
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havanese puppies for sale in toronto ontario (179)


Wet and Mucky to Max

I am sorry - not much to report except we groomed a lot. We played inside and outside and I only was able to get a couple of photos. You see Dennis doesn't take any. Nathan is in Scottsdale, Arizona so its either use a brush and comb to get the dogs knot free or take photos.

I managed to get this head shot of Ringo and went oh my does he have a cute face. I like hair longer but hair grows, it's easier and he is cute! So why not?

Finn and Ringo have been playing like this inside, outside - it never stops. Ringo no problem getting wet - just hose off the mud and a light brush but Finn I have been line combing as he gets a bath when he goes home so I brush him every chance I get and seem to be doing that with everyone. You see a dirty coat plus water mats. It's not rocket science. I think that is why some show people wash their dogs every 4 or 5 days. Can you imagine that?

They now come in the door and lineup - no lie to get groomed and a treat. It's like a ritual. Only Risa says the hey with that, I am going under my Daddy's desk and if you don't see me maybe you will forget about me. She doesn't mind getting groomed once - maybe twice is okay but after that she is looking at you cross-eyed and maybe I am looking at them that way too.

Gad, I need the mud to go away.


Very Busy Day

I have a couple of baths - Jazzy and Mia - playing today - going home later. Mia not till 6amish she departs on a plane with Nathan in cabin. He's heading to 30c weather and moaning to me - yeah right. We have a late class so I am busy packing for him and who will be blamed if he is missing something?

So blogs will be quick - but I did feed pups so that video will go up in a bit. We woke up to ice pellets and now it is snowing in a BIG way. These were taken around 6am. We are practicing for an early rise tomorrow as Nathan has to depart then.

This is better than mud - I think. :-) I was worried about washing Mia before class and keeping her clean for travelling. It would mean a 5am wakeup to brush her up before they go at 6am. Ouch. Late night class - gad.... Me and the dogs in class will be catching some serious zzzs you just watch!

Snow has now stopped and here are a few showing how much we got.

Jazzy had his bath and Mia later today. We are making progress. :-)


Rain Go AWAY

We are a mudpile outside so it makes playing outside interesting so when its like this we try to play indoors too. There's not as much running space but we manage to have fun anyway. I realize I didn't but get 1 photo of Scruffy and one of Pepper and realized that when I transfered the photos. It just depends on when I have the camera at hand. One would think I would glue it to my body by now but that's not how it works. I find grooming and playing gets in teh way and feeding too. :-)

I call this Oscar Wild Play. Spice is jumping over Oscar and they were doing this play for quite sometime and then Nathan said go get the camera so I did and well they stopped. hahahaha

Oscar, Jeannie and Roxie were also running and playing and I said be still my heart. Jeannie really is starting to get dogs to play. Roxie always dod but now Jeannie has figured life is more fun being silly.

Oscar rather likes Jazzy too. He's been truly opening up and its nice to see. Now Jazzy has had so manyrinse offs that he looks like he seriously needs a bath but we continue to rinse and brush with this weather. It's all we can do.

One would think that with all this rain all the ice would have disappeared but not yet. poor Scruffs well looks rather scruffy. I am going to have to do some serious brushing on him before he goes home. heh

Okay - not fair - Jeannie had a bath and she is NOT going out except when its not raining as she has handling class tonight for about 15 minutes as Nathan has a meeting tonight so its tru;y just exposure time but well she needed a bath.

Sadly, I was killing her fun as she was getting a mess again so cleaned feet yet again, another brushout and she can't go out till after class. hahahaha

Still got a couple of dogs to brush out. It was a late night last night as we put Nathan's latest issue of the magazine out and well that is always so many steps to do and it seems I am the only one that can do it. But it went well.

Here I was looking forward to watching 'The Voice' - well there is tomorrow night. :-)


Still Raining Off and On

Still raining a fair bit today so instead of photos of everyone, I will do a photo of Kona who came for a bath and is now home and Levon that came for a bath and is now home. Neither would cooperate with staged shots - what are those and you don't do those. Well, I don't but I tried today and the dawgs would just not look the right way, stay nicely brushed or anything I wanted. hahahahaha

Kona has shiny, shiny hair. I used panegenics - no show sheen and look at his shine. His hair seems to work with this conditioner/shampoo and spray condioner combo. You use the conditioner first - yes, you have that right.

