
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in toronto havanese puppies for sale (49)


Tomorrow the Day?

Raylan is one point away from his championship and we are hoping tomorrow he gets it.

He is an amazing dog. He walks into the show without a care in the world. The big dogs come by and he wants to say hello to everyone, dog and human alike.

Do you know how many people have come up to us to say he is sooooooo cute and he is starting to believe it. hahahaha


Raylan at Elora

We thank Coco's mom Carol and Mary Lou for coming to see us. It means a lot to us. We also had many others coming to see Raylan and all we kept hearing was he has the cutest face and is ever so friendly and sociable etc. That was nice to hear. He is a special guy.

Raylan received a point today and now he is 2 points away from championship.

My hand now has shooting pain up the arm. I know I am in trouble as I have more grooming to do but we will do what we need to and have a stiff gin and tonic with a twist of lime and maybe I won't care. I am not a drinker so 1 would do it. hahahaha

Tomorrow I wash Raylan tomorrow then off to the show.

Now off to snuggle the pups... Is it only 645pm? Only?


Bathing How Often?

Fiona had a bath today and she smells ever so good. Soon we will find out if we have pregnancies with Fiona and Treasure and call it a day till 2012. Pups going home in early spring will be nice.

Treasure is already having morning sickness and I have no doubt that Fiona is pregnant too.

Today was busy. I did my usual grooming and tomorrow we are off to a show with Raylan for the next few days returning home late each day. We will still be updating but photos will be slow.

I just picked up something heavy and messed up my hand. Here I thought it was almost healed. How silly.

So, I am off to rest it and ice it. Later!

PS: I bathe approx. every 2 weeks or when dirty.


In and Out Havanese Moments

Hey, what about us?There's something about a pack of Havanese. Do they ever get in synch? In out, in out, in, out. You yell, outside, outside and half the pack comes then you go back for the stragglers and then even more stragglers and then you say - well if you aren't coming then you mustn't want to go out but they do on THEIR time. hehehehe

When it's our pack we don't play that game. You snooze you lose or so they say but we look at those faces and one of us says - okay let them out. We are sucks. We really try to make our lives easier but dawgs are dawgs and they beat to their own drum always it seems.

Have you ever had a group of teenagers agree on anything? Well, there you have it... a group of Havanese can't either unless it's so inviting they can't live without it.

Check out today's photos. There's not many as I am under the weather. I can't shake it but I am trying...soup and meds and yes I have to go out and take photos and wash dogs. But I will get there.

Tia, Sydney, Coco and Zack went home today. 4 in one does that change a house. Then Weaver came when Tia was leaving.

We are all sitting around, Nathan draped in dawgs, me with a couple typing watching the game. Yeah Canada hockey ...sorry US. The dawgs are snoozing after I took them out a few times running and playing. It's slush out there. <sigh> Lots of dawgs to dry.

Nathan got in a mini nap oh about 15 minutes that he sorely needed. The boys were playing up a storm all night but we are hoping for sleep tonight. Time will tell.

Jay is settling in and sleeping and Charlie still wants to entice everyone to play all night. Boys... what can I say. They all eventually get over the excitement. That's what it is. They have to get that sleep is required too.

Jay is smitten with Treasure. I do believe he believes she's the gal for him. Jasper is a kisser trying to woo all the gals and Charlie just wants to play and play and so does Weaver. What a boys week we wil have.

But the gals think they rule but we shall see.... Now back to the hockey game.


Sunny Times at Talemaker Havanese

Coco One of Our VisitorsWe have had a truly fun weekend filled with way exciting moments. But unfortunately, Zack, Coco and Jessie are on their way home.

Tia and Sydney are still with us playing up a storm.

In the middle of Tia and Sydney going home, we have party guy Jay Jay, Jasper (one of Wasabi’s pups), Charlie and Weaver coming.

It’s really a lot of excitement and it always is something new with each bringing their very own personality to the mix.

Zack, Coco and Jessie all had baths. Tomorrow I will get in a couple of baths with our resident Talemaker guys. They get groomed daily but with all this dirt from the walks, well they look a tad dingy no matter how hard you try. So, with snow coming, we will spruce them up again.

Are any of you sick of all this sand you are bringing in from walks and visitors? Will they stop sanding the sidewalks and streets?

It was a fantastic warm and sunny weekend,  as warm as any winter day can be. I almost felt spring in the air and then they say snow is coming.

I guess it is mother nature keeping us on our toes.

Let’s see, Jessie loved his bath – yes loved it! Zack just wants the treats and Coco doesn’t seem to mind a bit.

Sydney One of Our VisitorsSydney is a stick monster. No matter where she is, she finds them and we have tons in the garden. She just thinks it's a delightful game to take one and run with it while Treasure chases her.

We really had a great time running around. The little ones found fun running under the deck from one side to the other side. Yes, it is safe.

The visitors, Tia and Sydney taught themselves. Maybe it had a lot to do with watching Wasabi run in and out.

 If you want to see a few photos taken today, well check it out here.


Welcome to the New Place

Fiona Stylin' in Pink BandageWell, we are excited. We thought we had more time to clean up the place but scrambling can be fun too.

 Fiona had an accident which has her stylin' in her pink bandage. She was out running in and out of the garden and caught her dew claw on a plant and yeouch it yanked the nail hard due to her trying to pull her leg away.

So, off to the vets we went and they had to pull the nail out. (I have it) It was black at the base and was just hanging there but she wasn't crazy about you touching her. Think what a demon child looks like and you may come close. I don't blame her.

It was fast to remove but hurt. Yes, the nail will grow back.

