
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries by Darlah (5354)



Many of you have been diligently following the life and times of our Wasabi and her litter: Tux, Remy, Chico, Sassy, Coach and Sebastian. You are therefore aware that all the pups have long since gone to their new homes with the exception of Sassy who we are really picky about who she goes to as she's so special. You all know how much we love each and every one of these pups and you’ve managed to share a little of our joy with us each day through the magic of modern technology, digital and video cameras and Darlah’s writing skills.

Out of this litter, the pup chosen for showing and breeding was Tux. He exhibited traits and characteristics that made him the first pick as a show dog by all that saw him. With delight Rita herself (our Mentor) decided she was going to bring him home and teach him, train him for the show ring and make him a champion. Rita was very proud of this little boy, with just cause. He went home to Rita before all the others (at a few days over 8 weeks) so that she could help mold him and welcome him to the rest of his life. I am truly saddened to announce that the promise and joy, the anticipation and pleasure of Tux was cut short last night as he left us for a better place.

You can’t tell from my words but there was a break while I had a little cry.

Tux caught Parvo! We’ll probably never know how or where he got it. He’d not yet had his second vaccination. This certainly brings home the importance of limiting your interaction with people and dogs until at least they’ve had their second shot but it’s still a fluke that he caught it. As he’d been gone from our home for 4 weeks at the time and we’d not seen Rita or any of her dogs the virus didn’t have a chance to spread to us or to any of our pups or dogs. Same with Yvonne who many of you know has a 5 week old litter that would have been wiped out if they’d been infected. And I want to make one thing clear, Rita knows a hell of a lot more about the health of the Havanese breed than me. I know this was a terrible tragedy but I also know it was a terrible fluke, an accident. I know that if it happened to Rita and Tux it could just as easily have happened to me or you. Rita identified that Tux was ill immediately and got him in to an excellent Vet that we all use. He was able to test and diagnose the Parvo at once and fought to save the little pup’s life for 5 days. A few days ago Rita had plasma protein flown in from California to a local lab and she stood there while they prepared it for Tux, then drove it back to Colbourne to the Vet. She did everything she could. Sometimes it's just your time and we can but appreciate and remember the little we had with him. His loss affects us all. Please join me in extending massive hugs to Rita and if you happen to have an extra, to Darlah as well.

Darlah's note: Nathan needs massive virtual hugs too

We have to believe that Tux has gone on to a better place before us.

Mark and Maryanne said...
Our thoughts are with you and Rita at this difficult time. We know that everything possible was done to try and save him.
January 10, 2008 9:26 PM
Anonymous said...
I was so sad to read this today. Please give the dogs an extra hug from us.David and Marilyn
January 10, 2008 9:52 PM
Michele & Barbara Johannes said...
Guys please know you are in our thoughts and prayers, we know how hard it is to loose a little on at such a young age! Please give each other hugs for us
January 10, 2008 10:00 PM
Amy S. has left a new comment on your post "Tux": Yesterday I put our beloved Dane, Otto down. It was probably one of the most difficult decisions I've ever made. He had little use left in his hind quarters and was falling down daily. I just couldn't watch him suffer. I am so sorry for your loss. Otto's death re-enforced my belief in the afterlife, for when I looked at his body I saw his spirit had left that he had truly gone on to a better place and that our spirits encompass a vast span that can't be contained to our small bodies forever. I imagine Tux and Otto frolicking somewhere beautiful and free. My heart goes out to you all, as it is obvious how much you love your dogs. Posted by Amy S. to Wasabi's Havanese Adventures at January 11, 2008 10:24 AM
Thanks everyone and extra hugs to Amy for her loss. We feel for you.


Kemi Becomes a Canadian Champion

Last summer Risa had a litter that was identical to Wasabi's in that there were five boys and a single girl. Many of you have seen at least one of that litter, our Katsuro. Well, today I am proud to announce that Katsuro's sister Kemi received her Canadian Championship this past weekend. She makes us all proud.


Sebastian at 11 Weeks

We just received a handful of pictures of Sebastian. I thought the least I could do is share one of them with those of you following this blog. Have you ever seen a sweeter face?



Terra Speaks Out

I was just reading the latest bias one-sided propaganda from my human Mommy about her Wasabi and all her other darling Havanese. I thought I’d take this opportunity to offer my Golden Retriever perspective.

First of all let me say with all due modesty that I am a smart cookie and easily graduated Obedience school at the top of my class, or at least I would have been first if not for Shoshi also being in the same class. Second is good too.

I know how to heel perfectly and do so when my human Dad walks me, if he asks me too, a few times, nicely. Meanwhile Risa heels perfectly all the time.

I can recall in seconds, if I feel like it, or if my human Dad really wants me to come, now. Meanwhile when Daddy calls Katsuro to come he runs back to him. What’s that about?

