
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havanese puppies for sale talemaker havanese (12)


Show Update

Two siblings got their championship this week - Epic and Montuno. Also, check out Jeannie's page for news about her and her photo. Montunos photo will be up when Lucia sends it.

We are excited as these 2 dogs are co-owned and our breeding. Without Paula, without Lucia we couldn't do this. With Jeannie, Nathan got most of her points and Val completed her championship while Nathan showed Adele who is sitting more than halfway to her championship with limited shows. We appreciate Val.

When you have a championship it is customary to congratulate the breeder, the owners and the handlers. The breeders as without them the dog would not exist. The owners as they are what cultivates what the breeders started. In some cases the owners are co-owned. Last but not least the handlers that help you even if it is from start to finish or a part of.

We hope we have not been remiss in giving proper credit. Each of you are truly appreciated. We are who we are due to the love of the dogs and those that we consider our friends and in most cases the dogs are what brought us together. Whether you are show people or a non-show owner we are blessed and richer for the relationships and experience. So, thank you!


Katie and Our Visitor & More

Molly and Katie get along so well!!  Better than I had imagined.  Molly is the ideal older sister and Katie copies everything she does.  The other day Molly was walking only on the curb during our walk since the grass was wet and Katie followed along on the curb as well.  A little procession.

From Ruth: You both definitely picked the right personality as a match for Molly and our lifestyle.  I was a bit wary at first to be honest....but it is another success!!



We had another rainy day but we had a visit from Ozzie while it wasn't raining and then it started again at the end. Panda was really excited but as they usually do at this age they tried for the milk bar just incase it still exists.

Jebi has now departed. Cali wasn't sure of him but within an hour or two she was okay with him and then started playing full out despite the size difference. There are benefits to exposing them to larger unknown dogs.

Spice learned this trick from Jebi so we now are doing the down, treat thing. My dogs sleep with me, are on my couch etc but not on a table. :-)

Nathan did this ponytail on Roxie - oy. Well he did brush a dog so I should shut my mouth. :-)

Jebi is into the sniff game in a big way and chasing rabbits. Now I have master sniffers.

Here are my messy gals before brushing. I gave up with this rain but they say no rain tomorrow so I will be playing catch-up. Maybe I will be able to do it outside?

These two are great pals. It's interesting that when they get their first heat its like an induction in the big girls club. You do notice some differences.

Nothing like hanging out between rain storms.

Panda was thrilled to have Ozzie over for a visit. We were jazzed too. Here are a few of the photos we clicked.

Hey what is this?

Then I managed to catch Nathan acting silly!

Can't wait till next month when he comes back for a visit. Fun, fun. fun!


Rain, Rain, Rain

Well they say no rain tomorrow so outdoor puppy play with new families is in store. We have had a busy day. Here are some photos taken early today plus a video of some of our crazy running play that we do daily. Well Nathan runs, I capture. hehe Dennis runs too!

After all this play I had so much grooming to do but it was worth it! I am not sure my hand agrees.

Happy Easter and Passover weekend for those that celebrate. For those that celebrate Easter be sure to keep that chocolate away from the dogs. It is truly toxic for them.


Xmas Cards

As I receive Christmas Cards and New Year Cards in the mail. I will scan them in and share then with you. This is 2 of my most fave people (Carol and Malcolm) and their dogs Coco and Doozie.

Malcolm wasn't a dog person per se but these two won his heart in such a huge way. I call that Havanese magic!

Thanks for being in their lives!



From Sabrina: Here is a recent picture of Pavlov, wearing my wedding veil. We're getting married April 22nd. (Riz and I that is... Poor Pavie is still looking for Mr Right.)


Boys Day

Here are just a few photos of Rocky, Simba and Scruffy playing.

I am very busy today. So I won't get to more photos but I will try to tomorrow.

I can't believe Coco and Doozie are going home Saturday. They have been a pure delight and the Coco kisses for me are the very best. Sadie and Roxy heads out tomorrow and will be missed. Almost empty nesting.

Ty is hanging out here while his family moves. Maybe Cooper's mom can offer some tips to Julie on making the changes easier?

Here's the boys...

Be sure to see updated photos of Tre and Stella below!


Toby, a Teaser Pup

Whenever someone comes to visit we do a slow introduction to everyone. It makes for a better experience and it helps the crew mesh.

Toby seems to be rather smitten with Abigail. Dennis said Abigail must be the attractive one to other dogs as every dog seems to react that way to her. I laughed. Interesting theory. 

