
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries by Darlah (5367)


Mellow Day

Due to pups, we are having a low key day. Dawgs are still going for walks, getting groomed and all the usual fun playing and snuggling that goes on but I am photo'd out. Sorry.

PS: Think the Jazz and Risa really like each other.


Pacho's Bath

Hello Darlah and Nathan ..and doggies:

Just a quick update about Pacho.  He is doing great.  We started classes last Saturday at a place called "Dealing with Dogs". There were about 10 puppies, but Pacho was by far the best behaved puppy, and that is not only because I am biased, we were told that by the instructors at the end of the class.  Pacho sat quietly and calmly and played with the other dogs when the time came to do so. The kids were very good with him too. 

I was just grooming Pacho a while ago in the sun and he went to sleep with his paws upwards as I was cutting his nails. I thought that was so good and I did not have an excuse not do a very good job with his nails! He did not like so much to be brushed at the beginning but now he is used to it and even though he doesn't seem to like it, he stays there patiently until I finish.

I hope that all your dogs are fine and Treasure puppies are well too.

Until soon,



Marlee Sue Chillin'

From time to time we get photos from our puppy people and it allows us to share. Marlee Sue is Spice's sister.

She's a lucky gal as her family just adores her completely and I can understand why.

I wonder if she is like Spice who just LOVES the outdoors even if it is brrrr really cold.

We are teaching RECALL to Spice.


Wet Snow & Muck

I have a secret. I love visiting and mucking it up in the wet snow.

It is wet today as everything is melting. When we were not playing outside, we were in the den hanging all over watching TV.

Everyone is on some watch thing for Fiona but she's just paying it no mind.

Well, back to it's my toy. I am the winner most times. :-)


A Mom's Perogative

Shall I name this - talk to the paw? That's certainly what Kat looks like he is doing to his mom.

Maybe he's just being smart and shutting up when he should, heh!

We have a few visitors that are having fun so its been busy with company coming and going.

We have been playing in the backyard, inside, in the family room and having a grand time but I am exceptionally late in doing the blogs and now I want to feed everyone, put my feet up and snuggle.

Check out some photos today. I will add more tomorrow but ran out of time today. I hope you understand!



Someone istaking photos. This is Abigail and Kat's son, Sparky who resides in Montreal.

His family is creative with their shots and he has his own facebook page. Check it out.

We have Oreo, Majik & Jazzy coming for a visit. Will click them tomorrow as long as we don't have pups coming


Snow Faces

We have all heard about snow angels and Havanese do them but Risa spends a great deal of the time just cooling off her head by sticking her entire head into a snow pile.

Then she pulls it out and shakes and here is what she is left with.

I often wonder why she finds it fun to not only stick the head into the snow pile but at times she leaves it there. I wonder how the hey she is breathing and just when I go to pull her out, she does it herself, shakes and almost smiles as if to say this is so much fun.

I do believe it is a game and now she has Shoshi doing it!


Knots Inbetween Toes

We have been busy today but this is a reminder, if you live in cold climates, we do get cold. Pay attention to us lifting our paws. It means it's cold and I need snow out of my pads or to come inside.

If you are getting a cold weather alert, a quick out and in is best for your dawg and for you too.

Be sure to check all pads and cut out any knots in-between them. They can be mighty uncomfie and it's not often that we tend to think about that spot.


Brrrr I's Cold Out There

Today was a wind down day though we had a visit from Coach and Sassy we couldn't go out too long as it is colder than bleep outside.

So we tried to visit inside.

I managed to ice pick the ice under the gate to get it to close properly before the dawgs could go out and its a no walk day as its simply not safe out there.

Where is Nathan whem I need him - Darlah with a pick ax is dangerous.

Our visitors had their paws up immediately and I felt like lifting mine.

Off to snuggle them and head to bed early as we have a vet visit tomorrow.


Marathon Washes

We are down to the last week of Fiona's pups making their debut so I did a marathon of washing the adults. I have yet to wash the Spice but will tomorrow. I ran out of steam.

When I wash, I cut the hair between the pads as winter time brings snowballs and when the havanese tend to bite them out, they also can create mats between their pads that are painful. Some people use a clipper and I use a pair of curved scissors but also my dawgs lay on their back and let me do it. I have yet to achieve this with Spice yet so with her it wil be a two person job, I imagine. We shall see as I will try.

My goal is to get her to lay on her back so I can find any mats in her armpit area and it also allows me to groom her underneath. It's a true bonus to get them to lay on their back and I always work at having that as a goal. It's just conditioning and trust that is a factor.

I also use grooming time to check their ears, clean around their eyes and just simply make sure they are knot free with a comb. I don't pull out the mat with a comb. I just either hold the mat in place and pull it apart with my fingers after spraying it with grooming spray or I use a brush to break it apart. Then I go on the hunt again with the comb. If you are this thorough at bath time, your job in-between is much easier even at the once in a lifetime 'blowing coat' stage.