I don’t need to be washed every time I go for a walk. My body easily clears the ground. I don’t need to be brushed as often as my Havanese brother and sisters because my hair, unlike theirs, falls off, all the time, all over the place.

I play wonderfully with all the Havanese. I do not step on them. I am always aware of them, especially when Sassy is eating my coat. Yes, that’s right, I don’t wear a coat.

Shoshi and I have been best friends since the day my human Mommy and Daddy brought her home even though she never grew to full size (well retriever size - the only way to be). I understand that poor Shoshi is going to remain at around 12 lbs. and never achieve her full growth and that’s ok because I love her anyway. (Shoshi says - silly that is my full growth, Terra)

I do have one large pet peeve. All the other dogs sleep on the bed but I’m not allowed. What’s that about?! I don’t even require doggy steps but am perfectly capable of stepping right up onto the bed. It’s outright full size dog discrimination, that’s what it is. Luckily I can sneak on the bed with my Daddy when Mommy is downstairs. She’ll never know.


PS: I have included a picture of me chillin' in one of my four beds. You can clearly tell it isn't the same as sleeping with the pack in Mommy and Daddy's bed. And I have included a picture of me and my Shoshi when she was about the age that Sassy is right now. Hey - she's even wearing that same sweater Sassy was the other day. Hey human mom - can't you buy her something NEW?


Sassy Takes the Stairs

Sassy is now going up the long staircase from our main floor to our second floor. She stops a few times along the way but seems to be going faster each time. Once she makes it upstairs she heads straight into the ‘puppy’ room where she and her siblings slept for 10 weeks. She plops herself down on a pad inside the x-pen which is now entirely left open, takes stock of her surroundings, then grabs a favourite toy and heads into our bedroom. She then proceeds to run right up the doggy stairs onto the bench that sits at the foot of our bed. From the bench she takes a quick hop and she’s on the bed. She finds this much easier when the other dogs aren’t in her way. Then, she waits for her mom to jump on the bed so that she can jump on her mom. She still hasn’t managed to go back down the stairs but it won’t be long now.

We take her and all the dogs outside probably a dozen times a day. She’s right out there with the rest of them and loving it. Tonight Wasabi was trying to teach Sassy to play run-like-hell with her. It was hysterical. I’m sorry I didn’t tape it when Wasabi would come blowing by Sassy and get her to chase her. Then stop once she did and chase her back, then run by her again at top speed and repeat. She was clearly trying to teach her run-like-hell and Sassy was just as clearly getting it. I LOVE this breed in general and I love these dogs in particular. How can you not?

ps: When I went upstairs Risa just naturally tagged along just in case it was time to go to bed. Oh that gal Risa loves the comfort of the bed and she won't do couches without pillows for her to lay down on.


Remy Welcomes His New Family

It has been a tough day for us. When Remy’s new family showed up I got choked up. I think it had more to do with Sassy being the last after Remy leaves. The two of them were snuggling and sleeping on one another at the time.

But thinking about it, poor Sassy doesn’t have it so rough. She now gets individual attention from Darlah and me, not to mention Wasabi who is all over her, Kat, Shoshi and even Terra and Whitney.

When we came back inside from having Wasabi and Sassy out with us, all the dogs, even ‘Queen’ Risa, touched noses with Sassy. I don’t know how we are supposed to handle this aspect of breeding, watching the puppies we love leave, but I can say that it is hard for us both and I suspect it always will be. That is why it is so important that we see the puppies as they grow older, so that we see how very happy they are. (All you new puppy owners need to be paying close attention.)

Remy is an excellent match for his new family. Their youngest walked in the door and said “can we take Remy home now” after they’d been here 5 seconds. When the girls approached the wide open x-pen where Sassy and Remy were sleeping Remy jumped up and went running into their arms. I swear it was spontaneous and just perfect. Join me in wishing Remy the very best as he joins his new family. He’s going to get all the love he can handle and then some.


Picture of the Dudes

My new family has allowed me to post a picture of the four of us hanging out. I call this 'Picture of the Dudes'.

As you can see, I’ve already wiped out one Lab who crawled into Daddy's lap for protection and after I take a short break, and pose for my picture, I’ll get on to the next one.

I have peed and pood outside and have already picked out my own spot. Soon I'll be lifting my leg so high that the Labs will stay out of my territory altogether or maybe, if they are nice to me, I'll share it with them. We'll see.
sign me - Sebastian

For anyone who doesn't know what this leg business is all about and calling cards - well read this.


Sebastian's New Family

It was 8 degrees (Celsius) today. It rained off an on for most of it. The snow has been melting so much that steam was rising from the ground. The dogs came in from playing in the backyard soaked to the skin. Kat couldn’t care less. He’d have happily stayed out all day.

