6ish. So no updates till probably 8ish.


Photos Taken Today

Maxine and Shady went a swimming and also both had baths. It will be a miracle if Shady stays perfect as he is playing up a storm with Charlie. He does feel wonderful. Maxine plays but not like the rough and tough duo. Besides I can spruce her up before she leaves.

Life is back to normal after heats. Coco and Doozie - oh my are they lovees and I can't wait to watch tv with them as I get the snuggles in a big way.

Here's the photos - just a few of Maxine, Shady and Charlie. The rest I will get to maybe tomorrow. But just know everyone is having a GRAND fun time.


Oh My

Charlie and Benji like to muck it up where the gals, Maxine, Coco and Doozie like to stay cleaner. What's that about?

It appears the weather is cooler despite them saying it will be warm, warm, warm.

Gals are out of heat. Wasabi goes to get spayed on Monday. Yvonne's Flora comes to get mated with Kat but we don't know what day or the timing for that as it depends on progesterone testing. <heh> More than you want or need to know.

Shady is keeping Shady and is here chillin. He will have a bath and then go home later today after we click a few photos of him. He is such a puppy, puppy so full of fun energy. Boy is that nice to have around.

The day is unfolding...


Simba & the Crew

Simba came for a visit, a grooming/bath and to have fun and he did.

He got to play with his brother Benji. I can't believe how much Simba's hair has grown. Between Phantom and Fiona, they have super hair. Fiona's hair grows very fast too.

Everyone had fun today but each day we take turns with the pool so I am not brushing my hand off. It works and they all get their fun with the exception of Ziggy who goes in on the step no matter what.

It's always MY turn don't you know?

Maxine, a Treasure pup is here as well till Sunday. She will go swimming before she goes home so you can see how she does. Ziggy also leaves then too. Coco, Doozie and Rocky decided today was not their pool day and they were happy playing silly games with Dennis as he tried to figure out all the commands they know.

Panda went home with Logan - heat over - hooray!

Here are a few photos from today.


Pooling It

We had Coco, Doozie, Scruffy, Ziggy, Panda and Roxie in the pool. Tomorrow or the next day we are hoping when Charlie visits we get him and Simba in the pool.

Check out some of the photos today.

We had races between the brothers Ziggy and Scruffy and races between Panda and Roxie. We couldn't get Coco and Doozie wanting to go at the same time but they loved the pool. They were more interested in that run like hey game that the Havanese are so famous for.

One time Ziggy won, one time Scruffy won. Panda I think won both times - old age, I forget.

Let's just say we had a really fun time despite it not being that warm but now I am off to get a few knots out from a dog so this is going to be a short update. The photos will show the fun!


Penny Departs

Penny was picked up at noon and said wow that Benji guy isn't coming too?

I may sleep for a week. Oh, and Ziggy isn't coming as well - more sleep.

Those two guys kept her going. I had a pretty butterfly clip in her hair and she refused to keep it in. I tried. :-)

Here is a photo of Lucy from Wasabi's last litter. Isn't she adorable?


Hi Darlah and Nathan,

Lucy has brought such joy to our family! She has grown so much since you've last seen her, she's now 7 pounds and still growing. She has grown into a routine and is going outside on a regular basis. We've been taking her on long walks once a day, sometimes we can fit in two, and she just loves them! Lucy has been meeting several other dogs, one of them being a Westie who is very gentle around her.

As Lucy is growing we notice more black markings on her feet and around the spine when we groom her. She's getting cuter by the minute!

From the Caruso Family


Too Hot Out

Honest, I brush all the dogs every single day with an odd exception and Benji WAS brushed before this shot was taken but I am laughing my head off looking at him.

I think he has been Ziggy-cized and Penny-cized.

We had the pups outside and the crew got to peek but not touch or get too close so to speak.

Penny, Benji and Ziggy was HIGHLY interested. Coco and Doozie thought they were Martians and although looked ....

Well, Coco and Doozie walked outside and walked right back inside after seeing what the commotion was about. With it feeling like 43c who was the smart ones?

Tomorrow Penny gets a bath and heads home and she will no longer grace Nathan's head at night where she loves to sleep. She will be missed. Simba comes for a visit - yeah fun. Scruffy comes for the day on Thursday along with Rocky. It's turning out to be a fun, fun week for all. Not a single soul is laid back. They are all in the thick of it having great fun and that's nice!

Hoping it is cooler tomorrow so the plants aren't frowning and we can get the canines swimming again.


Oh My... Water Dogs

Some dawgs like the water more than others.

We believe that each dawg has something that really excites them - a passion!

Ziggy and Roxie and Kat are some of those types.

