
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in ttoronto havanese puppies for sale (7)


Busy Day

Shady and Cody dropped in and so did Sparky. Will take a photo of Sparky after his bath.

Sparky's folks (his dad) is in town for a skit with Rick Mercer at the Toronto Public library at Bloor and Yonge. Nathan went in to watch.

I had a ticket to it but didn't feel right not having a blog done, having the Scruffy here and getting picked up at 8. Sure Dennis is here but I am who I am.

Plus I have Cody and Zoe visiting and well - I just have been totally to the dawgs - so what can I say. It is what it is. Terri says they are taping it so I hope I see it.

Tomorrow Kona comes for a visit and a bath. I have Logan and Panda to wash as its a regular every Friday for them. I also have 4 pups to wash and if I can fit it in Abigail as well and as soon as Roxie is done a heat (Saturday night) I get to wash Kat. I may try to do Abigail tonight. We will see how updates on the blogs go.

I have had a long day. I will say hello to Lori, wash Abigail, I suppose and play with the pups and dogs before hitting the bed. It's a very busy weekend.

We have news about Treasure, Spice (who is using Wasabi's old blog) and Jeannie but I will post those on their blogs after I get done here.

Zoe who is not a havanese has been getting on famously with the rest. She seems to be smitten with Jeannie and you will have to read about it on her blog. :-) She even gets along with Sparky and not having had enough time today for them to interact to assess, that is also why I am at home and guess what - they rather enjoy each other.


All This Posing

Yes, we tried to get the 3 together on the steps. But all I could get was the backsides of everyone as I had my telephoto on and they had their hand-held cameras that had to be close.

But as you will see in the photos the moms sat down with their pups and we took photo after photo. This was Kona after that. Do you think he was saying ENOUGH posing, mom!

I hope you enjoy the photos.

While we had the get together, Brie and Colby got picked up and I wanted to add a few photos of them before they went home.

I hope you don't mind.



Swimming Fun

Pool time excitement is over the top when it comes to Kat. Pool is finally at 85f and we are enjoying the pool.

Kat, Roxie, Mugs, Truffie and Spice all went in today. I bet you after dinner Kat will be back in and so will we. Not the rest as you have to brush and comb each after swimming and I am out of steam.

Sitting in our house the sweat pours off our face literally.

I am not doing well after a lack of a full nights sleep now going on over a week. But we are trying.

Truffie really enjoys the water and so does Spice and Roxie. But no one quite the way Kat does.

Kat swims laps and stays in for quite a long time not even missing a beat. It's a riot. The others go in, do a circle or two or go straight out. Not him. He plays with Nathan and has a grand old time.

Spice is a VERY strong swimmer. I have a feeling she will be side by side with Kat before long. Her strides are deliberate and very strong but she swims with ease. It's hard to explain. I will have to do a video.

Kat did a belly flop today and you should see his face (its in the photos) - ouch that hurt and then he was back at it over and over again.

We needed the pool and look forward to swimming some more tonight. We are hoping to get Fiona and Abigail in tomorrow. We shall see. Tonight - just Kat and us cause grooming one dog is enough even if its just a comb out. :-)

Catch the photos today.


No Air Day Again

This is Lucy and Ricky (mom and Son) who went home today. They are not our dogs but we know Lucy from when she was a little thing and have always loved her personality but I think that has a lot to do with her human mom.

Ricky is still a puppy under a year old still, I think about the age of Simba.

When Simba showed up, I watched Ricky and Simba play and I truly appreciated that he is just a puppy too. Puppies simply play differently than adults. Sure they all play but there is this wild abandonment that goes on that is actually contagious. Often when a puppy plays with an adult the adult seems to lose him/herself in that puppy play and now you probably understand why I enjoy having pups around.

I have to say Simba is an amazing dog. He is loving, playful and adapts so easily. Whatever his humans are doing they are doing it right as he is so balanced, it's nice to observe.

He still remembers Momma Fiona and he has this warmness with her that is interesting.

I enjoy watching the crew.

Ty was also here today and we rather enjoy this boy. He is a Treasure boy who is another one that seems to just fit and he is a happy go lucky guy.

We have had no air still. They say we have a leak so tomorrow they come out yet again to find the leak. <sigh> I think this will be one whopper of a bill. :-(

I am hardly sleeping with the heat. The dogs are faring better than us.

They say thunder showers tonight and I may sit out in it and get soaked and go to bed that way.

Nathan is at handling class with Roxie, Panda, Lynda and her mom. Me, I am trying to play recovery.

I will be myself when I get some air or it gets cold.


Very Sweaty Day

What the hey is THAT? The pool cleaner was going up too high (needed a weight on it) and was sucking in air and making all sorts of very loud noises. This is Treasure wondering what the hey that thing is that is making so much noise. She didn't like it but by days end it wasn't bothering her. It was as if she forgot this sound. Roxie almost jumped out of her skin at the sound but soon she was not even reacting. This was a new sound to her.

Conditioning is not a one time thing.

We have had a very hot and sticky day. I am actually sitting here sweating.

I wet most of the dogs and let them air dry. They don't come out nice and fluffy but they do come out soft air drying. You just have to remember you need to thoroughly brush and comb them and then brush then again after they are dry.

I did dry Jazzy as he went home at noon. Despite the heat he was a happy boy. I need to learn to be happy despite the mounting things life has thrown at us these days.

The dawgs didn't sleep well in this heat and neither did I to be honest. They were all on the bathroom floor cooling off. The tile is cool and heat rises. The only one in bed with me was Fiona hogging the water pillow that was chilly.

I am so hot that the pool no longer feels freezing to me. Now that's a tad ridiculous as your hand goes numb if you leave it in there.

Tonight Cocoa and Zack go home. As you can see I let them air dry and just finished brushing and combing them out. I do believe they were quite happy with this airing out business.

They wouldn't be if we had the air conditioning on as then they would have been cold but this was enough to take the curb off this heat business.

Here are a few photos taken today.

Terra and Risa Chillin'Wasabi, Treasure & AbigailFiona, Phantom & Penny Looking for a Cool Spot

Looking forward to night fall and sitting outside. :-) I bet you the dawgs are too!


What a Day Indeed!

We really had fun even though I had work to do. We played in the hose and I took treats and threw them up in the air so Terra could catch them. It's a game we play and she is usually VERY good at it.

Every now and then she drops one and rhe gang celebrates and descends.

We also had the ducks come into the backyard today and Shoshi and Risa went CRAZY chasing them out of the yard. Shoshi sees it as her job to chase the ducks away but the others join in.

Jazzy, who is visiting watched with high curiosity as if they had gone nuts. Simba and Penny joined in and ran with the crew to chase them away.

Did I take photos today? Just a couple.

So much to do, so little time.

Oh and Roxie had to be bathed as Nathan is at handling class with her.


Gone to the DOGS

Yes, we have really gone to the dogs. We are busy making sure the dogs have more room to play in the yard - not us have more room but the dogs.

Don't you think we have our priorities right?

Can't wait till we can do this...