
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havanese puppies for sale in toronto ontario (179)


Memory Stroll and Humidity

Christine wrote: 

Can you stand this picture?  I was making the bed and this is what I found on the other side!! 


It was a hot and cloudy but a humid day. Dogs wanted to play inside more than outside. Outside they just laid around and when you look at the gallery of the puppies you will see they too had their tongues hanging out. But they played crazy inside I tell you.

I didn't click inside much as they played in such a way that all my photos would have been blurs. Bet you they will sleep tonight! I know I will as I was doing the slide on the floor and run game. What is that? You run and slide out of the way and they keep on going. About the 5th time they got what I was doing.


Bath Times

The pups had a bath. So did Spice, Roxie, Adele and Dusty. Next is Abigail and Kat. Cooper had a mud run and I say a mud run as it start pouring in such a way that it was like someone was pouring buckets over you and instead of running up the walkways in he went the opposite way running in the grass kicking up mud. I didn't give him a bath. I instead cleaned his undersides, his feet, brushed and combed him out and said Coops if you do that again we are swimming mud and all and I am joining you. hahahahaha

He had good company as he had Kat following him getting even more muddier than the Coops so much so that it makes NO sense to clean his undersides and feet as he is mostly mud unlike the Coops. There are advantages to being taller.


Fun Day

Not sure if I will get photos up but plan on taking them. I heard Colby was full out playing with Truffie. Oreo is about to have a bath and Harper is coming overnight - Adele's brother. Dusty also just arrived.

Exciting times but a bath must be done and Nathan better click photos and then back to even festivities.

Tuesday will be quiet...

Working on a gallery with Harper, Adele, Brie and some of the others joined in. May not get that up till late tonight. We shall see.


Nice But Still Busy

Today we had a lot of time outside. It wasn't too hot and it was a great day to have pups outside and the older dogs so we did. I have to say it was QUIET. Dennis is still not home. I hope he's having a blast. Nathan took his usual nap. I groomed dogs, cleaned puppy pens, washing, snuggling. I swam. Pepper walked up and down my body as I lay out there. Scruffy thought that was fun and did that too.

We had a ton of play. Levon went into the pool. Roxie jumped in without an invite. Scruffy we tried to get in and he wanted to be with Roxie but not that bad.

Where are you Roxie - are you coming back? She just adores swimming. Nathan brushed her. I gave him a hint.

Levon went swimming and it was a perfect day as he departed today. He is such a strong swimmer.

Then Roxie played the chase game with him.

It was a good day. Tomorrow Simba departs then Griffin and then Rafi.

Tomorrow we have a rehearsal. Nathan is setting up a dog show in Markham. It's a crazy busy weekend. Family is still in. Celebrations are still going on. I am editing videos for the events - but its great to see everyone. Clean up - well is interesting. I feel there is so much preparation and so much cleanup after everyone goes. Family is back here on Thursday unless it rains. Then we are all down the daughter's house Friday fixing the tents, the tables and all the things that got wet - you wait... Yes, it's an outside party starting Saturday night. Nathan is showing Jeannie Sunday morning. Are we laughing? I am... or trying.


Fun Dawg Play

We are having issues catching fast movement so I am doing still shots till I get my lenses back. We have been busy but having a great time. Darcy was over for the day and got to play with Rafi. At first I am not sure she knew who he was but he knew who she was and then it clicked.

Keeper has been playing with anyone that will play with him. Dexter is amazing in his play finding great fun in a number of dogs. Sadie is a ball of oh my this is all so fun. Lola is a play monkey and doesn't mind me grooming her any longer. She just says give me a treat. She's a riot though as she is one who likes to walk up your body during the night and snuggle. I am having fun - busy but fun!


Short Update

A friend posted this to my facebook page and I had to share - as it is so true!

And I had to share this photo of Terra and Adele. You can tell how much Terra loves the dogs and how much they love her as they all gravitate to her!