Each day Ziggy gets his feet and half of his body wet.

He is a stair cool guy!

I have to laugh. He gets wet, runs around like a maniac and then sits back into the pool all muddy and all, of course.

I rather don't blame him as its hot and this is a way to cool off where Jazzy digs a bed in the dirt and cools off that way. Each are different.

Mia left and we miss her already, Jazzy leaves tonight. Wednesday Penny leaves us and we will really miss her too but Simba comes for the day on Wednesday, I believe and Scruffy on Thursday.

Coco and Doozie, well they are delicious and always manage to have fun.

By Friday Panda should be going home with her Logan. Maxine comes to visit. Heats end and a gal will be coming in to breed with Kat. Talk about timing.

Life is always interesting.


No Pool


Ziggy and Jazzy arrived but although we planned to swim today we are getting off and on rain.

It's warm, downright muggy but we have thunderstorms so no pool for any of us. It's not safe to swim with lightening anmd that we have.

That doesn't mean we don't have fun. We do in a big way all day long and that Nathan naps as he doesn't have the same energy as the dawgs. They nap right along with him and those that don't play with me cause I don't get naps. hahahaha

Now you know why the dogs are tired when they go home after a visit. Rain or shine we always find things to do.

Ziggy arrived and decided he was a kid in a candy store. He was in love with everyone that would play but especially with Penny and Scruffy. He reminds me that he is a Teaser son and his personality is the same. Pemmy remains to be such a wonderful Fiona pup. She goes on Wednesday and it is always a joy to have her visit.

Last night he thought 10pm, let's still play. By 11pm I said Ziggy, lay down here and we will snuggle and he fell asleep nuzzled up to me on one side and Benji on the other, Jazzy across my legs. I think my legs went numb and about 4am, I shifted them all and at 6am we got up and the photos above are what we did today. Nathan had the gals as we still have a couple of gals in heat till the end of the week.

Jazzy settled in last night and found that spot again. I have decided I am going to make him a bed of soil just so he can muck it up without laying on plants. He does love it so and it makes me happy to see him happy.

Tomorow Jazzy leaves and Mia leaves. Mia gets a bath and she needs one. :-) Too soon... I also start washing our own crew. Today. The Shoshi got a wash and she needed it!


Molly & Larry

Susan sent this photo of Larry and Molly on Canada's Day. I had to laugh at the way they had the kerchief on her.

They are lucky. They have a boat and go from the start of the season till the end having mini adventures just like Penny's parents do.

I have to say I am envious. Can you imagine doing that all summer. What a great dawg life for Molly.

Well we have Ziggy and Jazzy coming and we are going to swim. We will see which of the canines want to come in too. Maybe the ones I haven't brushed yet? hahaha

More later.


Hugo & Milo & Helen

Helen came over to pick up Hugo and Milo and had an impromptu swim. We didn't have to ask her twice. Maybe it was the hot weather outside but Nathan clicked and human and dogs had fun.

You see, it's not just Nathan that loves the pool with the dawgs.I love it when people truly love their dogs and their expressions magnify that!

We were told Hugo curled up and went to sleep when he went home. They will have to bring the boys again soon.

What happened to the rest of the crew? Panda is still in heat but an end is in sight.  Logan and Jlo had a bath and are now home as is Hugo and Milo. No one else swam. Benji chased the rabbit again and looked like he was having fun doing so. Mia decided she likes watching and didn't want to come near the pool today but rather climbed up on top of me and fell asleep on my lap while I sat outside and read news on the ipad. She's a massive snuggler and her tail is going a mile a minute.

Coco and Doozie went out but really decided inside was their thing. It was VERY hot today. Risa who loves the heat decided inside was best.

We did try a game of ice cube chicken broth and they all loved them. The floor got wet and sticky so next time I do that I will try it outside.

Tomorrow Jazzy and Ziggy visit. Jazzy is not one of ours but a regular visitor and Ziggy is Scruffy's brother. Can't wait to see them together!


No Pool Time But Way Fun


We didn't have pool time today but we managed to have a great deal of fun.

Look at Coco smiling like she just got the best present. She rather enjoyed having Scruffy around and he enjoyed her as well as all the rest.

I love it when dogs smile. It does something to me. If I am super busy, I see a smile and it lightens my load.

If you allow, it will do the same for you!

Here's a few photos from today. Everyone is having a grand time. Jlo, Hugo and Milo leave but Penny arrives tomorrow.

Is that fun or what? I think so.

If you notice a theme here, our sprinklers go on during the night and early in the day they like to wade in the mud. I was going crazy washing feet but now I let them air dry and brush. Benji likes the mud the best. Me thinks he is destined for a bath soon.