PS: they don't blow their coat but actually they get their undercoat and due to the different lengths, it creates mats more easily. That is why so many choose to cut the hair during this time to even it out and let it all grow in one length reducing the struggle.

Besides, hair does grow back says I with my long hair. ROFL!


Daddy Talk

 Nathan has conversations with the dogs but when they are pregnant, he has these long conversations asking how they feel and playing with them to get them to relax. Their state of mind is important to us.

I do the massages and grooming and snuggles - he does the playing, conversations and snuggling. It all counts.

I can't believe she is due in a little over a week. How did the time fly?

I always yearn for spring but spring is when pups go home so this time let me yearn for living in the moment and treasuring it!


Fiona's Getting Big

Nathan and Treasure was playing with Fiona tonight when I captured this photo. I *had* Fiona nicely groomed and thenNathan plays with her pushing her hair 5 ways to Sunday cause guess what, he doesn't groom. hahahaha

Next week - midweek, Fiona goes to the vet for her x-ray. Then we will know if we are on track for Feb 14th - the day of love.

Treasure has not had her bath as we felt it was more important for her to be with the babies. I am hoping for Sunday for hers.

Now you know my dawgs are not always looking their best. We do have a life - or so we attempt to.

If we have a 14th delivery, I will be giving them temporary names until their owners give them their real names cause it will just be fun to have a love theme and I need some fun.



Show Trekking

Not sure what time we will get back and then I have to wash Raylan yet again so we may or may not be able to post tonight. Time will tell. Check back after 7pm tonight to see.


Did it Rain?

When we went outside first thing it was wet, muggy and so uncomfie. What weather we have had this summer but we are in supposedly for rain and cooler weather this weekend.

On Saturday Raylan has to get his Titres, Red his next shots and Sunday we are supposed to go visit Hugo and Milo and that fab pair that live with the duo. We may visit Rens first but we don't know what time or what we should bring except my camera so I can update Suzie's photo for the Havanese Breed Magazine. She'll probably give me hey and say well why did you point to my old photo, Darlah but we wil get some dawgs in their on the update if Milo and Hugo cooperate.

Summer is winding down. I am still grooming all the dawgs. paula's pup got a bath - katsura got a bath and everyone else is getting a brush. I am adjusting to the quieter times. Less dawgs and finding house things to fill it with can be scary but I find I just play with the dawgs more. Sorry - can't help myself.

It's still very hot today.


Help & Possibly Win This Havanese Quilt

This fabulous quilt is a must to have. You should buy tickets. All donations go to the Havanese Rescue in Canada, which I am on the commitee. It is a worthwhile cause.

Not too long ago we had Kooba here. We took some time, got her housetrained, loved and she found a forever home with Jean. Jean remains a dear friend and Kooba adores her and so does her Quito.

If you want to be a part of helping Havanese Rescue, there's a draw in Halifax at the National Specialty for this great quilt.

Check out the details.


Slowing Down a Fast Eater

If you have a pup or an older dog that eats too fast, inhaling vs. enjoying, why not try the many kong type devices - the puzzle treat dispensing toys where he/she works their mind for their food. For most dogs it will be fun and not frustating if you don't make it too hard.

Slowly the summer is waning and we are getting back to just our crew. The dogs have had walks already. The weather was cooler this morning so it felt right vs. at night. We played fetch and find the treat today. I am about to groom the crew and do some loving snuggles.

What have you done with your dogs today?


New Video Available

Penny & Shanty are playing up a storm. Check it out on the Boarders and Visitor's Videos page.


Treasure, King of the Retrievers

I started to write about all the dogs in the house but I think today I’m going to focus on Treasure. Those of you that have been following my wife’s blogs over these past few years must know each and every dog of ours by now. Treasure is special. I can’t say it any clearer than that. She has an attitude and a majesty about her that is unique. She earned her Canadian championship without missing a step by seven months of age. Now going on two nothing has changed. She’s all attitude and she looks wonderful. Darlah keeps her in “show coat” which means long and flowing. Sometimes it’s as if her hair is floating around her and she races around the back yard chasing whatever is thrown. It isn’t that she is the fastest but that she is "The Treasured One". So when we play retrieve, she wins. If another dog is getting ahead of her she simply projects her aura and intimidates whomever right off the ball. She retrieves perfectly. That is to say she will always bring the ball back and drop it just out of reach. When I don’t move to get it until she brings it closer she will pick it up without being told and drop it closer, a foot at a time, on purpose. It’s part of the game she plays. Mark my words, one day she will be alpha in this house, when Risa decides it’s time for her to stop worrying about such things. Until then, we all get to enjoy every minute of her.

Before I sign off, for those of you that have been waiting, the first issue of Talemaker’s Havanese Breed Magazine is going to be available tomorrow. If you haven’t already done so, it’s time to subscribe at (Blatant plug, no shame whatsoever) I hope you will enjoy reading the magazine as much as I enjoyed doing it.