Two Updates Today

Photos are below but here is a video taken of DJ and Adele. I didn't even take the video out till halfway through the visit when his human family was here. Then he had a bath and then had another play session with Adele but I didn't click or take video of that. Hope you enjoy the craziness of 2 pups that know each other. Miss Abs was very happy to see him too!

Here are some photos too.

PS: Magic was also here for a bath and I told Nathan to catch Oscar but all he got was blur literally. He also had a bath and has been playing up a storm. He departs anytime. Going to miss the play monkeys fun!


Days You Give Up

I brushed up the Benji today and this is how he looked by the end of the day. Well, no one is saying they don't have fun.

Everyone played their hearts out. Wish I had more photos, but not today.

Just know we had a ton of fun.


Busy Day

It's been a busy day so no photos. If the pups continue to do well, I am looking for a ride to the picnic. The only caveat is I need to stop at No Frillls to get ice around the corner from Yvonnes and I need to arrive no later than 11:15. I won't leave Nathan without a car and we only have 1 so will share gas. If you can help, let me know.

I have slept about 2 hours and I am on night time duty so forgive the lack of a real blog entry today.

Hope you enjoy today's photo of Sparky at LL Beans.


It's So Hot

It's so hot the dogs were lifting their paws. That's a sure sign they need not have their pads on the hot ground. Watch your dog. Their pads and lifting will tell you a great deal. They will lift them in the dead of winter when too cold or snow is stuck between their pads (that's why you NEED to trim their pad hair always) and they will tell you when it is too hot.

We took Boo swimming as he will be going home. I have to get him bathed up so figured we would try him in the pool. He's a very strong swimmer. He swam and swam and swam.

When he wasn't swimming he was standing on the stairs staying cool. The stone is too hot. I tried to get many others in cause I am a glutton for punishment. But only the Boo was adventurous today. It's interesting to see who wants to swim and who doesn't.

I had to wash Fiona and Shoshi and figured I would get them in. Neither was interested. Fiona got washed. Shoshi is still on my to do list. I got some pool time for just me. I am trying to do this in case I am down for the count and doing pups 24/7 at least I had my time. I am also trying to rest my hand as its still doing me in. I can tell I am headed to trouble when I can hold something in it and half the time the brush falls out. It's time to rest.

But there was common sense in the crew today. Although they kept trying outside for size and 5 minutes later wanting to come in, they had wonderful play inside.

It isn't just these 2 but everyone. Now I have to groom up Brewer, Logan and Panda then wash Shoshi before I can say I am in great shape for pups coming.

Be sure to check out Steven and May's video. I want to be able to do that.


Early Morn Till Night

When I say the dogs start playing early morning, they do and it seems to never stops with cat naps inbetween. Here was the early morning play of some this morning.

As you can see Truffie is right back into playing like he used to when he was younger. The key - no gals in heat.

Nora is a scallywag. I get her freshly bathed and she looks like she is a mess two minutes later. Oh well she will get brushed just before pickup - Shady too. They will be missed!

Maybe swimming today - we shall see!


Fast and Furious

Nathan is home early - no points today so we get pool time maybe with DJ before he goes tomorrow morning. We shall see. I have baths as a few are here for them today and will go home nice and pretty. Grace is one of them and wait till you see how the Grace plays with the pups. I will be posting it on Abigail's blog. After you see it tell me if you think Adele can handle the larger dogs.

Well, Boo, Cooper and Brewer were such a lively bunch this morning. I have to laugh. They started early. We said shh, they listened and then well they started again. Our son Dennis said well mom when you get OLD you are supposed to sleep less. He has such dry humor, I tell you!

Cooper had departed but I thought 10am, it was 930, Gracie arrived at 930. Cooper's parents were out back, I was out front and all the dogs were chaos in the kitchen with Dennis herding them. It was funny and you had to be there. But I think Boo, Brewer and Benji are missing Cooper.

I will tell you that Cooper played with Adele much like Gracie did but it was out in the yard and I ran for the camera up on the deck and then they stopped. argh!!!! Well, it was time to brush Cooper anyways. Can't catch all life. Sometimes they have to be stories on paper or in your head and you get to use your imagination. It's sort of like what TV used to be like.