I was attempting to get a side view standing pose - yeah right.

I think Kona was LAUGHING at me here.

I settled for this pose.

Then came Levon's bath done right after Kona.

My goal was to get Levon to look at me.

Tail wagging but wasn't happy about the photo taking.

Then no matter what I do, I got poses like this. I even acted silly.

So, I settled for this.

They are both cute despite the fact that this human wanted to pose them and they thought I had to have lost my mind. Both were too interested in playing vs. posing and can you blame them?

Now it's Chases's turn for a bath and off she goes. Do you think she will be any better? Stay tuned!

Oh and the dogs have decided they had enough of the rain especially Oscar who prefers the recliner. Me too! But off to groom Chase.

Here is Chase after her bath waiting for mom and dad. She's not going out again as it is raining. She was more than fine for the bath but everyone wants to play vs. taking these silly photos.

This was a nice pose - good one, Chase!

This was her - you got to be kidding look.

In case you missed it....

Just because... heheheheh Can I be messy when I go home?

It is pouring rain and Oscar is soaking up the wet on the recliner staying nice and warm. He's getting blowed dried next so he can be warm and cozy. It's wet and grimy out there.

He adores this chair and the blankets we put on it so they can snuggle. He's waiting for Nathan to climb in and join him as he does.


Rain, Rain Go Away

We have been going out in-between rainstorms. It's been interesting. Rens sells something that you can spray on feet that is supposed to quicken the drying and is supposedly good for the hair. I am going to try it. I tried to get Nathan to order it from Rens for me but even though he put in an order he didn't. If he needed to use it we would have it fast. hahahahahaha Oh well, he saves us money and wastes my time?

Here are a few photos from today's playing and I have a ton but no time for a gallery and well I can only put up so many photos - sorry.

We are practicing 'recall' with Chase. Fun name as she does love a good chase but we are trying to get her to come and we will not chase. Sometimes she comes for a treat and sometimes she find outdoors way too much fun but we persist and hope to make big headway when her parents come. If I recall Jeannie, she comes running and then guess who does too? But I can't send Jeannie home with them. Recall is so important and sometimes the most difficult to teach especially for the free spirited - that looks better than you type of a dog and we have a few of those so creativity has to be explored. We are having fun with this challenge.

Jeannie and Chase and notice who is chasing who and Chase is loving it!

Nathan was trying to get a photo of the dogs from a low level but they weren't cooperating.

As you can see we still have a fair bit of snow and ice despite the rain. I suspect it will all be gone soon.

Shoshi is enjoying the last moments of the season by rolling in the snow.

Jazzy seems to have lost weight and is playing up a storm. As usual he enjoys outside the most rain or shine. heh He had to have two rinses today as he was so black and his mom and dad like him to be clean - don't we all? :-) Give Jazzy a mud pile and well he loves to lay in it.

Logan and Chase are practicing the Logan/Kat routine of let's smell up the yard. heh As things melt...

Logan loves everyone and he just mucks it up with Mia quite a bit. It's a riot! She challenges him and then they go at it in full play. Mia is off to Arizona with Nathan this next weekend as he told her Mom and Dad he would bring her out to them. He's only going for overnight so it's a fast trip (Fri-Sunday). Hope he enjoys the flight and sun. It beats our weather.

By the way, I brushed all the dogs before this photo shoot. I am not sure they look like I did - they certainly don't look like it now after going out in the rain.

Truffies head hair is finally starting to grow after being Logan-cized. I call this strike a pose with dirt. Got to love dogs - well I do - such spirit!

Ice is starting to go.

Always play and cleanup to do.

It's been fun but the day is hardly over.

Tomorrow we will be clicking Oscar. This was before the big rain hit.


Got to Have Fun

No matter what is going on we always manage to play and have fun as no play makes life so dull, don't you think?

Here are just a few photos of today. Notice the one of Scruffy jumping at the camera, another of Spice and Pepper kissing Nathan. Sebastian that is just visiting for a bit to play today along with Ty - guys that want to have fun or is it the gals?