Crazy Fun

Roxie's First Attempt at Jumping in

Well, Roxie swims but she usually jumps off a raft, the stairs etc but not a run and jump into the pool like Kat does. Well, she did it today and ouch a belly flop but she did it again with more finesse.

By gad the gal has it!

Will she end up loving it like Kat? Only time will tell. I am just glad she tried it again and it worked better the 2nd time.

It was a strange day. It was warm, cool, warm so I didn't swim but Nathan did. Some of the dogs decided to and others decided to watch. That was what I did today so I figured it was fine for them too.

One doesn't have to swim daily to have a good time.

The crew have found the backyard near the pool house and think its quite fun to run in and out and hide in it. It's a riot to watch as it looks like a game of tag you are it, can you find me?

We had plans of breeding Kat to Abigail and Abigail had her own thoughts on the subject. Poor Kat was not happy as she wants nothing to do with him but she is smitten with Truffie. He had his first 16 minute tie with her tonight and wasn't from a lack of trying to get her with Kat. Poor guy...

It may have been that Teaser was fighting with Abigail everytime she went near Kat. Don't know but it wasn't happening. Teaser is now home.

Tiger Lily goes home along with Milo and Hugo tomorrow. Scruffy visits for the day and we will pool time it with him if the weather allows. He's going to love Mia, Coco and Doozie. Mia doesn't let Hugo get away with anything. It's a riot. Mia says, hello, it's time to nap, DON'T YOU KNOW!. Hugo says, ah come on lets play. This is after playing all day long. It's so fun watching the dynamics. She's such a spunky gal in a small package.

Coco and Doozie settled in and really enjoy the pool watching and snuggling. They were playing up a storm with the crew in the backyard game they created.

Benji remains the all around fun guy. He just loves everyone and last night he tried to play with a rabbit in our yard. I heard he does the same at his place but I didn't realize we had a rabbit family again.

Here are a few photos from today. I am a bit tired - lack of sleep and all so no gallery today.

More tomorrow....


Busy Day But Pool Time

We had a very busy day and I will fill you in later after washing Teaser who is going back to Paula's in the wee early morning.

But until then, here are some photos of Coco, Doozie, Mia, Tiger Lily, Benji, Milo and the Bichon Hugo. :-)

Okay, Teaser is washed. Her crate is ready. She's now in Nathan's office after having a tiff with Miss Abigail. Think Teaser is saying all the boys are hers.

We will see how things play out after Teaser goes home. Till now Abigail refuses to breed but it may still be early or sometimes a dominant gal controls the house and the breeding. It happens.

Crossing my fingesr Teaser is pregnant and Paula gets the gal she wants.

Okay, why was today so busy? Had to get food - fridge was a tad empty. Had to groom the crew - some twice after their swimming. Then the daughter who asked me to take photos vs. a pro for the bat mitzvah wanted the photos so today I had to go through each one and delete the junk, convert the rest and upload them to dropbox. That took me hours and I had started it last week. Well, let's look at it this way... it's not on my plate any longer. For that, I am glad.

Oh and last night the Hugo let me sleep oh 2.5 hours so I am living on I don't know what so now its 8 and I am counting down to having the gals vs. the boys and Nathan can say - well he slept for me. That's okay. We had him swimming laps over and over so I do think he is tuckered out. He's a fun dog though... just on overdrive.

Tomorrow is a new day.

PS: Coco is an Abigail and Kat pup and Doozie is a Wasabi and Kat Pup. They take dance and do all sorts of fun competition. I am is impressed with their parents. They fit in here like putting on a well fitted glove.

Everyone who swam had a roaring grand time and if you look at the photos Mia takes on Benji like he is her size and they seem to adore each other. It's a riot. Doozie as usual got in the thick of it and even Coco did. It was a blast and I missed a lot of it on the camera as my stick was full and I refused to go back in, grab another and then miss the fun. You know how that goes.


No Pool Day

This is Tiger Lily with Benji. We didn't have a pool day.

It was threatening to rain and then didn't but I managed to get out there with the pups, with the crew. We played our heart out many times over but no swim today.

Tiger Lily is slightly larger than Mia just in case Deb asks but not by much. :-)

Here's a few photos from today.

The dogs helped me do a bit of weeding. They seem to like me pulling, yanking and throwing. They think it is so much fun. Dennis doesn't as he is cleanup crew when I go a bit crazy. I need to go REAL crazy in my middle garden but who has time.