Look at these two saying to Cooper so you think you want to play?

This is how we do it!

No, this is how we do it!

Early morning play can be so much fun!


Oh My Gad

This is why you do not want Star-of-Bethlehem 'Ornithogalum umbellatum' in your yard. The son is pulling it out - although lovely flowers when it sets to seed - oh boy! After brushing it out and pulling it out of so many dogs, no thank you very much.

Figures I have pups to wash, puppy stuff to get ready and now seeds to do so no swimming or last swimming day for pups (sigh).

Can someone shoot me and put me out of my misery? These buggers are hard to get out.


Indoor Fun

It's raining, it's pouring the old man is snoring...

Front to Back Goldie, Roxie, Rocky, BenjiGoldie arrived for a bit of play today. Rocky departs tonight and Benji is having a roaring grand time. We are in and out but doing much indoor play today. Nathan had them in the hall upstairs running back and forth like crazy dogs earlier. You can still have fun despite the rain but will this rain ever go away?

People ask has my dog swam today? We haven't swam today. I am heating the water to pay the electric and gas gods, I suppose. Will summer truly come? It's July?


Caught in Action or Inaction

From Shannon:

I thought I'd send you this photo. I got a fish bed (really, more for the new puppy than for Levon (yay Spice!), although I was hoping he'd like it). Initially he was afraid of it, but I threw a treat inside and managed to get him to investigate it. This is as far as we've gotten, though. Lol.


From me:

This is so adorable!


Be sure to also check out the class photos below.


Class Last Night

It was fun. We were there for a long time as we had Bailey's class to do before and I went wow this will be too long but it went by fast and was fun. It was delightful to have Bailey. Check out Fiona's blog for a video and I will be adding a gallery of his pix later. Tricks class ends next week.

Nathan should be able to be at class as his show is first thing in the morning. Hooray!

Here are a few photos. Realize I didn't get photos of everything but in this tricks class everyone is outstanding.They know tricks that aren't even been taught.

The Kona Roll

Teaching Roll Over in the other direction

Even Jeannie Rolled and it was her first time.

Cha Cha on Play Bow - Oh My Gad does she hold it!

Magic doing play bow - wonderful!

Kona total focus sporting a new haircut - a rather nice one!

Jeannie gets award for most exhuberant tug play

Ty Touch so when do we start?

Look at Kona's focus with that distraction - wow!

Another view of Kona's New Haircut

Ty's Perfect Pray

Sibling Pray

Magic's Stand to Twirl wow

Kona excited twirl - wow

Cha Cha Feed me

Ty focused on the treat

Kona paw

Cha Cha perfect stay

I have so many more but they are all fabulous. I took extra of Kona last night as he had his first haircut and it came out quite nice!

It's raining and raining so maybe indoor play today. Desk did get cleaned. heh


Recall Class

We did a recall class with Magic and Scruffy and of course with Jeannie. The rest were big dogs with the exception of 1. I liked this class as we are getting Jeannie ready to be around a lot of big dogs so this was part of the conditioning. It all worked. Everyone in that class was able to behave correctly and be off lead.

Here are a few photos of the class. I couldn't take many as the helpers had to be helping.

Magic has never taken any classes except for Tricks class so she did amazing considering that fact. It's easier to do recall if you did the basic classes. She started out slowly doing the recall but improved over the night and that is what the class is truly about - teaching your dog to come.

They do such a wonderful job with Magic!

Scruffy was amazing in class. He loves everyone. Treat, Daddy? Do you see the tongue?

It's as if a light bulb went on for Scruffy and he said oh this is what they want and he was a dawg on a mission. He was great. He even knew when Roger was enthusiastic. Smart dawg!

Now I want to know what Jeannie was smiling at in this photo. I looked but couldn't tell.

Okay, so how can I get those treats? Her mind was thinking but just like Scruffy and Magic they listened to their handlers. Bravo everyone and bravo that they performed with all these strange rambunctious dogs. I was proud of all of them!

