
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havanese puppies for sale in toronto ontario (179)


Levon and Frannie

Our day started out in full steam with Frannie and Levon rolling all over each other in full out play.

I think they stopped to eat breakfast and started in again. Frannie wasn't into playing early but Levon kept egging her on and then it began and never seemed to stop.

No swimming occurred today. It's too cold but we have had a great deal of chase me games. We played a rip roaring game of get the toy if you can. I say that as everyone participated and it wasn't obvious who was going to get it. The best part is they all played with everyone having fun and not with the attempt of it MUST BE MINE! They were real team players - nice!

BY the way Logan now runs to me to get groomed and so does Panda. They have an internal clock. It must be Mommy pickup time. ROFL! Just love that duo!


Afternoon Visit

This is Piper, Levon's sister. She is a Teaser and Truffie puppy. She's here while Mom and Dad are watching the soccer game in the BMO field. We were lucky that they decided to go as she got to see Levon too!

Instead of rough housing they are investigating everywhere together. It's a riot. Now the crew is watching TV and I want to go for snuggles too. Be sure to look at Cooper's update as well below.

Then don't miss Fiona's blog as the pups came to visit.


Busy Day

Cooper just had a bath and he is heading out soon. His antics will surely be missed! Piper is coming for a visit while they go to a game. Levon gets to see his sister - wow nice! I will be sure to click that. We have a Fiona puppy get together. I am hoping it doesn't rain as the kitchen is not large enough nor will the play be the same. We shall see.

Bailey is going to hang out till the evening so Fiona will be thrilled. Us too!

More as the day unfolds!

Hugo and Milo are now home and we are hearing funny stories.


More Changes

Simba heads out anytime now. He's had a bath and hopefully his parents are all settled in after their move. As it is raining he's had a quick outside and a wash of his feet so he looks good when his human Dad comes.

Cooper also departed and although he didn't have a bath I lined combed him. He's been playing nonstop and needed it after he has been wearing little Cooper, Roxie and sometimes Jeannie. He also played with Finn this morning and Scruffy before he departed.

Scruffy and the Pepper is here just for the afternoon. Pepper is losing her teeth and her mom has yet to be able to save one. Pepper, are you eating your teeth?

Hugo and Milo are a funny pair. Hugo is a go, go, go bichon and Milo is a sedate Havanese. They are truly a fun pair and we adore their parents.

We have been playing mostly indoor with some outdoors between the rain. The grooming has been well non stop and the floors a streak of dirt washed and washed and washed. Yep where do they go - right into the grass that seems to have mud sitting on top from all that fast running play. It happens.

Nathan helped me a bunch with grooming - thanks!!

The peonies are frowning from all this rain. Some of the dogs hair looks like that too. I may have to go out and clip some so I can enjoy them before the rain destroys them. Why can't peonies bloom all season long? Off to groom more rain out of the crew.

Rain, rain go away!

Plus I just got a photo of Shady and his new hairdo done by Valerie. Finn also arrived with a haircut his human Dad did. I didn't recognize Finn. He looks like a different dog. I will try to get a photo up of Finn when he is not wet and getting soaked. Maybe I will click just before he goes home. :-)


What a Funny Day

I looked at the blog and said did I miss a day - oh my gad you have never done that and then went oh yeah it is Friday. We got to see Dusty and that was so much fun. It was too cold to swim and they say it will be that way all weekend.

This was Milo squashing Hugo. Don't worry. They were not killing each other but oh boy that Milo wants to be TOP DOG. hahahaha

A fave past time for the dawgs is bug hunting. Yes, you heard that right - ants - yikes.

Not sure how these managed to mesh but they have. I think it was Logan's persistence - good for you!

Dusty was meeting and greeting Cooper. Roxie was keeping a close eye on this.

I brushed Brie (actually brushed all) and this is what Brie did. She shook, she rolled and then looked at me to say this is how I like to look. :-)

Panda decided the bird hunting and watching was in her game plan today. She wouldn't touch. She was just highly fascinated.

Cooper looks so cute with his one ear up. Cooper has been learning dog talk. He adores playing but has yet to figure out that pouncing on someone sleeping won't get you a play session. He's a puppy and just moves on to the next. He is playing his heart out.

Colby is such a relaxed dog these days. I am so happy to see it. I believe Brie has been great for him and coming here has been great for him as he is playing in a big way with everyone now.