Toby has already had his dinner and he ate it all up without issue.

He seems to be fitting in rather well.

He was checking out Dennis cooking hamburgers and I swear he sat there waiting to see if some was meant for him.

He's playing with Roxie quite a bit now though she was a tad too aggressive in the 'let's play with me' department till he gave in.

He was also sniffing up Treasure but Treasure was doing her usual, I want the air conditioning, mom don't ya know.

It's not that Treasure didn't like him, she likes the air better and likes to be the center of attention. She wasn't, in this case.

Nathan is away at a seminar for the day till 3ish. The pool guys come after he leaves around 8amish. Nathan is going to love this seminar and I am glad he is going.

Kendra, our youngest daughter, her new boyfriend and her 2 kids (our grandkids) is driving from North Carolina now as I type and arriving at our oldest daughters house to crash and then heads up here tomorrow night after Nathan gets home for dinner.

I still have 3 dogs to wash, 1 tonight, maybe 2 tomorrow. Will it get done? We shall see. It's not necessary but I do like clean dogs.

Then Toby gets a spa treatment on Sunday before he heads home. Jazzy comes to visit on Saturday. We are going to have a truly fun weekend.

Now here is hoping the pool gets done on a timely basis.


Busy Day

I am busy packing and getting things ready to visit Shelley and Al tomorrow. Nathan says its just one change of clothes, its' going to be cold and that should take 5 minutes. Yeah, right - guys.

I have the other guys to get lined combed so Dennis can avoid picking up a brush, as if he would.

Now we picked up this yum bread to bring that lasts about 5 minutes in our house. Let's see if I remember it.

I looked at my closet, it still needs work. I really need to put the winter clothes somewhere else but not with weather like this. Oh well when I return.

It was great to see the reunion of Panda and Logan. I also looked and felt Logan's hair and it appears to be better. hmmmm

Looking forward to tomorrow and will be excited to see the dawgs that remain when we return. Maybe they will appreciate me more?

Now who is going to Woofstock Saturday?

PS: look for Biggies update on Wasabi's blog and Kobe on Abigail's. It will be there tonight. :-)


Scruffy Chillin at Home

This was Scruffy saying Happy Birthday to Nathan.

This has been a wet and chilly day. Too much to do.

I need to get everything ready for Pawsway. That's on me. I am feverishly playing catchup with the blog after washing several dogs and then right after Panda was washed Dennis let her out. If I wasn't so mad I should have clicked a photo as she was black.

Then he asked after I got her done the 2nd time if he could let her go out with him again.

Are you getting the idea she won't be clean tomorrow?

Too many dawgs to wash and oh so much to get ready for tomorrow. Can I go to sleep now?


All This Posing

Yes, we tried to get the 3 together on the steps. But all I could get was the backsides of everyone as I had my telephoto on and they had their hand-held cameras that had to be close.

But as you will see in the photos the moms sat down with their pups and we took photo after photo. This was Kona after that. Do you think he was saying ENOUGH posing, mom!

I hope you enjoy the photos.

While we had the get together, Brie and Colby got picked up and I wanted to add a few photos of them before they went home.

I hope you don't mind.



Lazy Day

We went to the garden centre. We got a multi-coloured hibiscus and wait till Dennis finds out it can't stay out till the end of the month. He's already asked me for a list of the plants inside so he could see which he could place out. The answer was none.

But I bought a few gerbera daises and some petunias, a tomato plants, lettuce, green beans, bok choy - tiny plants that I am going to put and see if they ever become edible or if they outlast the dogs' curiosity.

Remember some plants are poisonous. If you like those particular plants then pot them and put them up. You can still enjoy their beauty from a safe spot.

I need to repot a few plants. I am not highly motivated. I need to do a lot of things but I am in a funk. It's that inbetween stage where I know nonstop work is coming so I need to get a lot accomplished but not today - rain is coming or so it looks like.

That's okay. I may lay on the couch and play with some dawgs and chill and maybe I will actually fall asleep. We shall see.

Right now the dogs are trying to get me to hand them a chip or two. They do look adorable trying.

Some days it's just a good thing to do!

PS: Be still my heart. Wasabi is full out playing with her daughter, Spice. Did I have a camera - well yes but did I pick it up? No!


Remember When

I figured I would put up a photo of Ray Ray boy when he was a pup. He has now silvered out.

Raylan and his bros are visiting us and it's ever so fun to have them.

PS: Mac fit in like a glove - no problem. They can stay longer and don't have to go home, you know. hahahaha