Dennis said to me, where does Mia get her bubbly personality? She's just like Spicy. I said well it has to be from Kat or Wasabi as they both share the same parents. This little ball of fun is a dog much like Benji liking to be in the thick of everything without a fear in the world.

I believe its going to be fun seeing what Spice produces.

Tiger Lily started playing her heart out today but if someone gets a little too rough she's not afraid to say ENOUGH.I don't blame her as the boys can be boys and like to rough house and she's a little gal but get thism they listen. Its a gal that has it all under control.

The crew is meshing...

Teaser goes home on Wednesday. We love her but she's been a bit bossy with Abigail saying the BOYS are all mine. When they are not in heat this conflict doesn't happen. Teaser will be done breeding and then we wait to see if there is a pregnancy. There should be but Paula will be doing the pups this time. :-)


Fun Today

Just a couple of photos from today. Tomorrow will be more normal. Today we took turns swimming so no photos of that - sorry.

Here is Mia amd Benji getting to know each other. Mia's mom is really attached to the Mia so this was hard on her and we 'get' that. But Mia is fitting in nicely. She never made a peep and started playing with Benji, Roxie and Tiger Lily. There is NOTHING to worry about. She's having a great holiday and you should too!

Check out Laci's latest photo on Abigail's blog. Abigail is in heat and although not ready for breeding yet, Kat is the lucky guy. I think he's been a good egg and patient enough.

Here is Roxie and Mia who along with Benji and Tiger Lily have become grand friends.

We had a mad rush to play get the toy today. It was delightful but it was me throwing and the dawgs getting.

Tiger Lily also found a cool spot in the middle of the plants and saw fit to do the shimmy. Wish I had my camera for that.

Now they (non heat) crew are in the TV room with Nathan chilling.

It's been a great day. I promise to get more photos tomorrow if I can.

I will tell you Benji is delighted to have more gals to play with.

One more week for Teaser to be done her heat. Twelve more for Panda and Abigail. Normalcy will be back. What is normalcy?


Afternoon Delight

Good thing Roxie is not in heat. Benji loves playing with her so and if she was she wouldn't be able to be with the boys. I am hoping Treasure and Spice don't come in till the end of August or September. That would suit me fine.

Benji sleeps up to me all night cuddling up. When we are in the midst of heat Nathan gets the gals, I get the boys. I am lucky that I have the Benji just like I was lucky to have the Cooper as Nathan hogs the visitors. hahahahaha

That's okay, Mia and Tiger Lily come tomorrow so Nathan gets to spoil them and when Tiger Lily leaves Coco and Doozie arrive. It's great timing as everything will be a routine with the pups and we can get some swimming in too. I may even take the pups outside in a whelping box with Fiona. We shall see. That will be a first but as long as the weather is good, it is doable.

We had a storm this morning that didn't last long enough. We didn't get a swim in nor any grooming except for Benji and Fiona. It was break day for me and tomorrow we will be back at it. It's important to have a break.

We did have some wild play and some games and some snuggles. Logan arrived for the day, ate up a storm and his human brother is getting him tonight.

Life is great with Havanese snuggles!


Dirty Scruffy

Hi Nathan and Darlah,

Here's a picture of me from Wednesday.

I LOVE playing in the mud, even though my Poppa tells me not to, but I'm faster than he is  :-) He showed me to Momma and she wasn't very happy with me either!

I tried to look all contrite and super cute, but it didn't work....."into the bath with you!" said Momma.

Oh well, I get treats with bath time and grooming, so that's ok too! Hehehe


The Scruffster



It's been a busy day so perfect to share this photo we got today.

Cooper is now with his mom and dad. But he gets to visit us when his human parents move.

It was a very hot day today. We got a cheap BBQ as ours was dead and we cook on it all year round. It took Dennis 6 hours to assemble it or so. We cooked on it today - yeah! We were missing a part and I was told to get it from the manufacturer. They said 6 to 8 weeks whedn I called them. They said go back to the store and get it. So, I did. I am the biach when it comes to stuff lik that. I got the part and a free cover. I also repotted 3 plants - huge job and jumped in the pool inbetween for an hour of swimming. Seeing I didn't have a swim for days it was great and Nathan groomed again - wow - it was most appreciated. He started Cooper, I lined combed him.

Benji also got a bunch of seeds from a weed we have out back that stuck to his hair EVERYWHERE. As soon as this heat subsides Dennis will have to get rid of those.

While we have heats Nathan has to sleep in one room, me another. He gets the gals, I get the boys. Last night I had Cooper up against me on one side spooning and Benji on the other. It was pure heaven. I look forward to heats being over. No signs of anyone else coming in. Just watch it will happen when the others go out. I just know it...