It's nice to see Brie playing with others and Colby doing the same. They are always aware of each other but in a way to just make sure each other is having fun too.

Hugo is trying to figure out if he can go into the patio. What is down there and will it be a new adventure?

I have so many other photos but I think I will take a breath and enjoy the dogs. I hope you don't mind.

A good grooming tip - if you are trying to keep hair out of the eyes - those strands that are going everywhere buy clear mascara. It will control that hair. Mine is from Maybelline. It works.


Molly and the Cat

Susan writes: Thought you might like to see Molly and her best friend Rupert, down on the dock. Rupert's Mom says"give Molly kisses" and he does. It's an affair that started last summer.... LOL


A Few From Today

Colby and TruffieBrie and DexterTruffie, Phantom and DexterColbySteven and CooperRay Ray BoyMy and MontyRingo, Brie and Cooper

It's been a busy day with lots of changes so not much of an update but we will get better at it. :-)


Distracted Day and Posers

Sent Nathan to take a few photos and this is all I got.

The difference between us is the way we each approach what we click. He likes poses. I love action and doing. Oh he will click some action but he really likes the poses. We all click differently and that's what makes photography fun.

Dexter has decided Terra's bed is all his. Terra gave it up and said whatever you want. She's a golden after all.

Jazzy is still mucking it up. Brie and Colby play independent. Ringo plays with everyone who is in the mood to play.

Tomorrow we get to see Cooper one of the pups we had here for Yvonne for a few weeks before they went home. We are excited!

Tomorrow Phantom also heads home.

Tonight we are busy with Miss Tuffy before she departs tomorrow so not much of an update but it's hard. It's a long weekend with lots going on and well the dawgs count the most!


Today is Behind

Dexter has been playing up a storm and I just told Nathan off as he hasn't been clicking but I am hoping he will today. Look for photos later and look below at the next post as its Cooper's birthday today!

Did Nathan click - no. I washed Logan, Panda, Daisy and next Copper so I didn't either - sorry. But everyone is having a great time despite the crazy busy of the house.

This is Miss Daisy after the bath. She has a ton of hair like my Shoshi. She does look whiter than she did this morning. :-) Jazzy, Brie, Colby, Dexter and Daisy found a new game. Let's create a canyon for Jazzy. hahahahaha They all got into it. Boy do I have a lot of grooming to do. So much for galleries. :-)


Early Update: More Photos Added

We had a storm at 6am this morning and well Jazzy went out and had fun.

Daisy helped him dig his pit and looked at me as if to say am I in trouble now? Funny how she didn't get as dirty as Jazzy.

After eating breakfast Brie decided to chill out with Dennis in the tv room. Something about that hail rather bothered her but Jazzy and Daisy could care less that hail was coming out of the sky. I cared!

Wet dogs as you can see and now its more grooming time and a steamy afternoon that supposedly will feel like 80 something Fahrenheit. Oh boy! Pool is too cold to swim as we shut the heat off and it won't heat up that fast that we can swim today but maybe we will hang out on the steps or put our paws and feet in. We shall see.

No swimming, no feet dunking as pool is ever so cold from it being off. If I wanted to numb my feet I might.

Here are some more photos from today. We are managing to have fun. Love to get Jazzy running but he is more interested in Roxie or building a cave in my yard. hahahaha

Everyone has been groomed except Risa and Zoe who will get a bath later on and Logan and Panda who will get their brushing just before they depart as usual. Nathan told me he will do Risa.

When all that fun running around like crazy dawgs and people was done, Nathan is taking a nap with dogs. Dennis is hanging out in the kitchen with some and I am blogging with some. Doesn't Roxie look uncomfie and she slept like that for a good 15 minutes.


No Photo Day

You know I do paperwork as pups are going home. I do grooming and Nathan doesn't click 1 photo of the adults but Spice and that one was well blurry. So I have no photos today unless I go hurry and take some. I like to catch the action not everyone snoozing as they have already played hard and they have.

Jazzy continues to make a mound in my garden. Got to love him. Colby is so amazing giving me kisses, playing with everyone. His support system is still Brie but wow he's a new dog! Daisy gets jealous if I dare to give kisses to anyone else. I laugh but she's the first to crawl on to me when I get downtime with the tv. She also has the grooming equals treat thing down and so does Brie and Colby. Oh how fast they learn.