It has been raining today. I had a plan to wash everyone and let them air dry after comb out but it aint happening. But they did get groomed - each. We did play retrieve in the house. We also cuddled and played find the treats. But I have to say I am tired of this rain. Kat even came outside and watched me pull weeds and all I got from the son is so when are you going to do the front and you didn't do much. Oh my.... 

It's a low key day and I am losing the weed battle. I seriously need to dig out plants and thin out the garden but that's on my to do list too. That list grows but the dawgs have my attention big and small and well I think it should be like that. The rest - well I will get to it when I can.


Sanction Match and Visiting

The Jeannie just had a bath as she is supposed to attend her first sanction match today. Dennis has a really bad migraine so we shall see how that unfolds. At least she is clean for class twice this week - tricks and recall!

Goldie is over too and has been playing nonstop with the pups. They tried that jump in the face thing on her and she didn't like it. They will learn. That's how they learn. Oh my, what did I do wrong? She corrected me.

No galleries, no photos. Too busy without Dennis and had a lot of other stuff on my plate.

Hope everyone is enjoying this wants to sun day but can't make up its mind. It's better than rain.


Fun Filled Day

I will start with an endearing slideshow of Monty and Nathan. Some are out of focus as I was clicking so fast I was not paying attention to the focus and I am learning my camera and was in full manual mode. It's about time I play and truly learn the camera. I left the blurry ones in as it tells a story and I am sure you will get that!

Roxie and Kat also went swimming and I did a gallery of that as Roxie jumped in repeatedly. Bravo, Roxie. I tried to get everyone else swimming but no one was interested but these two. I decided it wasn't worth trying to coax them. Maybe they were simply not in the mood. After all they did get brushed and combed this morning and a swim would have meant another brush out. Still, I tried extra hard to convince Steven and My's crew as they go home tomorrow. They will be getting baths tomorrow morning as they are simply too dirty from the weather we have had. If they had swam I just would have shampood them tonight and be done with it. Better to do it tomorrow morning so they look extra clean. :-)

Still we managed to have an event-filled day. Everyone is sniffing up Roxie and she's about had it. We had hoped when she went into the pool it would stop but they are all in love with the gal. Raylan to an even bigger degree. I wish I knew what it was. They used to react to Abigail like this before pups.

Here is Raylan and Monty staring at Roxie. We almost thought she was coming into heat again but she is not. Is this doggie attraction perfume of sorts?

Monty and Mac went squirrel hunting. They didn't full out chase but they watched and followed and had him stuck under the deck for a bit. Then Wasabi went under the deck and chased it out. She can catch squirrels but only grabs their tail and lets them go. It's a curious game that she delights in.

When I had Panda around the pool and tried to get her in she went up on the deck and remained. No pool for me! Maybe if I hadn't brushed them all this morning they may have been willing? There have been days in the past that they do this. They are either in the mood or not. Even Abigail who adores getting wet said NO WAY! Okay - that meant only Kat and Roxie to brush out and dry.

The day can't be complete without a little ipad chillin' that Nathan is famous for.

I believe Scruffy thinks this is the life!

The day is not over but they are all in the tv room cuddled up to Dennis and Nathan. Me, I am typing. I am mulling over if I should wash Mac tonight or wait till morning. I think morning will do. :-)


Levon's Bath

This is Levon before he went home today. I thought it may be fun to see the first time he went home. Check it out here.The pups are going to miss you Levon! Logan will have to do. :-) Maybe we will get Frannie and Panda playing.

We had play sessions with the pups so be sure to check out the Abigail blog for Logan and Levon playing their hearts out.

Frannie was caught snoring on her back outside on the comfort of the pillows while we made some of the loudest noises.

Also check out the Fiona blog for a photo of Bailey and Griffin and a new house Bailey received.

The dogs are now watching tv with Nathan and Dennis. I wonder if they too like Game of Thrones or just tolerate it for their sakes and extra snuggles.