Our vet still frowns on removing dew claws and after all these years, and all these dogs, this is the first time this has happened to one of ours ... well when she explained the pain, that removing them when they are 3 days old hurts, well it gives you pause. Is the pink bandage still on? Nope...but that's okay. It had to be there till it stopped bleeding.

Jazzy and Katsura have been playing up a storm. When Treasure tries to hog Jazzy, Kat just gives her a look. It's so funny to see their body language.

Jazzy gets a bath tomorrow and heads home. We hope to see him again soon.

Most of the crew got brushed today. You did notice I said MOST.

I have to update the puppies blog, which we will be updating daily from now to the birth till they go to their new homes. I didn't get hardly any photos in today but I promise I will tomorrow. I apologize.

We just been way busy playing, brushing, vets etc. I hope you understand.

RipleyI have been enjoying really special moments with Ripley. He's been playing some with Treasure.

He played with Kat today and he's been enjoying his walks. He is not enjoying having me brush him but I am still his fave person - I think. hehehehe

We share TV time together on my lap but when that brush comes out, he's okay but he would rather just watch TV so we are doing that too.

More tomorrow about this cutie.


February Visitors at Talemaker Havanese

I have to tell you, we have had a gloriously fun weekend. We captured so many moments. Check out more here.

We had Linda visiting with 2 of her dawgs. We had Remy that dropped by for the day. He's the dawg with the huge grin - wait a moment, they all have one - us humans too.

Here you can see Daisy and Maia (not sure of the spelling sorry) and she came in just velcro'd to me and look at her now. Now that is what makes our hearts skip a beat.
Maia went home early this afternoon. Remy came this morning till tonight. Zack and Coco went home tonight. Daisy gets a bath tomorrow and goes home and we get to see a newbie, Ripley.

The crew is out for walks 2 by two. We played tug, and retrieve and hide and seek and all sorts of fun things. The house didn't get done. I did manage to get Kat bathed and the rest all groomed but who needs the Olympics when you have the real stars here.

We are hoping to go live with our new website this week. Watch for the announcement here. After we go live, we will start updating the pregnancy/puppies blog daily. Watch for it!

Puppies are coming soon...and we are sooooooooooooooo excited!

Valentine's Day at Talemaker Havanese

What happened today? Well Marlee and Jazmyn had their baths before going home. We had many play sessions. I almost counted today how many times I go in and out with the dogs and then I forgot to count - how silly. I should remember to count one day. Let's just say it's too many to count.

The crew got groomed. I forgot to groom me. ROFL - Well the shower took place but the hair and all - well - I went to the dawgs long time ago so they don't mind. That's what I love about them...unconditional love and what better day to celebrate that then today.

Nathan is at a Collie specialty doing ring stewarding. He missed most of the day time fun these past two days. He's squeezed in as much as he can in the early morning and at night.

Here are a few photos from today.

Let's see....

Maia (spelling?) is playing up a storm today as you will see in some of the photos. She also is truly enjoying the 'see if you can get the toy' game with the crew. She started only going where I was and soon started adventuring inside and out. She doesn't mind grooming and still kisses up a storm. She wasn't sure where she was going when she went for her walk but her next one, she settled in and looked forward to it.

Jazmyn and Marlee had to go (sniff sniff) and I moved my gate back as she was having a grand time (Marlee that is) jumping over each time the door was opened. She would get her walk in and then say it's not fair and jump back to take another turn. I soon found out this doesn't help. Mom and Dad came and she was heading for the door as silly me put her on the floor vs. carrying her. So, the gate will stay back when she is here and she will get carried to the door each time. She wasn't going anywhere but I really like being extra careful. Other than Missy and Wasabi, I never saw such jumpers. But we can tell Marlee LOVES the walks and we are glad! They also get really excited to see mom and dad. We get to see them again in March.

Marlee was playing with Daisy today and with Coco. Marlee sort of looks at me as if to say - not another bath. She never complains but her body language tells me - just give me the treat and forget the rest. I smile - I give her kisses and hugs and she rather likes THAT! I truly make bath time fun. By doing so, they feel better, I feel better and they don't mind this part of their visit. I do the same with the daily grooming. Jazmyn is an even level, I know what I want gal and I rather like that!

Daisy, well what can I say about Daisy. I think if I got her together with a few more of our EverReady batteries, she would be dead tired but I think this is like Disneyland to her. She runs through the whole house and only Treasure seems to be able to keep up.

Abigail is preggie so she has an excuse. She used to be a play monster. I did catch her playing with a couple of dawgs today so pregnancy doesn't take all the fun out of her...thankfully plus she loves a squeaker toy.

Jazzy has been playing with Zack and at times with Marlee and Daisy. He's not sure what to make of Treasure's pounce methods of play that she uses on Daisy. He loves the outside and could stand and feel the wind in his face for hours if you let him. He adores the walks.

Coco has been playing quite a bit today and boy does she have Zack's number. She has him wrapped around her little paw. hehehehe

Zack - well he just loves the play. He was in the thick of it as much as he could get into it.

New Website we are looking at opening sometime this week. It's a work in progress.

Woof! It Snowed

It's been almost a snow-less winter here at Talemaker Havanese. We are really looking forward to puppies come March but we are sad not having mobile pups in lots of snow. It's a fun experience as you can see in some of our videos.

When I took the crew out this morning, there is a bounce of excitement seeing new fallen snow. Me too but we aren't getting enough of it.

This weekend we have some visitors and are we excited. We are hoping we have more snow so we can get the video camera out. There's going to be a whole lot of snuggling going on, I tell you!

Nathan took the crew up to the forest 2 by two first thing this morning ahead of the sand trucks. The dogs stayed sand-less and that makes me happy. Nathan should have taken the video camera as he said a few of them were so delighted over the top to be chasing squirrels after a fresh snow. It makes me wish I had gone too.

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