It's still cool. We look forward to warmth tomorrow and I will be clicking instead of relying on I won't mention his name.

Till tomorrow!


Not Many Clicks

Not many clicks today. Jazzy did his usual play in the plants, roll in the dirt fun.

I am learning to groom him late in the day. :-) I love that he has so much fun.

This was Daisy running like the wind and Levon was just behind her. Those two really liked each other!

Levon is fascinated with the pups. Sometimes I put him in with them and sometimes he sits outside and noses them. It's rather cute.

Everyone is doing well. Nathan is back and I am playing catch-up with the blogs.

More tomorrow!


Darcy & Nathan

Well this started with Pepper finding the window. :-)

She was upstairs playing with the pups and found it mighty interesting out front. Not much was going on but a squirrel and some birds as it was too cold and icy and wet to be walking.

But then for mother's Day Nathan washed Darcy from start to finish. I checked her out afterwards to make sure he finished her right and not a single knot. Okay, he didn't do the feet or clip the bum so she gets no stickage but still she was perfect. He even used what I told him to use on her. Way to go Nathan you can do it and thanks for lightening my load today!

Of course I won't show you anyone else. Did you see the weather out there? It's called brusha, brusha tomorrow. Today I took off well mostly. Logan and Panda got groomed (now home), Jazzy got groomed and so did Brie, Colby and Pepper and Scruffy. Crossing my fingers that Pepper and Scruffy stay decent for mom and dad - human style. NO OUTSIDE till they come. :-)

Hope you had a fantastic Mother's Day. Thank you to those of you that made mine better. I deeply appreciate it!

Nathan is off to Sudbury tomorrow to get Phantom as no ride can be found. He has a long day. So tomorrow its just Dennis and I. Tons to do to play catch-up tomorrow but Nathan had the pups playing upstairs several times while I talked on the phone. I haven't done that in eons. Thanks!


TV Room Crazies

We often gather everyone into the tv room and watch tv together. It's an interesting room. It has two couches, an oversized crate that connects the two couches with a bed on top and a door that opens up and slides in that always stays open so the dogs can lay in that part too. We have a recliner, tv, desk, blankets - lots of comfort. After the dogs play hard we head in there to relax and it seems to be the dogs most fave room. Here are a few photos from it today.

I laugh at the way Nathan uses the remote. As you can see even the side tables have beds on them for the dogs. It's a real dog room.

Do you ever think he is going to manage to turn the tv on?

He is still fanning that remote around. Will he ever get the tv on or what?

Nathan gives up and gets kisses instead.

Scruffy found his spot.

Pepper tried to snuggle up to Scruffy and he growled at her. She was a tad upset as you can see here.

Still, she ended up with her own way.

Colby found comfort on the neck pillow up against Nathan's leg. Yes, I had some in the recliner too and was trying to click the camera. That was some trick.

Then Jazzy arrived and new fun began. It's truly been a great day. Lots of grooming tomorrow and then off to home for some.


Fun of Dawgs

Levon came visiting and I hope he is resting at home tonight as he had a wonderful time. He was flirting with Brie in a huge way and flirting with Spice too. They can't BOTh be your gals you know. hahahahaha

We are waiting for the pool guys. They have yet to come but I managed to get a few photos today. As it was mostly me and the dawgs today I didn't get as many as I wanted.

But first of all, we got this in the mail today. Simba= havanese Chloe = human child

Lara said:

We recently celebrated Chloe's birthday.  I asked her what kind of cake she wanted expecting she would say Barbie or princess or something. Instead she said she wanted a family cake w simba on it. How cute. Here it is we scanned a picture of the girls and simba on a cake.


So cute, Chloe!!!!

Now on to the day's photos.

Levon the flirt is all I am going to say....


No Photo Day

When the warm weather comes there is so much to do. Rake, rake, rake, cut, cut, cut, clean, clean, clean and put all the furniture out, open up the pool and wonder how you will ever get under the deck to get the pups out cause you know its too much fun under here and we are NOT ready to go inside. Gorgeous weather today but this old body can't do all that work and not pay. Looking forward to family, friends and dawgs enjoying the pool.

That's what we were doing after I took a look at the sorry state of the yard after a long winter. I raked piles. Nathan filled bags and pups were running around like banshees.