Now the temperature has dropped dramatically and the wind is howling outside. The temperature tonight is supposed to reach -6 not counting the wind chill factor. In other words, it’s going to be freezing and the roads are going to be totally iced over and treacherous and so are our backyards. If you don’t have to go out, stay home! And please don’t spend too much time outside with your dogs or puppies tonight, just enough to do their business and get back inside. Dogs can get frost bite too!

Sebastian left us today. He is the sweetest little boy. He’s going to a home where they know dogs! I’m told he’s already met his two new four legged companions, both Labrador retrievers that only outweigh him by 90 lbs. Knowing Sebastian he’ll have no problem establishing dominance, licking his way to the top of the pack. I’ll post a picture of Sebastian and his entire new family as soon as I can get it. In the meantime those wee Labs better leave room on the bed for the new king. I taught him martial arts for nights like this.



Coach Goes to His New Home

Coach left today for his new home and family. They are wonderful people and clearly dog lovers. I understand in a few weeks Coach will be going skiing and snowboarding. I look forward to seeing him on his very own snowboard doing nose and tail rolls, a natural for a pup!

Did I mention the very best part of Coach's new family is that they live 5 minutes from here? :-)

I know you will all join Darlah, Wasabi and I in wishing them congratulations and best wishes.

By the way, please feel free to comment on this or any other post we place on the blog. I notice that Darlah posts every day but rarely does anyone comment. Please don't hesitate to do so.


Just Another Havanese Night

I was sharing this comment and a few other things with our new puppy owners but then realized it might be of interest to everyone following Darlah and Wasabi's blog that they write together each day. So here it is...

I went into the pups this morning at approximately 6:15 a.m. They had gone to sleep last night around 10:30 p.m. Although we do leave out water we have now stopped feeding them during the night so their last meal was around 7:30 last night. This morning they ate everything. We fed them the dried kibble from Fromm’s (Chicken a la Veg), sprinkles of grated cheese and sprinkles of chicken that we had baked and then put through the Cuisinart so that it was chopped up into little pieces. We didn’t even add wet food. And they ate it all up which is great. About four hours later we did it again and they ate half of it. In between they have played outside off and on for hours, played in the kitchen on the tile floor and in the rest of the main floor on either tile or hardwood .They are quite frisky. I love the classic Havanese "pounce" that some of them have taken to using. It gives them more of a chance to stop on a dime and take off at a dead run in a different direction, say like when Darlah is trying to get them to come into the house. And now they are all sound asleep in the x-pen beside Darlah's desk. Soon I'll come sneaking in and liberate them again.

We are all going to really miss these wonderful puppies but especially Wasabi, Darlah and I.



More One on One Time With Pups

Teaching the puppies to sit seemed to come very easy to these little darlings. Tomorrow we are working on Puppies and Advanced Human Psychology or how to make your new owners sit up and beg!

As most of you know, we had five boys and a single girl in this litter. Naturally the girl is the feistiest of the lot and I love her personality. So, shhh, don't tell Darlah, I made a point of being so busy talking to all our possible new puppy owners about the boys that somehow the girl isn't going anywhere. I'm shocked. Somehow they all assumed the girl was taken. Go figure. Anyway, suddenly my wife noticed. I have orders to find our beautiful, intelligent sassy lassy a home. And I don't want to. So when I say pass the word, "serious enquiries from serious people only," I really mean it. :-) If you know someone interested in our beautiful little girl, please contact us directly.
Thank you.
Nathan (the little known other half of


The Trip

Hey, Wasabi, I'll keep you informed about all my (Maggie) adventures during my trip to Minneapolis (mom helped me with that). Yvonne and Rita are taking me to Nona Dietrich's house which Nona calls Gingerbred Kennels. Sounds like good food and lots of dogs too. Mom says I will especially like the one called Rowdy. I sure hope he doesn't live up to his name. I am a very refined lady, you know.


Hey, girlfriend!!!

When you were here at the Sonrisas picnic I wondered why all the guys were all over you. My mommy tells me that I'm about to find out cause I'm in "season". Don't know what that means but I'm gonna find out real soon or so she tells me!!

We're gonna go with Auntie Rita on a long car ride (not sure if I like that idea) to a place far, far away. Somewhere called Minnie apples??? And I'm gonna get to play with my new boyfriend!! Yeah, I like to play.

Well, I'll tell you more when I see you tomorrow.


Nathan's Adventure Into Feeding Wasabi

It is now Sept. 16, 36 days after her first breeding. Wasabi's tummy has a slight bulge, she hasn't really gained much weight yet, ounces only. She seems to be suffering from morning sickness and she is definitely more lethargic, preferring to sleep. Always a finicky eater, she's worse now or she has my number, waiting for the increasingly good fare she gets when the hours pass and her bowl remains untouched. So far today, she stayed in bed an hour after everyone else had gone down and outside, eaten breakfast etc. Now she's asleep on the couch. Tough life. I'll try to get her eating shortly.

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