Valentine's Day at Talemaker Havanese

What happened today? Well Marlee and Jazmyn had their baths before going home. We had many play sessions. I almost counted today how many times I go in and out with the dogs and then I forgot to count - how silly. I should remember to count one day. Let's just say it's too many to count.

The crew got groomed. I forgot to groom me. ROFL - Well the shower took place but the hair and all - well - I went to the dawgs long time ago so they don't mind. That's what I love about them...unconditional love and what better day to celebrate that then today.

Nathan is at a Collie specialty doing ring stewarding. He missed most of the day time fun these past two days. He's squeezed in as much as he can in the early morning and at night.

Here are a few photos from today.

Let's see....

Maia (spelling?) is playing up a storm today as you will see in some of the photos. She also is truly enjoying the 'see if you can get the toy' game with the crew. She started only going where I was and soon started adventuring inside and out. She doesn't mind grooming and still kisses up a storm. She wasn't sure where she was going when she went for her walk but her next one, she settled in and looked forward to it.

Jazmyn and Marlee had to go (sniff sniff) and I moved my gate back as she was having a grand time (Marlee that is) jumping over each time the door was opened. She would get her walk in and then say it's not fair and jump back to take another turn. I soon found out this doesn't help. Mom and Dad came and she was heading for the door as silly me put her on the floor vs. carrying her. So, the gate will stay back when she is here and she will get carried to the door each time. She wasn't going anywhere but I really like being extra careful. Other than Missy and Wasabi, I never saw such jumpers. But we can tell Marlee LOVES the walks and we are glad! They also get really excited to see mom and dad. We get to see them again in March.

Marlee was playing with Daisy today and with Coco. Marlee sort of looks at me as if to say - not another bath. She never complains but her body language tells me - just give me the treat and forget the rest. I smile - I give her kisses and hugs and she rather likes THAT! I truly make bath time fun. By doing so, they feel better, I feel better and they don't mind this part of their visit. I do the same with the daily grooming. Jazmyn is an even level, I know what I want gal and I rather like that!

Daisy, well what can I say about Daisy. I think if I got her together with a few more of our EverReady batteries, she would be dead tired but I think this is like Disneyland to her. She runs through the whole house and only Treasure seems to be able to keep up.

Abigail is preggie so she has an excuse. She used to be a play monster. I did catch her playing with a couple of dawgs today so pregnancy doesn't take all the fun out of her...thankfully plus she loves a squeaker toy.

Jazzy has been playing with Zack and at times with Marlee and Daisy. He's not sure what to make of Treasure's pounce methods of play that she uses on Daisy. He loves the outside and could stand and feel the wind in his face for hours if you let him. He adores the walks.

Coco has been playing quite a bit today and boy does she have Zack's number. She has him wrapped around her little paw. hehehehe

Zack - well he just loves the play. He was in the thick of it as much as he could get into it.

New Website we are looking at opening sometime this week. It's a work in progress.

Valentine's Eve Small Dog Boarding at Talemaker in Toronto

We have just one more visitor coming tonight and that's Jazzy. We just adore the guy.

We have had a very eventful day and it is far from over. I will try to highlight it while Wasabi gets her rest. Her belly keeps growing so she needs more rest that usual these days.

Nathan has been doing ring stewarding today and tomorrow so it's just me and the son till tonight. It's a local show and he is a fill-in as the guy scheduled had an emergency.

Let's see if I can highlight some of the day. Here's a few photos but no time to go through them all - sorry.

We have had our walks, our play sessions, our grooming - yep each and every one thoroughly. We had our snuggles. Maia (spelling?) is a new boarder here and she's fitting in quite well. She drank from my water glass with delight, jumped up on my lap. Explored the house and back yard and is NOT hanging out at the door so she's happy here. She's also a mad kisser. I never had so many kisses except by Daisy. ROFL She loves sitting on my lap.

Daisy has been playing up a storm with Zack, Coco, Treasure, Fiona and anyone else she can coerce into playing. Then she jumps in my lap when I sit down and nods off for a few minutes till the next play session.

Coco has been playing with Kat - yes KAT who rarely plays with the gals unless they are in heat. Oh, he does every now and then but they have to talk him into it. Coco did just that. Coco also gives some of the best hugs.

Zack has been playing with Marlee, Treasure, Daisy and anyone else that will play. He seems smitten with Treasure. Treasure eats it up.

Marlee is well Marlee. She is one of the most happy go lucky beings. Her attitude is infectious. She adores her walks and had to put up with me walking when she really is in love with Nathan, well at least at bed time. I manage to get my time during the day.

Jazmyn is a dear soul who cuddles up on me and rests and thinks the Treasure and crew playing hard is crazy. She runs with them but if it gets too physical, she got to be kidding. Our Wasabi is the same way. She's quite happy though as she has an air about her that is way confident this visit.

Got to start organizing dinner plates for the crew. Will fill you in more tomorrow.

We promised you Tiger Lily photos from her visit yesterday. Hope you enjoy.