Yes folks we play hard and groom after. hahahahaha

Jeannie after Abigail to PlayNow its time to groom. I used to groom before play but that seems a bit backwards. :-) Sebastian and Ty who just dropped in for a play is leaving shortly so its time to stop playing and get grooming. hahahaha


Sniff Sniff

When it comes spring the dogs smell all sorts of things that we don't. When we know the snow has gone for good we use a disinfectant on all our walkways, decks etc that is non toxic to the dogs. I can't even remember the name but I get it from a lady that does the dog shows.

I also know Canadian Tire used to sell something that you can put on your hose through your fertilizer bottle that does the same thing. It's not necessary - just something we do. I like the fresh clean of 'clean' what can I say. :-)

Do you ever wonder what your dogs can smell that you don't? Read this.


Update of the Twins

Thanks Gerda for sharing more. I see that Tre is more of a brown in his coat.

KobeTreKobeTreNow that we have better photos up do you think the twins look like twins now?


Sports Detection, Obedience & Birthday

Darlah and Nathan,

Am I correct in thinking that this is Darlah's birthday today?  If so Happy Birthday Darlah.  Today Coco, Doozie and I attended a workshop on Sport Detection or sniffer training.  The girls had to find the box that contained a scent canister holding a Q tip that has been dipped in wintergreen 24 hour earlier from a group of six identical boxes.  They both did very well but Coco was reluctant to put her head in the box the first time.  Later she identified the correct box by taking a bow at it.  She is such a good little problem solver.  Doozie was a natural,  took to it right away.

They are both tuckered out now.

Lot of love



Here are the photos:

Carol: Thank you for the birthday greetings and thank you for doing so much with your dogs. It does my heart good. You always manage to challenge their bodies and minds - good one!!!

Dear Darlah,


   Thank you for always taking such good care of us.  

     We wish you a Very Beary Happy Birthday!!!!



                        Scruffy & Pepper   

                   (& the rest of the Bear Family)



Thank you truly!!


Shannon let us know this:

Levon graduated from obedience class today. He won "best settle stay," "best recall," and, most importantly (I think), "the happiest dog" award.


Huge bravo, Shannon!!!


Crazy Daze Continues

I am busy getting everyone groomed, Envy got a wash. I will put up a photo of Truff and him before grooming and in Envy's case before a bath. I just finished him now.

I am exhausted.

But our day started very early and I must now get everythig prepared afte the next bath for the seminar as we have to arrive at 8am with dogs done, prepared etc.

So, in case I can't update you later which will probably be most likely, here are a few photos that started at 6am today.

So, you can see as busy as it gets the dogs always manage to have fun!


Shoot Me Now

He's MY man Pepper says!

The dogs have been in and out oh 4 times this afternoon (morning this didn't happen - snowballs that is) and each time they had snowballs from one end of them to the other. Poor Pepper had so many on her neck she couldn't move and did I take photos? NO but I was too busy.

Nathan has been away getting our grand daughter. I thought Dennis could take a nap but I woke him up and said I don't think so!

About the 4th time I told Dennis if he lets out Pepper and Scruffy one more time I will shoot him DEAD. He said but what is the problem?

Well, Scruffy knots up with snowballs so he got a mixture of detangler and water blown through him each time. Pepper was shaking in her boots - well she looks like she has boots so I did her first FOUR TIMES. Darcy could care less but I got her out of the way and then started in on mine. I did this 4 times and they can use the pads or Dennis can brush them out at least Pepper and Scruffy can till they go home.

I also had to get kits ready for Nathan this afternoon - so much for bathing dogs. Tomorrow - oh well marathon city I suppose - we shall see.

It's my birthday on Sunday. Lynda dropped in to give me a gift with the funniest card. It is delightful. I will have to take a video of it. It's so cute. Thank you, Lynda - you are quite the friend - truly.

But on Sunday I get to go to a breed seminar - help Nathan on my birthday and there is much to get ready for it.

So photos - I don't think so - sorry!

I will tell you that Ty was visiting and he loves the pups. He has since gone home. I had a ton of fun despite the snowballs watching the dogs and laughing at how they looked. Silly woman I am as I should have had my camera instead of concentrating so much on getting them off them. Or maybe I actually had my priorities right.