I looked at the pups and all 3 were under the deck playing so hard it was a riot. They would run out, sneak a drink and run back. When we took them out this time all 3 went running not walking out of the bag. Wow each time you do this they find the fun and let loose. Each time it's better and better and well it made all this work easier but we have guests tomorrow and still we have much work to do. I want to hose down the yard but won't till tomorrow night. Just don't want the yard soaked when guests are coming. It's time to chase the last bit of winter away.

Dennis got the gazebo cover on. The pool house needs work and emptying before Monday. Abigail you best wait as we have a full plate.

Pavvie departs anytime now. Ziggy tomorrow. Coco and Doozie are really coming into their own playing with everyone and I mean like I have never seen - crazy fun play. Brie and Colby is coming as they have floors getting done - lucky them. Sometime soon Abigail will surprise us.

But no time for photos - will do some Monday. Yeah - this weekend is just too crazy busy and I have Abs to get ready too. Maybe its time to make a list so nothing gets forgotten.


Baths and More

The Cooper came for a visit and now he is home playing catch-up on his sleep, I am sure. He also got to see the pups but more of that on Fiona's blog.

As you didn't see Truffie for quite sometime, I figured I would put up some photos of him. His hair was snatched off by a visitor so we are in growing back stage and I refuse to trim it till it's long enough so it's rather messy. This way I can shape it properly when it is fully grown out. Head hair grows back the slowest of all hair. I am not sure why but it is true so if you cut the bangs short expect a slow motion growth spurt.

I tried to get a photo of Truffie but it was an experience as it always is except when you catch him doing something other than posing. Here Cooper, Doozie and Coco are wondering why he's standing on the pad. I think Truffie is smart enough to make sure I never get a POSED photo of him. :-)

I did brush him but he is a man who likes to roll after getting brushed out.

Here are a few more of him. As I said, he's seen better days but the coat on the head is coming back. The tail and the body hair has never been an issue.

Truffie is a character - a lovable one at that!

Nathan caught him with devil eyes - red eyes of course. His eyes are brown actually.

Then he said he would try to stack him - yeah still has to have a tongue out. But he's cute never the less but hey I am biased.

Truffie has a lot of white in his brown areas of his coat so he looks lighter than darker depending on the lighting etc. He is in his lighter than usual stage look but he will go darker again. His coat does that. He has a number of colours through his coat and in the summer he turns a reddish brown. He is a chocolate.

Truffie is a laid back boy who is quite funny. When he is going to mate he looks at you as if to say - can I please - can I?

His fave place is sleeping under an ottoman in the TV room. He barely fits but it suits him just fine. He also swims, is an excellent retriever and LOVES, LOVES, LOVES toys. I can have treats in my hand with a pile of dogs and he will sit back, wait his turn as he knows he will have a turn. I rather enjoy his personality. But his head hair - well it needs to grow back. :-) It' s getting there. At least it's not sticking straight up like it used to and I can now put it in a rubber band. That's progress.

Truffie and Cooper were playing wonderful earlier today and I say earlier - like 6am. hehe


Short Update

Had a few baths. It's raining. Got to play with dogs and not let only Dennis and Nathan have all the fun and me all the work so a short update today.

Miss Molly, Nora and Shady was here for a bath. Cooper dropped in for fun, fun fun and he hasn't stopped. I need to click him in action but here is a few that had their baths today.

May not update till tomorrow. Need some dog time and well the tummy is not cooperating today.


Woke Up to This

Dogs ADORED it. Dennis laughed and said I told you it would snow again.

Then it melted.

Ringo the play monkey departs today and Darcy is an amazing ball of fun. Not much of an update I know but can't. Hand is too bad.


Wow Warm

It was totally warm today - rain and cold coming tomorrow. I found as I clicked the camera (Nathan was away at a meeting) it hurt so no update with photos today. Just know my limitations. I am hoping tomorrow is better. But we had fun and enjoyed the outside. I am going back out to watch them play.

Just give me a couple of days so I recover. I did have the pups out too but only got a few photos of that too. Seems stupid movements irritate - things you don't think would do and well there are things I must do as Nathan was not here. But if I hold a dog a certaon way I can brush - not comb. Don't ask. I just watch Nathan and well I must - just visitors of course. Mine I will play recovery but they have had baths so shouldn't be difficult.

Just know we are having fun!