Remember When

I was looking through old photos to find Truffie at the same age as the pups now. As these are full siblings - just a different breeding, I thought it may be interesting to compare. See Fiona's blog to see what I mean.

But as I was walking down memory lane I caught this photo of Kat doing what he so loves.

It brought a smile to my face and I hope it does the same for you.

Yes, some Havanese like to swim. Some have a passion like Kat - well his passion is over the top.

It's as if he won the best prize in the world when Nathan gets on his swim trunks and thge pool is open for business. Can't wait till the next season and a bonus is pups swimming in the pool too.

Not much to report today. I have been grooming and washing. Dogs have been truly enjoying the day - me too other than the work. 

Tomorrow I will click more photos. Today, I take a break from so much work for the blogs. Hope that is okay!


Snow Disappearing

Time to get out there and enjoy the last white stuff. Spring is coming they say? Now how long will it take? Two weeks or 1 more month? Care to make a wager?

Well with spring comes rain and mud and twigs and oh I want the growth on plants to come up fast. I a months time we will have pups out in the garden. Life will begin anew again outside.

Just think, Fiona's pups will be the first puppies to swim this year. How fun is that?

I bet you Kat will be the first adult to swim. When you have a passion....

The dogs were groomed today. They are not getting as muddy today without the rain. They say the rain is returning tomorrow - joy.

Researching or trying to create new indoor games. I believe a busy mind is a happy mind. If you have some games you try with yours - do share. Today we tried group training out - well let's just say that was interesting.


The Daisied One

Have to laugh at Daisy. I get her all bathed and look what she did to her face. I think I brushed her 10 times before Mom came and I only had her done 20 minutes before pickup. I have to learn to say wait a minute - got to brush her - give me a second and that way I am only doing it once more. hahahaha

Daisy has a LOT of hair so she takes a solid 2 hours as I line comb her. Line combing means going section by section and brushing then combing out.

What does she do 2 minutes after placing her in my front hall? Rubbing her face of course cause she can.

Dawgs are Dawgs and I love them for it. I purposely did not place her with anyone as she really would be a mess as she is a huge play monkey and adores the pups. She lets Dusty jump all over her tummy. It's a riot.

Well today we investigated the garden. One wonders if this is it for the snow melting or we will get more snow. We played a fierce game of retrieve and everyone participated. I did a hide the treat game till they got a tad overzealous with that game.

It's only 430 and the dawgs are crashed out yet again - some with Nathan taking a nap and some with Dennis. Hey, where is MY nap?

With the time change and less sleep I could have used it but oh well.

Miss Panda Bear stayed with Dennis last night and woke the house up at 5am. Hoping tonight she adjusts. As she is in heat she has to be separated. Abigail will be done tomorrow so Panda will get to hang out with Treasure. It will be good to have Abigail back in bed with me.

I will be glad when the heats are done - April...where are you. :-) Heats last 3 solid weeks.

Will also be glad when Dennis can sleep at night in the room with Fiona vs. staying up - I figure a few days and he will. Life is always evolving.


Stella & the Rest

Stella didn't visit but she did visit our mailbox - well her photo did so I thought I would share it with you - the beautiful Stella!

We have had a lot of fun today. I got everyone groomed early. I got Paula's dogs ready to go home all nicely bathed. She came in for a short bit and then we had the Brewer come in for a bath. See Spice's blog. Oh my was he fun today. Spice was so excited.

Levon dropped in and played up a storm with all sorts of silly play and gave Nathan a big kiss or two or three.

Here are some of today's photos - not all came out. Nathan said something about being on the wrong setting or something. Most are his photos. Some are mine. So, we got what we got.


Nathan is Out

Nathan is out at his brothers visiting his dad so I am holding down the fort with Dennis.

We have had a full day. We had a ton of snuggling watching a movie. The humans watched, the dogs snuggled and we snuggled back. We still have the rest of a movie to watch perhaps when he is back. We shall see. We had - walks as it is getting cooler it felt good and the dogs relished them.

Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves. I combed everyone out. My hand feels it but everyone is done. Tomorrow I get Paula's crew ready to go home. That means baths, crates ready etc. I do favors for Paula and she does them back - we are friends - and that is nice.

Here are just a few photos from today.

There are days that we are doing so much that one has no time for the camera except when you sit down or the off shot. That was today. It's been a good full day and its not over yet!


Slow Day

When you rely on someone else to take photos - well this is what I got. He was learning night photography - being creative but those I can't share as they are the process you use to learn and they are blurry or so creative you can't quite see what is going on.

So, here are a couple he took that did come out.

He also got one of Cha Cha playing with Dusty but not much else. There is a reason.

I had baths to do with Logan, Panda, Spice. Tomorrow I am going to try to fit in Fiona depending on how she is doing. Sunday I have the Tangles, Envy and Phantom as they head home.

Early this evening we got the pleasure of Al and Shelley dropping in with Chinook and Breeze. Where was the camera then, Nathan?

Ty came for a fun visit and it was FUN. I just love that guy. I had a wonderful photo of him and without thinking I thought I pulled all the photos off the stick and told Nathan to format - oy how many other photos did I miss today - oh well one of THOSE days. This one will have to do with him looking at Nathan as if to say.... you fill in the blank.

Logan I hear was over the moon to see his Jon that just came home after a long stay away on a learning venture. I think the Panda was told by Logan Jon is his. oh Panda... don't let Logan get away with THAT. Jump all over Jon, keep him up and tell him you love him too and so there Logan!

We then sat down to watch Idol. I really didn't want to but it gave us an opportunity to sit together. To have Breeze and Chinook chill out while watching TV. It gave Truffie a different focus than Abigail. Gad I hate this show this year - but we share the moments with each other and the dogs so its good for something but if Nikki is on the show next year - click off!

It's been a day but no photos... other than the ones that are here - sorry...

Now Nathan is saying can you watch x and I said no dear, I need to do the blog and set up the whelping box as you are afraid we won't have enough time. tee hee


Crazy Wet Times

I was going to wash Logan and Panda today but I am hoping we don't have slush tomorrow as it simply makes NO SENSE to wash anyone till it is less than wet. I will tell you I groomed everyone so meticulously and well they look a MESS. But oh they are having so much fun.

So enjoy the soaked look.

Cha Cha has been enjoying Scruffy, Jeannie, Tangles and Dusty. Dusty also had a trip out to visit Jazzy today. Cha Cha thought Ms. Pepper Pot was a Martian when she first burst on to the scene but Cha Cha went oh she's interesting and decided to play with that one.

The play seemed to be more friskier but more work today indeed!

Plus the fun moments were worth the extra work today. Nathan didn't groom today <sigh>

PS: Cha Cha has since been out and well let's just say she looks interesting again.



Coco and Doozie had a bath and are waiting for their limo ride with human mom and dad.

Cha Cha came for a visit and is settling in just fine! Zoe has her bath soon so she can head home.

It's getting quiet around here before the storm hits tonight. Do the weather people know what they are talking about or ??? Time will tell. The dogs will love it if they are right. Those that have to drive - not so much!


Time To Go In?

We have spent a fair bit of time outside - well some dogs have - some have vegged with Nathan and the TV and went out the odd time. Socks heads out tomorrow and Coco and Doozie next. Nathan is now doing a comb out and I am finishing. I am still finding knots but he's doing rather well. I am just not sure it floats his boat so to speak but he's been very helpful.

We have class with Dusty this week and Nathan has yet to get her on a lead. He asked me why I am not. I laughed. I said you do the grooming and I will lead train. That's where that conversation went. We will see how class goes. He does run around with the dogs, plays, walks them and is the wild and crazy guy. But its time to do Dusty work. :-) It has been busy - but....

He may be lead training the first night. hahahaha Me, I will be clicking - the camera that is.

Took a photo of Tangles with her brother Finn.

They loved playing with each other and it was wonderful to watch.

Coco and Doozie are creatures of wamth. They go outside and run not walk to the tv room to cuddle in the blankets and we always have a bunch especially when its wet outside. Besides they adore hanging out with Nathan. They adore snuggling.

Socks and Zoe were outside getting everyone running after them.

Dusty was running right along with them but not quite fast enough yet.

It's been a fun day!